Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Sep 19, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at It's real easy, just takes a minute and you will make me a real happy guy!

Little Guy

By Stoo

Life seemed to want to torture me on the way home. As we rounded a curve on the road we noticed traffic was slow moving. Well to say `slow moving' was an understatement; it was really just trickling along. I let go an ironic laugh, shaking my head. Al grinned, placing his hand on my shoulder, rubbing his fingers up and down it. Which caused nothing but stirrings in my groin such was my want for him.

"Take a left just down there!" Al nodded ahead of us around two hundred yards off. I looked at him sceptically.

"That takes us away from my house." Then realisation dawned, "... and to you house!" He smirked nodding his head. I had to put my window up because the smell of fumes from the traffic jam was disgusting.

"I have my key, my mum and dad are at work... Perfect!" He gently ran his hand down my shoulder, placing it on top of my hand on the gear stick. Then, like the little tease he is he began running his hand up and down the shaft of the gear stick. Shudder shudder shudder shudder!

"You aren't the only horny one here buster!" He winked. I just closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying his touch. Eventually we reached the turn off, and I managed to move up through the gears reaching the national limit. It was a better feeling to actually be getting somewhere than sitting idly in a traffic jam.

"Stoo..." Al looked up at me, I glanced his way, seeing the passion growing in his eyes, "If we don't get there soon I'm gonna explode just looking at you!"

"Nearly there little guy, nearly there!" I was hoping and praying that his mum and dad were indeed at work. Al's house is a little smaller than mine, so I don't think it would be the perfect place to let go all the pent up sexual frustration in. Noises carry in such a small house. Finally on his street, I let forth a sigh of relief seeing that his mum and dad's car was not present. As I put the handbrake on Al was already out of the car and fiddling with the keys for the house. I locked up the car and followed him inside with that same haste. As soon as I had closed the door behind me he pushed me back against it, his hands under my shirt, his mouth joining with mine. Urgently but gently I pushed him forwards, lowering my body placing my shoulder under his belly lifting him from the deck.

"Whoa..." He giggled, "Where we going?" he laughed, as I bounded up the stairs.

"No time for talk." I laughed along with him, pushing his bedroom door open with my foot. I set him down on the floor and then he was upon me again. I bumped my head off of the wall a little but I was so wrapped up in Al that I hardly felt a thing – except the pole pressing into my leg.

"Stoo I want you so bad!" Al's chest was heaving, his nimble fingers were making light work of the buttons of my shirt. I just groaned in response, holding his tight butt with my hands, pressing him into me.

"Shit," I grumbled, causing Al to release me, taking my shirt with him.

"What?" He asked his eyes frantic.

"No lube!"

He breathed an audible sigh of relief. "Is that all? Jeez man, I thought my dick had fallen off or something serious!"

I laughed, but it was still a problem and he didn't seem to be caring.

"Well, we can't... You know..." He turned away from me, grabbing his workbag and pulling out a small tube of lubricant.

"Just in case!" He grinned widely.

"My hero!" I moved forwards and grabbed him round the waist, hoisting him and planting him lightly on the bed. I quickly pulled his form- hugging t-shirt up and over his head, tossing it to one side, "I need to get off real quick babes and then we have all the time in the world to take things slow!" I gave him a manic grin, and he giggled again, "And I don't think it will take much!"

"In that case," I had moments ago been over the top of him, straddling him but, suddenly, with a shift of his body and a tug on one of my arms, he had slithered out from under me and was now sitting on my chest, "I can help you no end!" He slid down my body, tugging down my sweat pants as he went. My head craned backwards as his fingers slid up the leg of my boxers, taking me gently round the head in a soft grasp.

"Al... I love you..."

"Yup!" He said simply, rubbing his hands up and down. My whole body was juddering with pleasure; I felt a shift in the air with my eyes closed and my boxers were off, "You better!" He giggled, I felt his chin slide down my belly, brushing past my pubic hair and then another shudder passed straight through me as I felt his lips run down my length.

"God!" was all I could mutter as his tongue set my body on fire.

"No, just Al..." He mumbled, sliding me into his mouth, my hips thrust upwards wanting him to swallow my entire body.

"Al..." I breathed raggedly through gritted teeth as he toyed gently with my scrotum. A finger moved along my chest and abs causing a pleasant tingle everywhere it went. As I had warned, it didn't take much, "Baby, I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." The words wouldn't come out because every time I tried to talk Al would redouble his efforts, taking me to whole new heights. His eyes were now locked with mine as I tried to convey my message to him; he just winked. BOOM. Where was I. Suddenly I realised I was lying back on Al's bed again, no idea where he had just taken me. Al was on my chest again, a warm loving smile on his lips.


"Oh, babes... More than ok... God... This is so camp... But I feel fabulous!" Al laughed giving me a playful punch to the chin.

"Now I know it was good... cause you said fabulous'... Gay boy!" He jested rubbing my chest.

"Shut up, you little bitch!" I grinned, my hands resting on his hips. I realised he still had his cargo pants on. That would have to be remedied. I knew just the thing, "Al, I'm all yours man... whatever you want!"

"Can I make love to you Stoo?" He asked, leaning over me and kissing my neck.

"Seven days a week, twenty four hours a day!" Al pouted madly.

"I don't think I could manage that. Damn!" He looked down. I just laughed loudly and reached up for his belt.

"You'll just have to do your best then, I suppose!" He whimpered a little as I pulled down his cargo pants and brushed past his growing erection. That little whimper was all I needed to get me all going again; little Stoo had gotten his second wind. As I pushed myself forward, I got Al onto his back again ridding him of both his cargo pants and his white Calvins, which seemed to be moulded to his body.

"Hey, get off me! I'm making love to you, you big numbskull!" Al pushed me backwards until I was on my back again. I noticed he had already retrieved the lube, "You have no idea how much I want you right now!" Al moaned as he kissed me deeply. He was gentle throughout, even though he was obviously as horny as I was. I've never felt so right before than when I am with Al. His arms encasing my body, he makes me feel so safe. I know that sounds weird cause I'm meant to be the tough guy but I dunno, he just has this aura of real power. You probably think I'm weird, but you ain't feeling what I'm feeling. Every little whimper and moan of pleasure drove me wilder and wilder. Every sharp intake of breath and gasp pushed me on. His hands seemed to never rest, they were all over me. Then he was kissing me deeply, passionately, my moans and his lost in each other's mouths. As I reached up and placed a hand on his chest, I could feel his heart beating rapidly. I felt so close to him. As he climaxed inside me and slid out of my body, I was left with only the feeling of want. Want for him to be back inside me.

Al was lying by my side, on his way back to planet earth, his head nestled on my shoulder. We were both spent. It was now about three hours since we had arrived at Al's house. Don't think that was all sex time, ha ha ha, we snuggled some too. We aren't machines after all.

"You are so beautiful," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion.

"Don't even get me started on how beautiful you are man. You are stunning!" I smiled down at Al, whose eyes were a little moist, I think it was the emotion in my own voice which had cause it. "I just wanna be with you all the time! When we aren't together it hurts man!"

"I know, babes!" He was shivering a little so I pulled the covers gently over our bodies. We lay like that for another half an hour, and then, reluctantly, Al moved away from me.

"Let's get these sheets off and go for a shower!" I nodded my head as he led me by the hand to the shower. After a quick shower we put the sheets in the washing and sat down in the living room. Al's parents would be home soon. It was almost eight o'clock. I had remembered to phone my parents after the shower to let them know where I was. Didn't want them thinking some sex crazed maniac had had his wicked way with me.

Al's mum and dad bustled in the door with smiles on their faces. They had spotted the car outside as soon as they pulled onto the street. They both greeted us with tight hugs and kisses.

"Hey, Stoo, how are you?" Al senior asked, placing his coat on the banister of the stairs and then coming in to sit beside me on the couch.

"I'm good yeah," I smiled, "How are you?"

"Oh he's fine, he has no complaints, don't you not?" Al's mum seemed to put emphasis on the later stage of the sentence making me smile.

"Oh no. The fact that this woman here goes out of her way to invite her friends over for tea on a match night this week isn't getting under my skin even slightly!" He let forth a deep rumble of a laugh, "Have you guys had something to eat yet?" My stomach rumbled as answer and Al senior smile widely.

"Make that five for dinner tonight, dearest darling!" Al senior shot as he retreated upstairs to get changed.

"That man!" Was all Linda muttered as she hustled around in the kitchen, I could hear the sounds of pots and pans being prepared. I smiled to Al and made my way into the kitchen.

"Would you like a hand?" I asked with a smile. Linda turned and returned the smile ten fold.

"Why you are a gentleman, I would love a hand! I'm making Chilli Con Carne, dear. Could you slice up those peppers there, take the stalks of those mushrooms and give them a good wipe?" I nodded my head, retrieving a sharp knife from the rack, then washing my hands.

"No problems!"

"I was wondering Stuart..." As Linda began cooking the mince, "... Are you a church-going lad?" She was now in the process of cleaning up around about her with a cloth.

"I don't tend to go to church. But I do believe in God, I'm just not sure I believe in all the variations of religion... I mean, God... is God. You know what I mean? I would feel at home praying to him in a church, chapel or mosque. It makes no difference to me." I began removing the stalks of the mushrooms.

"That's interesting. So now that I know what you believe, would you be comfortable going to church with our family. One day during the week maybe?" I thought this was an unusual request, but I could see no harm in it.

"I don't think that would be a problem. In fact I think I would like that!" I said. Even with my back to her I could tell that Linda was smiling.

"Wonderful! Big Alan will be so pleased..." she trailed off. "I'd like you to meet the minister! He is a really wonderful man. You'll like him!" I felt Al's hands encircle my waist from behind, his head resting on my shoulders, hot breath caressing my neck.

"I got lonely!" Al whispered. Linda stood for a moment looking us both up and down and then smiled.

"You two look so right together!"

"Thank you maam!" I smiled back. Dinner with Al's parents was really nice. The food was great, and the conversation never stopped flowing. Al senior is a pretty funny guy. At about half past ten Al was starting to get tired and I must admit I was too. We had after all been up since half past five that morning, and it had been an eventful day. I was sitting on the couch with Al leaning against me when Linda gave me a warm smile and turned off the TV.

"Well, boys, you two look real comfy. Why don't you phone your parents and tell them you will stay here tonight, it's no problem." I nodded my head; I really wasn't in any mood to drive home anyway. The thought of bed being just up a small set of stairs was too good to be true.

"I think I will," I said. removing my mobile from my pocket. I thought it better to send my brother a text to see whether he was still up. Just in case I woke anyone up. <Hey wee man, at Al's house, gonna stay here 2nite jus 2 let u guys know, tb, Stoo> I placed the fone on the arm rest of the chair and gave Al a light kiss on the forehead.

"So what have you guys got planned for tomorrow?" Al senior asked, yawning after he spoke and giving himself a good ole stretch.

"I dunno, I was gonna suggest going for a swim." Al said, giving me a little glance.

"Sounds like a plan!"

"Mmm Stuart in a speedo..." Linda giggled, as my face turned bright red.

"That's what I was thinking!" Al confirmed what his wicked mind had been turning over. He gave me a sexy little wink which did nothing for my blushing. I knew I had to get the upper hand again.

"Pah, speedo's... if you are gonna wear something that skimpy lets find ourselves a lake and go skinny dipping! I'd love to see that cute little butt of yours as you jump into the water... And that..." Al placed a hand over my mouth as his dad did his best to stifle a laugh.

"Ok, ok, you win!" Al conceded.

"And that what?" Al senior pressed but Al's hand was over my mouth firmly.

"He meant that incredible body of mine!" Al said, giving his dad a stern look.

"Oh, no, dear, I think he was definitely going to begin a LONG explanation of your pet snake!" Linda winked to me as Al buried his head under a cushion. Just at that, my mobile broke the moment. I picked it up my face still glowing from our mirth. <Ok, mum wnts 2 know if u can pick her up in the afternoon for doctors app for 2 o'clock> I smiled and typed a quick affirmation before placing the fone back in my pocket.

"Well if you guys don't mind, I'd love to stay over!" Linda and Alan beamed.

"Of course we would love it!" He said getting to his feet and closing the blinds, "That way we get to fuss over you guys at breakfast!" He smiled broadly. Don't tell Al I said it, but his dad really is a handsome guy. He'd think that was weird.

There is nothing better than fresh sheets on a bed. I smiled as I lay back on them waiting for Al getting out of the shower. His shower isn't all that big and although it would be fun to try and squeeze two in, we were both pretty beat. I had had my shower first as Al had insisted. After about twenty minutes Al padded back into the room and closed over the door. The house was completely silent apart from the quiet rhythmic snoring of Al's dad just before Al shut it out by closing the door. His wet hair clung to his head, his fringe falling down over his cheek. I smiled at him as he moved over to the bed still with a towel wrapped around his body.

"Hey, sexy!" I whispered.

"Hi..." he said. He looks so cute when he does the whole shy guy thing. Without a second thought he removed the towel, folding it neatly and placing on his bedside cabinet. I smiled warmly, lifting the covers and inviting him in, "Thanks!" he breathed as he slid under the covers alongside me. Immediately the fresh smell of peppermint danced into my nostrils as I breathed him in. He was shivering a little, cold after the walk from the bathroom to his own room. I pulled him in close, letting my own body heat seep into him, "Mmm, baby you feel so good!" He laid his head across my chest with a smile.

"I couldn't bear to see you shivering!" I said, holding him all the closer.

"I should shiver more often, if it gets me hugs like these!"

I grunted trying to maintain some shred of manliness.

"Don't even bother, everything is just so FABULOUS!" Al jested, and I knew I was beaten.

"Stupid mouth!" I shook my head, "Good night sweet pea!" I knew that one would get him, he gave me that `what the hell look', "Gotcha!" He laughed and kissed my chest tenderly.

"Yup, g'night Stoo!"

"Nite babes!" It didn't take much before we were both asleep that night. I never used to sleep well in beds that were not my own, but since I met Al I could sleep in any bed as long as I have his arms wrapped around me.

Love and Peace, Stoo.

Next: Chapter 16

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