Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Nov 4, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at Go on, you know you want to... And I know I want you to... so what's the hassle?

Little Guy

By Stoo

The cinema was quiet that night and we went to see some awful chick flick that Sarah wanted to see. Al nestled in my arms as soon as we sat down, one hand round my waist, the other rubbing the inside of my thigh.

"Babes, you are going to get me sooo horny..." I warned, as the screen flashed I saw mischievous smile appear on Al's face.

"That's the plan hot stuff," he whispered back, his lips brushing against my ear.

The rest of the film consisted of more of the same, although I managed to get Al pretty worked up too. His lips though, were so tender when we kissed. I honestly could not tell you the first thing about the film. Not even what second-rate actors and actresses were in it. When I was not attached to Al I took brief opportunities to steal a few glances at Ryan and Sarah. Sarah was snuggled into Ryan's chest, Ryan's head resting lightly upon her hair. They looked damn good together. The film lasted around the two-hour mark. It was time well spent even though the film sucked; I had my baby in my arms. Seeing Ryan happy was a major plus too though.

"Hey guys." I smiled warmly as we stood outside in the parking area. Ryan had his jacket draped over Sarah's shoulders and was holding her close to him. Sarah smiled up at me, Al was practically inside my jacket he was so close, pressed against my chest under the jacket, which I had opened up and pulled around him.

"I'm ready to go home." Sarah said, "What about you, stud?" Ryan smiled, placing his head on Sarah's shoulders.

"I'll go home... Despite the fact that I don't want to... My dad is head bouncer at the club tonight."

I smiled warmly, moving me and Al gently over to Ryan's side.

"Come sit with us for a while." Al said, his voice muffled slightly against my chest.

"I think I have a suggestion," Sarah said, her voice shaking slightly, "Why don't I stay with you tonight?" Ryan's eyes widened in shock then a tentative smile trembled on his lips.

"I... I would love... For you to stay tonight..." He said as Sarah pulled his lips to hers and kissed him so tenderly.

"We'll be in the car." I grinned beginning to head to the car. I was surprised when I saw Ryan and Sarah follow right away, a smile on both their faces.

After we dropped Sarah and Ryan home, we made our way home. My mum and dad were already asleep by the time we got home. Scott was still awake and watching television as we shuffled in.

"Hey." He smiled as I tossed my suit jacket on his head. He stayed still for a moment, looking left and right as though he had no idea why he could not see. Then he comically poked his head out from under it.

"Hey bro." I grinned and sat down on the couch as he tossed it back.

"Hey Scotty." Al said as he slumped into the couch beside me.

"Hey Al." Scott said, he shifted over so he was sitting on the floor with his back to the couch between both our legs, "Can I talk to you guys about something?" He asked his voice somewhat timid.

"Yeah, sure you can little man. You know that we both would do anything for you." I said,rubbing his shoulders.

"Why don't you move your big body out of the way so he can scoot in between us then?" Al grinned at me as I took my brother by surprise taking him under each arm and heaving him up onto my lap.

"How is the weather up there?" Al jested looking up at my brother.

"Not bad. I could think of hotter laps to be in though." Scott winked at Al and caused me to bury my head in his shoulder, groaning at his poor joke.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Al said seeing my brother begin to tense up again.

"You guys said... I could talk to you, right? About anything?"

"Anything," we affirmed.

"Well do you remember a while ago... I went to stay with a friend?" We both nodded and waited for him to continue, "Well... Later in the night he..." Scott cast his eyes downwards but I rubbed his shoulder and he looked back up into both our eyes. His own watering a little, "He wanted to do things... He kept asking. Just kept asking." Scott buried his head in my shoulder and wept as I pulled him close.

"It's ok, lil man, its alright." I said, letting him get all his emotions out. I locked eyes with Al and watched him sympathetically stroke Scott's back, "What kind of things did he want to do?" I asked gently, not wanting him to clam up again, this was obviously worrying him.

"He wanted to... Touch me. He said that I should touch him too... I was scared, Stoo, scared."

"Its ok, lil man. Those kind of things are your choice. No one else can make them for you. He didn't try to force you did he?" I asked, my anger welling for a moment and then subsiding as Al gently caressed the nape of my neck.

"No..." Scott sobbed again, "He rubbed me through my jeans... I didn't want it. I didn't want him to do it. I couldn't move though and it got hard." Ashamed Scott looked away trying not to look at us. Al lightly took Scott's face in his hands and turned him around to look into his eyes.

"Hey big guy, don't feel bad about it, ok? Sometimes, it just gets hard, especially if someone touches it. Even if you have no attraction to the person. Mine used to get hard on the bus going to school, it just happens sometimes. Don't worry about it and don't be ashamed of it, ok?" Scott nodded, a tear spilling onto his cheek. I massaged Scott's shoulders as Al wiped away the tears.

"Stuart's still gets hard when he rides a bus." Al joked and Scott choked on his laughter and tears.

"Hey, no fair." I grunted.

"Scott, can I ask you something now?" Al said, and Scott nodded.

"Do you have any attraction to guys?" Scott tensed and then relaxed knowing he could talk openly with us.

"I don't know." He said quietly, "I look at Ryan and see how cool he is, and I want to look like he does when I'm older. Cause he is hot. But I don't think I would want to go out with a guy. I like looking at girls... Their voices make me feel funny in the belly. Does that make me gay that I think Ryan is hot?" Scott looked into my eyes trying to gauge my reaction.

"No, Scotty, it doesn't. I can look at Sarah, Al's friend... Do you know her?" Scott nodded, "Good. I can look at her and say, whoa, she is hot. Though I feel no attraction to her at all. Do you understand?"

"Yeah... I think so." Scott smiled, "And she IS hot!" Scott exclaimed laughing a little, "Thanks guys, you are the best!" He said bouncing off of my lap in between us, pulling us both into a hug. We sat and watched a film for a while, `Starship Troopers' I think, Scott wanted to see it. He fell asleep half way through though. His emotional outburst had worn the little fellow out.

"I'm tired." Al said, snuggling into my arm.

"Me too." I said, lightly kissing him on the lips, "I love you... Do you know that?" He smiled warmly and nodded his head, "Thanks for helping."

"It was my pleasure, made me feel even more part of the family that your bro trusts me like that." I smiled and nodded, "Let's get him to bed." Al lightly stroked Scott's hair as I lifted him as gently as possible and carried him upstairs. When we reached his room, I smiled. I had not been in here for a long time. It was painted a very pale pastel green, with a darker green carpet and had distressed looking Caribbean style blue units. It was very neat and tidy; he was obsessive. His computer desk was organised, where as mine was a mess. His single bed was covered in orange bedclothes and two big fluffy pillows. Gently I lowered him onto the bed and pulled the covers up around him. I didn't want to disturb him by waking him to change. Then we left him, peaceful breathing the chorus as we left the room.

As we reached our own room, Al tenderly removed my clothes until I was standing before him naked.

"I love you."

"I'm naked." I giggled as I began to remove Al's own clothing. When we were both naked we stood for a moment in a tender embrace, our hands playing over each other's backs.

"Come on, lets snuggle in, big guy." Who was I to argue? We both slipped beneath the sheets and immediately Al wrapped his arms around me from behind. He was pulling me back against the warmth of his chest. I could feel his heart beating steadily against me as we drifted to sleep.

"Morning!" I heard as I awoke with a start as Scott burst into the room, I realised that the sheets had somehow made their way to the floor during the course of the night and Al and myself were completely naked lying on the bed, "Oh my god!" Scott said, his eyes bugging out, one hand covering his mouth. He began to giggle standing there as Al and myself were too shocked to even cover ourselves, "I'll eh... Leave you guys too it then." He giggled some more before retreating out of the room swiftly followed by a pillow from my side. Al muffled a laugh with his hands as he pulled the covers back around his shivering frame and I pressed myself into him.

"Nice wake up call at this house." I grinned.

"Yeah. We will have our revenge though." Al said, kissing my chest, making me squirm.

"Not if you keep doing that you little sexy stud, I can't think of anything other than having you inside me when you do that. How can I plot revenge in a state like that?"

"Hmm... Revenge later, Al inside you, now." We both giggled as Al climbed atop my chest and kissed me deeply. I gently moved him off me to the side and jogged across the room, locking the door.

"Revenge definitely later." I said as I jogged back across and leaped up onto the bed. Immediately eager hands gripped me, held me, explored me. A tongue was in my mouth, then it was on my neck, working its way downwards. We wrestled like this for a while before I couldn't take it anymore. I lifted him up off me and held him at arms length.

"I need you... I really need you... Before I explode!" I breathed raggedly.

"Your pleasure is my pleasure, Big Chief Standing Tall." Al said in a deep Native American style voice, motioning to my throbbing penis. A primal wildness took over us. Al made love to me passionately, driving me wild. His hands were exploring me as he moved in and out. His tongue was like a wild thing roaming all over me. The feeling of having him inside me was like nothing else. It was beyond description. Neither of us lasted very long. We finished in a glimmering heap of appendages all wrapped together. Head to shoulder.

"Guys breakfast in fifteen minutes!" My dad shouted, he was walking by the door and gave it a rap as he passed.

"Coming." I shouted back, hearing Al laugh.

"Again?" He giggled as I punched him on the shoulder lightly as I rolled off of the bed.

"Save water?" I asked he smiled knowingly.

"Yeah, lets go for a shower, can't use all the water... So we will just have to shower together... Just HAVE to." He grinned following me to the bathroom.

When we reached the breakfast table my dad had laid out some toast for us all and some cheese to put on it. Not the most spectacular of breakfasts you will agree, but it was nice. Conversation was minimal but my mum looked up at us both half way through and smiled.

"So you two sleep naked then?" She asked, Al coughed as some of the orange juice he was sipping made the journey up his nose. Scott was in hysterics, I gave him the glare but it did not work, he just kept on laughing.

"Yeah, they do. Isn't that right BIG guy?" Scott grinned and winked at Al who was turning the brightest shade of red imaginable.

"Leave the poor boy alone." My dad chuckled, "Though the way Scott describes it, I worry for my poor boy." My dad looked at me and gave me a wink as I buried my head in my hands. Family life, eh?

On another note if you didn't receive a reply from me lately emailwise please forgive me. I have been flooded with so many it is hard to keep track. Your love is appreciated. To all readers, thank you for taking the time to read my story, hope you all enjoy it. Little Guy and my new story Cayden will be taking a short break untill my editor returns, look out for them at the end of the month. Love and Peace, Stoo

Next: Chapter 22

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