Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Jul 14, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. Comments are always welcome at The responce you guys have given me has been brilliant.

Due to a request by a reader, I have made my paragraphs a little shorter and put more space in between them. To make it a little easier to read. Let me know if it works guys cause I take very seriously any requests you make.

Little Guy

By Stoo

After a quick, sexualy restrained, shower Al and myself changed for our night out. Lying on my bed in my boxers, I watched as Al slid himself into a pair of black dress trousers. They seemed to hug his sensual hips superbly; he didn't bother with a belt. He then removed a red silk shirt and let it flow over his upper body, nimble fingers making light work of fastening the buttons. He left the bottom three and top two undone. I watched with great interest as he skilfully spiked up his hair in a matter of seconds, with apparent simplicity. With a little smile he turned to me. I watched intently as the silk shirt clung to his elegant upper torso, every move of his body highlighted by the shirt.

"Do I look ok?" He asked, yeah, like he really had to ask.

"I am going to have trouble fighting off the hordes of Al worshiper's tonight babe!" I smiled, "You look more than ok... You look WAY ok! Now could you help me decide what to wear?" He grinned, knowing I was completely fashion-less.

"Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to have you go out wearing what you are at the moment, your body is so perfect... It's all the clothes you need... But society being as it is... We better put something on you!" He grinned, opening my wardrobe. He took a few moments mulling over my trousers, then removed the Versace trousers I had been given by my aunt for Christmas. The pair of trousers I had never had any intension of wearing. Al, however, was more fashion-conscious and had me put them on. I must admit, they did look good.

"These make that sexy butt of yours... even more eye catching!" He placed one hand on my rear, another round my waist. Leaning in, he kissed me gently on the cheek. Breaking contact with me, he moved back to the wardrobe, leaving me yearning for his touch.

"This is nice!" He said, removing a casual dress shirt. It was one of my favourites, one which unfortunately I rarely wore. A rich blue shirt which my dad had bought for me when we were going to a wedding party the previous year. As he placed my arms inside the shirt and began fastening it, the hairs on my arms stood to attention and my skin broke out in goose bumps. I breathed deeply his fresh clean scent, my body on fire as ever in his presence. As with his own shirt, he left the bottom three buttons undone and the top two also open.

"Now when you swing your funky butt on the dance floor people get to see that six-pack you always hide away!"

I smiled, stroking his sides with my hands. "I save it for you!" I whispered. He groaned as he pressed his body against mine, thrusting his groin against my own. Passion overcoming him, he kissed me deeply, almost forgetting to breathe. So caught up was he, that he had clearly forgotten that we were going out. Gently, I removed him from my body, seeing him gradually regain control. Then the lopsided grin appeared.

"Sorry..." He said, "... Got carried away..."

"Stoo gonna love you long time tonight..." I laughed putting on my best crazy accent, "... Love you all night long... But after we go out!"

Al wasn't one for wearing jackets usually, but tonight he was wearing a smart casual suit jacket over his shirt. I threw on my black leather reefer jacket. I always wear my leather jacket when I go into town, something my dad always advised.

"When I was young," Dad explained, "I wore a leather jacket out to a pub one night. It just so happened that the very same night me and some friends were involved in a little fight. It started off as nothing, but a guy pulled a knife on your uncle Colin. Now you know how fast your uncle Col moves, and he got out the way pretty damn quick. Me... I was slower, the knife slashed along my chest. If it wasn't for the leather I would have been dead. The blade only grazed my chest. Ruined my jacket but what's the price of a jacket to that of life?"

"What happened to the other guy?" I had asked in childhood naivety.

"Your uncle Colin broke his knife arm in five places!" My uncle Colin, six foot two, and now Police Inspector. My uncle Colin seems to be a prime target for knives. He's come up against a few knife wielders in his time as a police officer, too. One ended his `active' police duties. One night he was on call to a disturbance outside a hotel. Three men had been reported fighting, and as he and his partner arrived a twelve inch blade was produced. As he attempted to assist his partner, the blade had pierced his shoulder, fortunately hitting the bone and not slicing any further. The damage was enough however to make the then forty-year-old take up desk work.

We met up with Ryan outside the club a little before eleven. He was wearing a pair of black cargo pants and a white short-sleeved shirt which complimented his swimmer's build. He looked a little forlorn until he saw us, then his eyes twinkled.

"Hey guys, I'm here all alone, my friends aren't gonna make it!"

Al shrugged his shoulders. "I'm sure we can amuse you!"

Ryan placed an arm round Al's shoulder. "I have no doubts about that!"

As others stood in the queue, we followed Ryan, who tipped the nod to one of the bouncers as he passed. His father was a bouncer and as a result all the bouncers knew Ryan. Once inside we found ourselves a little booth at the far corner of the place, where we could both enjoy the music but engage in conversation without needing the aid of a megaphone.

We spent most of the time dancing or talking in our little booth. Ryan seemed to move around the dance floor with ease, always finding a willing partner to dance with. At the end of one of the songs, we re-grouped at the bar. All in need of refreshment.

"All right guys, name your poison!" I said as Ryan lent against the bar for support.

"I think I will have me a Jack D and coke my good man!" Ryan beamed.

"Just a Bud for me..." Al always seemed reluctant to take a drink from anyone, but he was always more than willing to buy. I turned to the barman, who was obviously gay, one of the more colourful characters. You know the kind right? The kind of guys who don't really give a damn what people think. It's a nice attitude, just not mine.

"Two JD's and coke and a Budweiser please!" I said, slipping the money across the bar surface.

"No problems pal..." He smiled, his voice very effeminate. He pulled the pint first, setting it on the bar then, handed us over the two Jack Daniels and coke, "There's your change friend!" He handed me my change with a smile, "Next over here please... Hello darling..." I heard him say as we moved back over to our table. As we reached the table, I was taken aback as Al planted a kiss on my lips. Kissing my little angel in public was not something which frightened me in the slightest, but it was something I knew bothered Al. After my initial shock I returned the kiss with passion. Al was first to break, his eyes wide with horror. Realisation of what he had just done dawning on my little guy.

"Stoo I'm sorry... I... I didn't..."

"Hey babes, it's cool... I enjoyed it!" My smile was doing nothing to reassure Al. My hands were still on Al's shoulders, so I rubbed them gently trying to comfort him.

"Fucking sissy faggots!" I heard a man hiss to our right, hatred spilling out of his wretched mouth along with his spittle. I could feel Al tense, his whole body beginning to shake. I could not stand idle as this drunken retard put the fear of god into Al. I just couldn't. I saw Ryan set himself, I guess more because he knew what my reaction would be and not because he felt I was in any danger. I spun around in the direction of the voice, taking a fraction of a second to study its owner. The man was standing with a bottle of Miller in his hands; he was obviously having trouble standing. He was completely inebriated and in no way matched to me. He was over weight and in his state no challenge.

"You fucking heard me, you sissy fucking faggot... What you gonna say about it? Come on you fucking queer... Do something... I'll beat you fucking straight..." His hatred continued to spew from his mouth, three or four people in our vicinity stopped dancing and looked upon him with disgust. I closed the gap between us with a shuffle of my feet, turning my body side on so my right foot was leading; my right hand raised protectively, my more powerful left fist drawn back and cocked. Off balance, my drunken adversary swung the beer bottle by the neck, attempting to smash it off my jaw. His body language was all wrong, telegraphing the move; I saw it coming from the moment he set his jaw and his unsteady feet lurched forwards. Easily I shifted onto my back foot, using my right hand to guide the bottle away from me. Propelling myself forwards off of my left leg, I moved forwards into his body before he could swing again. My right hand found his shirt, clasping it tightly. My left gripping his throat. With great ease I lifted his chubby frame bodily away from Al, slamming him against the wall. The beer bottle fell from his hand on impact, and his eyes took on a look of shock, then a little fear.

"Yeah... I'm a fucking faggot... But I'm no FUCKING SISSY!" I roared into his face, my left elbow now pressed under his chin, pinning him to the wall. Al was still rooted to the spot, his face chalk white. Ryan had moved to intercept the club bouncers holding them off by raising his hands.

"Come on Stoo man, easy... He's a fucking piss ant, not worth the hassle!" His hand gingerly touched my shoulder, gently trying to pry me away from the man. I released my hold on the drunk, dumping him to the floor unceremoniously. I shook my head with revulsion, walking away with Ryan's arm round my shoulder. I heard the bouncers haul the guy to his feet, giving him his marching orders as they dragged him to the door.

"But he's a fucking fag!" He protested lamely. The tallest of the bouncers, Ryan's dad's best friend, was holding the man easily by his jumper. He was a colossal figure standing at six feet five of intimidating muscle. His orange hair tied back in a pony tail, which when let loose looked like the mane of a lion.

"Get a life ya prick!" He said in his charming Irish lilt, "He might be a fuckin fag, but he's our fucking fag, all right bas?" The man was thrust into the street, and was eyed suspiciously all the way down the street.

After dumping the man outside, Devlin, Ryan's dad's friend, strode back over to the table.

"Listen lad's ahm really sorry bout all that ye know... Ye all ok there?" He was really a gentle giant of a man; his only concern was our well being.

"We're ok, Dev!" Ryan said, Al was still not uttering a word, just sitting quietly at the table with his eyes lowered.

"Ok then lads, hope ye's can enjoy the rest of your night... We could use a lad like yourself working the doors with us, handled yourself pretty well mate, give us a shout if yer in need of some work ok?" He said, I nodded, thanking him for his concern and then he was off, merging into the crowd.

"Stoo, I'm so sorry!" Al's voice was a barely audible whimper. I shifted myself so that I took him in my arms.

"Alan... Baby, that was not your fault!" I assured him, kissing his head tenderly, "You should be able to show how much you love me any time you want!"

"You could have been hurt..." Al sobbed into my shoulder.

"Aye, he could have been hurt if he closed his eyes and head butted the guy's bottle. Come on, Al, that guy couldn't see straight!" Ryan tried to sound reassuring but he wasn't the most eloquent of speakers.

Predictably I couldn't settle in the club any more, I was far too wound up. I needed to get out of there. Ryan must have sensed it too, because he suggested we head to a smaller place just round the corner. It was a small student pub so it had a more welcoming atmosphere I readily agreed.

Al's Perspective

When I heard the guy in the pub I just froze. I was so scared, I thought he was going to try and hurt us. Well I suppose he was if Stuart hadn't acted. I felt so small then, so completely useless. I couldn't move as Stuart pinned him to the wall. I was so ashamed of myself. I guess you guys all probably think that's so stupid but I really was scared. When we went to the student pub round the corner, Stuart let himself loose a little. Trying to relieve the tension, I guess. He assured me that he was ok with me kissing him but I felt really bad. Stoo got real drunk and both me and Ryan had to practically carry him from the pub.

The taxi dropped us off a little after four. Ryan grinned, throwing me the house keys from Stoo's pockets as he carried him up the wheelchair ramp. I opened the door and Ryan strode in, Stoo slung practically over his shoulders. I'm glad Ryan was there, for I would have not been able to drag Stoo up the stairs. He placed Stoo on the bed with a smile then turned to me, placing both hands on my shoulders.

"I don't want you to worry about anyone when we are out anywhere. You do what feels right in your heart! No matter what you do, I'll have both your backs ok?" He drew me into a tight embrace. He touched my heart with his love.

"Thank's Ryan... You are a really great guy..." He held me at arm's length.

"I know!" He grinned, "I love you too!" He kissed me gently on the forehead, "Now I'm going home to sleep! He's not the only one who's had a little too much to drink!"

"Thanks, Ryan!"

"No probs, now get some sleep. I'll lock the door on my way out and post the keys through the letter box!" I waved as Ryan walked down the stairs, and smiled as I heard the keys being posted through the letter box. I quickly stripped Stoo out of his clothes and placed him under the covers. I too joined him as soon as I was relieved of my own clothing. Stoo stirred as my body shifted into his, enjoying the warmth of his skin.

"Know why I love you?" he slurred. Not waiting for a response, he continued on, "Cause your just so damned loveable!" Then he was fast asleep.

"I love you too!" I said, snuggling against his broad shoulders, "I love you with all my soul!" Then I, too, was asleep, safe, snuggled against his powerful body.

Stoo's Perspective

I'm one of the lucky people in life who don't wake up with a hangover, but when my alarm went off in the morning it was promptly silenced. I may not get hangovers but I was still tired. I think you guys can guess how I shut it up. I spent some time not really sleeping but more relaxing, my eyes closed, listening to Al's steady breaths. It takes a lot to wake him up, the three or four seconds the alarm took to be silenced obviously not enough. I closed my arms around him, the warmth of his body pressed against mine heavenly. Slowly Al came round, the first signs being the way his little hands appeared from under the covers, scratching his face. His breathing changed: a deep inhalation, then the predictable morning stretch. Almost surprised by the feeling of my body against his, he pressed back into me.

"I thought you would be up by now!" The clock read ten o'clock.

"Sorry to disappoint!" I grinned, running my fingers lightly along his back, promoting a little shiver from him.

"No disappointment... I could stay like this forever..." He breathed deeply, "... But your bed would get all wet... I need to pee." He said matter-of-factly, and then with a spring, he was out of the bed and heading for the bathroom. I stretched back lazily, scratching my belly then looking down I saw my morning wood.

"Good morning!" I laughed, then as Al returned from the bathroom I rolled from the bed to my feet. Al grinned shyly seeing my morning erection straining against my boxers, "I'll be right back!" I whispered seductively in his ear.

"Please!" he whispered back.

After taking care of business I returned to the bedroom, my bladder empty and my morning breath taken care of. I also gave myself a quick wash whilst I was in; I am paranoid when I just wake up. I hate not being clean, something Al makes fun of me for. He says that the only time I smell is when I train. The rest of the time I'm good to go. Padding back into the room I saw Al lying back with his eyes closed. I silently crossed the room and then with a leap I was on the bed by his side. He jumped up, his eyes flashing open. Seeing me lying with a smug grin on my face, his features hardened.

"Oh... Funny guy!" With a growl he leapt atop me, straddling my chest, pinning my arms with his knees, "What you gonna do now?" He growled, a smile forming on his lips.

"I dunno, probably just stare at what's hanging out the front of your boxer shorts!" Caught off guard he looked down, then entirely off balance I turned him over so that he was on his back and I was looking down into his eyes, "Cheat!" he mouthed.

"I'll teach you to miscall me!" I grinned, mercilessly attacking his ribs, tickling him ruthlessly. He giggled wildly, his body convulsing, trying to escape me. So guys, if you ever get to meet Al... You know his weakness.

This carried on for a few minutes until his breathing was ragged. Then I stopped, his eyes were sparkling with tears of laughter. His cheeks were red and here I was staring directly down on him. Casually I wrapped my arms around him and then, picking him up, I rolled onto my back, placing him back on my chest where the commotion had begun. He was still breathing raggedly but no longer from the tickling. He was looking down upon me with only love.

"Al... There is something I want to ask you to do for me..."

His little hands were massaging my chest. "Anything..." he breathed.

"Will you make love to me?" I asked, wanting him so badly it hurt.

"What?" He seemed stunned, "I... I mean... I thought that you... Because I'm..." I caught on to what he was blabbering about.

"Cause I'm bigger and stronger you thought that I wouldn't want you to make love to me, you thought that I would wanna do you!" He nodded, "Al, I love you babe, we have a lot to share together... SHARE together!" He smiled.

"Then in that case... Oh god yeah!" He immediately plunged forwards into me, kissing me deeply, his hands desperately clutching me. He kissed his way down my entire length, removing my boxer shorts along the way. Ripping his own off, he pressed down against me, kissing me passionately. Our groins were pressed together, mashing into each other. He groaned, as he ground into me. He reached into the bedside table, removing the lube that was stored in the top drawer.

"Gently..." I pleaded, to be completely honest with you I was pretty scared. I knew I wanted this but it was a daunting prospect.

"Always!" he assured me; he squeezed some out onto his fingers and began slowly, massaging it into my hole. As his finger slid in, I took a deep breath, moaning a little as he moved the finger around. As I had been informed, it was easier if you just relaxed and pushed out. With his free hand he reached forwards, rubbing my balls lightly. Soon I felt him enter with two fingers, after the initial shock I relaxed again as he whispered words of assurance in my ear, kissing my neck.

"Al I love you so much..." I croaked, barely being able to speak as his hand was slowly working on my rock hard penis.

"You would say that boyo. I have your dick in one hand and the other..." He giggled, moving his fingers around to make his point. After a while he removed his fingers, leaving me feel suddenly empty, though I knew what was coming next. I took a deep breath steeling myself, "Are you sure about this?" He whispered in my ear, his hot breath causing tingles on my skin.

"Oh... Damned sure..." I said, feeling his tip pressing against my entrance. As we had been speaking he had lubed it up well, and now he was primed.

"Just relax babes... Please tell me if it hurts. I don't want to hurt you... I love you!" He whispered, I just nodded, too emotional for words. I felt him slowly begin to press forwards. I tried to relax and push out as I had been told. I gasped as I felt the head of his rock hard member enter into me. He stopped, "Does it hurt?" He asked, his voice tinged with fear.

"A bit... Just let me get used to this for a while. Don't stop though!" He may be a little guy, but there is nothing little about `little Al' believe me.

"Just nod when you're ready..." He said, his voice quivering. After some time I nodded and I could feel him slide a little more into me. Eventually he bottomed out, his pubic hair brushing along my butt.

"Oh, god, Al... I want you so much... please!" I hadn't said anything, had I? I was too caught up in these new feelings. The words were coming from my mouth which was on auto-pilot.

Slowly and ever so gently, he began sliding in and out. Each time he did he hit a certain area which coupled with his hands on my rigid organ was driving me mad. I guessed it was the prostate that I had heard so much about. I had never felt feelings so intense.

"Fuck..." I growled, grasping the pillow on my bed for dear life. Out of shock Al stopped moving.

"Are you ok, babes?" He asked tentatively. I immediately reached behind me and grasped his rear.

"Don't you dare stop..." I pulled his rear toward me causing him to start pumping in and out again. After a short time he began to increase pace, both in his pumping and in his jacking of my cock. I groaned every time he thrust back in, breathing heavier than I ever had, "Please..." I grunted. I heard a little whine escape Al's lips as he thrust in again. His strokes were longer now and driving me to ecstasy. Another growl of pleasure emanated from somewhere inside me, I was no longer in control of my body. I heard Al groan again, and I knew I was getting close. His little hands were furiously working back and forth, his mouth finding my own as I looked back. I groaned as we kissed and then came harder than I ever had. Spurt after spurt. Al whimpered as my muscles contracted around him, and then I felt him come too, my own orgasm bringing him over the edge. His body stiffened, and I felt jet after jet of his warm semen being released inside me. Sweat glistened on both our bodies as I collapsed forwards, taking Al -- still inside me -- with me.

"Oh, god, Stoo... I love you so much..." He laid his head against the back of my shoulders; I closed my eyes, still disconnected from my body.

"Fuck..." I heard myself whisper. I had never felt so good.

Next: Chapter 8

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