Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Aug 5, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at It's real easy, just takes a minute and you will make me a real happy guy!

Little Guy

By Stoo

I wasn't feeling all that great as I trudged into college. My first class wasn't for another twenty minutes, so I decided I would check out the union. We were supposed to take our trip up north two days previously, but I had been ill. Just a passing virus that my aunt had infected me with. Thank you kindly. I was still feeling the effects, but I was determined I would not miss college. I was thinking there may be some people milling around before their own classes in the union. As I made my way inside, I noticed a small pocket of activity at the rear of the building. A few of my classmates, it seemed, had made their way in early as well. Ryan was amongst them, leaning against the pool table obviously in the midst of telling one of his insane jokes. As he got to the punch line, people's faces dropped and they began groaning. He looked up as he saw me come in and gave me a grin.

"Hey Stoo, you look like shit!" Always so sympathetic, friends are great at that, guys, real supportive.

"Thanks!" I said, "I'd rather look like shit than look like you, though!" I slapped his back as I took a seat at one of the `trendy' high-stools. Ryan broke away from the group and joined me at the table as I slumped my head into my hands.

"What's up man?" He said, reaching across the table, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I have a splitting headache, didn't get much sleep last night!"

"Well I have some news that's gonna make you smile bud, I've been up on the second floor. Lee isn't going to make it in today. It's posted up on the notice board. That means you only have IT, which is pretty much wrapped up so you don't need to go! And me, I can't be bothered going to my classes today, so I thought I'd skip `em! So, no work today man." Ryan had an ear-to-ear smile.

"Good shit!" I rubbed my eyes and offered a weak smile in return.

"Want me to get you a coffee or something?"

"That would be nice and maybe one of those `big-breakfasts' they do, I'm starving!" I slid some money across the table but Ryan looked at me for a moment as though I was insane.

"I said I'd get it man, your turn next time!" With that he was off. When he returned with my steaming plate and coffee, I smiled as warmly as I could.

"I got you a few extra mushrooms and another potato scone!" I nodded my head and began wolfing down the breakfast. It consisted of three link-sausages, two potato scones, some fried mushrooms, beans, two fried eggs and two slices of fried bread. Not my usual nutritious breakfast but welcome treats. Come on, I had a headache, I needed some comfort food. The coffee was great too; the student union at my college makes the best coffee ever. I take mine with just a splash of cream. Getting something into my painfully empty stomach seemed to help, and the coffee woke me up a little. The headache didn't go away though, so I decided I needed a few painkillers.

Seeming to read my mind Ryan tossed me a packet of Paracetemol which he kept in his back-pack. He is prone to early morning headaches, usually due to the fact he has been partying hard all night.

"Thanks man!" For a while we sat around just chatting away, waiting for the painkillers to take effect. Ryan amusing me like only he could with his agonizing jokes. As the day wore on, I was feeling more myself, the headache almost a distant memory. It seemed now that most of our class was gathered in the union, along with a few of my friends from other courses. We began joking back and forth, having a real nice time. Ryan put his arm around my shoulder as he began to tell another one of his jokes. There were many grumbles and groans, but my attention was more on the figure who had just walked through the door. Al was standing there, and by the looks of things it was raining outside. I hadn't noticed. Droplets of water were running down his jacket and a little bead of water was trickling down his nose. I smiled warmly but I lost the smile when I saw him frown heavily. He looked back and forth between Ryan, myself and the others, then he left. Just turned around and strode back out into the rain.

"What the fuck?" I muttered, as Ryan dropped his arm from my shoulder.

"What was up with that man?" Ryan asked me, but I was already out the door. I was just in time to see Al running around the corner of the building out into the street.

"Shit!" I growled, fishing my car keys from my pockets and jogging over to the car park. My shirt was soaking wet by this time, I had left my jacket in the union. I left the car park with a screech of tires, racing out onto the road. As I drove along the street I saw Al had slowed to a walk. Pressing my hand on the small button to my left, I lowered the windows and slowed the car to walking pace.

"Al... What's wrong?" I asked, he didn't look at me, just kept on walking, "Al, please tell me... Have I done something wrong? Come on man, ah love you!" He just turned, giving me an icy stare and then kept on walking. Slamming my foot down on the brakes I stopped the car, raising the window and getting out in one fluid motion. Pressing the button on my key ring I locked the doors. I jogged up to Al and got in front of him, forcing him to stop.

"Fuck you!" He growled, pushing me away. He had tears in his eyes and he was breathing raggedly.

"What's wrong?" I pleaded with him, my heart breaking to see him like this.

"What the fuck do you care?" That stung, deep down it stung me hard. Right to my very core.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I roared, "I fucking love you!" A woman passing by turned and stared before moving along more briskly.

"Oh yeah!" He said sardonically.

"Whatever the fuck this is about... Just please, get in the car, we can talk it through!" Al's face hardened, something it rarely does, he set his jaw.

"Yeah let's do that, let's talk things through!" He yelled, pushing me backwards, striding towards the car. I ran my hands through my now drenched hair, lowering my eyes. I had no idea what I could have done to deserve treatment so harsh. I opened the doors and he got in silently. He did not utter a word on the drive home. He just sat, his face hard, his eyes staring straight ahead.

Luckily my mum and dad were not home, for as soon as I got in the door behind Al, he pushed me hard against the stair rail.

"I fucking hate you!" He seethed, coming forwards vehemently, letting fly with a wild right. I raised my hands to shield my face, taking the shot on the forearm.

"Al, fuck man, calm down!" I begged. He had lost all control.

"Is one fucking boyfriend not enough for you?" He screamed, launching another shot. This time I moved back to avoid it and then shuffled forwards, wrapping my arms around him, pulling him close to my body, turning my legs side on, making sure they were stopping Al from launching a knee to my groin. He struggled violently to free himself, but I managed to hold him.

"I don't understand..." I whispered, a tear trickling down my cheek.

"I saw you in the union. He had his arm round you!" Al sobbed.

"Ryan?" I asked incredulously.

"YEAH, FUCKING RYAN!" He screamed struggling more to be freed. Again I just held him till he wore himself out.

"Look, I don't know what you're thinking here... But Ryan is my best friend... Hell, he is one great guy but YOU, you are the guy I love. Ryan is straight, but even if he was gay I would pick you over him!" Al seemed to relax a little.

"I fucking saw it! You standing there, him with his arm around you. Everything is so fucking easy for you, they all laugh when you tell a joke. They all love you!"

"Al, come on man, what's brought this on?"

"What's brought this on?" He echoed me sarcastically as though I were supposed to know. By this time he was well and truly worn out, his hands were now down by his sides and his fists were clenched, "How can I compete against all that, huh?" He screamed, but I could sense that the conviction was no longer there. He was beginning to get mentally worn out too.

"Compete?" I tried to sound soothing, "Al, you don't have to compete! You blow the rest of the field away!"

"Pah, yeah... What's a fucking loser like me to a popular bastard like you?" I felt so bad right there, I couldn't understand why he could not accept that I loved him with all my soul.

"Everything little guy... You mean everything to me! Every time I see you is the same, I get that same feeling all the time and it is the best. When you touch me it lights me up inside man! All it takes is for you to put your hand on my shoulder and I am blown away... Every time!"

"You mean..."

"Al babes, I don't know what gave you the idea that we were doing anything other than being friendly. He only had his arm round my shoulder but look babes, look at me..." I raised his chin so I was looking directly into his eyes, "I love YOU!" I said solemnly, "Look..." I ran my finger down his neck into his shirt drawing out the chain holding my ring. I held it up where he could see it, "Always!"

"I'm so sorry Stoo..." He sobbed, each sob racking his body, "I'm so fucking stupid... I don't deserve you... I'm not good enough for you... I fucking hate myself... I fucking hate myself!" I held him tight, kissing his head.

"Al, we have to talk man. You just are not getting the fact that I love you!" He continued to sob into my shoulder as I lifted him lightly off of the floor and carried him up stairs to my room.

For a while we lay on my bed, Al pressed tightly against me, his head resting on my shoulder. My own head on top of his, my cheek to his own cheek. I allowed him to shed all his pent-up emotions and insecurities. He really could not understand the love I had for him. He couldn't understand why I loved him so much. I spent quite a bit of time, explaining how I couldn't really explain it. It was everything about him: His sense of humour, his character, his personality. The way he walked, the way he talked and the way he listened. His eyes, his hair and his body. His own remarkable fresh smell, the sound of his voice and the touch of his soft skin. To me he was just the complete package.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you Stuart. But I'm glad I have you!" he whispered as I had finished babbling something about his eyes. His voice was so quiet, so sensual. I could feel myself beginning to have those familiar sensations caused by my want for him. He lifted his head, removing my cheek from his, and stared into my eyes.

"Look at you -- your big, deep brown eyes..." I smiled as he caressed my cheek. "You are so strong but so gentle." He kissed me without reserve, one of those special, passionate kisses. The ones that tell you there is only going to be one outcome after those kinds of kisses are initiated. I felt my body melt back into the sheets of my bed, lost in our own little world. Gently he climbed up on top of me, sitting back on my waist. He was so light I hardly noticed the difference. The warmth of him was the only indication he was sitting there. That and the fact his mouth was attached to my own, almost glued to position. Finally he broke for air, leaving me staring up into his intense blue eyes.

"I love you Stoo..." He said as his hands worked their way under my shirt, pushing it up over my head and pulling it off. Smiling lovingly I slid his own shirt up and over his head, tossing it to the side. He leaned in again for one of those fiery kisses, his tongue ruling the confines of my mouth, dominating my own. God, I was so hot then, I have no idea how the groin area of my jeans managed to withstand the pressure as I strained against them. He wasn't making it any easier to withstand by sliding himself down so his butt was rubbing against my groin. I groaned audibly as he broke the kiss.

He grinned devilishly as he slid down further so he was sitting on my thighs. Reaching down slowly, his eyes locked with mine, he began to teasingly undo my belt with one hand. The other hand was rubbing my crotch. With another groan I tipped my head back and raised my hips off the bed. It was almost too much for me, I was struggling to stay in control. It seemed an age before he removed my jeans, releasing some of the pressure on my throbbing organ.

"I don't know whether this is a good idea..." he teased, feigning a loss of interest.

"Don't be a bastard!" I growled, with a smirk, "You have me completely at your mercy here!" I breathed raggedly, my heart was racing, and most of the blood seemed to be pumping to my groin (like you all needed to know that, hee hee hee).

"I know..." God even his voice had shivers running down my spine. I guess we were kissing and making up. And out (look, another one of my rare jokes). With a quick tug he removed my boxers, running his hand along my length. My body aching for his touch, I gently rolled him onto his back and kissed him deeply. As I kissed him my hand snaked its way down his length, cupping him through his thin jogging pants. He was as hard as iron and as it touched him his moan was lost in our kiss. Pulling back I released him and tugged his trousers off. He was wearing a pair of Simpson's boxers with a naked Homer running around on them. They made me smile; he caught the smile and returned it.

"Mum bought me them..." He explained, his voice strained and husky.

"Sexy!" I replied, equally uncontrollably lusting. With no more wasted words I pulled them off him, throwing Homer to the floor. Just as I was about to begin gently sucking one of his nipples he raised his hands, and rolled me onto my back. Shaking his head.

"It's all about you!" Wait, I knew that line! It was one of my own. I smiled in recognition.

Once more he worked his way up on top of me, now his rear resting achingly against my rigid member. I let forth a little gasp, as he pushed back against me teasingly, rubbing my chest with his little hands. Casually one of his hands retrieved the lube from the bedside table and he gave me a wink. He sat atop me whilst he began lubing himself up, causing me to shiver. If only he knew what he was doing to me. Coolly he began lubing up my organ with a smile. My hips once more raised to his touch, I was barely in control of my body, it knew that I was merely a spectator.

"I need you," he whispered as he slowly sat atop my waist again. With one hand he took hold of me. Aligning himself carefully he slowly lowered himself down. He moved deliberately slow, wanting his first time to be something to remember. He winced slightly as my head entered him. He stopped, poised over me, allowing him to get used to the new feeling. I took a deep intake of breath, almost overwhelmed by the warmth surrounding the tip of my penis.

The pain must have abated, for now he slowly began to lower himself once more. He paused along the way a few more times before I was completely engulfed within him. I do believe I had strayed into heaven. He had his eyes locked with mine, love pouring out of us both.

"God," he whispered as he gently raised himself up and then slid back down. My hands had found there way to his hips, and were rubbing him gently. Soon his eyes began to glaze over as he lost himself, slowly moving up and down rhythmically. Every now and then he moaned, causing my heart to beat faster. When a whimper of passion passed his lips it touched my very soul.

Lustily I raised him, still buried within him and set him on his back. Tenderly raising his legs, taking control. I increased the pace, each thrust now causing a little whimper from my little guy. My fingers were now lightly toying with his nipples, this seemed to be adding to the sensation, for his eyes were now opening and closing in a frenzy of passion.

His little body was shaking as I wrapped my fingers around him, slowly masturbating him at first. That was until I felt his little hands cup my own, motioning for me to go faster. He needed a release of all that was pent up. I obliged. He was wrapped so tightly around me that I couldn't believe the sensations I was feeling. He was so hot inside.

I was shocked as his insides seemed to clamp down on me when his muscles contracted. Seeing his ejaculation coupled with the feelings of his muscles contracting sent me over the edge. I released wave after wave of semen deep within him. I reached a high which I had never thought existed. For a moment I touched the stars.

Next: Chapter 10

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