Little Leah and Her Wkd Side

By Kazz Jerome

Published on Sep 9, 2012


Little Leah And Her WKD Side -- Part 2 --------------------------------------------------------------

At 8 o'clock that evening, as my parents were about to leave, I stood with amusement at the top of the stairs and listened to them give my sister Michelle the normal lecture in the kitchen.

"Now you know what we ask of you," I could hear my father say, "and it's very simple, Michelle."

"I know, Father, I've heard it all before!" came my sister's reply.

"Now don't speak back at me in that manner, or Leah shall not be coming at all!"

"I'm sorry!" I heard my sister whine, "You know it's Leah who causes the trouble when we're together!"

"That doesn't mean you have to go along with it, Michelle," my mother's strict but well-meaning voice now joined in in the conversation, "she's fourteen, two years younger than you. You have to be in control."

Ha, I thought. Control a rebellious young minx like Leah? Not a chance.

"Easy for you to say," my sister's voice retorted. "Even Tommy couldn't control Leah!"

She was right.

"Well if she's -that- bad, maybe it may be best if Leah doesn't-"

"No, no, I was just kidding. It'll be fine. She'll be fine, honestly."

Well, that was settled. Nearly. But my Father wasn't stupid. He always had the One Rule that Father's all around the world make sure to mention to their vulnerable princesses.

The voice of Thor took over my Father and echoed throughout the kitchen, with meaning in every word. "And no alcohol, Michelle. If we arrive back and I find any bottles or cans of sorts, you'll be in deep trouble."


And that was it. I heard Michelle leave the kitchen and make her way towards the stairs. I immediately ducked back into my room and quietly shut the door.

Leah was due to arrive at half past eight -- my parents had left by quarter past and I waited with secret anticipation for the knock on the front door signalling the little sluts arrival. In the meanwhile, I plopped myself down on my computer chair and decided to take a quick look on my Facebook page for any new notifications.

Turns out there was nothing exciting going on, which was quite usual in the world of Facebook. But, maybe...

In the search box, I began to type in Leah's name and brought up her profile page. She had been on my friends list for a long while, giving that she was my sister's best friend. I looked at her Profile picture and felt my dick begin to stir down below. In the picture, she was bent forward, obviously making sure that a good portion of her boobs were exposed. I noticed that her dark hair looked to be wet in this photo -- I suspected she had taken the photo after having a shower, as certain girls tend to do. She was sticking her tongue out at the camera cheekily, putting her piercing on show for all to see. I wondered how many lucky boys had pushed their young cocks into that mouth, moaning in pleasure as slutty Leah twirled her tongue around their eager shafts, waiting for them to cum hard and ready to swallow everything they had to offer. She had that familiar you-know-you-want-me look in her eyes, a look tempting to men of all ages, including myself.

Overcome by lust, I was unaware that I had began slowly grope at my cock through my jeans, which was now rock hard as I gazed upon the photograph of this fourteen-year-old nymphet. I couldn't control myself any longer -- I undid my jeans and dropped them to the floor along with my boxers, my dick now out in the open and ready for action. I full screened the photo of young Leah, then began to furiously jerk myself off, my eyes focused on that promiscuous face in front of me.

I was soon close to cumming, and as I reached the point of no return, it was very unfortunate that my sister decided to knock on my door at that very same moment and let herself in. In a matter of seconds, I had to pull my jeans up, put my dick away, and close the picture of Leah on the screen.

Of course, I managed no such thing. Panicking, I let go of myself as I saw my bedroom door swing open and my sister standing there, looking rather shocked, as you can imagine. She watched, frozen on the spot, as I spurted cum over my stomach, the orgasm making me moan uncontrollably whilst that full screened photo of Leah loomed on the computer screen, seemingly amused at the events taking place.

"M-M-Michelle," was all I could say, trying to think of a rational explanation. She was speechless, eyes wide in disbelief behind her glasses, her face flushed red in embarrassment.

"Tommy! I -- I'm sorry!" was her reply, and with that she stepped back and closed my door in a hurry. I simply sat there, covered in cum, feeling humiliated and mortified at what my sister had just seen. Had she simply caught me jerking off to a random Playboy girl, then I wouldn't have felt so bad about it -- but there was no doubt in my mind that she had seen the picture of her best friend on the screen, and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Fuck!" I cursed to myself. "Tommy, you stupid, stupid fuck!"

Once I had cleaned myself up, I sat on my bed, a sense of shame still there in my mind. I surveyed myself in the mirror perched up against the wall, then began to run my hands through my thick black hair, making myself look presentable for Leah's arrival. After all that had happened, a part of me was still focused on my chances with her. It would probably never happen, and if Michelle decided to spill my little wank story to her friend, then I could be sure that Leah would be put off me completely. I'm sure that girls don't appreciate nineteen-year-old perverts jerking off to their photographs on Facebook, even girls of Leah's standing.

I'm sure it would be okay -- if Michelle did tell Leah, then that would mean the story would probably get out in school as well, meaning Michelle would face humiliation from her classmates, facing a constant reminder of what I had done for the rest of her time there. I trusted she would be sensible enough to keep it to herself. That put my mind at rest.

As my worries diminished, I heard the fateful sound of knocking on the front door. She was here at last! I listened as Michelle answered the door and the voices of excitement that followed as the two friends greeted one another. I sat back down on the bed, listening carefully.

"Heyyy, you took your time!" I heard my sister say.

"Sorrrrry!" came Leah's reply, "I was on the phone, arguing with the asshole."

"The asshole? You mean Jake, again?"

The two of them were making their way up the stairs now, their conversation more audible.

"Yeah, that prick!" I heard Leah exclaim. "He's been lying to me, again! Seeing that fucking bitch Sally behind my back. Fucking her, no doubt. He wont be getting any decent blow jobs from me again, that's for sure. Fucking dickhead."

Their conversation drowned out as they entered Michelle's room, which was adjacent to mine, and her door slammed close. I got up from my bed and left the room quietly. Then I tiptoed across the landing to Michelle's door, eager to hear more of what they had to say to one another.

"Leah, what in the heck do you have in that bloody backpack?" I heard my sister ask.

"Ooooh, nothing much. Just some treats for us, Shel!"

Leah giggled. Oh dear, what had she brought? I listened as she unzipped her backpack and my sister gasp.

"Leah! No! My parents will kill me!"

"Come oonnn, it'll be fine. We can get rid of the bottles afterwards. Look, I got some WKD for me-"

"I hate alcopops, Leah!"

"Oh no, don't worry, I got yoooou something else." Leah giggled again. "I know you like wine, soooo..."

"Oh, Leah!" came my sister's voice, shocked but seemingly flattered. "You didn't have to -- oh, fine. But you have to take every single bottle home with you!"

"No problem!"

So, naughty Leah had brought alcohol with her. Mum and Dad would have a fit if they ever found about this. At least I could use it as blackmail if Michelle spilt my secret. And maybe, if I happened to accidentally stumble upon a drunk Leah a little later on, all her inhibitions out the window, things could get very interesting!

By 09:00, things were getting a little rowdy in Michelle's room. The girls had the music turned up loud on Michelle's stereo, and I could hear a certain sister loosening up after indulging in wine, no doubt. I decided to pop down to the kitchen for a snack, now hungry as hell having not eaten anything all evening -- my mind had been on anything but food for the last few hours.

I made my way downstairs into the kitchen and began to search the cupboards for something to eat. As I did so, I heard somebody bounding down the stairs and into the kitchen. And into view came lovely Leah, her face in sudden surprise as she saw me standing there. She really looked the part tonight -- her face was full with enough make-up to fool any man, her smooth dark hair wore down for once and not in the usual ponytail. She was wearing a low cut black top, showing off her budding but beautiful breasts, and a short tartan skirt. Purple tights covered her slim, sensual legs, and I couldn't help but notice she seemed a bit taller than when I had seen her before, nearly reaching my shoulder height. That was because she was wearing high heels, and fuck they looked sexy on those cute little feet. I felt my dick began to react immediately.

Leah looked at me with those distinctive, tempting eyes, and coed, "oh, hiiiii Tommy! It's nice to see you!"

"Oh, uh, H-Hey, Leah," I stammered, feeling ridiculous, like a boy on his first date. "How ya doing?"

"Oooh, I'm okay. Bit upset though!" she replied, twirling her hair with a finger.

"Aww, no?" I said, "what's up?"

"Wellll, my stupid boyfriend cheated on me," she sighed dramatically.

"Jeez, what a douche!" I exclaimed. "Never mind, plenty of other boys your age out there, they're not all bad!"

She scoffed. "Huh! I don't like boys my age any more. They're all dickheads, Tommy! I might start going for older guys instead."

I laughed. "Well, you gotta be careful. Older boys can get in trouble for that!"

"I wouldn't get anybody in trouble!" she retorted. "If I liked an older boy lots, I'd be careful!"

Leah was obviously a little drunk. I felt she was trying to take this conversation further than she was letting on. How many of those WKD's had she had?

We both stood in awkward silence for a moment, then she came closer to me. "Tommyyyy..." she said, quietly. "What about you?"

I could smell her perfume, now, and she was a little to close for comfort. This was exactly the way I wanted things to go down, but the moral part of my mind was backing down.

"L-Leah, I don't know what you-" I began.

"I know you like me, Tommy," she smiled. Then she ran a finger seductively down my chest. I trembled at her touch. "Why not? We don't have to tell anyone."

"Leah, you're drunk," I said. "I think maybe-"

Just then Michelle called from upstairs. "Leah! Have you found the bloody crisps yet!?"

I turned from Leah and opened one of the bottom cupboards, took out a multi pack of Skips and handed them over to her.

"Thanks, Tommy," she said. Then, before I could even react, she reached behind my head, grabbed a tuft of my hair, then pulled me forward and kissed me hard on the mouth. "Thank you very much."

With that, she made her way out of the kitchen, But she wasn't leaving without a fight. Before she disappeared from my view, she pulled up the back of her skirt with one hand, exposing a bare bottom underneath her purple tights. That naughty minx wasn't wearing any knickers! I felt my dick harden again, once again straining painfully against my jeans.

"For fucks sake," I groaned, gritting my teeth. I didn't know how much longer I could hold myself back -- it was time to take the next step. I needed Leah alone without the risk of Michelle suspecting anything. That part would probably take care of itself. With my heart hammering fast in my chest, I returned to my room, no longer feeling the least bit hungry.

For the moment, more important things were on my mind.

(Sorry it took so long to release the second part. Been working on other stuff! I'll make sure I concentrate on Part 3 of this story before anything else. As usual, please email me at with any thoughts or opinions! Thank you all!)


Next: Chapter 3

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