Little Leah and Her Wkd Side

By Kazz Jerome

Published on Sep 10, 2012


Little Leah And Her WKD Side -- Part 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------

When I said that the plan to get Leah alone would take care of itself, I meant it. I knew exactly what was going to happen once Leah returned to my sister's room -- for all nice girls like Michelle seem to have the habit of being lightweights and falling asleep very quickly after consuming alcohol. And, unfortunately, they also have the habit of saying very stupid things as well without thinking. I had seen it so many times before -- quiet, sensible girls after half a bottle of wine and boom! Out of their mouths travel all the things they wanted to say sober but never had the confidence to.

I was sitting in my room again, on the computer chair, looking at the most random shit on my laptop known to man, when I heard my name pop up in the conversation taking place in the next room. The girls had turned the music off and seemed to be in hysterics.

Oh, no. No, no, no, Michelle! I thought. Well, never mind, there was always that possibility of her spilling to Leah about what she had seen me doing. I was still bitter, knowing that it had probably ruined any chances of anything happening between me and her naughty friend. Okay, she had practically come onto me in the kitchen, but I still had the impression that there was this certain psychology with girls -- that if they knew you wanted them, they would be put off. And I didn't want that happening.

As part of my little plan, (one part of it was already taken care of; the hope that Michelle would pass out, leaving Leah free to come and see me), I had also decided to leave my bedroom door wide open. That way, there was no possibility of Leah not seeing me again before the night was over -- even if she was hesitant to approach me after my cowardly rejection in the kitchen, she would have to get up and walk past my room to go to the toilet before turning in, and at that point I would be able to get her attention and... well, take a different approach to her antics.

This time, there would be no backing out.

Time moved on; and at 10:30 I was feeling rather depressed, sure that the girls had both fallen asleep, my mission a complete failure. Things had quietened down completely in the next room now. I considered turning in and aborting my plan when I suddenly heard Leah's voice through the wall.

"Michelle!" I heard her say in a hushed tone.

No answer from Michelle.


I felt happiness swell up inside me like a balloon -- it sounded like my sister had finally drank enough wine and hit the hay. Or more than likely passed out. It sounded like Leah was -making sure- Michelle was asleep, not trying to wake her up. I sat in suspense, waiting.


More silence.

Then, I heard the handle of Michelle's door turn. Then open. Then quietly close. Soft footsteps and then Leah, standing at the entrance to my room, a blue WKD bottle swinging from her right hand, the expression on her face saying all that I needed to know.

Smirking, she said, "oh, hiii Tommy! I knew you'd wait up for me!"

So it was to be -- Leah and I were alone at last. There she stood, drunk but still very stable on her two bare feet, in my room! I noticed she looked different. Having no heels on, she was now her normal height again, and she had also removed her purple tights, showing off her milky legs and thighs. As she came closer to me, pushing the door closed behind her, she appeared very much aware of me taking in the pleasant sight before me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Tommy," she giggled, "I took my tights off. They were annoying me. I hope you don't mind..."

My voice caught in my throat. "Uhh..." I mumbled, "Leah, it's nice to see you here, but..."

She was now standing right next to me -- she put her hand over my mouth and cut me off mid sentence. "Shhhh, Michelle wont wake up," she said. "She's out cold."

I said nothing. I was frozen. I didn't know what the hell to do. Was I really considering trying to fuck a fourteen year old? Now she had taken her heels off, I measured her up and realised she was just below my shoulder height -- alright, people come in all shapes and sizes, but it all of a sudden reminded me of how young she was.

"Soooo..." Leah continued, throwing her hair back over her shoulder and leaning close to me. "Watcha looking at?"

"Oh, nothing much," I replied.

"I'll join you, I think. You look bored," she said, then surveyed the room. "Aww, nowhere for me to sit. I think I'll just have to use you, Tommy."

With that, she hiked up her skirt so as to make sure it was wasn't sat on, and plopped her bare bum down on my lap, the skirt falling back over it again. Now my jeans and boxers were the only layers between me and her smooth, young teenage skin. I felt my cock immediately come alive down below, and as it did, Leah conveniently adjusted herself by rubbing back into my crotch.

She peered back over her shoulder at me, smirking. "Sorry," she said. "Just getting comfortable," then turned back to the computer screen, setting her WKD down on the desk. All worries of her knowing about my "wank story," as I elegantly called it, had diminished. All I could concentrate on was her bare bottom against my trousers and the scent of shampoo in her hair. I was in heaven and didn't really know what was coming next.

And, of course readers, I was off guard, wasn't I? The sweet nymphet had fooled me. As I had been taking in the lovely sensations of her body against mine, she had subtly moved the mouse to the Internet History icon on-screen and clicked it. I heard her gasp and knew I was busted.

"Tommy!" she exclaimed. "So it is true!"

I moved forward quickly and grabbed her hands, but she had seen her Profile page in the History list and put two and two together. Michelle had spilled my secret.

My hands were still grasping hers, and I couldn't let go. Perhaps some part of me thought she was going to run away screaming "pervert!". But she didn't, of course. Instead, she lay her back on my shoulder and gazed up at me.

"Sooo, been looking at my pictures, have you?" she asked. Naturally, that was a rhetorical question. "I kneeeew it!"

"Leah..." I started. "Please don't think I'm... please don't tell..."

"I wont tell anybody," she whispered, her hazel eyes shining. "But only if you kiss me."

So I did. I linked my hands in hers then lent my head down and kissed her gently, the taste of alcopop on her breath. It was sweet. As I drew away, she reached around the back of my head and pulled me back down towards her, and then I really tasted her. She began exploring my mouth with her tongue, and mine returned the favour. She moaned sensually and she began to rub her ass in in a circular motion against me. I held her close to me with one arm, my hand wandering to one of her budding breasts and beginning to grope hard at her. My cock was pushing hard against my jeans, seemingly very interested in what was going on.

But it wasn't coming out any time soon. You want to know another thing about bad girls? Most of them like to be pleasured first. Whilst Leah was enjoying the attention I was giving her breasts, she made it clear that she was more interested in me stimulating her somewhere else. I felt my free hand being pulled by hers slowly down towards her smooth legs... underneath her skirt... then back again between her thighs, where she wanted me. I felt warmth, then the light fuzz of adolescent pubic hair, and then pure wetness. She moaned as I touched her.

Drawing back from our kiss, still gazing down into her hazel eyes, she giggled as she saw the astonishment on my face. "My God, you're wet!" I whispered.

"I know," came her reply. Nothing more. Instead of kissing me again, she lay her head back against me again, parting her legs more, her hands now gripping the sides of the computer chair as I began to finger her young pussy. Eager to give her an experience, I let go of her breast and pulled her skirt back up over her stomach so that I could get a full view of her. I decided I would save any penetration for my cock -- for now, I had other ideas.

Leaning forward, I parted her exposed pussy lips with two fingers and with the other hand began to search for her little clit. Whether or not all the naïve fourteen year old boys who had managed to get into her knickers knew about this particular spot, I didn't know. I doubted it. I soon located what I was looking for and began to flick my finger gently at her clit, and I had to tell her to keep quiet as her moans grew very audible.

"Oh, fuck, Tommy! That's good! Tommy! Oh, Tommy!"

I began to dirty talk back at her, keeping my finger in motion, "you like that, don't you, little Leah?" I whispered into her ear. "Bet the young boys never touched you here, did they?"

"Mmmm, no..." she managed to reply, any coherent speech now out the window. "Uhhhh, Tommy... oh Tom... I... I ..."

Yes, I knew exactly what she wanted to say. The constant stimulation of her clit was slowly but surely building up an orgasm in Leah's young body and there was nothing she could do about it. Her hands grasped at the sides of the chair tighter and she began bucking herself up against me, writhing about like crazy. I knew that, when the orgasm hit, she was probably going to scream the house down, so I pinned her down hard with a kiss.

Leah then threw her head back violently and I somehow managed to keep her lips locked with mine. Face flushed red, eyes squeezed tightly shut, toes curled inward, and moaning as best she could through our kiss, Leah trembled and shook against me as the strong orgasm wracked through her delicate body.

As Leah's orgasm subsided, her body weak, I held her close to me as she recovered from her experience. Eventually, her breathing returned to normal as did her strength. She looked up at me, her expression a combination of disbelief, admiration and love.

"Tommmmy," she coed. "That was amaaazing."

"I bet it was," I agreed.

"I've never.... had one before. No other guys have made me ... uh..."

"Cum?" I suggested.

"Yeah," she sighed. "Cum. I tried it myself a few times. Never got anywhere, though. The girls always talked about it. Got to the point where I didn't think it was real, you know?"

I chuckled. "Yes, well, guys often find it a mystery as well."

I suddenly came back to realisation that my body was now crying for attention, my cock poking hard into the crevice of Leah's soft ass. I began pushing up against her suggestively, hoping she hadn't forgotten that there still somebody left in the room who needed satisfying.

"Oh, gosh," she giggled. "Now what's that poking into my bum?" She slid off my lap and onto her knees in front of me, then began to grope gently at my cock through my jeans. "Aww," she said. "Poor thing. Guess we better let him out."

I closed my eyes, in heaven, with young Leah's hands all over me. For a moment, through my lust, I had a momentary rational thought -- what if Michelle woke up? But that thought lasted a mere second as the eager minx below me began to undo my jeans.

Fuck it, I really didn't care any more.

"Ready when you are, little Leah," I said.

(Time for Leah to show her talents, I reckon! Hope you enjoyed this part and a lot more to come in the next. As usual any thoughts or opinions to - thanks!)

Next: Chapter 4

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