Little Misunderstood

By Joseph Foster

Published on Apr 28, 2011


So we kissed if you recall, on my bed in my bedroom where no boy has ever been before.

To say it was great well that's not saying enough...

Little Misunderstood

Chapter 2

Actually Been Kissed

So here we are back to a day in my life, gym class, and here we go picking dodgeball teams, I never understood how this qualified as exercise...

"Alright, Coop." Ric called out with a wink, he always picked me, because he knows I'm brutal with a ball, for the 40 minutes left in the period we won by a landslide

After class I met up with Ric, "So whats up with you and cheerboy?"

"Nothing, we were just studying together, how do you even know we were hanging out."

"Probably because he can't keep his gay mouth shut for more than five minutes."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Dude everyone knows you two kissed."

Thinking back on my day there has been a lot of people looking at me with speculation, I've never exactly been outwardly heterosexual, or the latter, even though I was open and forced back in the closet at home.

"So what, I kissed him... it felt right, so I went with it, ever heard of don't knock it til you've tried it, well I tried it and I liked it and I'm not ashamed of it, I've known for a long time, but I never had the guts to admit it, but this little prick had no right..." I seethed

I went to find him, cheer practice, likely right next to football practice, on the football field... great... I was gonna beat the shit out of him...

Then I found him and I grabbed him from the back and spun him around, he looked at me in the eyes terrified he knew what was coming... he closed his eyes.

And I kissed him, full blown kiss on the lips with as much passion as I could summon, even lifting him off the field, then I placed him down with his dazed look in his eyes, and said probably the most hurtful thing I have said to date, "Whatever this could have been, it never will be, fuck you and your drama."

I heard crying I looked back long enough to see him bury his face in one of the girls shoulders while she hugged him and gave me a look that could kill a guy, so I just smiled and waved and flipped them off.

"He did it to himself." I yelled and left the field

Ric stopped me, "That looked harsh, couldn't you have just kicked his ass."

"I should have, the little shit outted me, he's a fucking cheerleader if anyone couldn't keep a secret it would have been that group." I started to walk away

"I thought you weren't ashamed..?" Ric inquired grabbing my arm lightly

"I'm not, and I will continue to be just fine... but he told me he wasn't gonna run and tell everyone, then he did, he's a fuckin liar." And that is how I unraveled I went from nothing but a bully, to talk of the school, I had alienated the cheer crowd, and confirmed my sexuality to the football team all in one day, in some stories, this is where Reilly would be hatching some extravagant revenge against me for hurting him, or one of the football jocks would have seen the kiss and starting pursuing me, or maybe there'd be a lynching mob chasing after my car with bricks because I'm a born sinner...

None of these things happened, I went about my normal life, with one exception, Nate... I had texted him to see if he wanted to fuck around...

"Hell yeah, I'll be over after dance team is out."

"You got condoms? cuz I don't..." I asked

"Nah, but w/e if it gets there we'll c." He said back

He rang the doorbell that evening around 7pm, it was date night so I knew my parents would be gone til midnight... "So wha---" I stopped him with a forceful kiss and massaged his tongue with mine, "I've wanted to do this for so long." He moaned

He moaned in my mouth and pulled away, "Me too." I said as He dropped to his knees and gulped down my cock whole... "GOD where did you learn to do that?!"

He pulled off, "Band camp." And took me back in his mouth, when I was hard enough for his liking he lubed it with the bottle he'd been hiding in his pocket

We fucked for another half an hour or so and we shot our loads simultaneously...

"That... Was AMAZING." Nate exclaimed as I pulled out of his ass

I felt a rush of guilt as I collapsed forward a bit upset, his chest was covered in cum... "Shower?" I asked him

"Yes please..." He said and I led him up to my bedroom

After a long hot shower we walked into my room and Nate was the first to speak, "So... you gonna tell me what's eating you, you're suddenly not so gung ho on my being here... I'm not looking for a boyfriend you know if that's what you're worried about; and I'm also not gonna run around telling everyone about us..."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what we do behind closed doors is our business, so if you wanna continue to see me, its just between us, no strings, but if you wanted to throw in a date every now and then it would be kinda nice."

I like Nate and the sex was as good as I could know never having been with anyone, but I felt so guilty, and I didn't know why... "Well seeing as I've never dated anyone, I'd really like to, no strings?"

"Of course man, I'm not looking to get married or anything... but having a guy to kiss, fuck, cuddle with, and go on dates as a sure thing sounds pretty good to me."

"I like that you understand where I'm coming from."

"I was there once... but I've never let anyone fuck my ass before... feel special." Nate said with a smile and wink as he kissed me goodbye before leaving."

As I watched him drive away I fell into my squishy mattress and just basked in what had gone down, my blackberry beeped and I saw a text from a number I didn't have saved...

"Sorry... --Reilly"

I said nothing back, but I was dreading the following day, I was not well liked as it was so I wasn't exactly sure how things would be once the whole school knew...

As I walked through the door at school all eyes were on me, some inquisitive, some mean, and some just plain shook their heads.

I was smashed into a locker, had a few things thrown at me, nothing too bad... I think they were afraid I would snap back, and I did, "YOU KNOW WHAT?! ALL YOU SCARED LITTLE BITCHES, IF YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY TO ME, THEN SAY IT TO MY FUCKIN' FACE, DON'T BE A PUSSY AND SAY SHIT WHILE YOU PASS!"

Then I was dragged to the dean by my Spanish teacher Mrs. Camacho

She sat me down in the dean's office and told me to wait.

"Well, well, it seems as you were a victim for once?" Ms. Martinez the dean said

"Shock of the century huh?" I said confidently

"I understand, probably better than you'd expect, my son is homosexual and has dealt with plenty of hate both in and out of school, that is why Diana brought you to me, however; regardless of how you are bullied I cannot accept outbursts like that, you are going to serve detention today, and you are lucky it is just that, the boy who shoved you, Jason will serve as well... if anyone lays a finger on you then you better speak up, because I will have to punish you if you get into fights..."

"I understand."

"This school is going to be enforcing a new anti-bullying policy so you better stay on the straight and narrow path or I will throw you out of this school so fast heads will roll the same goes for any bully I am 100% serious Quinn, you are a good kid, I've seen your report cards."

"I get it, I can't make any promises that I won't defend myself."

"I'm not asking you to, just don't start it, and if someone starts it, try your best to walk away, there is nothing I can do if a parent reports you to the school board."

"Okay, can I have a pass?"

I sulked through the rest of my day, I have two years left at this school, and in that time I'm supposed to be a good boy, never getting into trouble... yeah right...

At lunch I sat alone as usual...

"Hi..." I heard a boys voice, I looked up to see Nick Vaughn a boy I'd picked on a lot in the past


"You just look like you could use a friend."

"How can you even say that, I'm such a prick to you all the time..."

"I figured your recent outing gave me closure for why you've been a prick, it can't have been easy being in the closet, so you took it out on others... it makes sense now why you never called people fag or faggot like so many of the other Neanderthals do."

"You're obviously smart..."

"Not smarter than you... I've seen the class standing list, you're ahead of me... top ten percent."

"You really pay attention to all that stuff...?"

"Don't you...?"

"Never actually.."

"That's kind of a surprise..." He checked his phone

"My friends want to join us is that okay?"

"Sure why not I've never really done this before might as well go all out."

With that about six more people walked up to the table mostly guys but there were a couple girls too

"So tell me again why we are sitting with this douche bag?" a boy I knew in passing as Brandon said with his muscular arms crossed over his large chest, I also knew him to be on the hockey team

"Because he needs friends, and we are good people."

"Well I'm not gonna like him, but I'll sit here since my real friends are... you ever hear of those jackass... real friends?" He said staring me stoically in the eyes his eyes were jade green and beautiful... "What you ain't gonna say anything..."

I paused for a second and smirked... "Ain't and gonna are improper English." I said looking him directly in the eyes.

The rest of them stared at both of us... "Its like a standoff..." I heard one of the guys whisper

Brandon cracked a smile... "So tell me.. why are you such an asshole?"

"Because I've always been the one to be tortured and I wanted to turn the tables it just kinda became a habit."

"At least he's honest..." Nick said, "Anyway... So that lovely guy there is Brandon Richards, and starting on my right, we have Lana Turner, Derek Cooper, Calvin Jones, Erika Barerra, and Stephen Smith, guys I think its time you all met the REAL Quinn Cooper..."

"Hey, Lana Turner... really?

"Uh yeah, my mom's obsessed with old classic movies..."

"Okay then, cool, but, I have some studying to do, talk amongst yourselves." I took out my calculus book and started studying for my test the next period

"You're taking 12th grade calculus... why??" Calvin asked

"Because other math classes are too easy and I like a challenge..." I said without looking up

"You must be really into it if you can't take a moment to look at us when you speak fucktard." Brandon said

I looked into his beautiful eyes wanting to kiss him, mainly cause he doesn't take my shit "So what did I do to you? Call you a loser? Tell you to go fuck your mother..."

"You shoved my little brother into a locker for looking at you... just for looking at you, you fucked with my family." He spat at me... I scanned my brain for who his brother is... oh wtf

"Well I only did that because your brother told me I should just drop out and get my GED since I was too old for my grade and probably too stupid... that little punk had it coming, and I'd do it again!" I said back

"You so much as touch him and I'll..."

"You won't do shit, and neither will I... unless that little squirt mouths off again, maybe I'll do more than just shove him into a locker... swirlies are making a comeback I hear.."

I may be retiring from the bully game but I could still talk the talk.

"Can you two stop measuring your dicks for like a second..." Lana complained

"No worries... I'm bigger, I can tell just by looking at him..." Brandon said

"So fuckin' suck it and find out!" I said venomously at his comment

He was speechless... "Finally some peace and quiet..." I said and the bell rang right as I was about to start studying , "GREAT!" I hadn't gotten to the part I wanted to go over... I glared at Brandon as I packed my bag and stormed off to class

"What the fuck was that all about Brandon?!" Erika asked


I had never even really met the guy, but my brother had told me about what he did to him, and I wasn't having it, then Nick asked me to sit with them... I refused

"Why would I want to sit with that asshole...?"

"Because he needs friends, is that so bad to just do something nice?" he batted his pretty blue eyes at me

I had always had a soft spot for Nick, not in a sexual way, but he still had me wrapped around his little finger, he was a very sensual person, flicking his soft brown hair out of his eyes...

"Alright, but I'm doing this for you." I said ruffling his hair I had no idea where this kid got such a big heart, his parents work all the time and never have time for him yet he managed to become so sweet and loving, even to someone who had been so mean to him over the years

When we got the text to come on over, we did, and what I saw was nothing short of surprising, he didn't look evil at all, he was broad shouldered, with full lips, baby blue eyes, his developed chest was not overly muscular but could be seen thru his green v-neck, his spiky chestnut hair was slightly curling even through his hair gel, I was appalled at how attracted I was to him, especially knowing what he did to my brother...

After he told me what really happened I suddenly had a different outlook, but I couldn't let him know that, after the bell rang, he gave me the coldest glare, I guess I deserved that, I always just assumed that a bully would be that way for no reason.

When I got to my car that afternoon, I saw the bully getting into a green ford escape, "hybrid... figures..." I pulled out, I did note that he lived right near me, two streets over to be exact, same cookie cutter complex of boring boxy houses, he parked in his garage as I drove past and parked my blue Honda civic in the gravel driveway, we were still waiting for them to pour our cement, my dad was a contractor but refused to just break down and do it.

My little brother had gotten driven home by a friend and I had to talk to him.

"Dude, we need to talk."

"Sup bro?"

"Its about you and Quinn Cooper..."

"What about that faggot."

"What did you just say?" I asked startled, I'd never heard my brother use that kind of language before

"Faggot, queer, pillow biter, you know gay as in a fucking guy who likes to lick balls and suck cock."

I could feel the bile threatening in the back of my throat

"You know there are people stronger than you in this world, gay people who could hear you using words like that and kick your ass."

"Be that as it may, its still fucking gross, I don't know no fags and I don't wanna know no fags."

"You know m--- Matt from the team, he's bi, and Lexi she's a lesbian, and Nate your girls best friend is a raging manwhore and gay so let's be honest, you do know gay people so lighten up, they're just people... You're a freshman you should really be careful who you fuck with I'm sure your girlfriend would be pissed to find out how you really feel about gay people."

"Who's gonna tell her?"

"You'll slip up, all on your own."

"Maybe so..."

"I'm just warning you Stevie, if you step on his toes, I won't be there to protect you, because I'm sure you'll deserve it, just like you did last time."

"He attacked me!"

"After you insulted him, I'm friends with Nick and they are friends, so I know the whole story now, so learn to tell the truth and own up to your actions... And cool it with the fag talk you know, or people are gonna start to suspect you." I said with an eye brow arched.

"Maybe I should be suspecting you..." he said and I got in his face

Instead of hitting him I smiled and winked, "its not really a maybe..." and kissed his cheek before skipping away. I laughed to myself, not exactly how I envisioned coming out, but it was effective nonetheless

I laid in bed thinking about the days events I was a pretty huge ass to Quinn, I kinda like him too even though I said all those things to him, he's cute, in a natural beauty way, he doesn't try very hard with his looks, he's obviously well developed from being a bit of a gym rat, he was never in sports, but the body has to come from somewhere right?


I was sweating profusely as I beat the shit out of my punching bag throwing punches left and right, roundhouse kicking and kicks up to my shoulder and then did a backflip and a quick scissor kick

"Wow!" I heard my mother

"What? You're the one who insisted on gymnastics while dad insisted on kung fu, who's laughing now...?" I smiled

"I guess so... show me that one more time..." I repeated the moves and she clapped, my mom has always been so quirky and at that moment I was the one laughing, "I gotta say sweetie, I am impressed."

"Thanks 12 years and I'm finally a master." I giggled and struck a muscle man pose

"Dinner's ready, come upstairs and wash up, and you reek, I'll keep it warm you just go shower."

When I came down, they were just setting the table

"That was fast, mom says you're looking good with the martial arts

"I'm hungry, I've been working out since school let out."

"It's 7:30" my dad said incredulous

"Four hours a day, and six on Saturdays after kung fu and taekwondo lessons"

"You're a machine boy." Dad said with a pat on my back

"Speaking of boys how was it today was it awful?" Mom asked that's the trouble with a mom who's involved with the community, she knows more than I care for her to know

"It was okay, it wasn't exactly how I imagined coming out would be."

"Did the jocks get at you?"

"Dad get at means hit on nowadays check your urban dictionary, but yeah, I had a mini meltdown, and was dragged to the deans' office, but didn't get in trouble, just a nice fire and brimstone warning from the lovely lady dean of darkness, no big deal."

"As long as you stay out of trouble, I still don't know how you managed to dodge that bullet, with all the calls we've received over the years."

"Thanks for understanding and believing me when I tell you that I was always just fighting back..."

Well at first that is but what they don't know won't hurt them

"You went over on texting again this month..." Dad said to me

"By how much?"

"You owe me 40 bucks..."

"How many times do I have to tell you, just go unlimited ugh!" I said and pointed to my tip jar on the counter, "Just take 40."

"What is it with you kids and not being able to talk on the phone."

"Cause you can't multitask all that well and maintain a seamless conversation, plus texting is quiet, and I'm sure you'd rather me quietly type lol, than hear me on the phone laughing tol be heard for miles." I shot back

"You may have a point... go do your homework."

"You got it." I cleared the table for my dad and went to do homework, my phone flashed

"You gonna hate me forever?" it was Reilly's number I still hadn't saved it

"For the time being, plz back off."

"Ok." He responded and I got to work, finishing about 11:30 and went straight to bed

The week went by pretty much the same I served my detention, and was amused to see Jason get another week's worth for skipping, he glared at me as I smiled at him. Our supervisor had an ipod on, our tax dollars at work

"What are you looking at fag?" he asked me roughly

"I'm checking out your package." I said glancing up from my book

He looked taken aback, "I'm lookin' and I'm likin'... so tell me, would you wanna be on your back with your legs open or sitting down with me on my knees?" I said licking my lips

"What the fuck man?!"

"Well you brought it up, and you look like you have a yummy cock, I'm just wondering how you want me to suck your fatty..."

"You're sick."

"Maybe so, but no sicker than you, who talks such a big talk, and then goes home and whacks off to gay internet porn, secretly wishing you could act out those videos, but so afraid to do so that you pick on poor innocent gay people, hoping one of them might admit it so you can get a blowjob, but too afraid to follow through, so one day you'll get married, maybe have a kid or two, or even go for political office in the republican conservative party where you will no doubt be caught with your dick in an underage hustler, and get arrested for finally acting on your deepest darkest desire... so how about you just get over yourself and admit you like guys."

"Even if I did, it wouldn't make a difference I can get anyone I want, but you you're different... you're such an evil bitch, who's gonna want you anyway, boy or girl, irregardless you are gonna wind up alone."

"Irregardless isn't a word Billy Bob Backwoods, so quit trying to sound smart, you make a box of rocks look like Einstein."

"See you had to go there, at least my dick in your mouth would shut you up for two seconds..."

"Only two... I knew you'd be quick but wow... that's just pathetic."

"You don't seem intimidated by me." Jason said

"I'm not... why should I be..."

"Because I'm twice your size."

I looked him directly in the eyes, "If you really wanna test that theory you can try to take me down, I guarantee you'll be embarrassed.."

All he did was wink, "We'll see."

I puckered up and made kissing sounds, "enjoy the rest of the afternoon stuck in detention I'm done now." I pulled Mr. Seth's ear phone out, I'm done for the day and showed him the slip, he waved me off, and I blew Jason a kiss, "Jason... always a pleasure." And I walked out and as I glanced back, two sets of eyes were watching me, and looking up from my ass, caught... Hmmm... Do I go down that road???

To Be Continued...

You tell me, should our now sexually liberated protagonist seek the attention of the young hot teacher, or should he just go about his business as a high school student

Next: Chapter 3

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