Little Swallow Beginnings

By Harry Broom

Published on Jul 5, 2024


Little Swallow Beginnings 2

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I am Alejandro Wellmann. I'm a sixteen-year-old Guatemalan living in the capital. My ancestors came to Guatemala in the nineteenth century and got involved in coffee farming. I'm 6' 2", blond, and quite athletic. I am the only blond boy in the Catholic school I attend in the city. I am finishing my last year of high school and hope to study electrical engineering in Germany. I sing in our school choir, and we recently returned from stellar performances in New York and Boston.

I am gay, and considering how good-looking I was, you would have thought that there were lots of guys pursuing me. But I was very lonely and longed to be in any relationship.

My sexual awakening happened at the end of my primary school year. I had been chosen to attend a church camp for altar servers on the outskirts of the city. On this camp, we were trained to be servers at holy mass. The parish priest and a youth paster from another parish organised the programme. There were some icebreaker games to start with and a talk by Fr Pedro. On the Friday night we had a campfire and then had to go to sleep.

There was a lot of excitement, and all got to sleep in a large room. My sleeping bag was next to Manuel's sleeping bag and once the lights went out and conversations died down, Manuel climbed into my sleeping bag with me. I shivered with excitement and immediately got an erection. He whispered and told me to me to be quiet and that he was going to show me how to masturbate. I felt his erection and he told me to hold it. He reached out and held mine, and he slowly moved his hand up and down my shaft. It felt out of this world, and in that moment, I realised that I always liked boys. I began to move my hand up and down his shaft at the same time and he quietly made some satisfying sounds. I suddenly felt a warm sensation develop in my groins and my body seemed to shudder. I had the most amazing sensation and Manuel told me that this was an orgasm. The next thing Manuel gasped and felt blobs of cum run onto my hand. Manuel climbed out of my sleeping bag and returned to his.

I was stunned. I lay there in silence. Later in life, I realised when I ejaculated, I was in a state of extreme bliss. Zero thoughts at that moment and I felt my whole body tighten and under the influence of all the happy hormones gushing through my blood I was in an ecstatic state of joy, serenity and bliss.

When the orgasm fades away it's not that I am immediately back into the real world. The feeling stays with me for quite some time. I am now completely tired, not in a bad way, but I just want to close my eyes and enjoy a relaxed state of mind. It feels that all my troubles and all my tension and stress came out with my cum.

Honestly, it reduces my stress and helps me sleep better. If I've had a long day or have a lot on my mind, doing it before bed really helps me unwind and kind of relax before trying to get some sleep.

It just feels good, it's hard to describe. I tried to talk about it when I was younger once and all my friends were like, 'Ew, we don't do that.' So I stopped talking about it and even today I think it's hard for me to articulate.

The next morning, we went to the showers before breakfast to clean up. My eyes were on stalks as I observed so many naked bodies at the same time. After showering we gathered in the chapel where the priests continued to teach us. After lunch, we were taken back to the city on the bus.

Manuel lightly slapped me on my arse when I was getting off the bus, and that was the last time I saw him. I am forever grateful for the nighttime lesson Manuel gave me.

As a high schooler, I was desperate to find another sexual partner. I embarrassed myself on the choir tour and hid behind the curtain in my choir master's room while he was having sex with a friend. They never reported me, but I still regret this incident. On the same tour I tried to get Rafa García to touch my penis when I was close to me, and I can only explain my crazy behaviour to a deep desire to be with someone.

Check out the choir tour story here:

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