Lockdown Master

By Hugh Everett

Published on Aug 6, 2023


Lockdown Master Part 15

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Dan allowed Adam to rest on the floor for a few minutes before very gently nudging his balls with his boot. "Time to clean up, boy. Bring me a cloth to clean my dick when you're done". Adam struggled to his feet and wobbled towards the bathroom. Despite trying to clamp as hard as he could, he felt some of Dan's spunk running down the back of his legs and could not resist stopping in the bedroom en route to the bathroom to collect a small butt plug. Something made him want to keep Dan's seed inside himself for as long as possible, so he sealed it in with the plug before returning with a warm flannel to clean Dan's now softened cock. He lovingly wiped and dried it and was moving down to his master's boot to remove his own cooling cum from it with the used cloth, when Dan moved his foot away. "Not with the cloth", he whispered. Adam understood immediately, but hesitated as he considered how unpleasant the mix of cold jizz and boot polish would taste. Then he remembered the load of his master's still hot spunk trapped inside him with the butt plug and was once again determined to please him in whatever way he ordered. He knelt lower and licked the boot clean. The taste was not quite as bad as he imagined, but not one he would have chosen. The contented "good boy" from the deep voice above him did, however, make it all worthwhile.

Knowing that it was now less than 3 weeks until the end of lockdown and therefore until Kerry moved in and Dan resumed his straight life, Adam tried to savour every moment of living with and serving his Master full time. The ex-soldier did have some work to do each day, keeping in touch via Zoom or email with those of his security team who were still on assignment. Adam spent this time naked under Dan's desk, massaging his feet, or -- if Dan was particularly bored on a long Zoom -- gently suckling on his cock until he could log off and fuck his boy's face properly.

Given that Adam had previously run his own marketing company, he even surprised himself by how content it made him feel just to be naked at his Master's feet for hours on end. Most of the time he was entranced in a worshipping zone, comforted by the deep timbre of the confident voice above him, but sometimes he found himself tuning into Dan's meetings. After one particularly tense call, Dan wasted no time in taking his frustration out on Adam's throat and his slave thanked him for his load in the appropriate way by kissing the bare feet he had just been massaging for 40 minutes. "Sir," Adam ventured politely, "may I say something about that guy you were just speaking to in Florida?"

Dan looked down, puzzled. "Fire away", he replied. Adam explained that he didn't trust Richy, who was head of the small security team Dan supplied for a Florida billionaire on his Palm Beach estate. Richy had spent most of the call bitching about Dan's latest, British hire, who was now stranded in the US and apparently not pulling his weight. "It's funny, listening to the voice without seeing the face, gives you a different perspective and there was something about him that did not ring true," Adam concluded.

Dan nodded down at Adam, who was still on his knees, slightly flushed from the face-fucking. "Matt, who he is complaining about, is the younger brother of one of my best army mates and I definitely did not have him down as a slacker. I thought maybe lockdown thousands of miles from home had given him some mental health issues or something. I'm going to have a discreet word with the client. Thanks boy!"

The true situation became clear when Dan spoke to his usually pretty taciturn client a few hours later. He raved about Matt who had not only picked up on some gaps in the perimeter fence on his first day on the job, but had kept the billionaire's very bored teenage son from going stir crazy by coaching him in soccer on his days off. Dan understood that Richy's complaints were based on envy of the attention Matt was getting from the client's family and was able to smooth over the situation with a few quiet words to both employees.

After that, Adam spent less time under the desk and more time next to Dan, out of camera shot, but making notes and generally being helpful, but both roles pleased him inordinately. After all, there was plenty of time for him to be on his knees outside office hours...

Dan and Adam fell into a routine incorporating their Dom/sub roles with remarkable ease and they found a balance between normal' day-to-day living together and experimenting with kink scenarios that turned them both on enormously. Adam had thought that his man in riding boots and jodhpurs was about the hottest thing he had ever experienced until Dan came into the kitchen one evening in what he later described as his red carpet bodyguard outfit' -- black Armani suit, crisp white shirt, black silk tie and an earpiece with a curly flex coming out of it. Adam, in his by now usual cooking attire of jockstrap and apron, almost came in his pouch at the site and remained achingly hard and drooling throughout the `interrogation,' his wrists fastened to the back of a barstool by the black silk tie.

While Adam was living for the moment, trying to enjoy the experience with no expectation of ever having a permanent relationship with Dan, Dan was beginning to think more introspectively than he had ever had before. He was a man of action, a doer, but the situation he found himself in forced him to reassess everything about his life. His initial, violent reaction against the thought of being `turned' gay by Adam had almost completely disappeared. It felt so right having sex with Adam and it felt even more right that he was in the completely dominant role. Adam made him hard, but also made the rest of his life - outside sex -- more comfortable and relaxed than it had ever been. It couldn't be forever though, could it? What about Kelly? What about his daughter? What would his mates say?

He was pondering this one afternoon while Adam was working in the kitchen, when his mobile rang with "Stubs" as the caller ID - his old friend, Stu or Stubble or Stubs depending on the banter level. "All right Stubs, you old wanker?" was his cheery, if impolite greeting." Dan's smile faded as he heard his friend's reply, "not so good Danno. I know it's not allowed to be in each other's houses at the moment, but I need to talk. Can I come over a bit later?" Dan didn't hesitate. He and Stu had been through too much together in the army. "Course mate, come to the back gate of the building so the guys on reception don't see you. Bell me when you're there and I'll come and let you in."

Dan hung up and turned to Adam. Sorry babe, it's Stu -- the mate from the army I told you about. He sounds in trouble, so he's coming over. I don't think it's the time to introduce him to my naked slave boy. You'd better go back to your place for a while. Adam nodded silently, disappointed to be leaving Dan even for a few hours, but secretly delighted at Dan's rare use of `babe'. He put down his chopping knife and headed to the bedroom to put on more clothes.

Just as he came back into the living room, more modestly dressed in shorts and T-shirt, to say goodbye to Dan, a short, stocky figure made a surprisingly athletic leap over the glass balustrade of the balcony and strode into the flat through the open sliding door. Dan's "what the fuck?" was interrupted by a bear hug from the famous Stu. "Just keeping in practice for the ol' covert ops," he explained over Dan's shoulder.

Stu pulled back and turned to Adam, who saw Dan flinch a little at being cornered into an introduction he hadn't expected to make. "Stu, this is my neighbour Adam -- he just came round to borrow a drill." Dan turned to Adam and added, "it's in the hall cupboard, mate. Help yourself on the way out." Adam took the hint and with an uncharacteristic "cheers, mate," turned to leave. Stu put his hand on Adam's shoulder. "Nah, stay for a drink -- I need help with woman trouble and you'll probably be more use than this divorced fucker," he said, nodding his head in Dan's direction. Adam looked at Dan to see what he should do and with a slightly exasperated shrug of the shoulders, Dan agreed he should stay.

It was about an hour and several cans of strong lager down the road when the army joshing and anecdotes petered out and the real reason for Stu's visit emerged. Since leaving the army, he had suffered from PTSD, which had led to depression, gambling and the end of his first marriage. He pulled himself together, got a job as a nightclub bouncer and a new girlfriend, Amy. All was going well until she suggested moving in together. Stu had freaked out. He loved her, but worried he was still too `fucked up in the head' for a live-in relationship.

Bolstered by the strong lager, Adam ventured some very wise advice about how Amy might be feeling and mis-understanding Stu's reluctance and that complete honesty with her about his own self-doubt would work wonders. Stu listened intently and said very seriously, "Adam, my new friend, you are a clever bloke and I am going to try that". His army façade soon kicked back in though, "got any whisky to celebrate, Danno?" he enquired cheekily of his old buddy.

One round of Scotch led to another and out of the blue, Stu suddenly changed tack again and said, "so tell me what's going on with you 2 and your (dramatic pause) drilling?" Dan spluttered out a mouthful of whisky and Adam froze, like a rabbit in the headlights. `We're together, sort of," said Dan calmly, much to Adam's astonishment. Equally calmly, Stu asked, "together in what way?" Adam edged forward on his seat, eager to know how Dan would describe their relationship. "Well, we're fucking and he's...," Dan paused at looked over at Adam, who made the tiniest of nods. "He's my slave".

Whenever Adam thought about it for years later, he was never sure if he or Dan was the more astonished at Stu's reply: "Fucking hot, can we piss on him?"

Dan was briefly lost for words. He didn't know whether he was more shocked by Stu's lack of concern that his friend was in a gay relationship, or his filthy suggestion. Once again, he looked over at Adam for his approval and this time the nod was more emphatic. Dan turned back to Stu and said, "rude not to share, right?" then to Adam, "naked on your knees in the shower NOW, boy!"

Adam, who had wanted to try water sports for years, but had never summoned up the courage to ask, was in position in less than a minute. He didn't have to wait long for the army buddies to march in, arms over each others' shoulders, fish their cocks out and let loose simultaneous, beery streams over his kneeling body and face.

As Stu finished and started to tuck his short, but impressively thick cock back into his pants, he shook his head in disbelief and muttered, "fucking hot" again. Turning to Dan he said, "time to go, I think my old mucker -- see me out to the back gate. I've had too many whiskies to get over that fucking balcony and I've got to do the big chat with Amy in the morning."

Both friends left Adam to have a long, hot shower and he was just drying off as Dan came back in. He silently took the towel from Adam and led him by the hand to his bed. "Mmm, nice and clean now", he muttered as he started to kiss slowly down his boy's back, eventually coming down to his taut butt cheeks, parting them and embarking on his first ever rim job with gusto.

Thank you for all the great feedback so far. Please keep it coming. Hughev@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 16

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