Lockdown Master

By Hugh Everett

Published on Sep 10, 2021


Lockdown Master Part 2

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As they entered the apartment, Adam tore his eyes away from Dan's tanned, muscled shoulders to take in the open plan kitchen / living area. Typical straight bachelor pad, he thought to himself -- white walls, tan leather sofa, huge TV and some terrible art that looked like it had been bought as a holiday souvenir.

He felt a strong hand on his back as Dan gently propelled him to a corner of the room set up as a workout space with weights and a yoga mat. "Might as well carry on with the press ups" announced Dan, nodding at the yoga mat. It wasn't quite the "get down and gimme 20" that Adam had imagined in his wank fantasy, but Dan's proximity and his deep, confident voice made his dick twitch in his shorts. He got down on the mat and started the press ups. After 5, he felt a gentle pressure on his back and looked up to see that Dan was resting his foot on him. Dan chuckled and said, "we don't want to make it too easy for you, do we?"

After another 30, Adam was a flagging again and he felt Dan's foot lift off his back and heard 2 gentle thuds as his neighbour's trainers were kicked off onto the wood floor. He came round and stood under Adam's head. "I thought we'd give you more of an incentive. If you don't keep up the press ups properly you will find your face in my sweaty gym socks." Adam was grateful that he was still face down on the mat, as the sight and smell of Dan's clean, but damp white socks made him instantly hard. After 20 more reps, his arms were genuinely shaking as his face did brush against the cotton and it took all his will power not to kiss Dan's foot that was so temptingly close to his lips. Dan chuckled again and told Adam that was enough for today.

Adam looked up at the 6'2" hunk towering over him with a mixture of relief for his aching arms and disappointment that his face was no longer going to be within inches of Dan's feet. As if reading his mind, Dan said, "Although, if you like my feet that much, they could do with a rub -- I had a run before I met you in the garden." Adam searched Dan's expression. Had he been too obvious in ogling this straight guy's feet? Was this some kind of test? Trying not to sound too eager, he said, "well you've helped with my training, I owe you one." Dan grinned as he sauntered over to the large, L-shaped sofa and made himself comfortable, spreading his tanned, muscular legs out in front of him. Adam followed and knelt on the soft rug by Dan's right foot, gently lifted into his lap and started working his sole with his thumbs through the damp cotton. He was immediately rewarded with appreciative groans from Dan. He glanced up at Dan's face and saw that he had his eyes closed, enjoying the treatment. After about 10 minutes, he couldn't resist suggesting to Dan that he take his sock off to give the most effective massage. Dan lazily opened his eyes and nodded. Adam gently peeled off the sock to reveal a beautiful, tanned, hairless foot with a couple of raised veins across the bridge and long toes with neatly clipped nails. He worked the sole with the knuckles of one hand whilst applying slight pressure to the bridge, eliciting more groans of pleasure from Dan. He finished the right foot by gently pulling each toe in turn, having to desperately fight the urge to suck them and lick the sweat from in between. "Left one now?" he asked Dan quietly. Dan opened his eyes again and made to pull his foot from Adam's hand, but suddenly changed direction and lowered it to press against Adam's very hard cock. Adam glanced down in disbelief and only at that moment realised he had been leaking so much precum that a wet patch had formed on the front of his shorts. Beet red, he looked up and felt Dan's eyes bore into him. He was convinced he was going to be kicked out and denounced as a filthy fag, but Dan just smiled enigmatically, lifted his bare right foot from Adam's lap and replaced it with the still socked left one. Adam's heart was pounding and his cock no less hard, so in the absence of any order to the contrary, he started the same massage routine on the proffered left foot.

He finished in the same way, pulling each toe and then gently resting Dan's foot in his lap. He looked up questioningly at Dan, having no idea where this whole scene was heading. "Thank you, you did a great job," said Dan slowly. "I liked doing it," replied Adam very quietly, head down. "I can tell," said Dan, grinning and rubbing his foot once again on Adam's hard on. He lifted his foot away and patted the sofa beside him as a signal for Adam to get up and sit next to him.

"I suppose you want to know what is going to happen next?" he asked, glancing around at Adam, then turning to look straight ahead. "Yes please," said Adam meekly.

Still looking ahead, not at Adam, Dan continued, "Well....as you guys would say, I identify as straight." The word identify' was said in an ironic tone as if it were far too much pyscho-babble for a macho, straight bloke like him. "But, this thing happened in the army. My best mate and me did this taster course for transferring to the SAS. One part of the course was PoW treatment and interrogation techniques. Your team mates draw lots -- 2 guys get to be the captors and 2 the prisoners. Luckily my mate Stu and me both drew the captor cards and we had 3 hours to get info out of the prisoners.' Only rules were you had to stick to the Geneva Convention -- no torture, no sexual abuse, no food, water or sleep deprivation. So Stu goes for the humiliation technique -- had the prisoners kissing his boots, even pissed on one of them. I played the good cop and we won the exercise by getting all the prisoners to spill all the beans. Stu got taken aside after and told that `whilst effective, his techniques were not in tune with the SAS ethos.' Thing was, the power over another guy really turned me on. I was so fucking horny after the course, the bird I was seeing got the fuck of her life as soon as I got back home. I still think of it sometimes and Kerry likes a bit of mild domination -- those fluffy pink hand cuffs you see in sex shops -- stuff like that." Dan paused, still staring straight ahead. Adam remained silent, looking at the chiselled profile of the ex-soldier beside him and waited for him to continue.

Eventually he did. "Then I met you in the car park. You were trying not to, but the lust was written all over your face and..." Another long pause. "I got this feeling you would love me to have total control over you." He finally looked back round at Adam. "Am I right?" Adam couldn't form any words, but nodded his assent.

"So, what is going to happen now is you are going to go back to yours, where I am sure you are dying to wank over our little scene here. However, you are not allowed to wank until you go to bed tonight and then tomorrow morning you are going to write me a long and detailed email of exactly what you were fantasizing about." He grabbed Adams arm with one hand, reached for a pen with the other and wrote his email address on his wrist.

"Now, fuck off home" was Dan's not so polite goodbye.

Feedback always welcome Hughev@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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