Lockdown Master

By Hugh Everett

Published on Oct 7, 2021


Lockdown Master Part 7

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Adam sat down in the chair, feeling the textured fabric of the seat pad against his bare arse and the cool wood under his forearms. Dan worked swiftly and skilfully to secure Adam's wrists to the arm rests with one length of rope and then crouched down to fasten each ankle to a front leg with a second rope. He stood back to admire his handywork and looked Adam up and down. The bulge in the borrowed jockstrap had diminished a little. Adam was still massively turned on, but the nervousness at being entirely at Dan's mercy was kicking in.

Dan stepped forward, grabbed Adam by the hair and jerked his neck back so that he was looking directly into his neighbour's eyes. "So, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Easy way will be quicker, but I'll probably enjoy the hard way better. I doubt you will enjoy it so much."

Adam had seen enough war movies to know the drill about name, rank and serial number, so looking Dan straight in the eye, he replied, "Adam Kingston, Private, 13071976...Sir." The 'Sir' was dripping with irony to show he had scant respect for his captor. A flicker of a smile crossed Dan's handsome face before he got back into character. "Hard way it is then," he said, fishing a riding crop out of his capacious army duffle bag.

The first stroke, on Adam's left pec, stung but was easily bearable. The second, harder and directly on his right nipple had him gripping the arms of the chair to keep his composure. "Ready to talk now?" enquired Dan in an amused tone. Adam shook his head. Dan moved the crop very slowly down Adam's hairy chest, keeping the little black square of leather at its end constantly in contact with Adam's tingling flesh. He paused when the leather reached the waistband of the jockstrap, then stroked it very gently over the pouch, which began to expand rapidly with Adam's hard on. Dan traced the outline of Adam's hard shaft and continued down to his full balls. He tapped several times on the cotton covered balls, causing Adam a little discomfort, but not pain. In one swift movement, he took the crop off Adam's balls and brought it down with full force on his thigh. Adam yelped, as much from surprise as pain. Dan rested the end of the crop back on his balls. "You want it as hard as that on your balls?" "No, Sir, please Sir," begged Adam. This time the `Sir' was genuinely respectful -- Adam was scared.

"First question then. Where do you keep your sex toys?" "Under the bed in the grey box," was Adam's immediate reply. Dan lifted the crop and held it horizontally in front on Adam's face. "Hold this while I go and investigate," he ordered. Adam looked puzzled. His hands were still firmly tied to the chair. Then he understood and opened his mouth for Dan to insert the bar of the crop into his mouth. "Do...not...drop..it," were Dan's last words as he headed to the bedroom. Adam looked down and saw the angry red square that the crop, now held firmly between his teeth, had left on his thigh. He tried to rationalise the situation. How could this kind of pain and humiliation be such a turn on? But, it was a turn on. The growing wet patch of precum on the pouch of the jock was irrefutable evidence. He was still staring down at his crotch when the precum was joined by dribble from his wide open mouth. He looked up, but the saliva continued to escape from the corners of his mouth and drip into his lap. He looked hopefully towards the bedroom, but there was no sign of his captor.

Eventually Dan came back with an armful of stuff and tipped it on to the dining table in front of Adam. His haul from under the bed included a leather paddle, a harness, a butt plug, 2 dildos, tit clamps, poppers and some old silk ties. Seeing all these items made Adam blush. He and Luke had played around a bit at the beginning of their relationship, usually with Adam being the Dom, but it soon died out and Adam had almost forgotten what was in the `naughty box' under the bed.

"Quite the little perv, aren't you, boy?" observed Dan, smirking. Adam's mouth was now really aching with the effort of holding the crop and strings of spit had trailed down his chin and neck onto his hairy chest. He dare not even nod his assent for fear of sending a spray of saliva flying in Dan's direction. Dan took pity on him and removed the crop, wiping the spit onto Adam's body fur. He put it carefully on the table with the other toys.

"So, on with the interrogation," continued Dan. "You mentioned in your email before that you wanted to serve me `not necessarily in a sexual way.' What did you mean by that?"

Adam paused. It felt much harder to confess his deepest desires out loud in person, than to type them on a screen. Taking advantage of the pause, Dan reached for the tit clamps and attached them carefully to each of Adam's nipples. "Maybe these will jog your memory."

Adam winced and tried to take on board the pain in his nipples, before taking a deep breath and starting on his confession, "I had this fantasy about being your house boy. Cleaning up, doing your washing and ironing. Getting you food and drink when you wanted." He looked up to gauge Dan's reaction. His face was impassive, but he was listening intently. Adam plucked up his courage and carried on, "I'd like to just wear what I am wearing now while I'm working. It would be an honour for me to serve a handsome, superior stud like you, Sir."

There was a long silence as they both took in the implications of what Adam had said. Finally, Dan spoke, "and I'm assuming `not necessarily in a sexual way' means you would like to serve me sexually too?" "Yes Sir" replied Adam without hesitation. "Just looking at you in your army gear is such a thrill for me. As you can see, it makes me hard and wet and it makes me want to do anything to please you -- suck you, lick you, rim you. Have you fuck me...if you ever wanted that." He added the last phrase hastily, in case the fucking idea sounded too gay for Dan.

Dan didn't respond, but started to untie Adam's wrists and ankles from the chair. Adam was physically relieved to be able to move his stiff joints and wipe the spit from his face and neck, but mentally panicking in case he had gone too far and scared his sexy neighbour off for good. Having freed his captive, Dan took off the tit clamps one by one, causing a painful rush of blood to Adam's sore nipples. "Assume the position over the back of the sofa," he ordered. Adam obeyed and soon had his face in the seat cushion of the sofa and his exposed backside raised. He heard Dan pick something off the table and say to him, "this is for the name, rank and serial number stunt earlier." Then, without further warning, he felt a hard slap of the leather paddle across both cheeks. "Count," ordered Dan brusquely. "One Sir, thank you Sir," was Adam's obedient response. After his 10th thank you, Adam heard the paddle drop onto the carpet and saw Dan slip his army combat trousers down to his knees and throw himself onto the neighbouring armchair, legs akimbo and his hard dick jutting out from his trimmed pubes.

A finger snap from Dan and a nod to his crotch was the only order Adam needed to clamber off the sofa as fast as his enflamed ass would let him and kneel humbly in front of the dominant ex-soldier. Without having to be told, he bent down and kissed each of Dan's highly polished boots for the second time that day and said, "thank you for my punishment, Sir," before raising himself up to feast on Dan's pre-cum covered knob.

Thank you for all the great feedback so far. Please keep it coming. Hughev@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 8

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