Locker Room Flirt

By ten.tsacmoc@2ru1mi

Published on Mar 1, 2007


This story contains references to homosexual male activities. If it offends, or it is illegal to view this information, please leave now.

Locker Room Flirt Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved.

The locker rooms of this university athletic facility are shared by all campus sports. The university is small, but has strong athletic departments known for winning in football, track and soccer. The long history of the school has given it well funded athletic departments from loving alma mata.

Today Julian Hanover is standing at his locker changing. It's the first full week back from Christmas break.

Julian Hanover is a freshman. Straight light brown hair with natural summer blonde highlights. His hair falls in a sweeping fashion over his forehead. His boyish cuteness turning into manliness - strong chin and jaw both lightly covered in soft stubble. His lips are full but not large - a chiseled upper lip and softly round bottom lip. When parted his upper lip curls up and out just slightly. This look has the affect of giving people the impression he is really cocky. His naturally straight and perfectly white teeth reinforce the notion of good breading. His upper body is smooth - arms, shoulders and chest are not sculpted muscle, but the natural healthy development of an active athlete. No upper body hair - only under arms and a small trail leading from his navel down. Here his body changes. Muscular legs and butt, with more hair on his legs than you would expect. All his features give him an innocent, jock-next-door charm.

Julian Hanover meets Mark Hernandez.

"Hey! Where do you think YOU'RE going?"

I jumped, but it was a friendly voice. When I looked up, I saw it was Mark Hernandez.

"Oh...Nothing." I said, standing naked, facing Mark.

Why would he ask that question? Then I figured it was an off-time for me to be in the locker room.

"Nothing?" Mark said with a friendly but sly look.

"Looks like you're doing SOMETHING."

Mark is a school hero. He is the star forward on the soccer team, an amazing kicker on the football team, and he is a junior. This guy is the total package! Tall, dark and...handsome, I guess. I know that's what people say about him. Well, the girls all say he's hot. Its hard to tell what nationality he is. Dark brown hair trailing over the ears and long locks cut into wisps fall across his forehead and neck. Full lips on a smallish mouth, a strong nose and jaw-line. Skin that is always tan but not dark. He has a little age on him, but it is the look of manliness. There is nothing boyish about him. An athlete in his prime. His body is that of a running athlete - not a body builder. Large legs and a full round butt. The rewards for all his hard training and ball playing. I know all of this because right now he is standing before me wearing just his football pants.

"I--I got a doctor appointment."

"Julian Hanover, right?" Mark said, peering into my eyes.

He knows my name? I felt a proud...and... a stirring?

"Yeah, Mark Hernandez, right?" I said, keeping cool.

"Right!" he said, a flash of teeth then extending his hand to me.

"Nice to meet you, but how did you know my name" I said, shaking his hand and feeling curious. Of all the times to meet the guy. Was I fighting a boner?

He saw, blushed a little, but made like he didn't notice.

"Saw you do the 200 a few times over the past semester. Your fast."

He was standing pretty close and being so easy going and friendly. I started to loosen up, but my cock stiffened further still. What the fuck! I don't blush easy, but I did as my eyes dropped to his packed crotch. I don't know what I expected to see. They all wore jock straps, cups and padding. I couldn't lose my cool, so I started biting the insides of my cheeks as hard as I could stand.

Mark caught me looking, so I just blurted out "Thanks. Are metal cups required?" nodding at his package. Then I reached into my open locker for my boxer briefs and put them on.

"Actually coach has us getting custom cups now. You gotta see this." he said, laughing as he pulled his tight football pants away and down to extract his athletic cup.

"Check it out." He handed me his cup. It was black and shiny -- made of some sort of hard plastic or fiber-glass -- and there were markings that looked familiar - a grill or actually vertical vents cut into the area where your dick head would rest over your balls when installed in place. I suddenly realized his custom cup was painted to look like Darth Vader's breathing apparatus! I started to laugh as my eyes flashed from it to his face. He was smiling without showing his teeth, but you could see laughter in his eyes.

While bending over a little so my dick wouldn't stick out as much, I said

"You've got to be kidding? I want one!"

"Yeah, turn it over." he said, giving me a look, blushing, then looking at the floor.

I flipped it over to see on the inside of the cup was a perfect relief mold of his cock and balls! It truly was custom - inside and out!

"I had to sit for a casting mold of my cock and balls for that baby. They form the inside using the same injection molding materials most cars' dashboards are made of. How's that for high-tech? The Darth Vader treatment just tricked my ride!"

Letting myself go in these situations has never been a problem. I instantly put the cup over my mouth and nose and began an imitation of Darth Vader's breathing.

"H-h-h-uh, h-h-h-ah...H-h-h-uh, h-h-h-ah...Join me on the dark side, Mark. Together we will over-throw the Dark Lord and rule the Empire. H-h-h-uh, h-h-h- ah...H-h-h-uh, h-h-h-ah..." This was my attempt at distracting both of us from noticing how turned on I was.

My nose and mouth are where his cock and balls had just been. I did it before I could question the action. His man-scent snapped me out of it! Our eyes met and I could see he was studying me. I quickly handed it back feeling really stupid, but my eyes dropped to his pants where I noticed a considerable bulge.

"Nice. How much of my tuition goes to pay for that thing?" I said

He winked, flashing me a glare and said "Coaches orders."

He put the cup back in it's position as I watched.

"No worries. I'm on scholarship, so technically its not MY money."

"Yeah, well, I gotta piss before hitting the field." He pulled out on his paint's and adjusted his cup.

Stepping in close and said quietly, "If you're through at the doctors around four come to Starbuck's. I'm going to load up on coffee and do some studying before going to a party tonight."

Then he brushed past me not waiting for my answer.

"Uh...Okay, I'll try." I said in the same conspiratorial voice.

I was feeling anxious. My dick was still trying to get hard. I wanted to... What?

Mark raced into the bathroom stall, quickly shut the door and locked it.

"What the fuck!!" he said to himself. "What the fuck was that?!"

Mark pulled down the front of his football pants, reached in and pulled out his athletic cup. The discomfort quickly subsiding. He sat it on the toilet paper holder then pulled out his almost fully-hard cock. Just his hand touching it made it stiffen even more. He ran his fingers along the underside of the shaft and now he was rock hard. He knew when it gets like this he can't get rid of it. There was only one thing to do. He started stroking lightly up and down with his left hand. With his right hand he reached up and tweaked his left nipple then brushed over the nipple erection back and forth. His stroking began to intensify. He wanted to cum quick. Anything to just unload and get this monster back in his pants. The coach was going to wonder where the hell he was. Gaining speed he continued stroking. His right hand could spread wide enough to brush both nipples at the same time -- his middle finger on the left and thumb on the right. This really kicked it into high gear as he grabbed his cock tight now jacking off hard. He looked down at his flat stomach, the hair trail leading from navel to pubic bush. His mind always liked this sight and finally his eyes stared into the piss-slit of his large circumcised cockhead. He watched as pre-cum leaked out with every upward stroke. He wiped it up with his index finger and brought it to his mouth brushing it on his parted lips then smearing it across his tongue. His mouth closed around the finger sucking it for a moment before returning to his cock. His renewed stroking quickly brought him close and he didn't resist. His right hand brushing both nipples while his left hand jacked his cock until his cockhead expanded to it's most engorged state. Now the sensitivity was at it's peak. He started thrusting his hips forward and back while his arm worked in opposing directions. He hunched a little, stared down at his own beautiful body then blasted cum clear across the toilet onto the back wall of the stall. Mark mashed his lips together to stop himself from groaning and concentrated on breathing deeply through his flared nostrils. After the first two blasts three more shots arched their way out and down splattering on the chrome toilet hardware. The pleasure washed over him. He started to relax. Mark quickly jacked the remaining cum into the toilet bowl. With all his concentration he willed his cock to deflate as fast as he could make it. Now he really DID have to piss!

-to be continued. Write comments to

Next: Chapter 2

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