Locker Room Flirt

By ten.tsacmoc@2ru1mi

Published on Mar 11, 2007


This story contains references to homosexual male activities. If it offends, or it is illegal to view this information, please leave now.

Locker Room Flirt, Chapter 3 Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved.

When Julian came out of the bathroom he was still flushed but immediately smiled at the man on the other side of the door.

"Its all yours." he said and stepped confidently out of the doorway. Inside he felt a little ashamed for losing control like that. He also felt guilt over being turned on by his thoughts and actions.

Doctor Bunns took hold of the door with a smile as Julian moved aside.

"Julian? I'm taking Dr. Benderson's patients today. He went home sick. Please take a seat on the exam table in the room at the the end of the hall. I'll be in after the nurse finishes her examinations."

Dr. Richard Bunns was 29 years old, fresh out of medical school and enjoying his first effort practicing medicine at the university. He took pride in himself - in his intellect, his common sense, his understanding of human nature and his physical appearance. His looks are above average although he understood a lean frame is not everyone's favorite. He liked many sports but he loved triathlons. He was currently training for his 4th competition. If his training continued to improve his goal was to do the Ironman before his 33rd birthday. Richard had a pleasing face, deep brown eyes, nose that had obviously been broken sometime in the past, and a larger than average jaw bone squaring off the bottom of his face. His hair is straight medium brown, but you wouldn't know that because he keeps his head shaved. Richard kept a good tan from spending so much time outside. He knew he'd have to give up this job sooner than later, but for now he was happy to have more free time than money.

Knock, knock, knock. "Its Dr. Bunns." He slowly opened the door and entered the examination room. Julian was sitting on the exam table with his shirt and shoes off.

"I'm Dick Bunns." He said stepping up to Julian who flashed him a smirk.

"Dick Bunns?"

"Yes, it gets better. My wife wanted to hyphenate her name when we married, but it would have been Mary Dickersons-Bunns."

Julian smiled as he played 'Dickersons-Bunns' over in his mind.

"The nurse tells me so far so good. How are you feeling? Anything you want to ask or discuss regarding your health?"

"Nope. Feeling great."

"Ok. First, I'm going to check you for any signs of skin cancer. Can you stand up so I can walk around you? Remove your pants for me. I'll need to check your lower body, too."

Julian stood, unfastened his jeans and pulled them off while the doctor put latex gloves on both hands. Dr. Bunns didn't waste any time. He quickly rested his left hand on Julian's upper back and slowly glided it around and down forcing his eyes to focus on every inch of Julian's skin. In just a few minutes the doctor had examined Julian's upper body. He then put both hands under Julian's jaw to check the glands beneath the jaw. Julian looked straight ahead but studied the doctor's rugged face that was right in front of him. Suddenly the doctor squatted down in front him to examine his lower body. The doctor noticed a wet spot on Julian's grey boxer briefs. He smiled to himself as he continued examining the skin of Julian's legs. His hands lightly brushing over the surface gave Julian goose-bumps.

From his squatting position the doctor said "You have a large mole on the inside of your right thigh. How long have you had it?

"Ever since I can remember."

"It looks okay, but if anything changes - the color, size, feeling - ANYthing, have it checked out. Ok?"


The doctor reached up with both hands to the outsides of Julian's hips and tucked the index and middle fingers into the waistband of Julian's underwear.

"I need to examine your scrotum area." He said looking up into Julian's eyes.

"Ok." Julian nodded as he began to feel blood move into his cock. "Oh-no. This can't happen." he screamed to himself.

The doctor pulled the underwear down to Julian's knees. He caught a whiff of Julian's man-sent and ...cum... in the air. He was no stranger to raging male hormones, so he wasn't that surprised when he saw Julian's cock looking chubby. Dr. Bunns took the base of his cock between his right thumb and index finger pulling it to the right. Julian's cock swelled further. The way the doctor was holding it caused the cockhead to rest on top of the fleshy area between his thumb and index fingers. Squeezing the cock between his two fingers made some cloudy liquid leak out onto the doctors gloved hand. The doctor couldn't help but admire the perfectly formed member he was holding. It's text-book perfect the doctor thought to himself.

"Easy does it, stud. You'll be poking me in the eye in a second. Testicular cancer can hit in young men your age. It isn't too soon to check for it. I had a buddy in college who had it. They caught it early so he only lost one of his two testicles. He's married and has had one child so no harm done. Right?"

Julian's cock started to deflate as his mind processed what the doctor just said. The distraction was working. Thank God.

Dr. Bunns took Julian's ballsack into his left hand and manipulated the balls between his fingers. He pulled the scrotum skin around, back and forth until he was satisfied no indications existed. Before releasing Julian's cock with his right hand and his ballsack with the left the doctor leaned in very close and sucked in a deep breath through his nose. The sound of this caught Julian's attention so he looked down at the doctor's head now with his nose only an inch from the base of Julian's cock. Before Julian could look away the doctor looked up into his wide eyes. Then the doctor stood bringing his right hand up between the two of them. He glanced at the wetness on the back of his hand and back into Julian's eyes. With a smile slowly spreading across the Dr.'s face he looked once more at his hand and back to Julian.

"You are in perfect health. There is NOTHING wrong with you." These words were spoken to Julian in a tone that communicated the doctor's admiration and respect. "Enjoy yourself and your healthy body." the doctor continued in a commanding voice.

Just in case Julian didn't get it the doctor took a long sniff of his wet hand and smiled. Then he turned away from Julian pulling off the latex gloves and told Julian to get dressed.

As Julian walked down the hall he shot a glance toward the bathroom he had used. Plain as day about 12" below the Men's Room plaque was a sign that read

"This room monitored by video cameras to warrant the authenticity of Patient's urin samples. Please be advised."

How had he missed it before? He broke into a choked laugh, turned his head back down the hallway and saw Dr. Bunns at the nurses station writing. The Dr. looked up at Julian and smiled wide then returned to his writing. Julian raced out the exit door laughing at the image of himself on video jacking off at the toilet then moving over in front of the mirror, rubbing his hand into his groin then deeply smelling it, his cock erupting and shooting cum onto the mirror. The words he whispered played back through his head.

"I want to see you cum motherfucker."

Now out in the open air he shook his head and laughed out loud. The realization that the young doctor didn't think he was sick or abnormal hit him. "There is NOTHING wrong with you." the doctor had said. How much would this knowledge help Julian? As he walked his cock stirred as the image of the doctor's nose sucking in Julian's man-sent and looking up into Julian's eyes replayed again and again. Now there were two men in his mind that stirred his sexuality and caused him to want more, to see more, to have more.

to be continued-

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Next: Chapter 4

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