Locker Room Flirt

By ten.tsacmoc@2ru1mi

Published on Mar 21, 2007


This story contains references to homosexual male activities. If it offends, or it is illegal to view this information, please leave now.

Locker Room Flirt, Chapter 4 Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved.

Julian's stomach had butterflies the way he always did just before a race...or when taking a girl out on a date. His entire body felt on edge as he smiled to himself thinking the last thing he needs is coffee right now. A gooseneck bottle of beer and a smoke maybe, but not coffee. Julian had taken a half hour to run by his room to change clothes. He decided to wear his favorite new jeans. He only had one pair of underwear that worked with these jeans. He dug out of the hamper the day-old Jockey heather grey bikini briefs he wore with the jeans yesterday. Before putting them on he took a deep sniff of the crotch and smiled. He could still smell a hint of himself. He stripped naked and put them on standing in front of his closet door's full-length mirror. Not the style underwear he normally preferred, but he had grown to like how he looked in them. They are the type that have no fabric, only waistband, between the front and back. They sat extra low on his hips, and he liked how the waistband grazed just above his pubic hairs. He started to bone up as he looked in the mirror. He turned around to see his butt in the mirror. There was no denying it. He loved how his thick legs and full ass filled out this skimpy underwear. And then there was his growing package. He put a clean white t-shirt on and looked back at the mirror. The hem of the t-shirt rested just above his swollen package. He grabbed himself and squeezed making his hard-on push further out and pulling the waistband away from his skin. He was so horny all over again. He stopped himself. What if Mark?... He couldn't believe he was even thinking it. He grabbed his slim-cut heather grey cashmere sweater, the jeans and finished getting dressed. Before walking out the door he splashed some cold water on his face then swept his dirty blonde bangs across his forehead and out of his eyes. With a quick look to the mirror he thought to himself "I'd do me." and walked out the door.

It was fifteen minutes after five when Julian walked up to Starbucks. He spotted Mark through the large glass windows sitting in the corner of the cafe by himself writing in a notebook with his left hand and holding a mug absently in his right. Mark had on dark hard jeans, too, and a one-off t-shirt which made Julian feel better about taking the time to change clothes. Mark always looked like he just through his clothes on, but they were expensive clothes. It made Julian smile, and stare, as he slowed his pace toward the door. His eyes took in Mark's seated frame, his head bent down over his notebook, his wispy hair shading his forehead and eyes from view. All Julian could see was his nose and full lips. Those lips were so sexy Julian thought to himself. Their shape so chiseled and that chin and his jaw. Then Julian thought about Mark shirtless in the locker room and whipping out his athletic cup. He replayed the scene of himself pressing the cup against his face and breathing in Mark's man-scent. It made Julian feel close to Mark. Intimate. He was undressing Mark with his mind remembering the bulge in those football pants! Julian was boning up just as he reached the door.

Mark sat at a small bistro table directly across from the door so he could glance up through his bangs to see who was walking in. When he saw it was Julian he smiled and lifted his head in a "Hey there" nod. Julian motioned that he would get his drink first then be over. Mark took this opportunity to check out what Julian was wearing. The boy knew how to dress he thought to himself...and fill out a pair of jeans. Mark's eyes went from the packed jeans to Julian's eyes. Looking a little flushed in the face Julian flashed a smile, shoved his hands quickly into his pockets and

turned toward the counter to place his order. With Julian's back turned Mark watched him standing at the counter. His mind quickly went back to the locker room where Julian stood naked at his locker. Mark pictured Julian in profile with his muscular bare ass sticking out, large upper legs and smooth skin. It had been quite a while since Mark had encountered anyone so...interesting. Someone Mark couldn't stop thinking about naked. Mark didn't want to stop thinking about Julian naked. That was the problem.

Mark's eyes drifted back down to his notebook, but his mind was in the locker room. He was imagining Julian followed him into the bathroom stall. They were mashing their lips together while fondling each other's cocks and naked bodies all up and down. The image gave Mark such a hard-on he was beginning to feel it hurt straining against his jeans.

"Hey there." Julian said. "Studying hard?"

Mark smiled. Without lifting his head he raised his eyes while he slowly hunched his torso over the small bistro table and extended his hand for Julian to take a seat.

"Hardly studying is more like it."

"Where's your posse? I was hoping you'd be sitting here with at least Brahnmon!" Julian said while standing over the small table.

"I can't study with those guys. I'd never get anything done. Have a seat."

Julian pulled up a chair and sat down across from Mark. As he came down into the seat the outside of his right knee and upper leg slid along the inner left thigh of Mark's parted legs. Julian pushed his chair back slightly and turned himself left so his leg no longer touched Mark's. There legs were still very close together with Julian's right leg between Mark's and Mark's right leg between Julian's legs. Mark made no effort to move his leg away. Both Julian and Mark sat back on their chairs as they continued to talk moving both their knees toward the other a few inches. Both could see how interlaced their legs were with each other. Julian loved every accidental brush of Mark's leg against his. They both talked about their sports careers mostly. Every now and then Julian would nudge Mark with his knee to make a point in one of his stories.

When the conversation started to lull Mark said "So stud, did the doc discover your dirty little secrets?"

Julian's eyes flashed at Mark. He didn't know what to say. How could he possibly know?

"What the fuck. Tell me!" Mark said catching the look. He sat up quickly and hunched over the table toward Julian. His elbows came down to rest on his legs and his hands touched down lightly on Julian's right knee. He used the physical contact to convey that Julian could trust him, but it was Mark's excuse to just touch him.

"What made you say that?" Julian tried to sound calm, but embarrassment and panic gripped him inside.

Julian paused. He thought for a moment about it. Athletes. Physicals. Doping. Smoking weed. Whatever.

"Nothing. I just...The doctor said I'm in perfect health." Julian said as his body relaxed.

Mark's fingers wrapped around the knee to encircle Julian's calf and squeezed. He smiled mischievously at Julian and pulled. Julian's butt slid forward on his chair. Julian grabbed the seat with both hands and laughed.

"Tell me." Mark said calmly. The whole time Mark's face, full lips and mouth remained serene, but it was his eyes that did all the talking as they studied Julian's reaction. He wasn't going to let Julian off the hook. He knew something happened and now he had to find out what.

"Tell you what?" Julian said smiling and trying to make Mark's engagement seem preposterous. He was enjoying this now. Mark was still gripping his calf with both hands. Then Mark mashed both his legs together and squeezed Julian's right leg. Julian started looking around the room. He wanted this...but not here. Julian put his hands on each of Mark's knees and tried to pry the legs apart. Julian's smile turned into a sexy sneer. His eyes narrowing as he flexed his upper body straining against Mark's clenched legs.

"Nothing...there's nothing... The doc said there is NOTHING wrong with me." Julian's eyes asking Mark to stop.

Mark tried a different tactic by pleading softly. "You're holding out on me. Come on. You can tell me."

"I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." Julian teased.

Mark took this as a challenge. With his right hand he grabbed Julian's left calf. With both hands gripping each of Julian's calves he lifted and pulled sliding Julian forward. Julian quickly let go of Mark's knees and grabbed his chair to stop himself sliding off onto the floor. The chair rocked then kidded a few inches across the floor.

A couple of skinny-boy Emos sitting shoulder-to-shoulder and hip-to-hip had been engaged in their own giggling interaction on a sofa across the room. The one on the right text-messaging while the one on the left was giving pointers on what to type. They had been at it for a while when the one on the left wiggled closer, pulled his knees up to his chest and turned his mouth into the ear of the other boy. What ever he whispered caused his mate to stop texting and look across the room. The way the Emos were fashioned in long bangs pressed straight down over one eye, ultra-skinny black jeans, mangled t-shirts and Chuck Taylors couldn't have been further apart in look from Julian and Mark. But the skinny-boy Emos instantly recognized the two athletes across the room were engaged in a flirtation as obvious as their own. Mark noticed them staring. He gave them a quick smile and a nod of his head. Then he released his grip on the backs of Julian's legs.

"How 'bout we take a walk? Neither of us is getting any studying done." He suggested and Julian instantly agreed.

They packed up, walked to the door and Mark nodded at the two Emos as he passed by. He secretly hoped they were having as much fun with each other as he was having with Julian. They smiled back and the one who had been text-messaging snapped Mark's picture with his phone.

Instead of walking back toward campus Mark directed them into the neighborhood behind Starbucks. It was dark already. The street they walked down had no street lights and very few homes with front porch lights on. Mark didn't waste any time once they were half way down the block he started in on Julian again. He put his right hand on the back of Julian's neck and squeezed.

"So...I'm still waiting for you to tell me what the doctor found. Your face when I said that back there was unmistakable. Out with it."

"Dude. It was nothing. I can't even remember why I gave you a look...IF I gave you a look."

"Dude." Mark said in a mocking voice. " 'Nothing' gets you this."

Mark squeezed Julian's neck tighter. Julian twisted out of his grip and through a joking punch back into Mark's arm. Mark grabbed Julian's outstretched arm and pulled him in. Julian's back came into Mark's chest. Mark wrapped his arms around Julian from behind and grabbed Julian's wrists. Julian pushed back hard with his butt which bent Mark over Julian's back. Julian quickly bent over all the way bring his head down to his knees. This pulled Mark off his feet, flipped him over and landed him on his back at Julian's feet. Lucky for Mark Julian aimed his maneuver into the grassy lawn of a home they were walking by. Still, Mark got the wind knocked out of him. He was stunned. Julian immediately came around and kneeled down over Mark to see if Mark was hurt. At first Mark couldn't breath.

"Short breaths. Take short breaths. It'll come back. Relax. Short breaths." Julian coached.

After a few seconds Mark was able to suck in a deep breath. Then he relaxed and dropped flat out on the grass. Julian hunched

over him and grasped Mark's shoulders.

"You okay?"

Even though Mark was seeing stars and water filled his eyes from the force of the blow he smiled up at Julian.

"Nice move. Thanks for putting me on the grass."

Julian gripped Mark's shoulders and said, "Sure you're okay?"

Mark nodded, so Julian dropped down from kneeling to sit back on his feet. His butt at Mark's waste. His left knee-cap nuzzled into Mark's left armpit. Julian leaned over Mark's waist and planted his left hand on the ground. Mark dropped his left arm between Julian's legs which brought his forearm to rest against Julian's crotch. Mark's hand rested on Julian's lap. They sat there in silence for several seconds. Mark with his eyes closed, relaxing and breathing. Julian leaning across and looking down at Mark's face. The stillness and amount of physical contact between them started to have an affect. Julian's cock started to throb. He could see it move Mark's forearm slightly. After a couple throbs Julian felt Mark press back. It made Julian's cock throb even harder. He watched Mark's face which did not change. Julian forced his cock to throb long and hard. Mark answered back with pressure from his forearm. Then his hand moved to cup over Julian's package. Julian spread his right leg wider to let Mark have better access. Mark squeezed then slid his hand up under Julian's sweater to the bare skin. He brushed his hand across Julian's abs then curled his fingers into the top of Julian's jeans. This gave Julian chills. His cock ached for release. He continued to watch Mark's face which never registered anything.

Mark pulled down on the front of Julian's jeans, slid deeper inside through pubic hair until the tips of his fingers pressed against the stiffened base of Julian's cock. Even though Mark's eyes were closed he could picture everything he was doing with perfect clarity. His own cock was hard and throbbing. His heart was pounding, he was breathing heavy, chills came over him, and his body shook with nervousness.

Could he go through with it?

to be continued-

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Next: Chapter 5

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