Locker Room Flirt

By ten.tsacmoc@2ru1mi

Published on Mar 23, 2007


This story contains references to homosexual male activities. If it offends, or it is illegal to view this information, please leave now.

Locker Room Flirt, Chapter 5 Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved.

Mark couldn't look at Julian with out feeling knots form in his stomach. He kept his eyes closed. Mark wanted to believe there was nothing else, just he and Julian in the world at that moment. That way he could do what he really wanted to do without fearing consequences. His left hand down Julian's pants came back into the forefront of his mind. The memory of Julian standing naked at his locker, and the thought of himself naked with Julian washed over him. The images of them standing naked together made his cock throb harder and harder. He wanted to touch himself, but he was frozen. He didn't know what his next move should be.

Julian slid his left hand under Mark's coat and t-shirt. It startled Mark into opening his eyes. They stared at one another for several more seconds. Julian looked around then looked back at Mark.

"Let's go to my room." He whispered. Mark pulled his hand out of Julian's pants and began to get up.

"You know what? I am supposed to hook up with the guys for this party. Do you want to come?"

Mark started walking as Julian followed behind.

"You mean later?" Julian asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to have some dinner. Then to the party. You're welcome to come. Its over on 2nd at Chadwick apartments."

"Uh. Okay."

Mark picked up his pace. Julian knew he was being brushed off. Anger swelled up inside of him as he thought about this day's events. Where had his head been? One stinking day and now what? This guy drew him out into the open.


Mark turned back and glared at Julian. He didn't want a confrontation. His hope was that Julian would just drop it, understand it wasn't going to happen and just leave him alone. He kept walking.

"What the fuck was I thinking?" he thought to himself. "I don't know this kid. I don't know what he'll do or say."

Mark stopped and turned around to face Julian.

"Julian, we can't go back to YOUR room. We can't go back to MY room. We can't go ANYwhere! There's NO where for us to go! Anywhere we

go we will be seen, and then what? Me disappearing into your room, or you disappearing into my room for how long? Anyone seeing that would

totally be up in our shit. You didn't notice the two little fags on the couch at Starbucks. They totally had our number. I tried to smile and play

it down when I realized what they were thinking. They can do what ever they want. They don't care what people think about them. There's

nothing people want to take away from them."

Julian didn't know what to say. He couldn't argue. Everything Mark said was true. ----------

It was four days later, Tuesday evening, when Julian rounded the corner of the athletic building. They had been four miserable days. His running mates were ahead of him several feet. Subconsciously Julian had slowed down. The thought of running into Mark in the locker rooms filled his mind with dread. They had crossed paths a few times, but Mark only nodded 'hello' and kept moving.


Doctor Dick Bunns called out as he approached the athletic facility's entrance from the other direction. He was returning from his own run. The two athletes converged at the doors into the building.

"Hey Dr. Bunns."

"Call me 'Dick'...or, IF you don't LIKE Dick call me 'DB', but nobody calls me 'Richard'."

That got a smile onto Julian's face. He wasn't so sure if he DID like dick at this moment.

"I don't have any response to that, so...I guess its 'DB'." Julian answered with a little bit of regret.

"Too bad. I prefer Dick." The doc said smiling at Julian innocently.

Again Julian smiled even bigger and this time looked at the doctor. They held each other's gaze for a few seconds then the two started through the doors and turned down the hallway toward the sport teams' lockers.

"How far did you run?" the doc asked.

"10 miles today."

"Nice. I ran 13 but it felt like 50. I need a good long soak in the sports med's tub. Have you ever used it?"

"No. I usually steam or just sit in the hot tub next to the pool when I feel like I need it."

"Come over with me. It will do your muscles a world of good."

Julian was enjoying the doctor's company so he accepted the invitation. They walked to their lockers and packed up their street clothes then headed to the adjoining sports medicine facility.

"DB? You ran 13 miles? Are you training for a half marathon?"

"I compete in triathlons. I'll work up to the full 26 miles by spring. I'm also swimming and biking, so my energy and time are split between

the three."

Julian was impressed. He made several glances over at DB as they walked up to the door. DB unlocked it, walked in and turned on the lights. Julian followed him in and dropped his bag on the floor several feet away from the large soaking tub. DB walked up to the tub and dipped his hand into the standing water.

"I'm glad the school keeps this tub full and hot. We'll need to flush it after our soak. They'll clean and fill it again in the morning." DB was saying as he stripped off his long-sleeve shirt. He turned back to the tub and flipped on a switch to start the jets. DB kicked off his shoes, pulled off his socks, shucked his running paints and jock in about 2 seconds.

Julian was watching him, but hadn't started getting undressed.

He thought "Wow. This guy is hot...sleek, muscular. Love the look of that rough stubble on his face and head. His sweaty body. What an ass!"

DB was turned toward the tub so Julian couldn't see his front side. Then the doc hiked his leg over the edge of the tub which gave Julian a peak of his tight ballsack. Julian couldn't see his cock hanging down. When the doc moved to pull his other leg into the tub he turned enough that Julian saw his body in profile. DB's cock stood straight out! Julian's eyes bugged for a quick second before he looked down at his shoes. Julian's cock had been growing as he watched. Now it throbbed.

"You just going to stand there, or are you getting in?" DB said to Julian as he settled onto a seat.

Julian took off his shoes and socks. He slowly pulled his shirt off. Then he slowly pulled his running pants off to reveal his sweaty jock. His throbbing cock hadn't deflated. Julian shyly looked up to see DB watching him. It didn't help his cock go down. Before he could start pulling his jock off it swelled further. He hooked his thumbs into the waistband and decided to just get it over with. Quickly shucking the jock off he stood back up and started to drop them on the floor.

"Bring those over here." DB demanded.

Julian walked to the side of the tub with his fully erect cock wagging back and forth. DB moved over to Julian and reached out for the jock. Julian started to hand them to him, but DB wrapped his hand around Julian's and pulled the jock up to his nose. While he took a deep breath he reached up with his free hand, pinched and twisted Julian's nipple. Julian jumped but quickly recovered. Then DB moved Julian's jock from his to Julian's nose. Julian took a deep sniff and the doc pinched his nipple again.

"Told you there was nothing wrong with you. Get in here!" DB said in a commanding voice.

The smile that spread across Julian's face was priceless. DB returned to his seat on the opposite side as Julian climbed in. DB took his foot and lifted it up between Julian's legs and pulled before he could sit down. Julian stepped forward. The water came up to Julian's hips but the head of his erection bobbed above the surface of the water. DB reached out and pulled down on Julian's hips motioning for him to kneel down. As Julian did the doc slid off his seat and kneeled too. The water was up to both of their shoulders. The water was caressing their bodies as it swirled around them.

With his hands still on Julian's hips DB asked "Have you ever done anything sexual with a guy?"

Julian shook his head and quietly said "No.".

"I think man-on-man action is fucking hot. If you'll let me...."

DB paused as he ran his hands up Julian's sides back down around his back and over his butt letting the fingers graze through the crack to brush over Julian's hole. Without stopping the hands came back around to run over Julian's cock up over his abs to brush lightly across his erect nipples. Julian just tried to keep breathing. He was so turned on he would have agreed to anything. In his mind he thought how can I resist this guy? He makes it all feel so normal.

"I want to give you THE best man-on-man action for your first time that I know how. It doesn't involve you trying to match move for move what

I do. It means letting me do to you what I'm doing now...and more."

"Okay. But there is one thing I want to do first if you'll let me."

"Yes?" DB said raising one eyebrow.

"I want to do to you what you just did to me. I've never done anything before, so I really want to feel your body before we go any further. If you'll

let me do that I'll be happy to let you do what ever you want."

DB smiled and gave two quick raises of his eyebrows. With that Julian assumed he had his permission. Julian started by placing his hands on DB's forearms. Then he glided them up over his biceps, shoulders, swirling inward over the doc's hard pecs and harder nipples. DB shuttered as Julian's hand continued down over abs, hips, around to his ass where Julian stopped just for a moment to cup and squeeze DB's perfect globes. This tipped the doc a little forward and brought the two men's faces closer together. They didn't resist the momentum and just let their faces continue to drift together until their lips finally touched. Neither man took his eyes off the other. Their kiss intensified as Julian gripped DB's ass tighter. DB wrapped his arms around Julian so the two men came completely together in the water. The passion took over. Julian mashed his lips into the doctor's firm lips until their mouths opened and their tongues slid into each other's mouths. Julian never wanted to let go. This was it. This was what he had wanted for so long. What he craved to the very depths of his being. DB didn't show any signs of resistance. He was just as engaged. He wanted this just as bad. The two men continued mashing their mouths together as Julian started to explore the doctor's body again with his hands. DB started moving his hands around Julian's back then up to cup his neck and jaw while they still kissed. This gave Julian more room to maneuver his hands around to the front of DB's body. The space between them opened up and Julian's hands immediately slid between the doctor's legs.

Julian broke the kiss to say "Stand up." and then he himself moved to stand.

"I'm ready to take this out of the water. Let's get out." Julian said then turned and climbed out.

DB had no choice but to follow. As soon as they were both out of the tub Julian dropped to his knees and engulfed the doc's cock in his mouth. Julian swirled his tongue around DB's cockhead while he used his hands to trace all over the doc's hard body. Julian worked his hands higher until they found their destination at DB's nipples. He pinched and twisted each nipple while sucking deeper and deeper onto the cock in his mouth. DB put his hands on the sides of Julian's head and tried to move him off his cock. What Julian was doing built up the doc's impending orgasm much faster than the doctor wanted. He was impressed with Julian's enthusiasm, but wanted this to slow down. Julian wouldn't release him, so DB grabbed Julian's hair in his fists and pulled back on his head.

Julian just intensified his sucking while working the nipples in each hand. DB's hips started rocking and he couldn't stop it now. He was racing to orgasm at break-neck speed. Julian sucked deeper taking his cock all the way into his throat. DB decided to just let it come, but kept his grip on Julian's hair. Julian was so lost in what he was doing he couldn't even feel his hair being pulled. He just wanted to give DB this blowjob and taste what came out. He kept repeating "This is what it's all about!" to himself. As Julian ripped DB's orgasm from his body DB yanked back on Julian's head. He wanted Julian to at least TASTE his cum which wouldn't have happened as far down Julian's throat his cock had been. The ejaculations started and the first one blasted from DB's cock into the roof of Julian's mouth. Then three more blasts fired out filling Julian's mouth with DB's cum. Julian swallowed and got his first taste and feel of the liquid he had wanted.

-to be continued

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Next: Chapter 6

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