Locker Room Flirt

By ten.tsacmoc@2ru1mi

Published on May 12, 2007


This story contains references to homosexual male activities. If it offends, or it is illegal to view this information, please leave now.

Chapter 8 - Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved.

Saturdays many students played intramural sports. Julian promised his freshman buddy, Andrew, he would stop by the soccer fields after a morning of studying and errands. Andrew, had joined the weekend intramural team that Mark Hernandez played on. It was a cool sunny spring day. Julian stood out among the shorts and shirted players standing on the sidelines. He wore street clothes - dark denim jeans, his team track & field hoody, and a foot cast and crutches. He had injured his left heel from over-training and now had to stay off it for two weeks.

Not too many guys who didn't play soccer showed up to watch. There were groups of girls, though, sitting on low portable bleachers - the soccer players' girlfriends, their girl friends, and the girls who wanted to be the girlfriends. Julian smiled to himself thinking about his own desires and how disappointed some of those girls in the bleachers would be if they knew who on that field shared them.

Every year the team captains picked team names. Mark, in his freshman year, had voted to name the teams after sport utility vehicles. Everyone liked the idea which had remained unchanged now for three years. Mark's team became The 4Runners. Mark and Andrew's team were one of the best. Mark's good friend, Greg Brahnmon was captain of Team Escalade, and a chief rival to The 4Runners. The 4Runners had already played and won an earlier game and were playing Team Escalade when Julian arrived several minutes into the game.

The players were at the other end of the field from where he stood with Andrew on the sidelines. He started chatting with Andrew while trying to watch the players downfield. He quickly picked out Mark and Greg as both players stayed back around mid-field where Mark would lead a charge to score and Greg would guard. It wasn't long before play came back to their end.

The ball got passed up center field to a 4Runner who was looking to pass it. Mark had ran fast up field along the other side from where Julian and Andrew stood watching. Mark's eyes were darting from the player with the ball to the field around the goal so he could position himself to receive the ball and attempt a score. Mark and Greg were side by side watching the ball. Mark's eyes jumped from his opponent to look across the field when he noticed someone on the sideline with crutches in different clothes from the team and having blond hair.

Julian was watching him and blushed a little when Mark's eyes locked onto him. The two held each other's gaze a few moments then Mark's eyes returned to the game. He quickly stole another glance at Julian and smiled then looked back in time to see Greg receive the ball from Mark's teammate. It should have been his. Mark had missed it. Greg had quickly pulled away from Mark and was running the ball up to midfield. He took a look around and then kicked it off down field to a receiving Escalade player. Another 4Runner stole the ball back and kicked it to Mark who was free of Greg guarding him. It was an easy setup. Mark took a large leap forward with his right leg then pulled his left leg forward in a drawn out motion that picked up speed as the leg traveled forward through the air. Mark knew as soon as his foot connected with the ball that it was going into the goal. The ball blasted high and in the far corner of the net. Mark's eyes went immediately to Julian's face to see if he would show any excite- ment for the goal. Both Andrew and Julian threw fists in the air. Everyone cheered from the sidelines including Julian.

He looked right at Mark and yelled, "Yeah, Hernandez!"

Mark's heart leapt and he smiled wide at Julian who was smiling just as wide back. The two held each others gaze as Mark ran across the front of the goal then turned up field with Greg giving him a pat on the butt as they ran by Andrew and Julian.

Greg smiled then asked, "So who's your new boyfriend?".

"What?" Mark wrinkled his forehead acting confused. He hoped Greg would drop it, but

he was sure he wouldn't.

"Blond? Jumping up and down, screaming your name?" Greg said as they arrived back at midfield.

"Jealous?" Mark replied.

"Not unless he has a big dick.", Greg said in a fake serious voice while keeping his eyes on the ball.

"I'll ask him for you."

"No thanks. But you should find out." Greg said casually as he looked at Mark and winked.

"Why?" Mark wondered out loud.

"At least you'd be getting laid!" Greg said bumping his shoulder into Mark's playfully.

"Fag." Mark said flatly.

"That's me. A Fuckin'-Awsome-Guy." Greg shot back.

"Fucked-Ass-Girl is more like it." Mark jeared.

Greg couldn't help but laugh at that. Greg had a great ass and he knew it. He got more of a laugh from Mark's comment BECAUSE he knew it. If he was a Fucked-Ass-Girl the man getting his ass would be awfully happy. Mark and Greg always talked trash. You couldn't get a put-down to stick to Greg. He had too much confidence. A graceful way of going along with it. Making it work to his advantage. He was totally straight, but you couldn't get him upset by calling him queer.

Mark's thoughts turned to someone else's ass. As the game continued he would steel glances at Julian, but very carefully. He didn't want Greg catching him even once. It made it hard for Mark to see how much Julian was watching him. Which he really wanted to know. Was Julian still interested?

-to be continued.

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Next: Chapter 9

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