Locker Room Flirt

By ten.tsacmoc@2ru1mi

Published on Jun 2, 2007


This story contains references to homosexual male activities. If it offends, or it is illegal to view this information, please leave now.

Locker Room Flirt Chapter 9 - Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved.

Spring break had just started. A vast majority of students were gone from campus. Greg and others asked Mark to come with them on their trips, but Mark declined. This time, Mark's third year, he decided to forgo the craziness for some much needed downtime. He actually didn't mind the idea of spending a week alone. It meant he didn't have to go along binge drinking. It also meant he didn't have to pretend to get laid every night like previous years.

So, no school, no soccer, no football. Still, Mark planned to hit the gym every day. By Sunday night he was feeling relaxed on his walk back to the dorms after his workout. He planned to shower, eat, and either rent a movie or play video games in his room.

Mark pushed open the door into his dorm floor's common bathroom. A large wall separated the toilets and urinals on the left side from sinks and showers on the right. Urinals were mounted on the left side of the wall while a long bank of sinks were mounted on the right side of this wall. Mirror above the sinks stretched uninterrupted from one end to the other. Across from the sinks were 8 three-sided tiled shower stalls. A white plastic shower curtain hung on metal rings across each stall for students' privacy.

There was one other person in the last stall showering. They had rested a pair of crutches against the party wall between their stall and the 7th stall. Mark noticed them, but didn't know anyone on his dorm floor who had injured them self. He decided to take the 6th stall. He turned on the spray, adjusted the temperature then hung his towel on the hook between his and the 7th stalls. He stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain shut behind him.

Mark started lathering up under the hot spray. He didn't use a wash cloth today. His hands glided over the surface of his skin. He worked to get the dirt off his arms then he spread the slick soap suds into each armpit. His hands worked up over his shoulders and neck. He spread soap across his chest brushing over his nipples which made his cock and balls tingle. He took a long deep breath. While his left hand soaped his chest and abs his right hand went down to spread lather into his pubic hairs, then down over his semi-hard cock. His hand continued to move soap over his cock, balls and between his legs. The feeling made his cock grow a little more. He took another long deep breath. He was feeling so horny. His balls ached. He wrapped his fingers around his cock and slid them up and down the shaft a few times convincing himself it needed a few extra passes because he was so dirty from practice. He was sort of testing himself. How horny was he? Really? He heard the bathroom door as it closed but couldn't distinguish if someone had come in or gone out. The spray of the shower made it hard to hear. He stopped himself. He could finish this back in his room, but his cock had grown in his hand at record speed.

As more blood flowed into it the skin quickly became more sensitive. His shaft ached from his balls back into his scrotum. It was a feeling he knew. It was his body's way of saying it had waited too long. He pumped more liquid soap into his hands and lathered down his legs. As he bent further over to reach his ankles and feet he looked at his stiff cock and tight balls. He slid his hands back up his legs and between his thighs then over his balls onto his cock with his right hand. His left hand went back to slide more soap into the crack of his ass. He slid the edge of his hand up and down the crack several times. Then he kept traveling up around to his abs and further to his left nipple. He made circular motions passing his hand over and over his slicked-up left peck then across to his right sliding over and over it several times brushing lightly over the soapy nipples with his fingers. His right hand circled around his cock and began pumping. He was losing himself.

"Hey. You in the shower. Did you see my crutches?"

Mark's heart stopped. His breathing stopped. He quickly started rinsing himself off, but didn't respond. His hard-on started to fade.

"Hey, I'm talking to you in the shower... Did you see my crutches when you came in?" Mark heard the familiar voice ask in a sharp tone.

It was Julian.

"Uh, Hold on. Just a second." Mark muttered in a low voice. He poked his head out of the curtain, smiled and said,

"Hey there. They were there when I came in. I didn't see or hear anyone else in hear."

With that he pulled his head back into the shower. He didn't know what else to say. Julian's surprised look didn't help.

"Mark. Come on. No one else has been in here. You have my crutches in there! I'll come in after them.", Julian said punctuating each word for emphasis. "Don't think I wont!"

Julian prepared to whip back the curtain. Part of him wanted to kick Mark's ass while another part was so turned on. They were alone, and in the very kind of situation Mark had been sure would compromise them. Julian's heart rate was up. So was the growth under his towel.

Mark didn't respond. His mind was still processing. Someone obviously snuck in and took them as a joke. But what was Julian doing showering in this bathroom? He decided he didn't care. Mark's cock had been deflating but quickly sprang back to full erection as he thought about the two of them naked and alone in his dorm showers.

Suddenly the shower curtain flew back, and Julian saw the crutches were not there. Mark did not stop rinsing. He just kept the shower on, his eyes closed and his head back. Water washed through his hair and down his back. Julian's eyes traveled down Mark's smooth chest, abs to his bouncing hard cock. Mark turned 360 degrees to continue rinsing off. Julian watched as Mark showed him his muscular round ass, upper thighs and smooth back. Mark completed a full turn in the shower rinsing the soap down the drain. Mark made sure Julian got a good long look at his naked wet body from all sides. The exposure made Mark's cock throb harder still. Julian's eyes had taken in Mark's slowly turning naked body. He scanned over every inch with his eyes burning the sight of Mark's body into his brain. Julian's own cock had grown beneath his towel. He loved Mark's hard cock and the entire package it was connected to.

"My bad." Julian said and moved to pull the shower curtain closed.

Mark reached up and grabbed his wrist to stop him. Julian let go of the shower curtain pulling his hand back, but Mark didn't release it. He looked Julian in the eyes then pulled him all the way into the shower. With Julian's left foot pulled up to keep weight off the cast he stumbled forward and fell into Mark's chest his free hand grabbing onto Mark's shoulder to stop himself from falling. Mark used his free hand to grab the towel around Julian's waist and pull it off. He tossed it out onto the bathroom floor. He pulled the shower curtain closed then wrapped his arm around Julian's waist while keeping the grip he had on Julian's wrist with his other hand. Their naked wet bodies slid together chest to chest. Julian kept his injured left foot pulled up pressing his bent knee between Mark's legs.

Julian's balance regained he finally was able to look into Mark's eyes. Before either could say a word Mark mashed his mouth over Julian's lips. Julian immediately returned the kiss and slid his hand from Mark's shoulder around to grip the back of his neck. The two men embraced completely pressing their bodies together even tighter, gripping each other hard, and kissing even harder. Their mouths opened to each other's tongues. Julian pulled his knee up higher sliding it deeper between Mark's spreading legs. Mark finally released Julian's wrist to grab him into a tight bear hug that almost squeezed the breath out of Julian's lungs.

After a few minutes of mad kissing Julian was the first to pull back. He suddenly remembered his crutches.

"Mark, if you didn't take my crutches than someone else did." he whispered. "They could come in here any second. We should go back to a room."

"Not until I do this." Mark said as he slid down Julian's torso.

Mark licked Julian's left nipple for an instant then dropped into a full squat and took his cock into his mouth. The shower spray splashed down over Mark's head and washed down his face. It splashed against Julian's abs, into his bush and over his disappearing cock. Mark sucked on Julian's cock head. He ran his tongue around it and grabbed onto Julian's hips with each hand. One of Julian's hands wrapped around the back of Mark's head while the other rested on his shoulder. Mark sucked more of the cock into his mouth pushing the head to the back of his throat. He wasn't sure what to do next.

Julian gently pressed Mark's head deeper onto his cock while he arched his hips forward.

"Relax your throat" Julian whispered softly "to let it go deeper. Relaxing will stop your gag reflex."

"Mm-hm." Mark muttered and actually tried to nod his head. He suddenly felt like gagging but he forced himself to relax his throat to receive the large cockhead. He pushed more of Julian's cock into his mouth determined to take it all. Mark's nose brushed into Julian's pubic hairs, so he opened his eyes not realizing he had been holding them shut. Seeing Julian's skin so close made Mark's cock throb harder. He was so turned on he gripped Julian's hips hard and pressed the rest of the way down until his lips were at the very base and his chin pressed against his ballsack.

Mark slowly pulled off then pressed his lips back down to the base. He slowly bobbed up and down on Julian's rock hard cock.

"Oh God, Mark. That is SO g-o-o-o-d." Julian moaned quietly

Mark sucked up and down a few more times before pulling off all the way. He stood up and Julian leaned in kissing him on the mouth before Mark could speak.

"Trust me I am loving this but let's finish somewhere more private. Which room number are you?" Julian asked as he reached around Mark turning the shower off from behind Mark's back. He pulled back and peaked his head out to make sure no one was around.

"101. The first door on your right when you come from the east end. What are you doing in my bathroom anyway?" Mark whispered

Julian quickly disengaged himself from Mark and slipped out of the shower. He bent and grabbed his towel from the floor and wrapped it around his waist. He hopped a few more steps to make it to the sink. Mark had reached for his own towel on a hook just outside his shower.

Julian stood at the sinks facing the mirror with the wet towel wrapped around his waste and holding his left foot off the ground. Good thing he had a plastic cast. His eyes immediately scanned from Mark's face down to the bulge under his towel and back up again. Mark's eyes locked onto Julian's boyish face reflected in the mirror. He smiled wide at Julian. He couldn't believe himself. This is how he imagined uninhibited passion to be like, but he had never experienced it himself first hand. He had always been able to hold himself back before, but not now. From just a few weeks back when he had blown his wad in the bathroom stall after flirting with Julian in the locker room. To now, here in his own dorm bathroom in the shower together, kissing, mashing and sucking! It had happened so quickly. So powerfully. Mark had crossed 'the line', but he loved how it made him feel.

Julian smiled wide back at Mark. "You really don't know who took my crutches?

"I really don't know who took your crutches. There must be someone else staying on this floor for the week."

"All the more reason we should get out of the shower and into one of our rooms." Julian said

"Why are YOU here in my dorm, anyway?" Mark asked

He grabbed his kit to head toward the exit then realized Julian may need help, so he went back to wrap an arm around Julian's waist while Julian put his left arm round Mark's shoulder.

"With this foot injury they moved me onto this floor for the week. They felt it was dangerous for me to be on the 4th floor of my dorm if there was a fire. They put me in room 102 this morning. I guess that is directly across from you?" Julian asked smiling at Mark. He was thinking about how Mark was so paranoid before about them being seen together disappearing into each other's rooms. This week they would be almost alone AND in rooms directly across from each other!

"Come on. I'll help you to your room."

"Yeah? You can help me to my room. Then you're going to help me into bed." Julian said gripping the back of Mark's neck tightly

Mark leaned in and quickly kissed Julian on the lips. The two walked out the bathroom door. They walked slowly down the hallway each sporting full erections beneath their towels.

-to be continued.

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Next: Chapter 10

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