Logan Finds His Best Friend and His Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 23, 2021


Logan was a big guy- 6'4" , 220, in good, but not great shape. Black hair, that was always unruly, brown eyes, thick eyebrows. He was confused from time to time with a retired football player who was his age (41). He worked for the phone company. These days, he was behind a desk most of the time, but if needed, he was ready to get up on the poles, checking wires or whatever else the company needed. He liked the job, he liked the company. He had started, as a lineman after high school, and had worked his way up. He missed those days though: he liked being outside, working with his hands, more than he liked office work.

The job paid well. He and his wife Kim lived with their two kids in a big house that was paid for. The kids were doing well at school, and Kim had a part time job, to keep herself busy. She would drive over to the hospital 3 times a week, to help out the nurses. Like her husband, if they needed something done, she did it.

A happy heterosexual family, except.... those nights when Logan said he had to work late, he wasn't. He was on the computer, chatting. Or cruising. He didn't risk taking a trip to any of the bars or clubs within a reasonable distance, because everyone knew each other. He didn't want his world to come crashing down because he got caught with a dick in his mouth. Yes, you read that right. Our big football player look alike, sucked cock. He LOVED sucking cock, even if he only rarely did it. When he'd get sent out into the field, he'd do a bit of research, and find a trucker bar, or some other rough spot, where the guys didn't care how big he was, and didn't know WHO he was. They'd see him once, and that would be it. He was spending more and more time on line these days, because it had been a while since he had gotten sent out on a job. His masturbation fantasies had him on his knees, clamps on his nipples and in the hands of a masculine man, pulling and yelling at him to do a better job. Or , getting fucked. He was still a virgin there, although he had had opportunities when he went out on those jobs.

He looked at his watch: just after 5. He had been at work late, on the computer, the night before, and he'd better not chance two in a row. He closed the desktop, pulled his jacket on over his white shirt, turned off the light, and headed to his car. Before he started driving, he called Kim. "Hey hon. I'm on my way . Doesn't seem to be much traffic. Thirty minutes? "That sounds good Logan. HEY, you probably won't see them, but I think we're gonna have new neighbors?" "The old McClatchy place?" "Yeah, just down the road. I was coming back from the hospital today, and I saw a work crew, and a guy talking to them. Looked fairly normal. "Family guy?" "I don't know. Good question. I only saw him, but you know as well as I do: if it were you, you'd make me stay home. Kids too." "Ha ha. You got that right. Construction sites are no place for you or the kids." "Well, that's what's going on here. I'll see you soon." She threw a peck of a kiss at him and hung up.

"The McClatchy place," he laughed and shook his head. He had grown up in this neck of the woods, and he remembered the McClatchy's, especially... Rod. He and Rod had gone to school together. ALL the kids in the area went to the same school: the same one his son and daughter attended now. He and Rod had been in a few classes together. They knew each other because the bus would always let Rod off first, before taking Logan to his house - the one he still lived in. One day Rod had invited him over. His own house was close enough that the walk home would be easy, so after he got permission from his folks , he got off the bus one day with Rod.

The house was empty when they got there. Both of Rod's parents worked full time. His friend turned out to be ok in the kitchen, and made snacks. "How about we take them downstairs ? My bedroom is in the basement." "The basement?" Logan had asked "Yup, the basement. I like it down there. Lots of privacy. " They took their trays downstairs. Rod's room was big - bigger than Logan's - and he had a tv, a small stereo, a whole set up. "I just kinda come down here to be with my thoughts, watch TV, yadda yadda. " "You have any faves?" Logan asked. "I like Wild West. It's reruns now, but I watch them all. Superman too. Adam-12, all the adventure and cop shows. Hawaii five-o. " "Nothing new?" "Not really. " Rod shrugged his shoulders. "I just kinda like the old stuff better. I watched 'Lone Ranger' when it was on, but then they replaced it with some cooking show. Not for me." Logan laughed. "I like Wild West too. " Rod's eyes got bigger. "I knew I liked you! You have a favorite episode?" "Hmmm. Hard to say. What was that one, the old one, where he tangles with the deranged former captain?" "THE NIGHT OF A THOUSAND EYES! I love that one. I like 'Howling Light" too." "Yeah, I thought Jim was gonna be done for after that episode." Rod was quiet for a minute. "You feel like acting out any of them?" Logan felt a rustling in his pants. He DID. He wanted to play them out very much. He knew it was wrong, but..." "Can I play West?" "Sure. I'll play the villain." And that's how it started. Acting out episodes of their favorite shows. Logan always wanted to be tied up, captured, somehow helpless. Rod played a GOOD villain too. He was a boy scout and he knew his knots, and sometimes, they'd just play where Rod would tie Logan up and see how long it would take for him to get out of the ropes. There was that one day that changed things... Rod had tied Logan up REAL good. He set a timer. "if you can't get out of them in 15 minutes, you have to pay a penalty." "YOU"RE ON. But if I get out, you pay one." "DEAL" Logan fought as hard as he could. He was interested in what Rod's penalty for him would be, but he had a good one for Rod too." Then the time went off. "Looks like you lost, Logan." "DAMN. You tied these ropes good. You win. So what's my penalty?" He saw Rod blush, and then go white. "If ... if you don't want to do it, I won't. I'll let you go." "NO. TELL ME." "I wanna wank you off Logan. I wanna open your zip, and ... " "DO IT ROD. DO IT. That's what I was gonna do to you if I won." Rod's voice dropped low. "We'll do it to each other." He untied Logan, and lay down next to him . They reached out for each other's cocks, and started. "Whoever cums first, has to get tied up next time!" Rod laughed. So did Logan, but now he was trying, hard, to jizz first. He had his eyes closed, so he didn't see that Rod had figured out what he was doing, and had stopped wanking. "OH SHIT FUCK!!!! " the young Logan yelled, and shot all over himself. He opened his eyes and saw that Rod was leaning on his hand, watching. "Hey you shit! " Logan began to laugh. "Sorry if I tricked you Log. But you looked so, well... handsome. I just wanted to watch. Know what I want to do now?" Logan gulped. "I think I do. Tell me." "I wanna kiss you." "I want that too."

And that's how it started. Logan went over to Rod's place just about every day when they returned from school. His mom didn't mind: it kept him out of her hair, and Logan seemed to have a friend he really liked. Logan and Rod went at it for about a year, maybe a year and a half.

Then Rod's father got a transfer with his job. They were leaving. When the families said goodbye, Logan and Rod did the best they could to hide their feelings. "I won't forget you Log. Keep watching those shows." "You do the same Rod. I'll think of you." They shook hands: young men didn't do much else other than that in those days. "Write to me! Write to me a lot!" Rod yelled out of the station wagon as they took off. Logan did, but he never got a reply, so eventually, he wrote less, and then not at all.

Thinking about those early days was giving him an erection. "Damn, I may have to go to the study and pretend to be doing some work," he thought, as he kept on driving. He passed the McClatchy place, and he saw someone there, apparently planting bulbs, or something. He looked close. Was it? Could it be? "ROD? ROD MCLATCHY? " The guy looked up. "HOLY SHIT. LOGAN. LOGAN WILLS! Get your ass out of that car and say hi." Logan ran over as fast as he could . He had been bigger than Rod, and still was, and he grabbed him, twisting him up in the air. "GEEZ ROD. I thought I'd never see you again!" Rod was smiling. "Well, you thunk wrong Log. You still live around here?" "Next house down." "REALLY? You never left? " "Well, we did. We were in a smaller house, but when Kim had our second kid..." He saw Rod's smile disappear. "You're married." "Yeah, two kids. How about you? How many kids you have? " "It's just me Logan. I never took the plunge. Well, I couldn't." "Why not? Did something happen?" "Yeah Log, something DID happen. I realized I was gay. I like guys. Marriage? Kids? Not for me. Well, at least it wasn't. Dunno if it will be now, but..." Logan was quiet. "I'd invite you in, but I'm kinda certain you wouldn't.." "Don't assume Rod? OF COURSE I'd come in." "Well, it's not much of a place yet. Lots more to do. " He led Logan into a dusty wreck of a house that needed a lot of "TLC" "Hey, let me just give Kim a call so she doesn't worry." He rang up his wife and told her where he was, and why. "He was my best friend through school, Kim, I'm just gonna hang for a few minutes. See ya soon." Rod looked at him "Was I your best friend, Logan?" Logan smiled. "Would I have done what we did , if you weren't? " Rod smiled. "Oh, the good old days. HEY, you wanna see the basement?" Logan laughed. "That sounds like a come on." Rod laughed. "Not yet. It's still unfinished." They went down the stairs, and there was Rod's old bedroom, without furniture, but looking pretty much as it did. "You turning it back into a bedroom, Rod?" "Nope. It's gonna be, I guess, what you would call a playroom." "Playroom?" Rod took a deep breath. "Remember all those TV shows we watched? All the ropes, the handcuffs, the chains?" "Yeah, we were really into that stuff." "I never stopped being into it Log. That's why I'm calling it a playroom. " "Oh. " "I'm sorry Logan. I'm oversharing. I didn't mean to." "No, no... I'm , I'm fascinated. Hey , listen, I wouldn't wanna spring a guest on Kim at the last minute, but... you need someone to help you with the house? I mean, Kim said she saw a work crew, but I bet they're not gonna help you with the playroom." "Well, actually they are. They know exactly what they're getting into, and they've been paid well. But I'd love to have you come by. Especially after it's done. But come by any time. " "And let me talk to Kim. If you're gonna be our neighbor, we should be having you for dinner." Rod smiled. "I'd like that Logan. I'd like to spend time with you again too." "Well, that makes two of us." He looked at his watch. "Shit, Kim is gonna kill me. Let me get going. How about we send each other our numbers? " Once that was done, there was an awkwardness. "I don't know how to end this Rod. It was... it really was... it was great seeing you. I'm glad we're gonna be neighbors." He held out his hand to shake and Rod took it. Then he looked into Logan's eyes. "You really just wanna shake hands... jim west?" Logan felt like a deer in headlights, as Rod got closer and kissed him . He had called him jim west." "You give my best to your family, jim OOPS, I mean Logan." Rod laughed. I'll text you next time I'm coming back to do something here. It won't be long." Logan hugged him and kissed his neck. He whispered "Maybe it's your turn to be West." Rod laughed. "I don't think so." On his drive down to the house, short as it was, Logan was getting very, very hard. As he got into the house, he kissed Kim. "It smells really good, babe, but I gotta get to the bathroom, real quick." He was in for about five minutes. Pissing was NOT what he had to do.

Next: Chapter 2

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