Logan Finds His Best Friend and His Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 6, 2021


A few days after they had "watched football together" (that's what Logan told Kim), Logan headed out after dinner, "just to say hello, see how the house is going" and drove the short distance to Rod's house. He changed his pants, into one of his pair of tight black jeans, put on a snug polo shirt, and left. When he rang the doorbell, and Rod came to answer, he didn't invite Logan in.

"Logan. I'm surprised to see you. Is there something you need?" logan laughed. "I think you know what I need, Rod." He saw Rod blanch. "I can't talk right now, logan. I have a guest over. Can we talk tomorrow?" Now logan felt foolish. "Oh. Sure. My bad. I should've called. No problem. Lemme leave you to your company." He turned around and walked back to his car. "Hey, LOGAN..." Rod called out. "Logan, it's just...." He didn't get to finish, and logan drove off. "FUCK! Logan thought , as he drove home too fast. "Why the FUCK did I assume that...." he didn't finish his thoughts, but kept driving, down to the trucker bar he had been hanging out at before Rod moved back. He parked and walked in. "WELL WELL. The BITCH IS BACK!" one of his "regulars" yelled. "How you doing, Butch?" logan answered. "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. GET ON YOUR KNEES AND GET TO WORK FAGGOT." logan did. When Kim saw him when he came in, he told her he had been helping Rod with some painting and spackling. "Just got dirty. I shoulda asked him for some old clothes or something like that. I'm going to bed."

Rod felt bad about what had happened. He and logan had to have a talk. Yes, he liked logan. He liked dominating him, he liked having sex with him. But logan was married. Rod hadn't met Kim, but feeling like "the other woman" was already a problem for him, and he didn't want to break up the marriage, or cause any problems. Kim and logan had children, they had a life, and he was really "new" to the area. But he had his needs too. So he had tried to satisfy his horniness by finding someone on line. He had no trouble with that. The guy, Sam, was a cutie, and extremely into being dominated. He and Rod had already had sex twice before logan came by, and they climaxed a third time that night. And as Rod thought about it, the next day, when he climaxed the third time, he was imagining logan underneath him. He tried to get in touch. He called logan, and texted him at least twice every day after that. He never got an answer. "Ok, he's pissed. He has no reason to be, but he's pissed. He'll get over it." At least that's what Rod thought for a couple of days. By the third day, he began to realize, he was going to have to take things into his own hands.

Meanwhile, logan was not sleeping well, and not concentrating at work. He was making mistakes. He was angry: at himself, at Rod, at Kim , at EVERYONE. He was smart enough to realize that he had made assumptions that weren't true: Rod was HIS Dom, he was Rod's sub, they were monogamous, etc. He knew Rod well enough to know that Rod would tread lightly around things because of his marriage, and he knew he should have called and not made assumptions: why should Rod stay home alone? He was SINGLE DAMN IT. Logan was the one who was married. FUCK he couldn't figure this out. The more he tried to push Rod out of his mind , the more he thought of him. He made love to Kim three days after that snafu, and he had her moaning the way he did with Rod. If he only knew what Kim was thinking: "he's imagining he's with a man. I'll take it. " The next day, Kim stopped at the playstore on her way to her job, and bought a strap on. She was willing to SHARE logan. She was NOT going to give him up. "He thinks I can't smell diesel from that friggin' bar" she muttered at work. "I thought it was over when Rod moved in. Guess not."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx That Saturday, the doorbell of Kim and logan's house rang. Kim went to the door. It was Rod. She hadn't met him yet, so she didn't recognize him. "Hi. You must be Kim. " He held out his hand. "I'm Rod. Rod McClatchy. I grew up in the house just down the road, and I moved back." "OH YES! Hi Rod! Yes, I'm Kim. Logan's spoken about you. He's so glad that you're back in the area. For a while, you were all he talked about." "Aw, that's sweet. You folks have to come over to dinner some time when I feel more confident about the kitchen. Hey, I was wondering, can Logan come out to play?" Kim laughed at the way he said it: as if he and Logan were school kids again, and she were the mother. "Oh, let me see." She turned around. "Hmmm. He was in the living room a minute ago, but now... he may have gone into the garage. You wanna take a look for him there? " "You sure it's ok? I don't want to disturb him if he's busy." She laughed. "The only thing that would keep him busy in there is organizing his magazine collection or something like that. You find him, he's yours. I can use a night of romcom." "Thank you Kim. I appreciate that." Rod headed to the garage and found logan there. He was in fact going through magazines. He didn't look up. "You don't mind trespassing on people's property?" "Oh would you STOP IT, you big baby? Kim told me I'd find you here." Logan looked up. "You talked to my wife?" "Damn right I did. You were too big a coward to answer my phone calls or to come to the door yourself." "I don't hang out with sluts." Rod laughed. "You don't hang out with sluts? YOU? Your name is all over the trucker bar bathroom stall." "How would you know." Rod stopped. "You realize we sound like fourth graders, logan, don't you?" He began walking toward logan. "GET OUT OF THE GARAGE." "I'm not leaving the garage until I get what I came for. YOU." "FUCK YOU." Logan tried to push him back, but Rod grabbed his wrists and slowly pulled them down to his sides. "LET ME GO FAGGOT." "If I'm such a faggot, big man, why can't you get loose?" He began to twist logan's wrists behind his back. "LET ME GO. LET ME THE FUCK GO." "Tell you what stud. I will. I'll let you go right now. I'll stop calling you, I'll stop texting you, you can spend all the time you want at the bar. I don't give a shit. Or... you can come back with me." He felt logan's arms relax. He heard him whisper, very softly "yes sir." Rod fastened a pair of flex cuffs on logan's wrists. "Let's go stud.."

He pulled Logan out to his car, threw him in the backseat and got in to drive. "You can call your wife when we get to my place, bitch."

"This is fucking kidnapping ya know " logan grunted from the back of the car. "I knew I shoulda gagged you too, logan. Just shut up. Or if you want, I'll turn around and let you go back." "I'll shut up. But you shoulda gagged me. " "I got gags at home. Plenty of them. I picked one out for ya too. Special. " "You know I woulda just got into the car, Rod." "DAMN IT YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT. NOW JUST SHUT UP AND THINK ABOUT THIS: YOU ENJOYING IT MORE WHERE YOU ARE THAN IF YOU WERE SITTING UP FRONT? IF THE ANSWER IS YES, SHUT THE FUCK UP." logan shut up. As they were driving to Rod's house, Kim sighed. "Two of them going to the trucker bar. Hope he does laundry at Rod's"

Rod drove into his garage, opened the backseat and grabbed logan's meaty arm. "GET MOVING. I got a LOT in store for you." logan struggled just to put up a fight. He wasn't going anywhere, and Rod dumped him down in a chair. "Now, we're gonna get a few things straight, fuckbitch." He began to push his knee into logan's crotch. "Hmmm. Hard, huh?' "Just an accident." Rod laughed. "Yeah right. Well, here's the deal. If you're gonna be my bitch, you put up with my catting around, PERIOD. " "You fucking other guys Rod?" "Damn right I am. If you got a problem with that, I'll stop fucking with you." logan pulled at his wrist restraints. "I want you all to myself, Sir." "Well, that's flattering but too bad. Cause I don't got YOU all to myself. Now, I'm gonna give you a piece of me, and you're gonna love it. But first." Rod pulled out a piece of equipment that logan had never seen. It was a spreader gag. "Open your mouth." "FUK YOU" "WHAM." went Rod's hand on logan's crotch. "OPEN THAT GODDAMN MOUTH" "AIEEEEEEE" when logan screamed, Rod shoved in the spreader. logan tried to resist, but Rod was too strong. "Know why I use this? So I can FUCK YOUR FACE." Now.... stick out your tongue. STICK IT OUT." Rod was keeping up pressure on logan's crotch , and if he took too long, he increased the pressure. Rod smiled when logan stuck out his tongue. Rod ran his finger over it. "Sort of like stimulating your ass. Gonna do that later. "GAAAAAAAANGGGGG" came out of logan's mouth, as Rod dropped his pants. "Now you're gonna suck. And you're gonna do a GOOD job with that fucking big mouth of yours. " logan couldn't close his mouth, so he tried to turn his head away, and Rod smiled. "GOOD. Got something to make you behave , logan." logan's eyes got wide as Rod took out a collar, with a stretch of chain attached to it. He put the collar on logan, and then he wrapped the chain around his wrist. "You move your head... I pull it back. Like this." He yanked once and logan yipped in pain. His cock got harder. "Now Take . This. Cock." Rod pulled down his pants and slid his cock into logan's mouth. He couldn't close his lips around Rod's cock, but Rod didn't seem to mind. Neither did logan, as he quieted down, and got on with sliding his tongue around Rod's cock as best as he could. "I'm gonna take your mouth tonight and then... when I recover... I'm gonna take your ass, stud." logan's cock jumped to attention when he heard that. "That's right BITCH. I'm gonna fuck you TWICE. " Rod's cock was moving back and forth faster and faster, and logan was getting harder. He rubbed up against Rod's knee, and then Rod pulled it away. "No way, fucking bitch. I'm not sure I'm gonna let you cum tonight." He grinned, and his face contorted as his cum started to squirt down logan's throat. "Oh yeah. Better blow job than I got earlier in the week, straight boi." He reached behind and unlocked the mouth spreader. "Shit, that fucking thing HURTS." "Yeah, it's like the dentist, cuntboi. And if it hurts, you're gonna get it again if you give me trouble. " He began teasing logan's nipples through his t shirt. "If you knew I were coming for you, would you've worn something tighter?" logan closed his eyes. Rod knew how tender his nipples were "Yes sir. Yes sir. I'd dress as your BITCH." Rod walked behind logan, and kept his fingers on his nipples as he began working on his ears. He whispered "You're my fucking mancunt. Understand that logan?" logan began to calm down. "Yes sir. I understand." Rod rested his chin on logan's neck. "You gonna kiss me like I'm your man, studmuffin?" "OH SHIT YESSIR." Rod came back around front, and pushed his lips to logan's. Then he forced open his mouth and began to probe with his tongue. logan moaned. He LOVED being kissed. It almost never happened at the trucker bar. He'd come home with a belly full of semen, and not a single peck on his lips or cheeks. "That was good logan. Kim teach you how to kiss?" Rod had his hand under logan's chin, looking at him, eye to eye. "Yes sir. She did." Rod went back to playing with logan's nipples. "Know what? I gotta feeling that Ms Kim knows ALL about you stud. She'd rather have you part time than no time. Can't blame her." He kissed logan. "Downstairs. You haven't seen the way the playroom looks lately." Rod walked logan down the stairs to the playroom. "HOLY SHIT! This looks GREAT." logan looked around at the fully equipped room. Rod smiled. "Get your shirt off." He untied logan . "Then get over here" he was standing at a spot where a pair of wrist restraints came down from the ceiling. When logan doffed his shirt, Rod locked in his wrists. Then logan saw there was a long bar at the base, right near his feet. Rod pushed his legs apart, and attached each ankle to the metal rod. Then he went over to the wall and flipped a switch. logan's feet didn't move, but his arms got pulled up and up. "FUK THAT HURTS. " "You'll get used to it, mancunt. You're gonna have to." logan was stretched to the point where he was visibly uncomfortable. His cock was also bulging in his pants. "Please Sir Rod. I need to bone. Badly. "You want the gag again? I'm sorta finished with your mouth." No Sir. I wont' ask.. MMMMPH." Now, Rod had put a ball gag in. "I made this myself. With a tennis ball I rolled over my cock after I jerked off. You taste me, logan?" logan could. It got him harder. "Let's see... how will we start... Violet wand." logan looked puzzled. He didn't know what a violet wand was. The sparks began to jump over logan's torso, and he tried to jump out of the way. "Not going anywhere, are ya stud ? Just standing there. Now, think about this... how's it gonna feel when I drop your jeans and start sparking your crack. "MMMMMMMMMMMMPH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " Well, you got two choices. You get the want at your crack or.... I put on these." He saw nail extensions in Rod's hand "And I start using these up and down your sides." "UMPHMPPPHHHHHHHHH." logan was ticklish and Rod knew it. And logan also knew that, ultimately, he was gonna get both. Rod started putting on the extensions. Then he started to run them up and down logan's sides. "QUIT IT" logan was yelling through the ball gag. It came out as a garbled sound, and his spittle started to drip out of the side of his mouth. Rod grinned. When he wasn't groveling in the dirt at the trucker bar, logan had always been fastidious. Having the saliva all over himself, even if it was his, was gonna make him feel very, very vulnerable and humilitated. And he was getting even harder, as Rod lowered the restraints and undid them. logan was exhausted. "Undo the ankle restraints, bitch. That way I can see your ass point out." "yes sir." logan was concerned he wouldn't be able to stand up if he bent down, but he did. He felt the paddle smack his ass. "TOO GODDAMN SLOW. MOVE IT OUR YOU GET ANOTHER." "YES SIR. SORRY SIR." logan moved faster, and stood up. He didn't have to be told to put his hands behind his back. Rod came over. He had the rod in his hand, and he sent more sparks over logan's torso. "If you break position, you'll get more." logan was shaking. He was ready to fall. "PLEASE SIR I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE." "Sure ya can big guy. We gotta make up for all the nights you wouldn't take my calls. " Rod laughed. He pointed to the palette. "Lay on it. No, better. Hit the floor. Let me see a perfect pushup." Exhausted as he was, logan wasn't sure he could. He put all the strength he could into it. "Don't lower your body. Hold it just like that." He felt Rod's four fingers running up and down his ass crack. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. I'm gonna drop Sir. I'm gonna drop. " "Get on your elbows and knees then dog bitch." logan did so eagerly. He anticipated what was going to happen, and he was right. Rod had recovered, and his cock was hard enough to slide into his ass. logan gasped "Sir... that feels so GOOD. OH SHIT. It was worth the wait. " "SHUT UP." Rod grabbed logan's hair and pulled his head back. When he did, his cock went in further. "When I get done, you can jerk yourself off." It wasn't to take long. Rod had recovered enough for an erection, but not enough for a full load. In less than ten minutes, his small amount of cum was in logan. "Get on your back. jerk, bitch. You're so boned, do it. You've got five minutes." logan smiled internally. It was only gonna take him two. He stroked, and he thought about everything Rod had done to him that night. Everything came back to him. He wanted this man to... brand him. To put something on that showed the world... he was HIS. "MASTER ROD..." logan yelled, and he came all over himself and the floor. "Clean my floor, bitch. LICK IT UP." "Yes sir." logan had done that so many times at the bar, this just felt so much cleaner. "Then call your wife. Tell Kim we're both too drunk to drive. You're staying. " "Yes sir." He did . "Ok hon. sleep it off . Tell that naughty Rod not to let you drink so much again." She sighed and went back to her movie. "DAMN I didn't tell him to do his own laundry." As they got into bed, logan was trying to think if he and Rod had ever slept over? Even as kids? He couldn't think of it ever having happened. He curled up into Rod's embrace. He felt Rod's lips on his neck. "You're gonna make a great piece of ass logan. "

Next: Chapter 4

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