Logan Finds His Best Friend and His Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 28, 2021


How did Rod wind up back in the old neighborhood ? Well, the story is both straightforward, and messy. After he and his family moved away, Rod went into a funk. He missed logan big time. He would remember their old "games," and come to climax as he'd recall logan surrendering to him, or just giving up, not pushing or struggling against Rod's ropes. At his new school, he didn't find anyone else like logan.

Just about the time that his family moved, and Rod started at the new school, he "came into his height" as his mother put it. In the space of six months, he shot up five, maybe 6 inches. He thought about how that would've been a real advantage playing with logan. logan was a big guy, but now... Rod was bigger. Not by much, but a bit. The school nurse had measured him at 6'5" when he was 17. He didn't put on weight though, so he got all kinds of nicknames like "the Jolly Green Giant" or "string bean Rod." Clothes never seemed to fit him right, and his mother seemed to be oblivious. She bought him short sleeve shirts, "on sale," which meant they were always cut skimpily and he never lost the look of the "giant geek from outer space," as one of his classmates called him.

Does it surprise anyone that when he was accepted to college, he went. Indeed, when the college offered a "preparatory class" for students who needed to "orient" to college life, he went. His folks had the money, he just had to convince them to spend it. He spoke to his mom and he used an angle that he knew was gonna work. "Mom, with me out of the house, you can turn the bedroom into a closet. All your shoes. All your hats. Everything. " "Hmmmm. That's a very good point, Rod. Let me talk to your Dad. I think we can get this done." She did, and it was. And by mid July, Rod was off, out of state, to college prep. It was the first time in his life he had a roommate: Brian. EVERYONE was shorter than Rod, but Brian was almost tiny. He stood at 5'3", and he had embraced his own height, referring to himself as a "pocket gay." (Yes, Rod was still closeted, but Brian was, as he put it "out and proud"). "You ever thought about sex with a short guy, Rod?" Brian asked him once. "And by the way, is Rod your real name, or does it just refer to that thing outlined in your pants?" Rod blushed. He was wearing a light pair of khakis that were snug. It wasn't by choice. These are the clothes he had . His mom and dad controlled all the money when he was home, and his mom had been so busy as a clothes horse, she hadn't gotten him a new thing (besides underwear), in 2 years. This pair of pants showed everything. After Brian asked his question, he licked his lips. "I'd love to see if I could take that whole monster cock." Rod blushed. He missed those sessions when he would fool around with logan, but he was afraid: he didn't feel "grounded" enough to do anything. Now Brian was approaching him. "You wanna try? Let's see." Rod opened up his pants, and his cock , half hard, came out. "Lemme see if I can get that fella to full size, Rod. Rod's rod. Ha ha. I like that." Brian wrapped his lips around Rod's cock, and it sprang to life, immediately. Brian began to choke. "Sorry dude. Can't get it all. " Rod shrugged his shoulders. "Don't worry about it. It was a good try." Brian looked at him. "DUDE. You don't get how this works, do you? You're supposed to do something like grab my head, shove it down the cock and say "I SAID TAKE MY COCK SHRIMPCAKE." Rod smiled. He could get into that. "Ok. Wanna try again?" Brian smiled. "I'm game." "One second. I just wanna go into the bathroom." Rod didn't need the bathroom, he just had an idea. He went in, flushed, and came out, with his pants closed, but his cock sticking out. "HEY, SHORTY. My cock is taller than you and it needs tending to. Take care of it, little man." Brian looked at him. He smiled. "Yes sir." He wrapped his lips around Rod's cock and went down as far as he did last time . "THAT ALL YOU CAN DO LITTLE BITCH? I SAID I'D LIVE WITH YOU BECAUSE I HEARD YOU HAD TALENT. NOW GET TO WORK." He grabbed Brian's head and shoved it all the way down his cock. When he jizzed, Brian wasn't moving. He took the whole load. And it was substantial. Brian was his roommate only during the college prep class. When school was beginning, he moved into the dorms with another roommate. Ryan was a recruit to the wrestling team: a wiry man of color who wrestled in the middle weight classes. First thing Rod noticed when he moved into the room (Ryan was already there), was how well Ryan dressed. "Hey , how ya doing treetop?" Ryan smiled as he shook his hand. "Just teasing. I won't say that anymore. I'm used to getting called fireplug. " Rod saw that. Ryan's body definition was stunning. "Hey, you know what I bet? " Ryan said. "I bet you'd be a good sparring partner for me." Rod laughed. "That's ridiculous. I got no training, and you've got all the muscles. "Yeah, but you got the arms, the legs, the height. C'mon. Give it a try. It'll be fun." Ryan dropped the short sleeve shirt he was wearing: he wore it much better than Rod did. "Ok, in for a nickle..." Rod said, dropped his shirt, and then they tangled up. He thought of his wrestling sessions with logan: how he'd control him. Ryan was a much tougher opponent, but he was no match for Rod's wrap around technique. "GEEZ. I feel like I'm wrestling a fucking octopus! " Ryan laughed. "One with nine legs, instead of 8." "Nine legs?" Ryan looked at him. "You think I did this for wrestling practice, stud? " He looked at Rod's cock. "I want that. I want it in me. " Ryan had a thing for tall thin guys. He had gone into wrestling because he liked the idea of being controlled. And he had the perfect roommate. "I've... I've never done that to anyone, Ryan." "I'll guide you. It's easy. " That was the day Rod lost his virginity. He never regretted it. Neither did Ryan. They roomed together that year, and as horny young men, it was rarely a day that Rod didn't fuck Ryan. Sometimes, Brian would come over, and they'd have a three way. Ryan would suck Brian, or vice versa, and Rod would fuck each of them. They'd flip a coin to see who'd get him to cum.

Tragedy his Rod in his second year. His folks, on one of their trips to Europe, had been on one of those overcrowded ferries, and drowned when it capsized. After the leave of absence for the funeral, the talks with the lawyers, and everything else, Rod came back to school, the sole inheritor of an 11 million dollar estate. He moved out of the dorms into his own apartment, and switched his major. He had been studying business to please his father, but his heart was in mathematics. Lots of geeky guys there. He became a math major, living on his own, and... He began to do two things that would change his life. First, he started going to the gym for more than gym class. Being with Ryan had given him a healthy respect for great bodies. He wanted one. His trainer was very blunt. "Rod, let's be honest with each other. Muscles? You're never gonna get the bulk you're looking for EVER. You've got a runner's build. Lean. Strong. We can build that up, but you're gonna look more like a marathoner than a wrestler. Blame mother nature." The trainer grinned. "You already can thank her for something." He saw the outline in Rod's shorts. "I'd like to exercise that, too." Butch came over to his apartment that night, and wound up moving in for 3 months. Rod was sort of in bliss when he was with this blond "god" as he called him. It took him a little while to realize: he was a very jealous man. One day, he saw Butch checking out another guy. "THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT? SOME TRASHY GUY WITH PIMPLES? THEN GET THE HELL OUT?" Butch stopped and looked at him. "Rod... I just looked. I actually laughed. I wasn't doing anything. I wasn't planning to do anything, besides...." He opened his mouth and got on his knees. "My topman has to feed me." Rod was satisfied until he came home one day and found "Mr Pimples" as he called him in bed with Butch. Out they went, and Rod was single for the rest of his college stay. Why all of this information? Well, now you know a bit about Rod, and the rest of our story will make more sense.

logan was so happy that Rod was back: he was always ready for fun, and he knew how to push logan's buttons, and turn him into a screaming, begging sub bottom. But he was pushing logan to be out in public with him "It's just two friends going out for a drink, logan" "Nah, you know how people talk. And they know you're a fag." Rod laughed. "You really think they don't know you are." logan always hated when Rod talked like that. "I'm NOT gay. I just like having sex with you." "And everyone at the trucker bar, slut." That hurt. logan paused. He was a hot head himself, and without thinking he said "I think we shouldn't see each other for a while." Rod looked at him and smiled. "We'll see each other when I say we'll see each other . You have no choice in this." logan gulped. Rod saying that had made him feel more than a little horny. The thought of Rod taking over his life was something logan fantasized about a lot. But... he had been "the slut of Trucker Square" as the guys called him. He didn't want to give that up. So he lied. "You're right Sir. I don't. " He stood, looking at logan, with his hands behind his back. "GET ON THE BED, TRUCKER BITCH. NOW." A very slight smile crossed logan's face. "yes sir," he whispered, and went to the bed. "Now we... are gonna just re-establish who's in charge, cocksucker." logan was wearing a denim shirt that fit him tightly, Rod growled as he opened it. "ALL your shirts should fit you this way. They show off those tits . They might be your best dam feature." "Yes sir. OOOOOOOOOH." Rod had begun to push one of the buttons: licking the side of logan's left nipple. logan's hands were tied down to the bed, and he couldn't do anything, which got him harder and harder. "I swear logan... one of these days, I'm gonna send you back to Kim shaved smooth as a cue ball. DAMN would I like to see you fucking smooth." "NO. COME ON . DON'T TALK THAT WAY. " He saw the smile on Rod's face, as he said. "How about this way? Get your legs in the air, BOTTOM? 'yes sir." Rod's fucking had originally been gentle, and slow. That had changed, and logan sucked in a big breath as Rod's big cock took possession o f his ass. "UNDERSTAND SOMETHING LOGAN. YOU MAY BE MARRIED TO KIM, BUT YOU BELONG TO ME. GOT THAT?" He thrust in "OH SHIT. Yes sir. Yes sir. " Rod arched over logan and shoved his tongue down his mouth. He kept it there until he gave another shove, and spilled jizz into logan. That's when he pulled his tongue out, and tried to kiss logan. logan was NOT a fan of romantic kisses. He was trying (unsuccessfully) to NOT fall in love with Rod. Rod grabbed his chin and held logan's face still. "HEY. If I wanna kiss you, you'll kiss back. GOT THAT COCKSUCKER?" Rod was pushing his knee into logan's crotch. "OUCH. YES SIR. YES. I understand." Rod kissed him. He repeated it. "This Sunday, you're going out with me in the afternoon. We're gonna walk together like a couple. Trust me: you're not gonna die. " logan thought he would.

Rod reminded him of their Sunday date a few times during the week. On Saturday, rather than text, he called. "Don't make me come over there and drag you out of the house, because if I have to do that, I will." logan smiled. He loved the idea of being snatched from his house, but he loved the idea that Rod was so into him more. He was scared shitless about what Rod had planned, but he'd do it. "One thing cocksucker. Don't shave on Sunday morning." "Ok sir." logan usually didn't shave on Sunday , so he didn't have to make any changes. He put on a light flannel shirt: green and black squares, black jeans, and went over to Rod's place. Rod opened the door and smiled. "Well, well. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were a topman. " He put a finger through a loop of logan's jeans, pulled him in, and shoved him up against the wall. He pinned logan's wrists and began kissing his lips, his neck, his ears, whispering "You're so fucking hot. Can't wait to be seen with you." logan was desperate to bust a nut and Rod laughed. "That's gonna come later, maybe. Now, open the shirt. All the way down. Put this on." He handed logan the slave collar, with the lock on it. "HOLY SHIT. You want me to wear this?" "You bet. Now put your hands behind your back. Smile." Rod was taking pictures. "For those nights I let you spend with Kim. I need something to... inspire me." In the car, logan asked "where are we going Sir?" "Gay neighborhood. Cruising ground. You might see some of the garbage from that bar, but I doubt it. We won't spend much time. Baby steps for my baby stud." Rod took logan to a neighborhood he had heard about but had never visited. "Gayville. It's where folks like us hang out." "I'm not like these folks" logan thought, but he had to admit: there were a LOT of good looking men around. A thought began to go through his head: all these guys, and Rod picked me." When they got out of the car, Rod ordered logan to "keep your hands behind your back and don't get too far away from me. That chain is supposed to advise people that you're owned, but some...." There were guys who knew Rod, and they stopped and chatted. He introduced logan as "my boyfriend" and logan could tell he was getting checked out, approvingly. One guy even asked if he could finger logan's tits. Rod looked at him harshly. "You see the chain, Floyd? You know what that means?" "I know, I'm sorry, it's just.." logan felt Rod's arm go around his waist. "It's just this. NO ONE touches this man but me. That right, logan?" logan turned his head a bit. "yes sir. You own me." "Show him. Kiss me." logan gulped. He was about to kiss a man in public. But he did it. And it seemed to arouse Rod a lot. "MMMM. MMMMMM. My bitch. My sexy furry bitch." Then he began playing with logan's nipples. "I think I gotta get you home. I need that ass." People heard him and applauded. logan was reddening, but the thought of another fucking that week: yeah, he could deal with that.

Rod got logan naked, and hogtied him. He kept the collar on him, as he began licking logan's feet. "HAHAHAHAHAHA. C'MON Rod. Quit it. You know what that does to me." "Tell me..." "Makes me hard. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " As hard as getting your ribs attacked. "OH SHIT. DON'T DO THAT SIR. PLEASE. Rod said nothing, but he began to run his thumb down logan's ass crack. logan was hogtied, but he tried to open his ass to give logan more room. The low degree of contact, was driving him crazy, and he was whining. "Please Sir. Please fuck my ass. Please prove again that I'm a bitch. " He felt a crack on his ass. It was the paddle. "OUCH. What did I say wrong, Sir. I said I'm a bitch. " The paddle came down again. And again. Then logan got it. "I'm YOUR bitch Sir. I'm YOURS." The paddling stopped. "That's right. You are. Don't you forget it. " Rod untied logan's ankles, and spread his legs. Rod slammed in all at once and he leaned in on logan's ear. He whispered. "How'd you like being on display? How'd you like people woofing you? How'd you like making people jealous of me." logan was trying to think those questions through, but Rod was fucking him so thoroughly, he couldn't focus on anything but his piledriver cock. He struggled to speak. "You let them know Sir... I belong to you.." "DAMN RIGHT I DID. Because you DO. You better not let me catch you doing ANYTHING with other men. " "No Sir. Only you." He choked as Rod pulled the collar. "No more biker bar? GOT IT?" logan didn't answer until Rod pulled the collar a second time. "Got it Sir. No more. This is all yours. " logan felt Rod slow down. He was pushing in with slow, deep thrusts. "My hot. Sexy. Handsome. Mancunt. LOGAN." Then Rod screamed, and his cum started spilling into logan's ass. logan didn't have permission and he knew he'd have a punishment, but he shot right on Rod's bed." Rod kept logan's wrists tied up during the afterglow, and said. "You're not leaving today until you get my sheets washed. And...." He whispered. "Chastity cage for three days." "FUCK. Kim and I always go at it on Sunday." "Not this week, stud. Tell her you got clap or something." logan looked into Rod's eyes. "How about I tell her I've got a bad case of you." Rod laughed as he flicked logan's nipple. "I remember that song. Joni Mitchell right? I used to play it at school and think of you." logan felt something melt in him when Rod said that. He was confused. VERY confused. "Let me get these sheets done. I'm sorry Sir. I'll show more control next time." Rod laughed. "Yeah, you will . Cause you'll be locked up." Logan cleaned himself up while the washing machine was working. He began to think about today. SO HOT. So exciting. And now, he was hopelessly confused. He was falling for Rod, in a VERY big way. What was he going to do? He decided he needed to give this a test.

Next: Chapter 7

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