Logging Camp

Published on Mar 16, 2005


Logging Camp

Part 2

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These is an all new story. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

After three weeks Skeeter and Buddy were full-fledged members of the crew. Skeeter was built like a tank. Once he got back in shape, he was a real asset. He was also smarter than he looked and didn't need to have Dusty looking over his shoulder all of the time. Buddy wasn't as smart, but he was sex starved and that was an asset. Anytime you felt the urge to play, Buddy was willing.

A month later I got a call from Judge FitzGilbert. He had another recruit. I drove into town to meet with him and get the details. Bill's wife was away for a few weeks and he had the house to himself, so we got to have some recreational time on our own. We had been playing around since we were kids. When we got together now the old excitement remained.

"We should have the afternoon to our selves," Bill said, "but there's a slight chance Daniel will join us." Daniel was a former Sheriff's deputy who was the Judge's body guard during a difficult period. Daniel was now the Sheriff in a southwestern Virginia county. He usually got back to town for funerals and similar events. The former Commonwealth's attorney was buried that morning. Daniel thought he might attend.

"Work before pleasure," Bill said. "I have a case before me with a man you might find interesting. Wiley is younger than the usual recruit, but he's big and strong. He's had a troubled life. He needs your magic touch."

"So far so good," I said. "There seems to be some hesitation in your voice. Is there something you aren't telling me?"

"I just hadn't got to that part," Bill continued. "His full name is Wiley J. Thornton III."

"He's the son of Bible Thumping Thornton?" I asked. "You've got to be kidding me." Thumping Thornton was the most annoying, publicity hound preachers in our area. He never missed an opportunity to add his two cents to every issue. He liked to destroy people's lives as a way to prove his piety. I hated his guts.

One of my Uncles had a drinking problem. He was a teacher at the Junior high and he never drank on the job, but he tied one on from time to time. Thornton destroyed him and my Aunt with him. They had to leave town and my poor Uncle was never the same again.

"Wiley III is gay?" I asked.

"One hundred percent as far as I can tell. He's in court for disorderly behavior, but the real problem is sucking a cock in the Strand Theater rest room," Bill explained. "My son knew him in school. He was a good boy, but could never meet his father's standards."

"I feel sorry for him," I said.

"His mother's worse. She the power behind the throne," Bill said. "Sheila Thornton would make Lady Macbeth seem like the Virgin Mary. Wiley III needs to get away."

"Why doesn't he just leave?" I asked. "If he's your son's age, he must be 24-25."

"You need to take a course in control freak fathering," Bill said. "He needs a new father figure who is rational. My wife thinks the kid needs an exorcism."

"Sally said that?" I was surprised. Bill's wife wasn't prone to be catty. "Why don't you fill the gap? After all, you're a noted judge."

"Thumper Thornton sees me as a threat," Bill said. "He'd never let his son sleep over at my house. We were too liberal, too tolerant. He'd never be worried about you. You're a lumberjack. It would never cross his mind that a common lumber jack could be a threat."

"Well, I'll think it over and call you later," I said.

"Another thing. Wiley III's good looking and my son said his nick name in the locker room was Foot-Long." Bill added.

"Be still my heart!" I cried. Bill burst into laughter. The door bell rang. I looked out the window and saw a Sheriff's car in front of the house. Bill answered the door and returned with two men, Daniel and another guy.

"Daniel, you remember my friend, John Stevens?" Billy said in introduction. We shook hands and Daniel introduced his Deputy, Wendell Smith. Daniel was a blond, Marine type with a flat top and a bristly, but clipped mustache. He obviously was into weights. Wendell was a younger version of Daniel, shorter and with black hair. Daniel was forty-two or so. I guessed Wendell was no more than thirty.

I knew the Judge and Daniel had been close and suspected they had been very close. They went off to get same drinks leaving me with Wendell.

"This sure is a nice house," he said as he looked around. He had a strong southwestern Virginia accent, and he was almost awe struck by the house. I figured he came from a modest background.

"Mrs. FitzGilbert has good taste," I said, "Most of the furniture is her family's."

"I bet some of it's a hundred-year-old," he said. He looked at a portrait on the wall. "Is that her father?" We went over to the picture. It had a plaque saying it was of Jonathan Thornton, 1797. "I thought stuff like that was in museums?" the young man said.

"I may be eventually," I replied. Bill and Daniel returned to the room with beers. I suggested we go out to the sun room. Wendell looked relieved when we went out. I suspected he felt like a bull in a china shop. I went to get another beer with Bill talked to me alone, "They're here for the same thing you are. Are you game?" I said sure. When we got back, I saw Daniel and Wendell had the same conversation.

"Would you like to see the rest of the house, Wendell?" Bill asked.

Wendell looked at the judge as if he were a deer caught in headlights. "Oh yes!" he said.

We went up stairs and saw the main bedrooms, then went to the attic level. The Judge had redone this area for his sons. It was part bedroom, part exercise room and part shower room. In the middle of the room was a universal gym. Wendell looked as if he had ascended to heaven. It was the room of his dreams.

"Try it," Bill said.

"I'm in my dress uniform," Wendell said.

Bill smiled, "The dress code here is informal. Strip and I'll find something for you." Daniel started to take off his tie. We stripped down and I was in my undershorts when Bill returned. He had taken his shirt off, exposing his barrel chest covered in curly golden hair.

"You use this equipment, don't you?" Wendell asked as he looked at the Judge's muscular chest. He liked what he saw. Daniel was nude now so I dropped my shorts.

"I do. My wife's been away, so I've been using it more," Bill said. He was wearing sweat pants and he slipped it down to below his pubic hair. The golden bush seemed to transfix Wendell. Wendell was still wearing his shorts, but his cock formed a tent.

Daniel came over Bill and dropped to his knees. He pulled the pants down, looked at Bill's cock and began to suck. I went over to Wendell and put my arm around him. "I hope Daniel told you we're a really friendly group," I said. Wendell was shy. He also was horny and turned on.

Sensing he was more turned on than shy, I groped his cock. Wendell sighed in relief. I got his shorts off and his cock in my mouth in record time. The second I tasted his cock, I knew he was close to shooting. "Calm down," I said. "We've got all afternoon." I sucked him carefully until he was in control again. We got on the floor and 69ed. The four of us had a good afternoon. Dressed, Wendell looked like a short version of Daniel. Naked they were very different men. Daniel was self assured. Weight training made him buffed, but his body was that of a swimmer. He must have clipped his body hair; he looked manicured. Daniel's cock was cut, long, curved and crowned by a big mushroom head.

In contrast, Wendell was shy and unsure of himself. His body was thick. His close shaven face and neck contrasted with the tangle mass of hair on his chest, shoulders and back. While six inches shorter than Daniel, his cock was as long, but much thicker. Uncut, the head was the same size as the shaft.

It was clear Daniel and the Judge weren't just casual friends. I'm not sure they remembered we were in the same room. Fortunately, once Wendell got over his shyness, all was well. Wendell wouldn't make the first move, but one I introduced the subject, he had no trouble. We were on the floor catching our breath when I asked him if he liked to fuck.

"I don't really know," he replied.

"Would you like to find out?" I asked.

"Shit yes!" Wendell replied. Bill had a tube of lubricant handy, so I coated Wendell's meat. The high gloss coating made it look bigger and harder. I asked if I could sit on it and he said sure. It was fat and took a while, but the expression on Wendell's face as it slid in was worth it. The boy didn't know life could be that good.

"I can tell you like it," I said.

"It's great," Wendell replied. I bounced on the hard cock some. It looked as if he were going to pass out it felt so good. "I've never fucked anyone before," he whispered.

"Not even a girl?" I asked.

"No one. I didn't know what I was missing," he murmured.

"Let me get up and on my back, then you can fuck me proper," I suggested. We adjusted positions. He got my legs on his shoulders and got his cock in my ass in record time. He started to pump frantically.

"Slow down," I said.

"Am I hurting you?" Poor Wendell looked horrified. He was afraid he had done it wrong.

"Not at all," I said. "It will last longer if you go slower." He tried to slow down, but popped in ten minutes. By then, the Judge was deep in Daniel's ass and I watched the younger man twitch on Bill's love pole. I see sex as a recreational outlet, but sometimes it's good to watch two men who love each other go at it. The Judge and I had played often before, but I enjoyed seeing him so totally involved. When he shot off it was beautiful.

I was still fully loaded, but Wendell was a young man and he was ready to go again. Daniel hadn't shot off yet either, so the three of us got together.

"I see you kicked it up a notch," Daniel said to Wendell.

Wendell looked worried. "Is that okay?"

Daniel put his arm around Wendell. "Sure, I didn't know you were ready for that yet," he said. "You got a great cock and ass. There's no reason not to use them."

"Virginity is over rated," I said. "Not that I remember that well." The two men laughed.

"I'd like to fuck again," Wendell said very quietly. "Did it bother you?" He asked, looking at me. "Having my cock in your ass, I mean?"

"No, it felt good, but not as good as the Judge's cock must have felt in Daniel's ass," I said. "I had picked you out as a top," I said to Daniel.

"That's my favorite position, but I'm getting flexible in my old age," Daniel replied.

"You were flexible when you were younger too," the Judge said. Daniel smiled.

"Only with you." he replied. We all laughed. Daniel looked at Wendell. "I'd bet you'd like to get in my ass?" Wendell nodded.

"I'd be willing, if you're willing to open up for me?" Daniel said.

"You want to fuck me?"

"Sure. I can't guarantee you'd like it, but you'll never know unless you try," Daniel explained. Wendell was staring at Daniel's cock. You could see him trying to figure of if it would fit. I knew it would, but didn't volunteer my opinion. The phone rang and our afternoon of play ended. The Judge had to get to the courthouse for an emergency. The police needed several search warrants quickly.

Four days later I was back at the courthouse collecting Wiley. As Judge FitzGilbert had said, the boy was good looking, but he wasn't in good shape. I had seen many self-destructive men in my life, but Wiley was too young to be this far gone. His parents weren't at the sentencing. That bothered me. Things have to be really bad for that to happen.

I talked to him before he went into the court room and offered him a job. I told him it was really hard, but was a lot better than jail. Wiley was aggressive at first, but I soon realized he was scared. He had pushed the envelope too far and was trapped. He didn't want to go to jail. "You look strong enough to do well," I said. "We're hard working, but laid back in the woods. The only thing that will get you in trouble is spouting any of that shit your Dad likes. We don't want any preacher in the camp. If that what you're interested in you can go to jail. They like that crap there." As I said that, Wiley's face softened and he looked relieved. He said he'd take the job.

A half hour later we were in my truck heading for the camp. It was hard to talk to him at first, but as we got further from civilization he turned into a boy. He liked the woods, but had no experience with it.

"This isn't a scout camp," I said.

He laughed. "My folks would let me go to camp. They thought I'd get corrupted," he said.

"It seems to me you got corrupted all by yourself," I said.

He was quiet. "Did they tell you why they arrested me?" he asked.

"Drunk and disorderly is what the Judge told me," I said.

"Did he tell you what I was really arrested for?"

"Cock sucking? Yep, the Judge told me that too," I said. The boy was silent.

"Wiley, let me tell you something right from the start. This isn't a scout camp. We're all older men most of whom are down on their luck," I explained. "We all work really hard and live simple lives, but we're all open minded."

"Does open-minded mean what I think it does?" Wiley asked.

"Let's just say, you aren't going to have any problems at the camp if you don't mind having fun with older guys," I said.

"Damn. Whatever you do, don't through me into the briar patch!" Wiley said. I assumed he didn't mind sucking old cock.

Next: Chapter 3

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