Loneliness Unmasked

By Adam -

Published on Sep 5, 2000


Legal Disclaimer - This story is ficticous. If you disagree with men being intimately together, then do not continue. If you do not like to read about The Backstreet Boys and NSYNC in gay roles, then stop. This story contains both boy bands, and some pop divas, all of which are not presumed to be gay in real life. This story is just that, a story.

Chapter 15 left off with a big shock. Howie gave Brian head. In this chapter you will find out what is going to happen in the aftermath of it all. Basically how Kevin, Brian, Justin, and Howie are going to handle the whole situation.

I used your e-mails and ideas, so you should like this if you had input in.



Brian was still on the floor crying. He heard the door close, and assumed Howie had left. In fact he had, but Nick had entered. Nick heard the muffled sounds, and was confused to find Brian, naked, on the shower floor. Crying was the other thing confused Nick, he didn't think Brian was that upset about Justin's sickness.

"Brian, are you okay?" Nick grabbed him and helped him to his feet. Brian just shook his head, muttering out nonsense to Nick. Nick grabbed a towel and wrapped it around him. "Come on, let's get you dressed." After drying him, Nick helped Brian dress, and then looked at him for an answer. "What happened Brian?"

"I didn't mean to, I didn't want to. I tried, I couldn't stop it. I love Justin." Nick didn't understand a word of what Brian was trying to say. He knew that it obviously was something bad, he had never seen Brian cry so hard. He tried to piece it together, but the only thing he really understood was that Brian loved Justin, something he had always known any ways.

"Brian, start from the beginning. And think clearly." Nick talked calm, wrapping an arm around Brian's shoulder for support.

"Um, I went to take a shower. And I was masturbating, ya know, because Justin's sick. Howie, he, he, started blowing me. I tried to stop him, but it was to late, and I came. And I love Justin, I didn't mean to cheat on him. I didn't want to. I love him, I can't lose him." Brian broke down again, the moans following his words. Nick was shocked, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, but instinctively pulled Brian into a hug.

"I know, and he knows that too. I'm sure he won't leave you. He loves you too." Nick tried to think of something to reassure Brian, to make him feel better. "Maybe you should stop crying, and forget about it. Get in some practice, and we can talk about it later, when we can really be alone." Nick said, trying to get Brian to wipe away his tears. Brian nodded, and grabbed his towel. Wiping away the tears, he stood.

"Thanks Nick." Brian wrapped around him in another hug. The two left the room, and headed out towards the stage. Brian and Nick both stared with evil eyes at Howie, Kevin looked at them but shrugged it off. AJ was busy talking to Brittany and Christina. Nick thought that would be the best place to go, and so they made there way over there.

"Hey guys. Where ya been?" Christina questioned, looking at a sad Brian, and a worried Nick. She wanted to know what was worrying her boyfriend. Brian, tried hard, but burst out into tears again, breaking down into Nick's arms again. "Um, Brian, are you okay?" Christina was worried, and so were the others. Kevin and Howie didn't hear it, but Brittany and AJ along with Christina all were shocked to see the break down.

"He's fine, just a little problem." Nick answered, not wanting to tell every one.

"Do you want some water, or something?" AJ questioned, with a total look of disarray on his face. Brittany grabbed him and held him still to calm him. Letting him know it probably wasn't anything serious. "What is? What's the problem?" AJ now asked, looking for an answer.

"Brian, do you want to them?" Nick asked hesitantly, rubbing Brian's back to calm him.

"I, I, I um, Nick tell them." Brian couldn't, he started to cry again, barely having enough time to get out his few words he did manage to say.

"Well, Brian was in the shower, and um, Howie came in, and before Brian knew it, Howie was giving him head. He made him, ya know, cum, and Brian didn't want it to happen, it was to late for him to stop it though." Nick told them, hoping they would all understand. Christina, wrapped her arm around the both of them. AJ wrapped his arm around the three, and attention turned to Brittany. She had anger in her eyes.

"I have to tell Justin. He has to know." Brittany's words were hitting Brian like a knife. He didn't want to tell Justin, and he didn't want him to hear it from some one else.

"Please, Brittany, please don't tell him. I will, I just, I love you, I didn't mean to do this." Brian cried out, loud enough that the walking away Brittany, and Howie and Kevin heard. Kevin ranned over to see what was happening, but Howie slowly walked behind.

"What, what are you going to tell him?" Kevin asked running over. Howie had now caught up, and was getting evil looks from everyone.

"Get the fuck outta here Howie." AJ barked, causing a weird reaction from Howie and Kevin. Kevin had no idea what had happened.

"What did he do?" Kevin barked back at AJ.

"Maybe he sucked off Brian in the shower, with out Brian's permission." AJ barked back, the arguing dying after his comments. Kevin looked at Howie with pain in his eyes.

"Is it true?" Kevin asked.

"Um, let me explain." Howie tried to speak, but was to late. Kevin was gone, running out of the building. Howie took chase, as Brittany returned to Brian.

"You have to tell him Brian, or else I will." Brittany wasn't being sensitive, and she knew it. She wasn't even trying, she knew what she wanted and she was making it perfectly clear.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I love him." Brian kept uttering the words over and over again. Fatima called off rehearsal, and Nick decided it would be best if he drove Brian home. Christina went along. Pulling into the house Nick looked at a still crying Brian.

"Are you ready?" He looked over to see if Brian was ready for what layed ahead.

"No, but I have to." Brian's cries were filled in between the words, as he opened his door. Nick and Christina followed, and as the door entered, Jackie was seen in the kitchen. She made a hush with her finger, and ushered them to the kitchen. Still not aware of her son's tears.

"Brian, what's wrong?" Brian fell right into her arms. Sobs rolling down his face. He made no motion of speaking, leaving her eyes on Nick for an answer.

"Howie, um, Howie gave Brian head. Brian didn't want it, he didn't, he tried, but it was to late. And he came." Nick tried to use words that were appropriate around elders, but found none to replace the ones he had said. "He loves Justin, he really does, and he's sorry. He didn't want it to happen."

"I know Nick, I know." Jackie ushered them towards the door with her hand. They did as they were told and left, leaving Brian and his mother alone in the kitchen. "You can have some time to think, Justin is asleep." Jackie knew Brian wanted to tell him, but knew he also didn't.

"Okay, I'm gonna go out back and think." Brian walked out of the house, and into the back yard. Falling into a chair, his tears enveloped him. He didn't want to lose Justin, he couldn't. He meant to much to him, Justin would understand. He hoped he would, but then got second doubts. Knowing Justin would be upset is what hurt him the most.


Brian and his mother sat in the kitchen eating some chicken. Justin still had no clue that Brian was home, as he was still sleeping. It had been almost a good 10 hours since Brian arrived home, and he had stopped his crying, but still was obviously distraught.

"Well, what are you going to do?" Jackie asked, nervous to hear an answer.

"I don't know. I love him, I can't lose him. But he has to know." Brian stated what he knew he had to do. Partially to tell his mother, but more to tell himself that it was a reality.

"I'm sure he will understand honey. Just explain to him how it happened, and that it wasn't your fault." She tried to give ideas and suggestions for the next 15 minutes. But nothing sank into his mind. He pondered until dinner was done, and went to the living room. It was time for him to face the music.

"Justin." Brian shook Justin, trying to keep his mind off crying was going to be tough. He knew if he showed tears, that Justin would know something was wrong. Looking up, a smile crossed Justin's face. He uttered no words when his mouth opened, and gave up on talking. He leaned up and hugged Brian. Brian's hug was not as strong, and Justin could tell.

Releasing the hug, Brian took a seat next to Justin. Justin leaned back, relaxing on Brian's chest. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's body. The moment was something Brian wanted to last forever. What he was about to say could end that.

"Um, babe, I have to tell you something. When I went to rehearsals today, I got a shower. Well, I was jacking off, and then um, well, Howie came in, and he tried to blow me, but I pushed him away." Justin jerked away at the comments, but then relaxed and layed back down. Brian knew what would come next would get the same reaction, only most likely he wouldn't lay down again. "Well, he started again, and since I was jacking off, I couldn't hold it, and he made me cum. I tried to stop him, I really did, I love you. It was an accident." Brian made pleads, but stopped when he realized that Justin had moved from the position he was in.

With his finger and hand, he made a signal that he wanted a pen and some paper. Brian grabbed the sheet on the stand next to him, and handed them to Justin.

'Its okay. I believe you. I know you wouldn't cheat on me. I still love you.' Justin handed the paper to Brian, and was surprised to hear Brian's tears flow down. He looked back, as if questioning why.

"I'm just happy. I thought you would have left me." Brian wrapped tight to Justin. Pulling him close, and rubbing his chest with his hands. "I'm so sorry, I really am." Brian started apologizing again, as Justin took the paper.

'I know, and you don't have to apologize any more. But how are Howie and Kevin?'

Reading the paper, Brian looked down towards Justin. How lucky he was for Justin to forgive him so easily. For not leaving him. He lost himself in staring, and felt himself beginning to get hard, before reviving himself.

"Oh, um, I don't want to talk about Howie." Brian answered, almost tearing up again. Justin smiled, and felt himself becoming weak again. His arms fell limp, and he practically fell right into sleep. Brian could only smile, pulling the covers up over both bodies, Justin's and his own.

"Brian, where are you?" 2 hours had passed since Justin had dozed off. In those two hours, the phone had rung a whopping 10 times. He knew most of the calls were probably for him, but he didn't want to move from Justin. He could no hear his mother walking around the house, most likely carrying the phone for him. Entering the living room, she quieted seeing Justin asleep. Brian pulled out and slipped off the couch, he didn't want to, but he had to take the phone call.

"Who is it?"

"It's Howie." Jackie gave a disgusted look and handed her son the phone. She walked away towards the kitchen, as Brian headed for his office upstairs.


"Brian, listen."

"Howie, I don't want to talk to you."

"Brian, please, just hear me out."

"Fine, you have one minute."

"Alright, I'm sorry about today, I really am. It's just, I couldn't help myself. It was an urge, and you were there, and I had the chance. You had to have felt some thing, you moaned and you didn't try and stop me the second time."

"I didn't have a chance to stop you."

"Yes you did, you had all the chances you needed. Admit Brian, you felt something too."

"I didn't feel anything Howie. I love Justin. All it was to me was a major fuck up."

"Kevin and I broke up."

"So, do you want me to counsel you, and comfort you."

"No, I'm just saying since I don't have a boyfriend, and once you tell Justin you won't have a boyfriend, may be we could hook up."

"Whoa, first off, I would never date you now Howie. And second off, I told Justin, and he doesn't blame me."


"Oh is right, now to end it, I would never date some one who would do anything so mean to my cousin, or for that matter me and my fiance. It's gonna be a while before I can talk to you again, being bandmates is going to be tough enough." And with that Brian hung up the phone.

Brian angrily walked out of his office. He made his way downstairs, into the kitchen. His mother stood with questioning eyes, as Brian took a seat by the counter.

"Well, are you going to tell me what happened on the phone, or am I going to have to use my mother's intuition?" Jackie quiestioned, looking with a smirk at her son. She was hoping to get him to laugh, failing, she waited for an answer.

"He wants to be my boyfriend." It wasn't much, just a little simple thing. He didn't state the whole conversation, just the main reason Howie had even called.

"And you turned him down didn't you?" Jackie's questioned seemed like an idiot was speaking to him. Brian only laughed and nodded his head yes.

"Of course mom. He thought Justin would have dumped me. To tell you the truth, I thought Justin would have dumped me. And when he didn't even get mad, I realized that I was the luckiest guy in the world." Brian smiled, saying multiple things in one combination. Jackie couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"I know son, I know. You and Justin are both lucky, you found each other. Now, go upstairs and freshen up, you should go to bed soon, if you want to get up tomorrow." Jackie smiled, pointing towards the clock. 10:45 was ticking by, Brian didn't say anything, only nodded and headed towards his bedroom.


The day was going by fast. It was 3 in the afternoon and rehearsals had started at 7. Every one was talking again, except for the few. Brian was not talking to Howie, and neither was Kevin. The same went for Kevin who would not speak to Brian. Brian didn't understand it, but didn't press the issue. Howie followed Brian around all day, practically begging him to leave Justin. Brian angrily walked away each time.

"Alright guys, you have an hour and half to eat and break. Then we will start rehearsing the ending act, with all of you." Fatima barked, clapping her hands. Groans and Moans were all she recieved as the groups disbanded towards the snack table.

Brian fixed himself a plate of food, and headed towards the dressing room. He was followed by Nick, AJ, Brittany and Christina. Kevin sat by himself in the corner, while Howie chatted with Fatima. Entering the room, Brian too a seat on the couch and was surrounded by his friends.

"So, did you tell Justin?" Brittany was the first to ask the question that was plaguing everyone's mind.

"Yes, I did." Brian smiled, not even looking up. He continued to munch away on his food. Leaving the results of what had happened, up to them to question.

"And?" AJ looked around the room, noticing that everyone else was about to ask the same question as he had done.

"Well, he understood. Said it wasn't my fault, and knew I still loved him." Brian answered smiling. His smile was large, and covered his entire face, if that was possible.

"That's it?" Christina asked a little shocked, getting a nudge from Nick. She didn't mean to say it rude, but was surprised that Justin had taken it so well.

"Oh, he wants Howie to join us one night when he is feeling better." Brian didn't want to make the joke, but couldn't help but tease the group of friends that stood around him. "No, seriously though. Howie called me last night, and he wanted me to dump Justin for him."

"You didn't think about it did you? It's a no answer straight out. Right?" Nick looked at Brian in shock, waiting for the answers to the questions.

"Of course not. I said no right away. I've just been thinking about Kevin and all. He won't talk to me, I guess he thinks that it is somehow my fault."

"I'm sure he will get over it. It will take him a while, since it was his first boyfriend. But I'm sure he will find another one, and get over it." AJ wrapped his arms around Brittany. They made an odd couple. AJ with his freakish look, and Brittany with her young beauty. Odd enough, they did seem to love each other, something Brian knew all to well for himself.

"I just wish he wouldn't take it out on me. I didn't do anything. I didn't want him to jeoperdize his and my relationship. I wish he knew that I would never hurt him like that. I'm his cousin after all." Brian stated out flat, setting down his now empty plate of food. "I think I'm gonna run to the house and check up on Justin quickly. Any one wanna come?"

"Sure, I'd love to." Brittany smiled, anxious to see Justin. It had been two days, but it seemed longer. She was still a little worried that Justin was sick, but knew he was getting better. "Ya wanna come Bone?" Brittany asked her boyfriend, using a nick name he hadn't heard in a while.

"Why not?" AJ and Brittany followed Brian to his car. Leaving Nick and Christina alone in the dressing room. The only smiled, before grabbing each other and passionately making out. Outside, Howie was working up the nerves to talk to Kevin.

"Kev, could we talk?"

"No, I don't want to talk to you Howie."

"Please Kev, I wanna apologize."

"I'm listening."

"Alright, hear me out before you say anything. It wasn't my fault about what happened. I walked into the bathroom, and I saw Brian in the shower. He called for me, so I went to see what was going on. All of a sudden he pushed me down, and put his dick in my mouth. He started fucking my mouth, and I didn't know what to do. I tried to pull out, but he pulled me back. And that's what happened. I didn't trick him, he tricked me." Howie's lie had taken time for him to think of. He had tested it, over and over again, before his discussion with Kevin.

"Howie, I ain't believing that shit. My cuz would never do that to me, or Justin. You on the other hand, are always trying to get some. From a girl, a guy, me, and then Brian. Just give it up, and back off. It's gonan be a while before either of us will talk to you. And you still have to deal with Jutstin."

"Oh, like Justin is such a big deal for me. All I have to do is raise my hand, and tell him Brian is mine and he'll back off." Howi laughed.

"What did you say?" Kevin stood in anger.

"I was just joking man. I wasn't serious. I would never hit him." Howie was starting to get a little fear in his voice. He backed away, and Kevin took a seat.


"Hi mom." Brian walked into his kitchen. Just returning from work he was beat. He had all the hopes of getting a shower, and heading to bed. "How was Justin?"

"Fine, he threw up once today. He's awake now, he's been waiting for you. He didn't get to see you yesterday at all." Jackie had discouraged Brian yesterday when he went to bed on arrival of the house, but Brian didn't listen. He had been tired, just like he was today, but he knew he would have to see Justin.

"I'll go talk to him for a while." Brian turned to walk away.

"Brian, how's Howie handling this?" Brian didn't want to answer the question. He knew he couldn't tell his mother about Kevin and Howie, so he had to make it seem like Howie was single all along.

"I don't care mom, why?"

"Well, because you and Justin seem to be handling it well, so I wanted to know if he was." Jackie didn't understand why Brian wouldn't answer the question. "He's one of your best friends Brian, he made a mistake. Maybe you should forget and forive."

"I will, but not yet. I'm gonna go talk to Justin now." Brian didn't wait to see if his mother was finished talking to him. He turned and headed straight towards the living room. Justin was sitting on the couch, flipping through a magazine. He fondled the page he was on, running his finger on it. When he saw Brian, he smiled. "What ya looking at?" Justin turned the page, to show him that it was a picture of him. Brian smiled back, taking the magazine and setting it down.

"Mom says you were sick today. You okay?" When Brian took his seat, Justin fell down onto him. Resting his head on Brian's chest. Brian couldn't help but smile. It was like an instinct now, something they couldn't help but do.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Justin's voice was still hoarse, but he could talk now. To Brian it was a surprise, he hadn't known this. He thought Justin still didn't have a voice.

"I'm glad to hear you again." Brian chuckled, running his finger through Justin's curls. "I've missed your voice."

"I missed talking to you." Justin smiled up, loving the touch of Brian's hands in his hair. "I've been waiting for you. I haven't seen you for a day and a half." Justin stopped his smile. It as obvious that he was visibly upset that Brian hadn't seen him in days.

"Sorry about that, I was really tired." Brian didn't know how else to apologize. He knew he should have stopped in the living room when he returned the night earlier, but he was to tired to think right.

"I'm tired all the time, but I manage to get up when you come home. I waited yesterday, and when I heard you come in I was so happy. Then when you didn't come to see me..." Justin stopped, trying to clear his throat. "I almost started to cry. I know it's stupid, but.."

"It's not stupid babe, I'm sorry. I know how hard it must be to lie around all day, and not get to see your friends. And then when your fiance doesn't stop in, it makes it worse. I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll call off work tomorrow, and send my mother out. It'll be just me and you tomorrow." Brian smiled, intent on keeping the promise he was making. Even if it caused an arguement with management, he was prepared to fight.

"You don't have to, really, it's not that big of a deal. Any ways, I'm sure the guys will want you to practice. You missed a couple days of work already, with me, and then with the Howie thing." Justin's voice trailed off as he ended his sentence. Not because he was losing it again, but because he was coming close to crying. It was true he had forgiven Brian, but the thought of another man bringing ecstasy to Brian hurt him straight to the heart.

"Justin, please, don't talk about it. It will only cause us to fight. Now, I'm calling off tomorrow no matter what." Brian changed the subject, hoping Justin wouldn't cry. He wiped away the tear forming in Justin's eye, and smiled. "I'll make you a great dinner, soup and some crackers." Brian got a laugh out of Justin with that. It was all Justin had been eating the past few days, but none the less he knew it would be great. It would be the first meal he had with Brian in a while. "I'm really tired babe, I think I'm gonna grab a shower and hit the hay." Brian stood, to Justin's disappointment.

"Okay. Good Night I guess." Justin was showing his disappointment in his face. He was intent on notting get mad or sad, but it was obvious to Brian that he wanted him to stay.

"Never mind, I can shower in the morning." And with that Brian slipped off his shirt, and slid back down. Justin smiled, relaxing in the same position he had been in before. "I love you Justin."

Brian waited for an answer, but didn't get one. He was upset that Justin didn't say anything, but when looking down, he could tell that Justin was sound asleep. And probably had been before he even said that he loved him.

Morning came quickly for Brian. He managed to pull out of Justin's grasp and get a quick shower. Afterwards he sent his mother out with some cash to shop and get lunch and dinner. He called up the studio and told them he wouldn't be in. They were upset but he didn't stay on the phone with them long enough to get upset himself.

After talking to management, he decided he should wake Justin, just to say good morning. He so wanted to kiss him, but he knew he couldn't risk getting mono. If it wasn't for being on tour he would have said the hell with it, and gone for it, but not this time.

"Justin, it's time to wake up." Brian shook Justin. Justin rolled, but didn't open his eyes.

"What time is it Jackie?" He must have forgotten that Brian was staying home today. Brian only smiled.

"Well, if you really want my mom, I guess I'll head to work today anyways." Brian laughed, and fake turned. Justin shook up, with hurt in his eyes.

"No, no, I just forgot." Justin was about to get up, when Brian pushed him back down gently.

"I was just teasing you babe. Just stay put, I'll take care of anything you want." Brian's laughter was slowly beginning to fade, as Justin did as he was told.

"I thought you were really gonna leave." Justin pouted. "I'm mad at you now." Justin mocked anger, as Brian just smiled.

"Then theres no need to stay, except for this." Brian turned and took a seat next to Justin. He quickly grabbed him, and started sucking at his neck. After suceeding in making a hickey, he smiled. "I can still do that with out getting mono."

"I wish you could kiss me." Justin was acting as if it was his fault. "I guess that's why you had to jack off the other day. But ya know, I can still jack you off, that wouldn't hurt me." Justin tried to make up for it.

"You aren't going to do anything today. I will be the one taking care of sexual needs babe." Brian smiled, winking at Justin suggestioningly. "If your up for it that is."

"Sure, I'm up for it." Justin smiled back, knowing very well what Brian was talking about. Brian slid down on Justin, lightly pulling down his pants. Justin shivered at the brush of cold air against his crotch, but was met with the warmth of Brian's mouth.

Brian made laps across the bottom of it with his tongue, being careful not to make Justin cum to quickly. Justin was in the mean time moaning, and panting heavily. Usually it took long for that to come, but Brian knew it would take a lot out of Justin. Brian waited until he felt Justin constrict, and then sucked as lovingly as he could. Taking in all of Justin's juices, he finished and stood. Pulling Justin's pants up, and smiling.

"Thank" "hhhhhh" "you." Justin let out in moans, as he was visibly tired and out of breath.

"Go to sleep babe, I'll wake you when lunch is ready." Brian really didn't have to say it, as Justin was already practically asleep. Brian lost in staring, barely realized that the phone was ringing 10 minutes later. Rushing he ran to the kitchen to answer it.


"Bri, it's Kev."

"Oh, hey Kevin. I guess you are finally talking to me then."

"Sorry about that, I just had to cool down some. But there was something I wanted to tell you."

"Yeah, sure what is it?"

"Howie says you forced him. That before he had a chance you were cumming in his mouth. I don't want to believe him, but I don't know who to believe any more."

"Kev, just think about it. I love Justin to much to do that. And I would never do that with your boyfriend, not to my own cousin."

"Well, that's what I thought any ways. But Howie and I are broken up now. I hope you and Justin dind't break up."

"No, we didn't. Justin didn't even seem to be upset about it. He said it wasn't my fault. I was surprised by it, I know if he had done that to me, I wouldn't have been able to forgive him so easily. I guess I'm just lucky."

"Yeah, I think you are little cuz. Afterall your first boyfriend was the one. Mine was a horny freak. I guess it just proves my bisexuality isn't meant to be. I'll just go back to being a normal hetero with Nick and AJ."

"What ever works for you cuz, what ever makes you happy. Well, I can't talk much longer."

"How come?"

"I called off work today remember."

"Yeah, but they didn't tell us why."

"Well, the other day I didn't talk to Justin at all. I didn't even stop into see him. It really hurt him, so I took today off to be with him. I sent my mom out, so it's just the two of us."

"Ewwwwww, do I sense a little sexual expedition?"

"Well, I don't mean to brag Kev, but I sorta put him to sleep only 15 minutes ago."

"Whats to brag about? You put him to sleep so what?"

"No, I put him to sleep because he was out of it."

"Yeah, usually when you are sick, you usually do get out of it alot."

"Kevin, listen to me. I tired out Justin. I put him to sleep afterwards, because he was out of breath, and tuckered out. Do you understand now?"

"Oh, I get it. Didn't understand you at first, sorry. I guess I should let you get back to him." Kevin felt stupid on the other side of the phone. He couldn't believe that he didn't get the hint.

"That's okay, I have time to talk. You can keep me company while I make his lunch." Brian wanted someone to talk to, he didn't want to wake Justin, so talking to Kev was the next best thing.

"If your sure, I guess I have some free time." Kevin wanted to talk as well, he just didn't want to seem anxious about it. "So, Justin really didn't get mad?"

"No, he didn't. I was shocked, I thought my life was going to be over, and that he would have left me. But all he did was wrote down that it wasn't my fault, and he believed me. My love for him would have grown ten times stronger at the point if it wasn't already the strongest it could get." Brian found himself caught up in his words. Going on and on about his relationship.

"That's great to know Justin, but you don't have to brag about it. We all know that you have it great. But some of us, don't." Kevin was getting annoyed on the other line. He didn't enjoy listening to Brian talk about his great love life, while Kevin had just lost his boyfriend, because of him.

"Sorry cuz, I really am. It wasn't fault that any of this happened. But believe me, if I could have stopped it, I would have. I never would have wanted to hurt you or Justin." Brian apologized, he knew it was the right thing to do. Not only that, but he had a soft spot for the things like that, and always found himself apolozing for things.

"I know it wasn't your fault. Sorry for getting pissed about it. Anyways, what's for lunch?"

"Well, I was thinking some chicken soup, oj, and a few crackers. Only if he's up for it though. I don't want to wake him, I just wanna let him sleep." Brian smiled, relaxing into a stool at the kitchen island. He took out a can and began to open it with the can opener.

"What about dinner?" Kevin interrupted the noisy background of Brian's house to question the other meal of the day.

"Oh, chicken soup, oj, and a few crackers." Brian repeated the same thing he had mentioned for lunch, causing a laugh from both himself and Kevin.

"Great, sounds like a perfect meal day. How's he doing though, really, is he fully recovered, or what?" Kevin finished off his laughing, made his small joke and went to what was bothering him. He was unsure if Brian should be sexually pleasing him when he was still sick, and wanting to know if he in fact was still sick.

"He's still tired, and weak. His voice isn't great, and he definetly still needs more rest." Brian answered the question, wondering why it was plauging Kevin so much. Although he knew the answer was because Kevin was always concerned with every thing. That's why he was the father of the group.

"Are you sure you should be, ya know, pleasing him then? I mean if he's still weak, you can't make him lose his breath. It isn't the smartest thing to do in that type of a situation." Kevin started lecturing, but was caught with a small ahem from the other side of the line.

"Kev, trust me, he's fine. Any ways, I wanted this day to special, to make him feel better. Not feel better physically, but mentally. I gotta go though." Brian answered back to the lecture, and decided that he better be getting off the phone. He had been talking for twenty minutes, meaning Justin had slept for half an hour.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later."

"See ya." Brian clicked off the phone. He placed it down on the counter, and went back to the soup. It would take him half an hour to get the meal ready, and then he would see if Justin was awake. Serving him lunch in bed would be romantic. Then maybe a bubble bath together, and a candle lit dinner. After Kevin's speech, Brian decided that there had been enough sexual pleasing, and the rest of the night would just be romantic.

The thought of romance slipped from Brian's head, as sadness filled in. It couldn't be very romantic, since Justin couldn't kiss him, and he couldn't kiss Justin. But he knew Justin would love it just the same, as long as they were sharing the romance, it would be a great evening.

Brian flicked on the stove, and set down the soup. Thinking in his mind, he went to the phone. Clicking it on, he dialed up the number of his cell phone. He had given it to his mother so they could keep in touch while she was gone.

"Mom, hey it's Bri."

"Hi, how are things going?"

"Great, where are you?"

"I'm just at the mall, you caught me right before I entered a store."

"Oh, well, I just wanted to talk to you, kinda bored right now."

"Why is that?"

"Well, Justin is taking a nap, and I'm making lunch. I already talked to Kevin, so I figured I would call you."

"Really, how is Kevin?"

"Great, he says the guys are doing good too. They all got practice off today, so we have to catch up tomorrow. Which is going to be tough."

"I know, but I'm sure you will get right back into the groove of things."

"I bet I will too. Any ways, one of the reasons I called is because you can probably go home after tomorrow. I'm sure he will be up and moving by tomorrow, and I can take you to the airport for a flight."

"That would be nice, I should be getting back home anyways, god knows how you father and brother are managing with out me." Jackie laughed as her soon did too. She could only think of how messy her house was. How the dishes and laundry would be stacked up. "Well, I'm going to get back around 10 tonight, I hope that isn't too early."

"Don't worry it isn't. I'm thinking about lunch, then a dinner, followed by a nice bath, and then bed." Brian smiled, relaxing on the kitchen stool again. Glancing back he noticed the soup was getting close to done. "I gotta go though, the soup is almost done for lunch."

"Alright, I'll be home later tonight, love you."

"Love you too mom, bye" Hanging up the phone, Brian turned to get in view of the soup again. Seeing that it was now about done, he decided he should wake Justin first.

Walking out of the kitchen, Brian could hear moaning. He knew it to be Justin's. Upon walking in the living room he saw that Justin was sleeping. He could tell that Justin was having a dream, and from the moans, either a really great one, or a horrible one. He didn't know if he should wake Justin for the happy dream, or save him from the bad nightmare.

"Justin, Just, wake up." Brian took the first option, hoping he wouldn't make Justin mad. Justin flinched up quickly, breathing heavily. Looking around his eyes focused in, and he could make out Brian's form above him.

"Lunch time already." Justin looked up, smiling. Sitting up he looked into Brian's eyes. He could see a little frustration in them, and didn't get the picture at first.

"I told you that you didn't have to get up all day. This is supposed to be a day for you to relax with out any worries." Brian let out the words behind the frustration. Trying not to be mean, he was only trying to make the day special.

"Sorry." Justin frowned, laying back down and pulling the covers up over his body. Grabbing the pillow he had been using he put it over his face. He was obviously a little mad that Brian had gotten upset. Brian just shrugged, nothing he could do about it, except get lunch.

Brian grabbed the soup off the stove, turned it off and proceeded to the center island. Pouring the soup in a bowl, he put in a spoon. Grabbing a packet of crackers, and the oj he had already poured while on the phone, he proceed to place it all on a tray. He was hoping Justin wouldn't be mad, especially not with everything he had planned.

"Here you guy Just, a warm lunch." Brian entered the living room, Justin's head still under the pillow. Justin barely moved to acknowledge that Brian was there. Brian knew what might work, setting down the tray on the floor next to the couch, he lifted Justin's upper body. Justin let out a slow moan of anger, but was quickly set back down. Brian had managed to place himself down behind Justin, and allowed Justin to lean back on him. Justin insticitively relaxed as Brian picked up the tray and placed it on Justin's lap. Followed by wrapping his arms around Justin's chest. "Eat up babe."

Justin took a few sips of the soup, and realized it needed to cool down a little before he could take any more. "Ya know, I'm sorry for getting mad. You were just trying to make me feel better." Justin frowned at his own anger, thinking of how childish he had been about the whole thing.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have gotten mad myself. But let's forget about it." Brian smiled, clutching Justin tighter. It was something he loved, and it was something Justin shared a love for too. The touch of their bodies was electric. As Brian clutched tighter, Justin could feel Brian's crotch right up against his leg. The feeling began to arouse Justin too.

"Um, do you want me to handle you?" Justin smiled, turning to face Brian. His smile was wide, as he could tell that Brian was getting the picture loud and clear.

"No, you shouldn't do anything that would make you lose your breath. We're just gonna relax, and take it slow today. Two nice meals, and a nice warm bubble bath together." Brian smiled, thinking of cold trying to make his erection go down. It would be hard, it had been a while since he had been pleasured by another person. And the last person wasn't even Justin, it was Howie. The thought of Howie turned him down right away.

"Alright." Justin pouted again, laying back down, and starting on his soup. He smiled when Brian kissed his neck quickly, knowing that Brian was right. "When is your mother coming home?" Justin changed the subject, his smile still on his face.

"Um, around 10. By then I think you should be asleep. But she is leaving tomorrow, I figured you would be up for coming to practices with me." Brian brought up his opinion, looking to see if Justin felt the same way.

"Oh, so I am going to the studio tomorrow?" Justin questioned, not quiet understanding what Brian was saying at first.

"No, my mom will leave tomorrow night. So after that, I was hoping you would be able to make it into practices with me. We only have 5 days left before the tour starts." Brian was hoping this would convince Justin that he would be able to make it to rehearsals with him.

"Alright, I guess I will be up for it." Justin smiled, in his mind he thought that he would be. But at the same time, his body was still telling him no. He was tired, and obviously slow as he yawned often.

"Maybe you should get some sleep. I'll wake you for dinner." Brian smiled, releasing his hold around Justin's chest.

"I don't want to get any sleep, at least, not by myself." Justin smiled, giving Brian a pleading look in his eyes. Brian just smiled and laughed, wrapping his arms around Justin again. Setting the tray on the floor, Brian pulled the covers up, covering both himself and Justin.

Justin was soon asleep, having flipped himself around so he was lying with his head on Brian's chest. Brian smiled, adjusting his arms to lie around Justin comfortably. Justin moaned in his sleep, Brian knew these moans were from a great dream, and found himself sleeping to the moans.


Tuesday had ended quickly for Brian and Justin. After dinner, Justin and Brian shared a bath together, Brian bathing Justin. Justin fell asleep in the tub, and Brian made sure the water stayed warm. Jackie Litrell returned at 10:30 to find them both asleep in the bedroom. She soon went to bed too, after planning a flight for Wednesday at 8:00 p.m.

On Wednesday Brian went back to work. Justin stayed at home and slept most of the day. His voice had by then now been fully recovered, and all that plagued him was the sleep. Brian returned from work at 6, and he and Jackie left the house. Leaving a note for Justin in case he would have woken up during their departure. Brian and Justin watched a movie, and went to bed at 12.

Now Thursday, Justin and Brian woke up at 7, and were at the studios by 8:30. Justin was still tired, and had been placed in the dressing room to sleep. Brittany and Christina had stayed with him, talking until he fell asleep. Brian practiced with the guys, giving Howie dirty looks through out the songs. He didn't know how Justin would handle it when he saw Howie. Especially since Justin hadn't seen him yet, and it would be the first time since the whole scandal. 12:00 rolled around quickly as the group prepared for there tour.

"Alright guys, lunch break. Go to the dressing room and send out Brittany and Christina." Fatima yelled as the guys walked away. She had been the only one who had witnessed Justin's arrival besides Brian, Brittany and Christina. She had some slight worry that Justin may not have been up for a visit, but let it off as Brian's decision.

"Well, where's Justin today Bri?" Howie questioned as the guys neared the dressing room door. He smiled at the thought of the same place he had debautchered his relationship with Kevin. He thought it over and decided that they weren't right for each other any ways.

"In the dressing room sleeping." Brian answered the question, only shrugging off the smile. He decided it would be best if he just put it behind him and talked to Howie. Not best for him, but best for the group. "And I don't want any of you to mention any thing about what happened. I know he handled it fine, but I don't know what he'd do if we started talking about it." Brian now gave a sharp warning, not just to Howie but to everyone. Opening the door, Brian walked in the others following.

"Hey Britt, Fatima wants you two out there now." AJ grabbed his girl, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Hurry up and maybe we can get a joint break for dinner." Brittany ran out of the room, hoping that they would be able to make it to a dinner together. Christina and Nick kissed for a few seconds, before Christina followed. Pointing to the sleeping Justin and then making a quiet signal with her fingers.

"Well, you guys wanna head over to a McDonald's or something?" AJ looked around after wiping his face with a dry towel. Nick shook his head in agreement. Brian hadn't noticed that Nick and AJ had become closer while he had been away and busy with Justin. Apparently there girl friends kept them together alot, enough to make a bond that Brian used to share with Nick. Kevin agreed with a nod as well, leaving Brian and Howie left to decide.

"I'm up for it." Howie smiled, standing next to Kevin. Kevin just backed off a little, in obvious disgust.

"Let me see if Justin wants to go." Brian turned to wake Justin. Justin was sleeping on the couch, no pillow or blanket. He was shaking slightly, but seemed to be sleeping peacefully besides that. "Um, I don't know if I should wake him. Could you just bring me back a burger meal?" Brian didn't want to wake Justin, nor did he want to leave.

"He doesn't need to sleep, he's fine now." Brian went to speak but Howie was already shaking Justin. Justin looked up to see him, and shook on the couch into a sitting position. He could see Brian behind him and the others behind him. "Come on, we're going to get some food." Howie smiled, as Justin just looked on in anger.

"Sorry about that." Brian sat down next to Justin, placing an arm around Justin's shoulder. AJ and Nick began to leave the room taking Howie with them. Kevin trailed behind shutting the door. "Do you want to go?"

"Sure, I guess so." Justin stood up, dizzy a little. Brian held on to him as they walked to the exit. Justin got into the car in the back with Nick, AJ, and Kevin. Howie was driving, leaving Brian to sit in the passenger's seat. Howie pulled out, the car silent for a while.

"Put on the radio." AJ broke the silence, waiting for Howie to do so. Flipping it on, he found a station. The station just happened to be playing 'The Meaning of being Lonely'. Brian smiled, knowing he wouldn't be lonely any more, not as long as he had Justin. In the back AJ and Nick felt the same for there girlfriends. Kevin sat thinking, of how he was still lonely. Howie was in his own world, not even paying attention to the radio.

"Ya know, I think that was one of our best songs." Nick said, smiling after the song had finished. No one else really answered verbally only shakes and nods. Justin didn't make any motion at the opinion, he only stared at Brian. Waiting for the car ride to end, so he could sit comfortably in something that wasn't moving.

"Well, we're here." Howie smiled, jumping out of the car. Running to the other side of the car quickly he got the door for Brian. Brian looked at him awkwardly and then at Justin.

"What are you doing?" Brian was confused.

"Just trying to make up for what I did." Howie smiled, in his mind he was thinking it would make Brian reconsider his offer days earlier.

"Maybe if you wanna do that, you should get Justin's door. But, never mind because I don't think I want you to do anything for him. I'll get it." Brian stepped out of the car, and turned opening the back door. Helping Justin out, a smile crossed his face. "Come on Just." Brian grabbed Justin's hand, and they walked into into Mc D's followed by every one else, Howie dragging last.

After every one had ordered. They took there seats. Three to a side. Brian, Justin and Kevin sat on one side, Nick, AJ, and Howie on the other one. Justin didn't have a meal for himself, just a drink.

"So, what's planned for the tour so far?" Howie questioned, breaking the silence that had filled the table. He gave an awkward look at Justin, causing Justin to feel a little hurt.

"Well, we start the 10th on the tour bus. Our first date is on the 12th in New York. Then we travel around for a while. The whole time on the bus. I'm pretty sure the bus will be comfortable, plenty of open beds. Brian and Justin, AJ and Brittany, Christina and Nick will all share. You and I get seperate beds." Kevin answered the question bitterly, emphasizing his anger towards the end.

"Oh, I didn't think Justin would be coming with us." Howie smirked, making another look at Justin. Justin felt anger and sadness, but said nothing again.

"He is, always has been." Brian gave Howie a rude smile, hoping he would get the picture. Apparently he did, because his smile turned as he put his head down. Justin's smile appeared, happy Howie had been quieted.

"Well guys, I think we should finish up our meals in the car. Fatima is going to be pissed if we aren't back soon." AJ picked up his fries and drink, hoping to usher the group out of the restaruant. The guys followed, this time Nick sitting in the front.

This chapter took a little longer, because like I said I was on vacation over Labor Day weekend. I got back late Monday, and didn't have much time to write. Lucky I had it half done before the weekend. I hope you like it.

Alot of people were sad with the way Chapter 15 ended, but I hope this one makes up for it. Since everything was resolved, and Justin isn't mad at Brian. Howie and Kevin broke up, much to every one's requests in doing so.

The next chapter will be out shortly, not sure exactly when though. Let me know what you thought of this one though.

Next: Chapter 12

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