Lonely Rich Girl, Emma Ross

By Titan Hoop Club

Published on May 22, 2024



This is an added fourth installment of the series. The work is completely fictional, and involves the cast of the Disney Channel TV show, "Jessie." If you are offended by older and younger lesbian sexual pairings, please read no further.

(Lesbian Celebrity)

Emma Ross was now 15-years-old, and had officially come out as a teen lesbian. Her school friends had been very accepting of the pretty, blonde, fashionista, who was certainly among the prettiest girls in her high school.

Emma had first been turned out by her nanny, Jessie Prescott, at the very young age of 13. At Jessie's urging, Emma, at 14, had joined the 20-year-old Jessie at a meeting of the "Deuces Club." The club was little more than a well-organized, secret lesbian sex party that was held at a well-known Manhattan health spa.

The monthly event was arranged by a wealthy New York socialite and businesswoman, Sonya Hammersmith, who owned an agency that handled young models and actresses, which provided many of the invited guests to the "Deuces Club" lesbian events.

Sonya, as well as some of her other guests, had a decided predilection for very young girls. Jessie and Emma had once seen a cute, flat-chested preteen tomboy named Kimmie feasting on Sonya's 40-something pussy. Later that day, Emma had engaged in a brief threesome with Kimmie and a pretty, Teen Vogue model.

The word "Deuce" was used because every invited guest was required to bring a pretty girl with her as the price of admission. Sonya paid a heavy bribe to the NYPD to ensure that the club members weren't bothered, and that the police would look the other way regarding the underage girls, like Emma, who were actively engaging in sex with the female guests.

Beautiful, buxom Jessie, and gorgeous, long-legged Emma, quickly became welcome members of the "Deuces Club," sharing their sexual charms with a bevy of women and girls.

Their first visit had initially come to a screeching halt when Jessie and Emma were spotted having sex by Emma's high school nemesis, Bryn Breitbart. To Jessie's horror, as she was feasting on Emma's blonde, 14-year-old pussy, the pair suddenly realized that Bryn was the underage lesbian guest of Emma's vry own mother.

Christine Ross was a beautiful former model. Unknown to Emma, Christine had her own fetish for young girls. Also unknown to Emma, Jessie was secretly fucking both mother and daughter.

Bryn was alluringly naked as she approached Jessie and Emma. Emma had to grudgingly admit that her sworn enemy and rival, was a red-haired, slender beauty. The similarly long-legged teen had a carefully trimmed pubic area that matched her hair. Emma's pink nipples became suddenly erect as she eagerly surveyed the exquisite body of her 14-year-old "frenemy."

Oddly, the mutually destructive information that both popular teens had been attending a lesbian orgy brought the two girls closer together. With the reluctant blessing of the Ross' parents, Emma began to openly date some pretty girls and a teen model. Quietly, Bryn and Mrs. Ross continued their affair in some of the nicest hotels in Manhattan. For her part, Jessie would continue to have sex with all three.

For a time, Bryn would remain in the closet with her sexuality. However, she had somewhat nervously come out to her recently divorced mother. Emma would sometimes spend the night with her former frenemy. With Bryn's mother adopting a "don't ask, don't tell" attitude, the two young teens would engage in sex with each other under the pretense of having a sleepover.

One day, Bryn begged Emma for a favor. "I've always wanted to be a model. I've had a portfolio made, and Sonya has invited me over to review my pictures." "Good for you, Bryn. Congratulations," Emma said, genuinely. In the back of Emma's mind, she suspected that Sonya would want more from the pretty, 5'8" redhaired 15-year-old.

"Well... the kicker is, Sonya wants me to bring a friend." Bryn added. "She wants us to meet a famous French fashion photographer who is staying with her." Emma initially balked. She rightly realized that she would likely be expected to have sex with Sonya or her friend.

Bryn could see the reticence on Emma's pretty face. "Please, Emma. Do it for me." Finally, Emma nodded her head in assent. Bryn smiled broadly and hugged Emma tightly. Emma could feel Bryn's perky boobs pressing into her chest. "Maybe it won't be too bad," Emma thought.

Although easily as pretty or prettier than Bryn, the equally long-legged Emma had no desire to be a model. She had her sights set higher as a fashion designer, and planned to attend the Fashion Institute of Technology after high school.

When Saturday afternoon rolled around, Emma simply told Jessie, "I'm going shopping with Bryn." Jessie was busily involved with Emma's more rambunctious younger siblings, and simply said, "Don't stay gone too long."

Knowing that Emma would be with Bryn, Jessie suspected that the blonde 15-year-old was up to something with their mutual teenage lover, but opted to say nothing.

Hopping in a cab, Emma called Bryn on her cell phone to say that she would be at Bryn's building in five minutes or less.

Both teenage girls were fashionably and expensively dressed in very short, form-fitting designer mini-dresses. Bryn and Emma had been blessed with long, lean legs, and were always anxious to show them off.

Arriving at Sonya's midtown high rise building, Emma paid the cab driver before walking towards the entrance. The middle-aged doorman looked on appreciatively at the leggy "jailbait" girls who asked to be buzzed up to Sonya's terrace apartment. These were certainly not the first "hot" young girls that he had seen visiting Sonya. The doorman had noticed that several, however, had looked worse for wear upon exiting.

Emma was apprehensive as Bryn rang the doorbell to Sonya's luxury apartment. Even though Emma's mother also secretly attended Sonya's "Deuce's Club" lesbian orgies, Emma wondered if her mother would approve of her visiting the predatory, older lesbian's home for God knows what?

Greeting Bryn with a kiss on both cheeks and a friendly hug, Sonya repeated the process with Emma. Sonya was very surprised to see the oldest Ross child, saying: "Emma, I'm so delighted that you're here."

Entering the expensively decorated apartment, Emma was stunned to see the precocious, now-13-year-old Kimmie. Dressed casually in t-shirt and shorts, Kimmie's tiny breasts were now beginning to sprout noticeably from her adolescent chest. "I remember you," Kimmie said, looking ardently at Emma.

Emma also remembered she and a young, Teen Vogue model had briefly engaged in a threesome with 12-year-old preteen Kimmie at the "Deuces Club."

"This is my `niece,' Kimberly," Sonya said. "She was just leaving." "Aw, don't make me leave," the 13-year-old whined, as Sonya practically pushed the little girl out the door by her tiny , curvaceous ass. Emma was now embarrassed and somewhat uncomfortable. Bryn seemed unfazed, bravely smiling in an ear-to-ear pasted-on grin.

A woman, similar in age to Sonya, was sitting in the living room sipping on a glass of white wine. Mannishly dressed in black chino jeans and a black sweater, the woman's eyes grew large upon seeing the tall, beautiful, 15-year-old girls.

Removing her black porkpie hat, the woman's dark hair was closely cropped in a very dykey brush-cut. "This is, of course, Joelle St. Germain," said Sonya with a broad smile. Emma and Bryn, naturally, read all of the latest fashion magazines, and were familiar with Ms. St. Germain's photos in Vogue, Vanity Fair, and the others.

Approaching Emma first, the 15-year-old recognized the hungry look on Joelle's face. As Emma's young body had begun to develop, she had frequently seen that look on the faces of boys, as well as grown men. She had further seen it on the faces of the sexually avaricious women at the Deuces Club. Emma began to wonder if everyone want to fuck her?

Hugging Emma tightly, Joelle unexpectedly kissed Emma on the lips. Emma quickly managed to release herself from the French photographer's grip. Joelle then turned her attention to Bryn, who submitted to Joelle's closed-mouth kiss with no visible complaint.

Bryn and Emma were both wearing stylish high heels which made the slender, 5'8" girls appear to be nearly 6' tall. Joelle was maybe 5'3," and wore black, ballet flats on her feet.

"I think we're going to have some fun today, girls," Sonya purred seductively, placing her eager arm around Bryn's 20" waist. Emma wondered how many other young girls had found themselves in a similar position with Sonya?

Offering both teenage girls' wine, and urging them to "relax," Sonya requested that the two girls kiss as a means of loosening up. Having already made love with Emma several times, Bryn, unselfconsciously took Emma into her arms and gave her a soft, tender kiss. The suddenness and unexpected audience embarrassed Emma further.

"Ummm," Sonya murmured as she watched the tall teens kiss, while Joelle continued to undress the underage high school girls with her rapacious eyes.

Leading Emma to a nearby couch, Joelle sat the pretty blonde on her lap. Emma looked at Bryn to demonstrate that she was feeling uncomfortable. Bryn looked back at her friend. Emma's face seemed to say, "Please, do something."

"Bryn, I see that you've brought your modeling portfolio," Sonya said. "Why don't we go to my bedroom to look at it?" Bryn dutifully rose from her chair to follow Sonya. She was all too aware that Sonya's tongue would likely soon be inside of her young pussy. "Small price to pay to become a model," Bryn thought to herself.

Bryn's tight, 15-year-old ass swayed gently as she walked to the master bedroom, holding Sonya's hand. Emma was now alone with the French fashion photographer.

"Emma, my dear, you are so pretty. You should consider modeling, yes?" Joelle's hand was resting on Emma's bare upper thigh. "Thanks," Emma replied. "But, I want to go to F.I.T. to become a designer." "Ah, also a noble profession," the older woman complimented the teen. Joelle's other hand was now slinking around Emma's slender waist.

Bryn walked into Sonya's bedroom displaying her usual bogus self-confidence. Beneath the façade was the uneasy knowledge that she would likely have to sexually submit to the older, powerful woman. "It'll be worth it," Bryn rationalized, "once I become a world-famous model."

Handing Sonya her carefully arranged modeling portfolio, Sonya put it aside, saying simply, "I'll look at it later." This concerned Bryn tremendously. After all, it was the whole point of her agreeing to come to Sonya's apartment. Bryn wondered how Emma was doing in the other room?

Like Christina Ross, Sonya was a romantic. Unlike Christina, Sonya lacked the bombshell body of the former model.

Putting on some soft, romantic music, Sonya invited the red-headed 15-year-old to dance with her. Clutching the red-haired teenager tightly, the pair swayed slowly on the improvised bedroom dance floor. Sonya liked her seductions to begin slowly. So, for a time, Sonya and Bryn simply slow danced together.

As the music continued, Sonya's eager hands began to roam across the body of the pretty, teenage girl. Bryn was pressed tightly against Sonya's large breasts as the older woman's hand eagerly traversed along Bryn's slender back and supple butt cheeks.

Sonya whispered in Bryn's ear, "I've wanted to be with you since the moment that I saw you with Christina Ross." Bryn closed her eyes and imagined that it was the beautiful Christina that was pawing her.

Emma too was having her hands full with Joelle. Unwisely having agreed to sit on the French woman's lap, Joelle had one hand around Emma's waist, and the other was impatiently groping at Emma's A-cup boobs.

With the 15-year-old squirming, the older woman stopped Emma in her tracks by saying, "I guess you don't want your friend to succeed? You know that I can make her very famous."

Joelle could indeed make Bryn famous with her photographs, and Emma knew it. She also knew the risks that were involved when she had agreed to go with Bryn to Sonya's apartment.

With the two beautiful teenage girls separated, Emma reluctantly began to acquiesce to the inevitable. "Do you promise to help Bryn?" Emma asked. "But, of course," came Joelle's reply. Her hand was impatiently clutching and squeezing one of Emma's diminutive breasts.

Although Emma was "popular," she knew that her "real friends" could be counted on one hand, with some change left over. Emma knew that some girls wanted to be friends with her due to Emma's famous parents. Others hoped that Emma's pretty looks and popularity would rub off on them. Boys... well, boys just wanted to get into her pants.

Since she and Bryn had agreed to a truce, Bryn and Rosie were the only two friends that she could count upon. Unlike the frustratingly straight and quirky Rosie, Bryn enjoyed licking pussy as much as Emma did.

Standing up from Joelle's lap, Emma pulled the expensive, designer mini-dress over her head. Shaking out her beautiful, blonde hair, Emma was now dressed in just a frilly white bra and matching thong panties.

Giving in to the inevitable if it would help Bryn, Emma returned to the leering Joelle's lap. The middle-aged French photographer began to kiss Emma, and to greedily caress the soft, exposed skin of the 15-year-old beauty.

Soon, Joelle's active tongue was fully engaged in Emma's young mouth, and her impatient hands had traveled beneath Emma's bra, in search of the teenager's pink nipples.

With the dancing over, Sonya began to get down to business. Bryn was lying naked on Sonya's bed. Her eyes were closed shut, not really wanting to know what was in store for her from the older woman.

Sonya was naked too. Not unattractive for her age, which must surely be approaching 50, Sonya's big, pendulous boobs hovered over the red-haired young girl before she positioned her eager, mature face between Bryn's long, slender legs.

Bryn twitched nervously as Sonya began to slowly kiss Bryn's inner thighs. There were few things that Sonya enjoyed more than young, teenage flesh. Probing Bryn's sparse, red pubic hairs with her fingers, Sonya suddenly jabbed two fingers into Bryn's pussy. Bryn's legs shuddered momentarily when the teenager was penetrated by the wealthy, older woman.

Sonya greedily ran her experienced fingers, in, out, and sideways in Bryn's youthful pussy. Sonya was very aware that Bryn was no virgin. After all, she had seen the teenager being fucked "six ways to Sunday" by Christina and others at the "Deuces Club."

After taking plenty of time finger-fucking the 15-year-old, Sonya leaned in and began hungrily devouring Bryn's pussy. Finally opening her eyes, Bryn could see Sonya's carefully coiffed hair shaking violently between her slender thighs as the older woman aggressively feasted upon her Bryn's teenage vagina.

Emma's bra was now strewn on the floor. Joelle had one of Emma's small, pointy breasts fully encapsulated in her ravenous mouth. Emma experienced a smidge of pain when Joelle bit and pulled on one of Emma's erect, pink nipples with her teeth.

By now, the French photographer's fingers had also found their way beneath Emma's white thong panties, and was uncomfortably exploring Emma's blonde-haired pussy.

Moments later, Emma's panties joined her bra on the floor. The older woman, who was still dressed in her all-black outfit, descended nimbly to her knees. Spreading Emma's tightly closed legs, Joelle began to voraciously lick Emma's pussy, like a hungry lioness devouring a downed antelope.

The blonde teenager held onto Joelle's dark, spiky brush-cut as the photographer burrowed deeply into her young pussy. Emma hated to admit it, but the French woman was really good at performing cunnilingus. Despite herself, Emma found herself orgasming multiple times from Joelle's skilled tongue.

Joelle's busy hands explored every inch of Emma's long, lean, naked body on the couch. Finally lifting her black sweater, Emma fondled the French woman's somewhat saggy boobs as they tickled, and play-wrestled together.

Emma was having more fun with the older woman that she could have possibly imagined. She was then surprised when the topless photographer suggested, "Let's go see what the other two are doing." Emma was slightly hurt. "Wasn't she enough for Joelle?" The pretty blonde wondered, looking down at her appealing, naked body.

Walking with the French photographer to the bedroom, they found that the door was slightly ajar. Emma was completely naked, and Joelle patted her tight little ass as they peered in. Emma was stunned to see that Bryn was nude, spread-eagle, and tied-up with silk scarves to all four posts of Sonya's bed.

"Oh my God!" Emma cried as she looked down at her high school friend whose pussy Sonya was frenziedly violating with a buzzing vibrator. Other sex toys were strewn across the big bed.

Emma's first instinct was to rush to Bryn's aid. Unfortunately, Joelle was holding onto Emma securely, with both hands gripping her small breasts, and squeezing rapturously.

Emma tried to squirm loose. Joelle's floppy breasts were pressed into Emma's young back as she held the teenager firmly.

While Sonya continued thrusting the foreign object, Bryn looked up at her naked friend, and oddly smiled. "Emma, I'm O.K., really," Bryn reassured the young blonde. Emma began to relax in Joelle's eager, probing hands.

Looking at the enticing, naked Emma, with her darling blonde bush, "Why don't we let the girls play?" Sonya suggested to Joelle. Emma was directed to the large bed.

Looking at naked, spread-eagled Bryn hesitantly, the red-haired teen encouraged her blonde friend, "C'mon Emma, it'll be fun." Emma then looked toward the two older women who were now actively encouraging the blonde teen to engage with her helpless friend. Sonya and Joelle were fondling the other's large tits as they anxiously surveyed the slender, beautiful 15-year-olds, hoping that they would have sex with one another while they watched.

Wordlessly, Emma approached the huge bed. Bryn was clearly in no distress, and seemed to enjoy being tied up for the sexual enjoyment of the voyeuristic older woman. Sonya and Joelle were now caressing Emma's lithe, nubile, naked body as she began to position herself between Bryn's long legs.

Emma jumped when Sonya unexpectedly ran her hand between Emma's slim butt cheeks, copping a feel of her teenage pussy. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself," Sonya said as the blonde teenager approached Bryn with her excited tongue.

Unknown to the four, 13-year-old Kimmie had snuck back into the apartment. She had anticipated the lesbian fuck-fest that was now taking place in Sonya's bedroom, and had been disappointed to be turned away.

Quietly undressing in the hallway, Kimmie watched Emma eagerly tongue-fucking the other high school girl who was tied up on the bed. Bryn was giggling with delight as Emma enthusiastically attended to her young pussy. Sonya and Joelle had meanwhile descended upon Bryn's lithe, upper body, kissing and licking her teenage breasts, and stroking Bryn's smooth, taut skin with their hands.

Quietly entering the room, now completely naked, Kimmie surprised all involved. Kimmie's adolescent vagina was still smooth and hairless, but she had already developed an attractive bubble-butt. Only the smallest of Hershey Kiss-size booblets could be seen sprouting from Kimmie's young chest. With no invitation, Kimmie began hungrily licking Emma's turned up backside as the 15-year-old's mouth was busily engaged with Bryn's redhaired pussy.

Parting Emma's round butt cheeks with her hands, Kimmie alternately buried her eager tongue into both Emma's pussy and pink anus. Emma reflexively tightened her buttocks, and shook her legs in an effort to get the little girl off of her. However, Emma was too intently licking Bryn's pussy to stop to slap at the amorous 13-year-old. Sonya and Joelle laughed at Emma's unexpected predicament.

After Bryn orgasmed, Sonya untied the red-haired 15-year-old and turned her attention back to Joelle and her big, floppy boobs.

Annoyed that Kimmie had licked her from behind without her consent, Emma confronted the 13-year-old. Looking at Kimmie's tiny, budding breasts, Emma angrily reached for both tiny nipples and delivered two painful titty-twisters with a scornful laugh.

Rubbing her wrists from the silk scarves, Bryn laughed at Kimmie's discomfort. Looking at the younger girl, Emma said to Bryn, "Let's get her."

Bryn held Kimmie's arms as Emma restrained the young teen's wriggling legs. Reaching for a nearby sex toy that Sonya had used on Bryn, Emma thrust it angrily in-and-out of Kimmie's immature, hairless cunt.

Straddling Kimmie's face, the 13-year-old had no choice but to lick Bryn's pussy, which she did with unbridled gusto, while Emma continued to fuck Kimmie with the rubber sex toy.

Rather than "paying Kimmie back," the little girl was actually enjoying her punishment. With Kimmie's legs still spread, Emma scissored the smaller girl. As slender as Emma was at 15, she forcefully slammed her blonde-topped pussy over-and-over again into Kimmie's smooth crotch. Reaching across to touch the younger girl, Emma squeezed Kimmie's tiny boobies while Bryn continued to ride Kimmie's face.

Placing Kimmie on her knees, Bryn eagerly licked the 13-year-old's asshole, while Emma assailed the 13-year-old's bald pussy.

Before anyone knew it, the five lovers were entangled on Sonya's big, four-poster bed. Emma and Bryn were particularly popular targets of Kimmie's affections, and she eagerly ate both of their pussies in the course of the lesbian sex-filled afternoon.

Emma curiously asked Sonya when the next "Deuces Club" event would be?

Much like Bryn had once been to Emma, Darla Shannon was both friend and nemesis to Jessie Prescott. A flight attendant on a cut-rate airline, Darla phoned Jessie when she found herself in New York.

After Jessie had made the movie from Texas to New York, the frenemies had been forced together following the marriage of their Army officer parents.

Being "Army brats," the two girls had moved from base to base almost yearly, making it difficult to put down roots. As freshmen in high school, the two girls had bonded with each other, and soon were surreptitiously making out behind the tank formations at night.

Now, at 20-years-old, neither could quite remember what had come between them. However, Jessie was all too aware that Darla had contributed to making her time in high school a nightmare. Unsure of her sexuality, Jessie's interactions with boys were usually disastrous, and compounded by Darla's taunting.

While never having "gone all the way" with Darla, Jessie believed that Darla was targeting her because of guilt or latent lesbian feelings. She had read something similar in Cosmo, anyway.

Jessie's father had insisted that she bury the hatchet with her new stepsister. Upon receiving Darla's phone call saying that she was in New York City, Jessie used some of the Ross' contacts to arrange for Darla to stay at the famous Waldorf Astoria hotel, hoping that would impress her frenemy.

Bertram had agreed to watch the Ross children while Jessie cautiously made her way to the hotel to visit with her stepsister.

Entering Darla's luxurious hotel room, Jessie was surprised at how attractive Darla had become since she had last seen her. The 20-year-old flight attendant had finally learned to properly apply makeup, and was no longer overdoing it on her pretty face. While not big-breasted like Jessie, Darla had physically matured into an attractive, shapely young woman, who was seemingly beaming with self-confidence.

Jessie had happened to call on Darla as she was changing clothes. The airline that Darla worked on still insisted that their younger female employees wear very short, very tight skirts. Jessie was impressed with Darla's toned legs as the dark-haired woman struggled with the stuck zipper on her skirt.

Finally, managing to unzip it, Darla let out a sigh of relief as she allowed the skirt to fall to the floor. Darla was wearing dark, waist-high panty hose beneath her airline uniform. Happy to be out of the constricting, tight skirt, Darla soothingly rubbed her flat stomach. Despite the white blouse that hung below her hips, Darla's dark, trimmed pubic hair was clearly visible through the sheer, nylon fabric.

Jessie had been first attracted to Darla when she was a 14-year-old 9th grader, and had enjoyed making out with the teen girl. Now, looking at Darla, she had never looked so hot before, Jessie thought, sneaking a peek at the seductive curves of Darla's round ass.

Darla was wearing a matching navy-blue cap, and Bolero type jacket as part of her uniform. Taking it off, Darla's white blouse was all that remained, and that was quickly unbuttoned.

Kicking off her heels, Darla was now standing in front of Jessie dressed only in a black bra and sheer nylons. Caught staring at her semi-dressed, sexy stepsister, Darla remarked snarkily: "Still like girls, huh? I might have guessed." Darla raised her arms and did a slow, 360-degree turn to show off her enticing body.

With Jessie watching intently, Darla slapped and clutched her firm butt cheeks. Then, doing a sexy dance, Darla fondled her B-cup boobs in the frilly black bra.

"Have you fucked a lot of girls in New York, Jessie?" Darla teased the 20-year-old redhead. "I bet that little Emma is a real cutie by now," Darla continued. "Her teenage pussy must taste like honey. Huh, Jessie?" Darla raised two fingers, making a "V," and crudely rolled her pink tongue through the opening, mimicking licking a pussy.

Jessie blushed, confirming her stepsister's suspicions that Jessie had indeed eaten out the pussy of the pretty, blonde, teen.

"Oh, Darla. You're such a kidder," Jessie said, trying to quickly change the subject. Looking at the buxom Jessie, Darla put her hands on her hips in mock-disgust. "Well, I'm not kidding now," Darla said as she unfastened her bra, and placed it across a nearby chair.

Darla's B-cup boobs bore the tan-lines of layover stays at Galveston's beach. Darla's medium-sized boobs were deliciously upturned and firm. Darla suggestively pinched her brown nipples as she approached Jessie.

The nanny was wearing a form-fitting red mini-dress that showcased her big, D-cup breasts. Reaching for one of Jessie's boobs, Darla squeezed enthusiastically. "These have certainly grown since we were playing around in 9th grade," Darla said with a grin.

Jessie was surprised, but not at all displeased with Darla's advances. Even though Darla was now her stepsister, Jessie's eager hands reached for Darla's naked breasts. Squeezing them emphhratically, they were soon in the redhead's attentive mouth.

Sucking on tits was more fun for Jessie than eating pussy. Unfortunately, Bryn and Emma's little boobs were unsatisfying to the big-breasted 20-year-old. Christina's, on the other hand, were wonderful! Jessie truly loved feasting on Christina's C-cup breasts.

Darla's were nearly as satisfying, and her dark-haired frenemy seemed to be genuinely enjoying things as Jessie licked, sucked, nibbled, and fondled her medium-sized boobs.

Finally, Darla declared, "My turn." Placing both hands on Jessie's meaty breasts, the nanny struggled to pull the form-fitting red dress over her head.

Jessie was not wearing a bra, and her gravity-defying, big breasts bounced into place. "Wow!" was all that Darla could get out of her dazzled mouth.

Darla placed her face between the two large mammaries. Jessie cooperatively squeezed her big breasts around Darla's head as the two girls laughed at the image.

"You definitely didn't have these in 9th grade," Darla enthusiastically said. One hand squeezed and caressed one of Jessie's breasts, while Darla hungrily suckled the other D-cup breast.

Other than their brief 9th grade encounter, Jessie had always assumed that Darla was straight. Now, Darla's curious hand was between Jessie's legs, rubbing her pussy beneath the fabric of her T-back panties.

Darla clapped her hands in surprise when Jessie revealed her bald, carefully waxed pussy. Her anxious hand again descended between Jessie's legs, rubbing furiously.

Laying the buxom redhead on her hotel mattress, Darla enthusiastically ate her first pussy.

The 20-year-old's engaged in passionate sex until the early evening when Jessie mentioned that she had better return to the Ross apartment.

Looking down at her dark-haired stepsister, Jessie struggled to stretch her dress over her voluptuous body. Darla sincerely wished that Jessie wouldn't go. The flight attendant surely wanted more now that she had "crossed the Rubicon."

As Jessie was preparing to walk out the hotel room door, Darla made a final remark, "Next time, bring that cute little Ross girl with you."

Arriving back at the large Ross apartment, Jessie was afraid that Bertram or the kids could tell (or smell) that she had just had sex with her new stepsister. Fortunately, none of them did.

Emma was sitting alone on the couch. Her three younger siblings were busily playing on the balcony. Emma's long, sexy legs were resting on the coffee table, and she was wearing the tiniest of short-shorts.

"Where were you today, Jessie?" Emma asked casually. "Darla's in town," Jessie replied calmly. Emma looked up at her big-bosomed nanny, and sometimes older lover. "Don't you kind of hate Darla?" "Not so much, anymore," Jessie replied.

"Good," Emma answered. "I think she's kinda hot." With no prying eyes in the room, Jessie quickly squeezed one of Emma's small breasts. "She thinks you're pretty hot too," Jessie said with a wink. Emma wondered what that meant?

The End of Part 4.

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