Look Where Thinking Can Get You

By ten.xoc@dsiuol

Published on Aug 21, 2009


The usual caveats apply. This story is my intellectual property no sharing it on other sites without proper credit and permission. If reading male on male stories bothers you then don't keep reading. This material is meant for adults if you are underage, sorry kid wait till ur older.

Look Where Thinking Can Get You Louis C. DePasquale

As the hot sun beat down on my face I asked myself for the hundredth time why the hell do they make us play these stupid games? I was standing in the outfield of our high school baseball diamond trying to get a passing grade in PE. Glancing around I saw Trey the catcher throwing the baseball back to the pitcher. Watching Trey I could feel my dick start to stiffen up in my shorts. Damn he always had that effect on me. He was only 5'5' but every inch of it was solid muscle. He hated being in this PE class just as much as I did. To him we were a waste of his time but he got extra credit he needed by helping out. He was the catcher on our school baseball team and was hoping to get a baseball scholarship to college and needed a good recommendation from Mr. Michaels.

Thoughts of Trey shoving his big stud dick down my throat were dancing though my brain when all of a sudden I felt an intense pain in my head and passed out. Would you believe I was so completely wrapped up in my fantasies about Trey that I got hit in the head with the baseball. From what they told me it took about an hour for me to come back around but when I did I had a headache like you wouldn't believe. After the headache subsided I went on to my next class and finished out my day. On the bus home from school it seemed like I could hear someone talking to me but at such a distance that I couldn't understand the words. However as the evening progressed I began to realized that I was hearing voices in my head.

The first thing I thought was shit where are the men in the white coats. As time went on, however, and I could understand more of what was being said, I realized that I was hearing the thoughts of people around me. At first it was real scary, that is until I ran into my older brother Tank, a defensive lineman on our high school football team. All Tank could think about was pussy. You can't begin to understand just how disgusted I was by the thoughts I felt assaulting my mind. I mean I have nothing against straight guys, but who would want to share their thoughts. It just kept getting worse until finally I yelled out in my mind stop it, and believe it or not he did.

I didn't know what to think I was just glad I was no longer being assaulted with images of naked women. Anyway for the next week or so I just went through my normal routine, with the added adventure of listening in on the thoughts of those around me. The only thing I did was yell at my brother to stop it every time he even started to think about girls, (which was just about all the time). He got really confused cause every time he tried to jerk off he couldn't seem to get excited cause I kept shutting him down. It was kind of fun after all the teasing I took from him about being less athletic than he was.

At first all the thoughts I was hearing were jumbled together but over time I was able to distinguish individual thoughts kind of like adjusting the dial on the radio. After a few weeks I began to develop another gift that really freaked me out at first. I was sitting in the living room I was playing a hot new game on my play station and Tank was on his cell trying to chat up some girl he had met on line. I was really enjoying the game when my Mom yelled out for me to take the trash out. Not wanting to stop what I was doing but not expecting anything to happen I looked over at my brother at thought to myself he shit head stop what you're doing and empty the fucking trash. I got a little freaked out when he told the girl he was chatting up that he had to go empty the trash. He just dropped his cell on the floor and left the room. I could hear the kitchen door open and a trash can lid open and then close. Damn, I thought to myself what the hell is going on here.

When my brother came back into the room I decided to try a little experiment, I looked over at my brother and thought to myself, Tank don't forget you owe Robbie $50. A minute or two later Tank shook his head and pulled out his wallet handed me fifty bucks and said sorry little bro can't believe I forgot to pay you back. He dropped back on the couch and picked up his cell to call the girl back as if nothing strange had happened. I don't know how I was doing it, but somehow I was controlling my stud big brother. I decided to wait until later and see just how far this control would go. Since our house only has two bedrooms, my brother and I had to share one.

That night as soon as he thought I was asleep, my brother pulled down the boxers he wore to bed and started stroking his dick while fantasizing about Suzie the blond big chested bimbo across the street. That was the final straw I was so over having naked women thrust into my mind I turned on my side and looked over at my brother in the moonlight, and thought at him: naked women turn you off. Every time you see or think about a naked women you dick will go soft. As soon as I finished the thought guess what, no more naked women in my mind. He even stopped jerking off. The poor boy was so confused he didn't know what to do. He's lucky to have such a great little brother to help him out and set him on the right path.

It took me a minute to decide on the message I was going to give him. I just kept thinking at him women are ugly men are sexy and exciting. Over and over I pushed that thought into his head. At first I could feel his mind trying to fight the alien thoughts I was feeding him. After a few minutes, however, I could feel his resistance failing and the thoughts I was sending to him were becoming dominant in his mind. Once it was clear that he no longer was sexually attracted to women I pushed one more set of thoughts into his head. Robbie is so much smarter than you are and will always take care of you. Once I heard him repeating the phrase like a mantra I decided to get some sleep I was working in uncharted territory here and didn't want to push too far too fast.

When I woke up in the morning I glanced over at Tank and saw he was jerking off, the images that were hitting me in the head were of his best buddy Trey the catcher on the school baseball team. He was thinking about Trey soaping up his body in the shower after a game. Enjoying the images myself I jerked off a load eavesdropping on my brother's fantasy. Realizing how much I could do with this new found gift I decided to make my brother more dependent on me. While he was laying on his bed in his post orgasmic glow I started to push another thought towards him. Tank's got all the muscle but Robbie has all the brains. I felt no resistance whatsoever from him and decided to push the idea further. Its just so hard to think and make decisions with all that heavy muscle weighing the brain down. It's a good thing Robbie is around to help with all the tough thinking. It was amazing as my suggestions were taking hold I could feel his brain slowing down.

I decided I wanted to test the waters a little and see how Tank handled the changes I had made to his thoughts. I got out of bed and dropped my boxers to the floor. I walked over to Tank and standing directly in his line of sight I asked him if he planned on spending the whole day in bed? Startled he glanced over at me and I could feel his eyes working their way down my body until they stopped at my dick. He glanced back up at my face and realized that I had caught him staring at my dick. His cheeks turned a delightful blush color. Before he could answer my question I asked him Hey Bro would you rather grab a quick breakfast from the McDonalds drive thru or hang out at the IHOP. Now, normally Tank would have told me to fuck off cause he didn't spend time with fags. This morning however, he was having trouble wrapping his mind around the choice I had given him and wasn't really able to get answer me. You know what Bro I think you probably want to go to IHOP don't you. He got a big goofy smile on his face and just nodded at me.

Wanting to reinforce my dominance over him I looked at him and said Go get your shower Bro we need to get going. Once again he looked at me with a grateful expression and hurried to follow my instructions. While he was in the shower I reached under his mattress and pulled out a couple of his hetro porno mags. When he came back from the shower I called him over and opening a mag to the centerfold I asked him if he thought she was hot. Now the old Tank would have been drooling but the new and improved Tank just shook his head at me and said nah Bro ain't nothing hot about her.

Ok guys this is one of the first stories I ever wrote. I am rewriting it to try and make it a better story. Drop me an email and let me know if I should keep going. While there wasn't any real sex in part 1 future installment will be very hot and horny. Feel free to send email to louisd@cox.net

Next: Chapter 2

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