Looking for Labour slave

By Mat W

Published on Nov 11, 2024


Apologies for the slight delay in getting this written - another story came to me and I have been working on that! As with previous parts, whilst the setting and the people involved in this story are complete fantasy, the situation and what follows is based on personal experience in some ways - embellished and deepened as well as having fantasy elements intertwined.

I hope you enjoy it -- I am planning on running with this for a while at least, so do please let me know you like it, and/or if you have ideas for where it goes next, do let me know - mattspank74@gmail.com. I changed the order slightly, just because the inspiration for this episode struck me. Pete's visit to Joseph's place is part written and will probably be next, but somewhat altered form the original idea. I have plans for next steps, but feedback and suggestions always gratefully received.

And please do support Nifty if you can, what would we do without it?

Looking4labourslave part 3

Adrian had now been a regular visitor to Pete's flat for almost six months. Every Wednesday evening and Sunday afternoon he reported. He had his own set of keys so he could let himself in, strip and await Pete in the hallway as he had done on that first visit. Sometimes there would be a list of chores on the hall table for the boy to get on with and Pete wouldn't interact with him at all. Pete would always be at home, but he had got so used to the boy working away that if he was busy or just relaxing in front of the TV, he would sometimes ignore him like he would ignore the washing machine as it did its work. The boy would work his way through his chores and, when done, present himself in boy position until Pete dismissed him.

On these occasions, Pete would inspect the boy's work after he had left and would send any failings to the group chat with the boy and Joseph and let the boy know that he would be punished on arrival on his next visit. True to his word, the boy would strip on arrival on the next visit and Pete would bend him over the punishment chair and apply the cane or tawse to his buttocks until they were bright red and the boy was tearful and sorry. If the boy had made a serious mistake (like the day he managed to smash a plate) or if Pete was feeling particularly cross, he would find that the chair was set up for the bastinado. The boy truly hated the bastinado.

The chair would have cuffs attached to it above each leg. The boy would then be instructed to lie face down on the floor and his wrists and angles would be pulled up and cuffed so that he was safely and firmly presented for punishment. Pete would then take the senior cane and thrash the boy's soles. Pete loved bastinado - it required less effort than caning the boy's buttocks and yet it caused more pain and discomfort. The boy cried without fail when his soles were punished. Joseph did not use the bastinado on the boy, but always enjoyed seeing it carried out. Pete would usually film the whole process from attaching the boy to the chair to his snivelling and grovelling gratitude for his punishment afterwards. Once or twice, he had streamed the punishment live to Joseph over Whatsapp and Joseph had been very impressed with the younger man's dominance and commitment to dealing harshly with his putative superior at work.

It was after the latest live-streamed bastinado session (for dropping and smashing a wine glass whilst washing up) that, once the boy had been sent to back work with his tears drying on his face, Joseph messaged Pete with a proposal.

Well done, Pete, I enjoyed watching that and the boy will certainly not be so careless next time he is washing your glasses!

He knows full well what will happen if he breaks anything, but he still manages to be clumsy sometimes, so his bottom and the soles of his feet have to be reddened to help him learn. Well, his bottom is always reddened anyway, but you know what I mean!

He's getting his bottom reddened almost every day at the moment - did I tell you that I have a friend who is over from the States for work for six months? Mike's working in Leeds, and work is paying for an AirBnB place in Bradford, so the boy is getting the train there after work on a Monday, working from about 6.30 to 10.15 and then heading back to get home before midnight. With his regular visits to me on Saturday and Tuesday, You on Sunday and Wednesday, Mike on Monday, and Andy and Clive on Thursday, Friday is his only day of rest!

Andy and Clive were a long established couple whom the boy had been visiting before he began seeing Pete. Andy was 60, short and wiry with still luxuriant grey hair and beard, whilst Clive was 75, but still ran three times a week and cycled with his club regularly. Approached like Pete via Recon, they were not as sadistic as Pete or Joseph, but enjoyed having the handsome naked boy at their beck and call for the evening. Of course he got a red bottom when he visited them, but they didn't use the cane, or require urinal service. Joseph called the boy's visits there his `Thursday relaxation' as all he generally had to do was go over their knees, clean their flat, do their ironing and suck their cocks.

Pete did wonder sometimes how Adrian managed to keep up his schedule at work, his trips to the gym and all this service. But Joseph had explained to him early on that, for the boy, service was his way of relaxing. He ran most mornings and went to the gym three days a week at lunchtime. As Joseph had said, no-one was forcing the boy to be in service and no-one was making him work all these hours. He could say enough at any time and cut back or stop or take a break. As it happened, he did take breaks - he'd had a fortnight's holiday from work in the summer and had gone to Spain with three of his friends from uni and, as far as Pete knew, had just relaxed and had a proper holiday.

Joseph's proposal slightly surprised Pete, though/

I have a proposal for you, young Pete. The boy and I had our regular open chat' session on Sunday. As we've discussed, I think it is imperative in the kind of arrangement that the boy and I have that a proper conversation about boundaries, rules, expectations and the like happens from time to time. The boy and I have agreed that we will do this twice a year, with either being able to ask for an additional one at any time. During open chat', the boy is referred to by his first name, although he chooses to continue to refer to me as Sir. He is allowed to speak freely and I promise that there will be no punishment or comeback on the basis of the conversation. I have given the boy the option of having the chat while he is clothed, but, again, he chooses to be naked in my presence. He is treated as an equal during the chat in all other ways.

I am so impressed with how you do this, Joseph. There are too many so-called Masters who have no interest whatsoever in what the slave thinks.

Well, to be fair, the rest of the time I have absolutely no interest in his views or opinions. He agrees to a set of rules and expectations and I hold him to that. Anyway, my proposal... The boy surprised me a bit during our chat. I asked him how he was finding serving you. You'll be pleased to know (although I have told you this several times) that he finds his work for you deeply fulfilling and he is desperate to please you. He said that he finds your incredibly high standards a stretch and so feels immensely proud when he gets a word of praise from you. He also deeply appreciates how strict you are and how you don't allow him to get away with anything but the highest standard of labour.

I'm chuffed to bits to hear that, Joseph. I know that you've told me how happy he is with his visits to me, but to get it more or less direct from him is great.

Yes, I agree. I think you are the closest guy I've found to my way of using the boy and how he deeply needs to be used. And this proposal came from him, so that is also an excellent sign.

I'm on tenterhooks now, Joseph, about what on earth he has proposed!

I think this is a real testament to how much you have got under his skin and into his head. I, well, we, I suppose, want to propose an extension of your mastery of the boy. And this is why he surprised me. He was adamant when we first found you and saw that you worked with him that if he served you that work and service had to be kept completely separate.

Yes, I totally get that.

well, he would like to propose that that separation is broken somewhat.

Pete was taken aback. Adrian had continued to be the gregarious, alpha type at work.

Broken in what way, Joseph?

We're not proposing that the boy behaves any differently at work or that he shows any overt sign of his true nature in the office. But, if you're comfortable with some blurring of the lines, that would be great.

Pete discussed Joseph's proposal with him in depth, and contacted the boy on Whatsapp as well.

hi boy. Feel free to speak frankly and openly

Hello Master Pete, Sir. Thank You, Sir.

I just want to check that you know about and are really OK with the new proposal that Master Joseph has put to me, boy.

Thank You, Master Pete, Sir. Yes, Sir, i am aware of the proposal, it actually came from me. i think that it makes a lot of sense and would be a good development in my training and service, Sir. i hope you approve of the proposal, Master Pete, Sir.

I do, boy. I'm glad you are on board with it.

Thus it was that Pete and Adrian's working relationship changed subtly. No-one at work would have noticed unless they were watching very closely. As soon as Pete arrived at work, Adrian brought him a cup of coffee. At lunchtime, Adrian provided his lunch if Pete was working, asking Pete what he wanted and then going and getting it for him. Whenever Pete wanted a coffee, Adrian brought it to him. And when Pete needed a piss, Adrian's phone would buzz and he would excuse himself if he was in a meeting, or leave his desk and head to the rarely used disabled toilet on the second floor of the building. Once there he would undress completely and wait on his knees for his Master. Pete would take his time, making the boy wait in the unlocked toilet. Eventually Pete would walk in and lock the door behind him. No words needed to pass between them, the boy would simply do as he would when serving Pete at his home. Unzipping his Master's flies, the boy would take out Pete's cock, take it between his lips and swallow as Pete let flow. Pete would usually be on his phone ignoring the boy in exactly the same way as he would if he were using a porcelain urinal. Once Pete's bladder was empty, the boy would tuck his cock back into his trousers and thank Pete for allowing him to drink his piss in the office. Pete might pat the boy's head before he walked out, but usually he would just leave silently - after all, one doesn't acknowledge a porcelain urinal in the office, why would one do so with a human urinal? The boy would redress and go back to his work as if nothing had happened.

This subtle, but important, shift in the relationship between Pete and Adrian made a big difference to both of their mindsets. For the boy, his view of Pete as just an extra person whom he visited for service regularly (albeit with the added frisson of seeing him in a more junior capacity at work) became more or less on a par with his relationship with Joseph. For Pete, he felt a sense of true ownership of Adrian instead of the largely erotic nature of his being naked in his apartment. And, although no-one at work seemed to have noticed any change in their relationship, people had noticed a shift in both their attitudes. Mr Cleaver remarked on it to his most senior partner one evening when they were having a drink after work about three months after Adrian began serving Pete at work as well as at home.

"I'm really impressed with young Peter Givens, Louise. He's been with us less than a year on the traineeship and he's already proving himself as mature, responsible and very sharp. He's definitely one to keep our eyes on," said Mr Cleaver.

"I completely agree, Jackson," Louise said, "he's really blossomed in the last few months - so much more assertive, decisive and dedicated."

"I'll tell you has also impressed me recently," she continued, "and that's Adrian Powell. There was a time about six months ago when I was concerned that his devil-may-care attitude and slightly slapdash approach to things was going to mean we were going to have to have a serious conversation. Don't get me wrong, he's always been brilliant with clients, the staff love him and his work is always high quality, but there was a real `high wire' feeling about it! I was always a bit stressed about whether we'd get what we needed when we needed it."

"But for the last few months he seems to have grown up - he's still the chatty, sparky lad he's always been, but his approach to his work and his attitude is much more professional and I really feel I can trust him with things."

"Yes," Mr Cleaver agreed, "I have always liked Adrian, but you're right he could be a bit of a risk at times. I wouldn't want him to turn into RJ - we need variety and diversity in approach and attitude - but he has turned down his `exuberance' (shall we say?) a little and is definitely more organised and focussed."

Louise gave Pete and Adrian similar feedback in their annual reviews a few weeks later. Obviously, it was Pete's first and he was delighted with it. Adrian told Joseph what Louise had said and Joseph was proud of his boy but also of Pete for the very positive effect his training seemed to be having on Adrian.

I'm so proud of you, Pete. You're clearly doing brilliantly at work and your mastery of Adrian is paying off for both of you it seems.

Thanks, so much, Joseph, that really means a lot to me. It feels a bit weird that we've still not met face to face after all this time chatting, but I think of you as a very good and wise friend and your respect means a massive amount.

You deserve it, young man. And it is rubbing off on the boy too. He had a very positive annual review and was praised for his more professional attitude.

I think that, even though there is no overt sign of his slave status at work, having me continue to behave as his Master there as well as home has made his general attitude better.

I agree. I've been thinking - I reckon that the time has come for you to increase your control of the boy's work.

How do you mean? He is still more senior than me in the office, there's a limit to what I can do!

Oh yes, I don't mean anything like that. What I mean is that I would like you to take over something I have been doing since I started seeing Adrian. If you're up for it, of course! What I do with him is that when he reports at the weekend we have a `conversation' about his week - his running and gym performance, any masturbation or unapproved ejaculations, and his honest review of the week at work. He confesses anything which he believes deserves punishment and I may also add additional punishment for things which I think have fallen below expected standards. I'd love it if you could take this on and take his confession (as I call it) when he reports to you on a Sunday instead of when he's here on a Saturday.

Wow, Joseph, I'd be more than happy to take that on. I'm just shocked that you are happy to stop taking his confession and that you trust me enough to do it instead.

There's a couple of reasons that I think this will work better. Firstly, you're at work with him. He can't get things past you like he clearly has been doing with me. While I know he's never had any poor reviews, it's clear that his work attitude has not been what it should've been and if I had known I would have thrashed it out of him. Secondly (and it surprises me to be writing this), you are stricter than I am and really seem not to allow the boy to get away with any falling short. Maybe it's because I have owned him for so long, I let things slide that I might not have done when we first met. Or maybe he doesn't realise what he ought to be confessing to me because it's been a weekly ritual for the last six years and he doesn't go into as much detail as he used to. And thirdly, I know how humiliating he finds it serving you, and having to confess to you instead of me will be a punishment in and of itself, notwithstanding whatever you decide is appropriate punishment for the failings that he confesses.

I'm both flattered and excited to be taking my `relationship' with Adrian to another level! While I have some thoughts already, what sorts of punishments do you issue after confession?

I try to, as W. S. Gilbert wrote, `make the punishment fit the crime'! So I may edge him for an hour or so without release if he has been playing with himself too much. Unauthorised ejaculation might be dealt with by milking several loads out of him in quick succession, ruining each orgasm and polishing his sensitive willy afterwards before stroking it again to another ruined orgasm. Poor performance in his exercise regime could lead to his doing naked PE until he is exhausted. Other things will just merit the cane or tawse.

Excellent, I shall have a think before I see him on Sunday, then. Mind you, he'll need to work more quickly and harder afterwards - just because I am spending time dealing with his failings doesn't mean he will get to slack on his work.

I should jolly well hope not! He's there to work, primarily. We'll review things - if he needs to spend some of his Friday evening finishing his chores for you, so be it.

Let's see how things go. I'm usually out on a Friday evening, but there's no reason that he couldn't let himself in and do his work in my absence.

I'll get him to buy a couple of those web-enabled cameras for you - you can have one in the hall and one in your living area at least so that we can both check on him if necessary.

Sunday came around and Adrian let himself into Pete's apartment. Pete was sitting in the living room as usual while Adrian took off his smart black shoes and white ankle socks and stripped out of his humiliating slave uniform of cheap white short-sleeved shirt, smart black shorts which he had had to alter by hand to ensure a 5" inside leg and well-worn jock. As he'd already spent Saturday and Sunday morning labouring for Joseph, his bottom still showed the redness from the spanking over Joseph's knee he had received immediately before he was released for his walk across the city to Pete's apartment. The welts from twelve strokes of the borstal cane were still visible as well, and the boy's knees showed the characteristic signs of his having been on his knees for a large proportion of the last 36 hours.

Naked and with his uniform folded and placed in the box beside the door as always, Adrian took his collar, ring gag and nipple clamps out of his backpack and placed them on the hall table. There was no need for him to put a butt plug on the table. After spanking him, Joseph had bent the boy over the dining table and fucked him hard, shooting his load deep inside the boy and sealing it in place with the large black leather plug. Adrian had felt it move inside him as he marched through the streets, and the stimulation of his prostate combined with the freshly seeded feeling meant that his willy was standing erect for much of his journey and was still hard as he took his place against the front door to await his Master. There was no need for him to take out his cleaning kit as he had done on his first visit - he had stocked up a cupboard at Pete's on his second visit and now only had to bring replacements when needed.

After a short while, the boy heard the living room door open and sensed Pete standing in the doorway. Without a word, Pete locked the collar around the boy's neck and fitted the gag without the boy having to turn around. Knowing the routine now, the boy turned once his mouth was stretched by the rubber O and Pete clamped the boy's nipples. The boy winced and grimaced as the vicious metal bit into his tender flesh - he'd been clamped all day Saturday and all that morning as he worked for Joseph and he had been very aware, as always, of them rubbing against the cloth of his well-fitted shirt as he made the trip between his two Masters' homes. Now the pain from the clamps being attached made his willy twitch and his hold flex around the plug.

"Follow me, boy," Adrian said, walking back into the living room, "it's time to take your confession".

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