Losing Matt but Gaining Cooper

By James Smith

Published on Aug 19, 2023


When we thought nothing else could go wrong it did. Someone was at our house, but the question was who is it? No one knew where we were. We had not told anyone and our parents did not even care enough to ask us where we were going. So Coop and I took our hands

Out of each other's underpants and made ourselves decent to some extent then went to open the door. When we opened the door no one was there but there was a package on the door step addressed to Cooper and Daniel. Cooper looked at me and asked me if I told anyone

And in the same moment I asked him and we both had said no. But what I hadn't told Cooper is that I had talked to my mom last night. She told me that I should come home and that everything with my dad would be ok and that it would be fixed in all good time. With that I told her

Where we were and what we were up to in the since about moving in and stuff she doesn't need to know about any of the other stuff. But once the package came I realized that she would more than likely tell someone along the way. But we picked up the box and went inside, Cooper

Sat it on the counter and looked at me and could see that I was hiding something and he said, "Who knows we are here?" So I told him about the phone call and the whole conversation ended with Cooper opening the box and to come to find it was from Matt.

None the less he sent us a package and it contained a letter that started with I'm sorry and that it was

Nothing personal but he knew that if he stayed friends with me that the school would find out and then in turn find out that he was gay. He also stated that he in all good time would tell everyone and then one day be able to live the life that he wanted with no regrets and no looking back and enclosed was a box. It was a silver box with black writing on it. I picked it up and started to open it when Coop started to break down. So I put the box down and asked him whats wrong and he said that he just never expected to be kicked out of his house and for everyone in his hometown to hate him for what he was. And with that all I could do was hold him and that is just what he needed.

He cried for about 30 minutes till he calmed down enough for me to understand him again. Once he calmed down all I could do was think how lucky I am to have him here in my life and that one day I want to marry this man. So when all of the tears were shed and all of the words were passed Cooper looked at me and asked me if I wanted to go into town and explore. I said yes and with that we went and got ready, but come to find with everything going on today we forgot to do the laundry and so we went in to the closet and the only options were shorts that were Coopers and tank tops. Not bad but definitely not what you want to wear going into a town that you have never been in before. But we put it on and both were too small for me as I have a good two inches on Cooper so I took the shorts and tank top and put them on and the tank top came right to the edge of the shorts just close enough so it covers but if

I move in any way it will slide up.

Once in town we made our way to the local market to but some groceries. Cooper looked at me and said what do you want for dinner and I said you know what I want and he said maybe for desert and we picked up some fried chicken and potatoes and some veggies. We paid and then went walking around for a while till we found this place that was so beautiful it looked like a post card. Cooper said we have to eat here and so we sat down and ate in the gazebo. Once we were done we made our way back into town and were headed home when we passed a sex shop. So without saying anything I pulled Cooper into the store and said let's make things interesting and we shopped for a while and I told Cooper you purchase something for me and I will purchase something for you and so we both started shopping and I found what I was looking for and so did Cooper apparently because when I got to the cash register he had already paid so I told him to wait outside. So I paid for his gifts and we went home, once inside we noticed that box from Matt was unopened and we went over to open it and in it was a dvd and instructions. It said now that you have opened the box go to your room and get naked, so we did. Once naked it said to put the dvd in and press play. So once again we did, then it told us to enjoy so Cooper and I are laying there when Matt comes on the screen and says I feel bad for what happened at school but I hope you will enjoy this video. It starts and then you see Matt sitting in a desk and it was a high school class room. He is sitting there in what looks like detention and in walks the football team wearing nothing but their jock straps. And I am in awhh, Cooper looks at me and said did you know ?? I said no and we watch the movie and you see the football team suck and fuck each other and you see Matt take the Justin the Captain of the teams 12 inch cock in his ass. As Matt is getting fucked he is grinding his ass into Justin's cock. And he is moaning and Justin is very aggressive and at one point Justin and Tyler another member of the team fuck him together two cocks in his ass and Matt is just loving it. After that I have no idea what happened cause I turned to Cooper and before I could say anything he was down on my cock and I was so hard, oh he sucked it good using his tongue and getting under the foreskin and then he started sucking on my balls while playing with my whole and one by one shoves his fingers in my ass till he has four fingers in my ass. He looks at me and says I know I normally fuck your ass tonight you think you can fuck me. With that I slowly turned him over and started to kiss and as our tongues danced I made my way down to his cock and then his legs and then I raised his legs and slowly inserted my cock in his ass and slowly I pushed the head in. Once in I told Cooper if I go to fast let me know and I grab his ass and play with his ass and start slowly fucking him, harder, and harder, ramming my cock in his ass and I start to play with his cock till he says. Fuck me harder baby, with that I fucked him like I didn't know I could and we fucked for ten minutes when I finally had all I could take and said I'm going to cum and shot my load in his ass and without even touching his cock he exploded and covered both his chest and abdomen but mine as well. Once I finally stop cumming I pull out and just lay on him with his cum between us. We start to passionately kiss and I start to get hard again and said wait....

Want to find out what Matt and Cooper bought for each other and what else is in store than email me and also if you have any comments or questions about the story just ask. Love James J


Next: Chapter 4

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