Lost a Bet to Dave

By J Smithesson

Published on May 10, 2023


Lost a bet to Dave chapter III

Many thanks for all your feedback and ideas. Do keep me posted with your thoughts to smithesson88@gmail.com.

Dave then looked at Clive with a little smirk on: See, now you are all mine.' He paused: and there is no way back for you. Even Tom who seems to be fully into pussy has realised that you want and need to be my personal slave and he agreed to help make sure that this will also be happening. There is no way back for you, boy.' Clive just looked at his new Master with puppy eyes. Dave looked so incredibly handsome in his mind. He did not care what he said. He was so horny by then. If Dave would ask him to run to the shop all naked, at that moment it felt like he would still probably do it.

After looking at the eyes his new possession for a while, Dave realised that Clive is melting for him big time and it will not be difficult to make Clive do pretty much anything he would like. He then looked at Clive's boxers which were clearly a wrong element of this beautiful guy and ripped them apart. From now on, you will never wear boxers, Clivy,' he said whilst looking calmly into Clive's face. Clive was confused, he would need to wear some underwear. I will allow you to wear some small briefs and thongs, don't worry. Although, you will not be restricted to boys underwear anymore. I will choose what you wear, because, I want you to feel beautiful and sexy,' Dave said. Clive kept looking at Dave with somewhat of a little confused look. Dave added: `Don't worry Clivyboy, you will love what I choose. And you will be proud wearing some more boyish and feminine stuff than I do. How else will you feel that you are my possession?'

Clive then thought about it. Maybe it would not be bad to wear some clothes which made him feel different than Dave and which Dave would find sexy. It could be pretty fun feeling like a sex object to Dave. Dave then brought Clive's face a close to his and looked deep into his eyes with quite an intense and serious look. But now you will need to be seriously punished, Clivy,' Dave said. Why, I've done nothing wrong,' Clive looked with a surprised look. Dave's face went even more serious. You've done nothing wrong!?' Dave added with an angry voice. You've lied to me for a year that you want to be just friends with me although you have fantasised all the way long about having my cock penetrating you and becoming my slut, boy. We've wasted a whole fucking because of you being a silly silly boy! I could have used your beautiful lips and ass every day, if you had told me you wanted my cock, boy. But instead you chose to lie to me and leave an impression that what you really want is girls.' Dave added with an angry voice. Clive just looked at him with puppy eyes and tried to look down in embarrassment. In this moment he felt it was so wrong that he had not told the truth to Dave. He then mumbled Sorry.' Sorry! Sorry, what for a start!?'Dave added. Sorry, Sir' Clive mumbled back. Dave took hold of Clive's head again and raised his face so that his eyes were directly facing his. Sorry is not good enough, boy,' he said. I will have to punish you so that you will remember your first rule – always, absolutely always to be honest with me, boy' Dave added, Now get over my knee.'

Clive just looked at him with disbelief. He had not been punished like this since his teenage when his dad used to bring him over his knee once in a while. How could it be possible that he was becoming such a little boy again. Do it now boy, unless you want more punishment.' Clive's face was completely red by then, but he decided his best chance is still to do what Dave asks. So he moved quickly and placed his stomach on Dave's lap so he could hold himself up with his hands and legs on the floor. Good boy. See you know very well how to follow orders. And deep down you understand perfectly well that punishment is in your best interest,' Dave said. Do you know how I will punish you?' Dave asked. No, Sir,' Clive added. `I will give you fifty strokes on both your ass cheeks. So that tomorrow you will remember perfectly well, what you have did wrong for an entire year,' Dave told him.

Clive felt under his stomach how Dave's huge cock was simply rock hard. Dave then leaned forward, unlaced one of his shoes. He was wearing some Churchills. He took off one of them put his hand inside it. Held it up and swept it through the air until it crashed into Clive's left ass cheek. Aaargh,' Clive moaned. Dave then continued, giving ten swaps to each cheek and then changing. It hurt so much, but Clive felt his cock harden like ever before and unfortunately for him his boner was right against Dave's leg. After giving twenty strokes on both cheeks, Dave made a little break and asked Clive: Someone seems to enjoy himself. You really are in need of a real man to put you in your place, aren't you?' Clive did not know what to say to it. He was extremely horny at that moment and almost felt like stroking his cock against Dave's leg. Then Dave added: `but you need not to worry. Soon your cock will have to learn to behave much better.' Clive was not sure what that was supposed to mean. But he did not have much time to reflect on this as there was a knock on the kitchen door.

Come in,' Dave said. The door opened and Rick looked in the room. Clive raised his head a little, so he could see Rick standing at the door. Rick's face grew a grin as he looked at Clive naked on all fours over Dave's knee whilst Dave was still fully clothed except that he had removed a Churchill which he was holding in his hand. I found some lube, man and here are a few condoms too, he said.' Thanks, buddy,' Dave said. Rick put the items on the table and sort of confused whether to say something. He too had a bulge in his trousers which was not too difficult to miss. Are you sure buddy, you won't need a hand?,' he gave it another try. Well, a friendly hand is never a bad thing,' Dave said thoughtfully. Would you like to help give this boy his punishment for lying to me for an entire year that he is after girl's although all he could secretly think about is serving my cock,' he said. Rick sat down in the other chair. Clivy, go over the knee of Rick for a change. You will need to learn more boy,' Dave ordered Clive. Clive felt still super horny, but very odd at the same time. Now Rick would also be spanking him. But he reluctantly as he was told went over to Rick and put his stomach over his legs, feeling his boner inside. Clivy seems excited,' Rick told Dave with a smirk as if Clive would not even exist in this room. How many shall I give him?,' he added. Why don't you give him 20 strokes on each buttock, but make sure that he remembers them,' Dave instructed. Rick smiled to himself, the took off his slipper and started to give whacks one by one to Clive's buttocks which were already quite pink. Clive moaned as Rick kept spanking him for a while. It really hurt. Soon after Rick had completed the spanking, Dave said: Thanks buddy, I really appreciate your help. He'll come and thank you soon, but could you please leave us alone for a little while now.' Cool buddy, I understand,' Rick said as he walked out of the room whilst touching his boner through his trousers. He really wanted to get off at this moment.

Dave then took hold of Clive's neck and brought him back over his knee. Good boy, only twenty more to go,' he said. Clive really felt how it hurt now and asked to plead for him to stop, but soon the twenty became full and Dave stopped. See, it's not so bad. It's just part of your learning process. How else would you learn to be a good boy for me!,' Dave said, on your knees now!' Clive tried to move himself on the ground and fell crashed before Dave and then looked up. Dave's look towards him was purely adoring. Dave took hold of his neck and shoulders and massaged them and which made Clive feel so intimate at the time. He then moved his head closer and started kissing Dave on his forehead and then moved on in his ears and neck and lips. It just felt like time had stopped for both of them. A moment before Clive had felt like hell as his ass was totally numb whereas now he felt like heaven. In a little while Dave moved Clive's head towards his crouch and pressed his cock into Clive's face through his trousers. Clive's own cock jumped again from excitement as his precum was already dripping from it. Dave then took away his belt and put it around Clive's neck whilst keeping one ending so that it formed a leash. You can now open my trousers and meet your new best friend with whom you will be spending a lot of time you know,' Dave said.

Next: Chapter 4

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