Lost in a Land of Lust

By moc.loa@traeHycIyM

Published on May 23, 2001


"Lost In A Land of Lust" Chapters 1-3 by Jonathan Nguyen MyIcyHeart@aol.com

WARNING: This story contains graphic descriptions of sex. If you find this offensive, or are not of legal age in your area, stop reading now.

Chapter 1: Relic Hunter Junior, m-solo

"Careful," my father said as his eyes studied the dark, musty room. "These old tombs are always booby-trapped." He used his torch to make a slow sweep, studying the walls, floor, and ceiling of the dusty room. "So far we've only been in the tunnels, Eric, so it's been relatively safe, but after this door you better be careful and stick close to me."

"I know Dad," I said impatiently, rolling my eyes. "We've been through this a million times. For a guy who hunts relics for a living, you sure are a big nagging bore."

"Well its the boring nag in me that's kept me alive all these years. And anyways, who made you the expert Eric? I do remember someone teaching you all that you know about tombs and relics. Let's see...who was that? Hmmm....it was ME!"

"You just wait, I'll be better than you in no time."

"The day that happens is the day I call you Dad," he chuckled. "What's with you 16 year olds? You all think you know everything." My dad had his back turned to me as he tried to open the stone sealed door to the tomb chambers, but I knew he had a little smile on his face because of my interest in his field of work. He had pretty much trained me for this since I could walk.

With a small crunch, the door gave way as he found the exact pressure point in the stone. He slowly crept into the room, with me close behind. My heart started to speed up in the excitement of knowing that we could find something very important here, and also that our next step could be our last. Our torches lit up the stone walls, revealing the intricate paintings and etchings human eyes had not seen for thousands of years. It was a mystery even to my dad, who had created this tomb. This had always been my dad's ultimate goal, to find this place, an almost mythological tomb built deep inside caverns. After years of tracing legends and decoding artifacts, he was the first one to find this place, and I was tagging along for the ride.

We walked further into the room as it led into a narrower corridor, both of us silent as we tried to take in the whole experience and keep an eye out for traps. The corridor was long and dark, but as we walked a distance a faint sliver of blue light could be seen at the end of the pathway. As we neared the opening, we both realized the opening was quite small. Through the hole we could see the blue light got brighter as the corridor turned but we could not see anything else.

"Damn it," my dad grumbled. "It'll take days to widen this opening."

"Well if you had cut back on all those fatty foods, you might've been able to slip through like me." At 16 I was 5'9'' and a slim 130 pounds, whereas my father was 6'2'' and closer to 220 pounds.

"Don't even think about going in there by yourself."

"Why not, Dad? You've taught me everything you know, I'll be fine. I'll just take a quick look to see what the blue light is."

My dad's firm resolve seemed to melt as his face grew relaxed, "Fine, but just one look."

I smiled and turned to the opening. It was actually more like a crevice, and I wasn't even sure I could slip through despite my earlier claims. I pushed myself into the crack sideways, the hard rock scratching me as a squeezed through. I finally popped to the other side. "I'll just be a moment dad," I whispered, as I started walking into the next room where the light was emanating from. The corridor curved and led into a sight that amazed me. I set my torch down since the blue light was so bright. The walls of the small room where filled with a language I had never seen in any of my father's books about ancient civilizations. The strange part was that they were all glowing with that blue light, slowly brightening and then fading, like they were dancing to some unheard beat. In the middle of the room was a stone altar similar to a crude bed almost. Above this "bed" on the ceiling was a circle with the strange writings written all around the edges of the circle, all done in some sort of blue glowing crystal.

I moved towards the "bed" staring up at the mesmerizing crystal circle above. As I approached the bed, my body seemed to get heavier, or it felt heavier anyways. I felt like I was underwater. I had the strange urge to lie down so without even thinking climbed onto the stone slab and laid down looking straight up at the circle. I just laid there watching the light blinking. There was a strange energy in this room; it didn't feel menacing, but strange. I knew my father was waiting for me but I couldn't move. I realized the light was affecting me but I was powerless.

I could feel the strange almost electric energy from the circle caressing my young body. My skin began to tingle in ways that felt wrong, but I didn't want it to stop. It took me a few moments to realize that my cock was as hard as the stone slab I was laying on, pushing against my jeans waiting to be unleashed. Almost unconsciously my hand went down and began to rub my cock through my pants. Even with the denim between my hand and my steely dick, it felt better than any sensation I had ever gotten from jerking off at home. I knew the blue light was the cause of this wonderful pleasure, but why? And how? All I knew was that I had to get off. I unzipped my pants, pulling my thick, cut cock from inside the confines of my jeans and boxers. My rigid sex stood straight up perpendicular to my body, seven inches of pure teen lust. I didn't care that I couldn't get off the "bed" even if I tried. I didn't care if the light was evil. I didn't care that my dad was waiting. I just cared about the intense pleasure that I was experiencing.

I wrapped my hand around my pulsing cock-shaft, feeling the blood rage inside. Then my hand became a blur, stroking my cock in a frenzy. I felt like my hand was being controlled by someone else, or maybe something else, like the light. It didn't matter to me. I was slightly aware of my groans of ecstasy as the sensations spread through my warm body, my aching desire multiplying by the second. The inevitable climax was close, I could feel my cum bubbling in my balls and my cock felt like it was going to explode along with this impeding orgasm. I closed my eyes tight as the sensations rocketed through my body, my whole being was focused on this final culmination of pleasure. I could hardly make an audible sound as I felt my body jerk and shudder as I felt the hot cum explode out of my body in a series of spurts that left me hardly able to breathe.

As I slowly coasted down from the most intense orgasm of my life, I opened my eyes to the biggest shock of my 16 years on earth. The semen that I had ejected in my moments of passion were not splattered on my tummy or on the ground, they were floating in little gobs in the air as if they had been frozen in time. The circle was glowing brighter than ever, and I knew that something big was going to happen, something extraordinary. My cum started to float towards the circle on the ceiling. There the gobs banded together to form a circle that coated the crystal circle. As soon as this happened, the light became almost unbearably bright. Sparkly beams shined down at me as I laid helpless on the rock bed, my softening cock still hanging out of my pants. I felt like my body was floating towards the ceiling. My mind was cluttered with strange thoughts that did not make any sense, and I felt light-headed and dizzy. The last thing I remember was passing through the blue circle of light into the unknown, my heart pounding in my chest like an ancient beat of life born from humanity.

Chapter 2: This Ain't Kansas, teen mm-oral

There was a tranquil bubbling of water nearby, something like a stream or brook. I could hear the water gently cascading down the rocks even before I opened my eyes. Slowly my heavy lids fluttered open. I winced as I sat up, my body felt sore and worn. Sure enough I was lying next to a small crystal clear stream on a grassy bank. Tall trees and bushes surrounded my bed of soft green grass. How did I end up here? I then remembered what had happened in that blue-lighted room. Had it somehow teleported me to this place? After what had happened in that room, I knew that anything was possible. One thing that I learned from my dad was that sometimes things don't have to make sense to be the truth.

I stood up surveying my green surroundings. A cool breeze swept through, rustling the leaves of the trees, making them whisper amongst themselves. As the wind died down I could swear I heard real whispering. I moved towards the sounds coming from behind some of the dense shrubs. I moved silently, not knowing if the owner of the voice would be friend or foe. I peered through the bushes, hoping to find someone to explain where I was exactly. I knew my father would be worried to death.

Through the green leaves I spotted two naked boys, maybe a bit younger than me. As I watched them my still tired eyes started to focus more clearly and I realized these boys were not quite like me at all. They had a strange skin tone that I had first thought to be just an olive complexion, but in reality they were more slightly greenish. They both had long unruly hair that at first glance seemed black, but under closer inspection shone a dark subdued forest green. I could see by the one facing towards my direction, that they had green eyes that sparkled like emeralds. I stared at these two teenage "boys," my brow furrowed as I tried to make sense of the situation.

They were both sitting on the floor playing some foreign game with sticks and stones. Suddenly the one with his back to me threw his stones down and jumped up in what I thought was excitement, my eyes instinctively went to his naked bottom. I felt naughty for thinking so, but he had a nice ass.

"I beat you!" the boy exclaimed. My mouth about hit the floor when the boy said this in his strange tongue because for some reason I understood him. I knew he was not speaking English, but my mind understood him nevertheless. "Time for you to pay up," the boy continued staring down at his friend still sitting on the floor.

"I never win!" The other boy complained, his full lips in an exaggerated pout.

"That's why I play with you. I always win this way! Anyways I think you like to lose so you can be the one to pay the bet..."

The boy on the floor gave a little smile as if admitting he did like to lose. My own blue eyes were transfixed on his glittering green ones. My eyes widened as the losing boy, still sitting down, reached out and touched the winning boy between the legs. I could not see too well since the standing boy was facing away from me, but the movement of the other boys arm made it quite clear he was jerking his friend off. The boy's hand slowly stopped but he held on to his friends stalk. Looking up at his friend as he brought his face closer to the other boy's crotch he smiled and said, "Your prize..." His voice trailed off as his face went between the other boy's legs. The winning boy moaned softly.

I stood transfixed by the sight of the winning boy's ass as he thrust into his friend's eager mouth. My own breathing had become labored and I was aware that my pants were getting tight in the crotch. I had to get to a better spot to view the action. I slowly crept further towards the boys and to the side of them, my tented jeans leading the way. I was careful not to make noise, although I didn't think a gunshot could've disturbed the young lovers. In my new position I could see the winning boy's thick greenish cock sliding in and out of the other boys full lips. They both had their eyes closed, moans emanating from both of their throats. I glanced at the sucking boys lap and found him stroking his beautiful uncut cock with his free hand. He was using his other hand to push his friends ass to make the cock go all the way down his delicate little throat.

My own cock was straining inside my jeans, but I didn't dare move in the fear that this was some erotic illusion that would end if I moved. The two boys became louder in their passion. Even the sucking boy was groaning despite the mouthful of teen cock down his throat. As if planned, both boys squeezed their eyes tightly in unison and cum began to squirt from the sucking boys dick. By the way his throat was gulping I could tell his friend had shot his hot load down his throat as well. My body had convulsed and shook in pleasure as I watched the two orgasm, I didn't realize I had cum as well without touching my cock until I looked down and saw the wet spot in the front of my pants.

As I recovered from my orgasm I looked up just in time to see the two boys walk up to a large old tree and in a split second the tree seemed to open up for them and they disappeared into it. I stood slightly dazed and confused. Things were seriously getting weirder by the moment. Then in came to me: they were tree nymphs. I had always been interested in myths since I was a little kid, especially Greek mythology. The two boys certainly resembled what tree nymphs were described to be like in the myths. Could I have really just witnessed two forest demigods pleasure themselves? If this were true, I had to get out of here. Even though it had been quite...umm...pleasurable so far, if there were real live tree nymphs here who knew what else could be here?

I got up and started making my way out of the bushes. I had to find normal human beings and get the hell outta this place. Somehow I knew that it was not going to be easy getting home, it was going to be a battle, a journey. Deep down this is what I always wanted, to explore the unknown and maybe even conquer it.

Chapter 3: Crying Wolf, mf-nc, mm-nc

After exiting the bushes I came upon a road. I almost burst out laughing at the sight of the yellow brick road that led over the hill up ahead. I decided to follow it even though it was so Oz, maybe I would run into Dorothy, the scarecrow, the tin man, and the cowardly lion. At least then I'd be able to go to the damn wizard and ask for a 12 inch penis or something. I walked along the path until I heard galloping. I quickly ducked off the path into some bushes. A few moments later I saw a man on a horse ride by. He was dressed up in chain mail and armor like a knight. I decided it was safer to travel along the road in bushes and trees than it was to be out in the open. After walking along for about ten minutes I heard galloping again. Peering out of the bushes I saw the man on the horse was back. This time he got off the horse and was heading towards the woods that I was hiding in. Quietly as I could, I made my way deeper into the woods to avoid him. The trees and shrubs became denser and denser as I went further in. Suddenly I heard noises to my right. At first I thought it was the man on the horse, but then I realized it was a girl's voice. She was making strange muffled sounds, which I deduced was not a good sign. I walked towards the sounds. In a little clearing I saw a naked man on the grass. As I got closer I realized he was on top of a girl. I hoped that they were just two lovers making love, but I had a bad feeling it was something worse. I froze as my suspicions were confirmed. The man had the girl, a blonde around my age, pinned beneath his large, muscled body. All around them were tattered pieces of what had been her dress. All she had on now was a red cloak that was spread out beneath her naked body, and a strip of or dress fashioned into a gag. The girl was trying to scream, but the gag only allowed little muffled moans to escape. The bulky man was grunting like a wild animal as his body slammed down on the girl. I could hear their flesh slap against one another.

I picked up a stick about the size of a baseball bat. I had to help her. I knew this was something I had to do, but my knees felt slightly wobbly anyway. I crept up on the man slowly with my stick ready. When I was about five feet away from my target, it happened. I hadn't noticed the twig, but as my foot broke it with a little snap I prayed he didn't hear it. He did. His head snapped back and I saw his face for the first time. My first thought was: he wasn't human. His eyes gleamed fiercely, more beastly than manly. His hair was long and wild, his facial hair scraggly. It was not that he was ugly, for he was actually quite chiseled and ruggedly attractive, but it was his whole manner that made him truly frightening and beastly.

Before I had time to react, he leapt to his feet and was charging at me with great speed and agility. I was knocked back in moments. I felt his hand around my neck as I laid sprawled on the ground, surprised by his ferocious attack. Suddenly I felt his hand shift and change. It suddenly felt hairier and bigger, like it had grown and lengthened. I looked up at his face and saw it too changing. Hair was sprouting and growing like crazy. His face structure shifted and was morphing into something else. Werewolf. The word hit me like a slap across the face. He had not changed all the way, still resembling a man, though hairier and more wolf-like. He squeezed my neck. I panicked until he loosened his grip. As I began to recover he squeezed again. I gasped for air until he stopped again. A smile crossed his lips. He was having fun watching me gasp for air, my blue eyes pleading for him to stop.

His eyes traveled over my body. With his huge, hairy, free hand he grabbed my t-shirt and with a yank it surrendered to his strength, ripping off my body. He seemed to be pleased by my lean, hairless torso. He straddled my stomach with his hairy naked body, one hand still around y neck. My eyes had been glued to his face since the attack began, but now I looked down as I felt it resting on my naked torso. It being the huge, weighty cock pressed against my chest. Even through the attack it was still rock hard, the veins popping up because of the huge amount of blood pulsing through it, the head throbbing angrily as it waited to invade a tight hole. No one wonder the girl had been screaming, his cock must have been killing her. I couldn't see the girl from where I was lying, but I hoped she had enough sense to run. The wolf-man started moving up my torso. Slowly moving his body and cock towards my head. I knew what was coming. It frightened me that part of me wanted it. But I wasn't going to let him know that, so I bucked my body, trying to throw off my rider. I arched my back and struggled against him, but I knew he was who knows how many times stronger than I was. The wolf-man seemed to actually like that I was struggling, I maniacal grin had spread across his lips. He took his hand off my throat, grabbed each of my hands and pinned them down above my head with one huge paw. With his other hand he grabbed his giant pulsating cock. He slapped his iron rod against my chin. It made stinging little noises each time, and I could feel some liquid come off onto my neck. Maybe it was precum, maybe it was from that girl. My eyes were squeezed tight but I could feel the unmistakable feeling of his cock head rubbing against my closed lips. More of the juices dripped onto my lips, some of it leaking into my mouth. I was mad that it didn't disgust me. I felt his hand close around a handful of my hair. He yanked it and my eyelids flew open in pain. He looked down at me with his gleaming eyes, and I knew if I didn't do what he wanted I would be a goner.

His fingers went into my mouth and pried them open, his cock resting against my neck. I kept my mouth open even after his fingers left. The bloated cock head was placed on my mouth, and I instinctively licked it, eliciting a low moan from the wolf-man. He pressed down on me and his cock head pressed into my mouth. The girth of it forced my mouth to open wide to accommodate it. The wolf-man began to make animal-groans as he pumped his gigantic tool in and out of my mouth. The width of it made me afraid my jaw would snap, and the length made my throat shiver. The man hammered into me with a ferocity that I had never seen or felt before. His whole being and reason for existing at the moment was to fuck my mouth with his hard dick. My head began to spin, the only steadiness I felt was in the rhythm of his heavy balls slapping against my chin as he rammed into my sweet throat. I began to suck him in earnest, licking his cock inside my mouth to get him off as fast as I could. I couldn't take this for much longer. The wolf-man picked up speed with each thrust, his moans were getting louder and angrier, his cock getting harder and hotter. My throat, having been thoroughly ravaged, offered no resistance as his cock slipped in deeper still. It like me seemed to want to get him off faster as well as it stroked and massaged his aching cock, caressing every curve and vein of his wolfhood. With one final thrust and triumphant roar, the wolf-man jammed the torridly big cock down my throat as his hot lava spewed down it. He began to pull it out as he continued to shoot his wolf cum in strong forceful jets. He quickly filled my mouth with the warm liquid and I had no choice but to swallow some of it. Most of it dribbled down the sides of my mouth as the wolfman rubbed his wet, slimy cock all over my face.

As his cock began to soften, I looked up at the wolf-man towering above me. He had that frightening smile still. He never said a word but I could tell by the way he stared at me that he was hungry again, but not sexually. After sexual fulfillment, I knew I was always hungry for a snack to regain my energy. I think he could see the fear in my wide blue eyes as I remembered what werewolves ate for lunch...


This is my first erotic type story, so send me your feedback! A little encouragement'll help me crank out some more chapters...and you'll find out what happens to Eric with Mr. Wolfie and what torrid adventures lie ahead for our teen hero. ;-)

Jonathan Nguyen aka 18 year old with a dirty mind


Next: Chapter 2: Lost in a Land of Lust 4 6

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