Lost in a Land of Lust

By moc.loa@traeHycIyM

Published on May 25, 2001


"Lost In A Land of Lust" Chapters 4-6 By Jonathan Nguyen MyIcyHeart@aol.com

WARNING ... This story contains graphic descriptions of sex. If you find this offensive, or are not of legal age in your area, stop reading now.

Chapter 4: Prey

"Please let me go," I whispered to the wolf-man, my throat aching from the vicious assault it had endured a few minutes ago.

The wolf-man didn't flinch, his strong body still straddling my chest. His mouth seemed to water as he stared down at the young meat below him. It was obvious my young flesh was a delicacy to the hungry beast. I hoped that if he was going to eat me, he would snap my neck first with his huge clawed hand. It was too horrible to imagine being eaten alive. The wolf-man began to change again. The bones beneath his flesh seemed to be cracking and shifting as his body continued to change further into that of a wolf. Soon his body was a mass of thick fur, his once human face contorted into a vicious snouted animal. The light filtered down through the trees and hit his rows of sharp teeth, making them glint like steel blades ready to slice into me. Through this transformation I was paralyzed in shock and fear, unable to move nor make a noise. What could I do but lie there?

The wolf-beast looked down at me, his snout seemed to be curled in a cruel smile. He then got off me. I stared up at the tree branches above my head for a moment before sitting up. He was crouching next to me. Was he letting me go? I was confused at the sudden turn of events. I warily stood up, my legs were weak from all the excitement. I backed a few steps away from the beast. He didn't move. He raised a huge paw and jerked it away from his body like he was shooing me away. I started to back away from him slowly, and then faster when he didn't follow me. I then turned and fled, although it was hard to run very fast in the densely wooded area. I heard the wolf howl, the sound echoing through the forest like a ricocheting bullet. It sent chills down my spine, and I turned to look back at the wolf. It was staring at me with that evil little smile. And then I understood why he let me go. He wanted to chase me down, hunt me like a little frightened deer. I saw him leap forward towards me. I turned and ran as fast as I could. He had allowed me a large head start but I knew I could never outrun him, especially in the forest. He had ripped my shirt off, and now the twigs and braches whipped and scratched my naked torso and arms as if they were trying to help the wolf by slowing me down. I heard his growls all around me. He was having fun with me. Batting me around like a cat plays with a mouse before it slices its soft belly open with a claw.

I heard a loud crash of branches and a thunderous howl, and suddenly I was back on my backside again. Pinned by two heavy paws on my chest. I could feel some blood trickling down my chest as the wolf-beast's claws cut into me just by his pushing down on me. With a triumphant howl the wolf raised his mighty paw, yellowy nails fully extended, ready to deliver a mighty death swipe. I clenched my teeth, my eyes involuntarily squeezing shut. My mind swam with flashes of my life as I tried to distance my mind from what was happening, slipping into an almost unconscious state of mind. I could feel blood all over me, hot burning blood. It had done it. I was dying. But I was glad I could feel no pain.

I began to feel like I was floating away. I heard a voice. It was a man's voice. God? An angel? Then I felt a stinging slap across my face and my eyes flew open. I wasn't in heaven, I wasn't even dead. But I did see an angel looking down at me. It took me awhile to snap out of my daze. I looked at my body. I was covered in blood. But it wasn't mine. The wolf's body was a few feet from me, bloody and decapitated. My eyes shot back to the "angel" hovering above me, talking softly to me. He was a beautiful blonde man in his late teens, early twenties, with blonde hair and green eyes. His mouth was moving but I couldn't hear him. I glanced at his clothes and a realized he was the knight I had ran into the forest to avoid. Then I noticed the girl behind him. It was the girl I had tried to save. She was wrapped in her red cloak to conceal her naked body since the wolf had torn her clothes to bits. Then it came to me through my chaotic thoughts that the wolf and the red cloak were familiar. Little red riding hood. It certainly was a twisted version, but I had just witnessed a fairy tale come to life.

My mind began to organize itself and finally I could hear the man's words. "Are you hurt?" He was surveying my body for any wounds, which was hard with all the wolfblood on me.

With much effort on my part I was able to say, "I don't think so."

The man was happy to see that I finally understood him. He pulled me up, propping me up against a tree trunk so I was sitting. The girl just stood and stared at me, probably still shook up after her ordeal. "Do you have a name good sir?" The knight asked me.

"Eric," I answered.

"My name is Tristan, and this is my little sister Eliza," the man said. "Thank you for helping her back there. We were visiting our Grandparents in the town back there when I turned for a moment and she was gone. I have been searching for her for hours since she was taken by the wolf. We are both in your debt."

"You killed the wolf. I think that makes us even," I said. Tristan smiled, making his face even more luminous and beautiful. The light that had made the wolf seem so treacherous and evil made this young man look like an angel with golden hair and crystal clear eyes.

I glanced at the bloodied sword by his side. "It wasn't a silver bullet, but it sure did a god job killing that werewolf," I said, feeling my strength returning.

"A silver what?" Tristan asked, confused.

"Oh, never mind."

"We better get going," said Eliza, finally speaking. "It's getting dark."

I started to stand up, Tristan helped me. I looked into his sparkling green eyes and thanked him.

Chapter 5: Naughty Little Red Riding Hood

As darkness enveloped the strange land I had been teleported to, me and my two new friends finally arrived at a tavern. I had been uncertain about telling Tristan and Eliza of my plight, but Tristan's warmth made it impossible for me not to trust him. I told them the story and hoped they believed me. They both seemed to find the story strange, but because of my strange clothing and my watch, they seemed to except it as truth.

"After I take my sister home to my mother, I will help you find your way home," Tristan pledged. I was thankful.

The three of us entered the tavern. It was busy and noisy with about a dozen men and a few women, drinking and eating. They all stared at us as we walked in, Tristan in his armor, Eliza in her red cloak wrapped around her body, and me with no shirt and still stained with blood. Looking around at the other men in their normal clothes, I realized that Tristan, dressed in his shiny chain mail armor, was of a higher class or position. It was certainly noticeable in the way he moved and acted. He carried an air of confidence and authority that made me admire him.

After paying the tavern keeper and having a small basic meal, the old woman led us up the stairs to our rooms. I was shown to my little room lit by a lantern. I took off my jeans and sat down on the bed. It had been a strange, exhausting day. A few moments later there was a knock at the door. It opened and Eliza came in carrying a little tin basin and some clothes. She had on a plain little dress.

"Tristan bought us some clothes," she said placing some garments on my bed. "They didn't have anything great, but it'll have to do till we get home."

"Thanks," I said. She smiled. I hadn't really noticed her before since she was so quiet and because of my fixation with her brother, but now I realized she was a very pretty girl with long wavy blonde hair, bright eyes, and cherry red lips. I was suddenly very aware I was only in my boxers.

Eliza pointed to the bucket of water and pulled out a washcloth, "Tristan got this for you to wash that blood off, they don't have enough water drawn for a bath at this hour." She pulled the little bucket up to the bed and dipped the towel in. "I could help you wash the spots you can't reach, like your back."

"You don't have to..."

"I want to...it's the least I can do to repay you for helping me. It was very brave...I think most men twice your size would have ran." She began to wash my back with the cloth, slowly and gently. She continued to wash my neck and arms, and then she moved to my front and started washing my legs, chest and stomach. The slow meticulous washing slightly aroused me especially when she was washing my legs and I could see down the front of her dress. It reminded me of her naked body underneath the groaning wolf-man. My boxers began to slightly tent at my dirty thoughts of the beautiful teen washing me.

"I could wash the rest of you if you take off your shorts, Eric," Eliza said, bringing my thoughts back from my fantasy into a new real fantasy. Was she serious? I nodded, and she tugged at my boxers as I lifted my butt and pulled them off. My cock was semi-hard. Eliza washed my testicles and ass first, and then she began to slide the wet cloth over my hardening cock, her eyes glued to her work. Soon she had her clothed hand wrapped around my almost fully erect cock and was "washing it" up and down slowly.

We were both silent for a minute until she asked, "How did it feel to have the wolf's cock in your mouth?"

I was stunned for a moment. I guess she hadn't fled from the scene right away. I was slightly embarrassed that she had witnessed it until I saw the look of curiosity on her pretty face. "It was...not horrible. I don't know..." My voice trailed off. "How did it feel in your...vagina?"

"Painful," She winced. "Is sex always that painful?"

"No," I replied. At 16, I had only gone as far as oral sex with a few girls and my best friend Trevor. I had come close but never had gone all the way, but I knew it could be a pleasurable experience for both partners if done right.

"Maybe you could show me..." Eliza said, blushing a bit as the words came out. She smiled that beautiful smile than ran in her family. Her "washing" me up had gotten me worked up so before I knew it I was kissing her on the lips hard, my tongue invading her mouth, inviting hers to dance with mine in our mouths. My hands went to her breasts as hers went to my now aching cock. I fumbled with the lacing of her dress, unfamiliar with the old styled clothing. Finally it came undone and she writhed out of her dress our lips still latched together. Now both fully naked, our naked bodies pressed together, my cock against her tummy. Her soft, beautiful breasts were a nice handful, the nipples hard and aroused.

Even as horny as I was, I didn't want to take advantage of her, "You sure you want this?" I asked, breathing heavily. She nodded her head as she mashed her soft lips against mine.

My hand went down to her pussy, through the soft down-like pubic hair I could feel she was wet and ready. My manhood stood tall and proud, yearning to feel the inside of a woman for the first time. I laid her down on the bed and mounted her. I guided the head to her opening, rubbing it against her clit, eliciting moans from her red lips. I slowly pushed down on her, it began to slide in slowly, her walls swallowing my cock inch by inch. Her face showed no pain since the wolf had popped her cherry already. I couldn't believe the way her pussy seemed to massage my cock as I began to slide in and out of her. It felt hot and wet and just plain fucking good. Eliza began to moan and make small little whimpering noises that made my blood boil with lust. I began to thrust harder and faster, she clutched my shoulders and bit her lip, but gave an approving moan. She began a mantra of "yes's," first whispering it almost inaudibly and then each time it got louder and louder. It became our own passionate little chant.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes! YES!" She chanted between moans, to the beat of our teenage flesh slapping against each other's bodies. Suddenly she stopped, like she had just frozen. At first I thought she was about to orgasm, but then I looked at her face. Her eyes were wide and staring over my shoulder. I turned my head towards the door over my shoulder and saw Tristan standing at the doorway staring at us with an emotionless face.

Chapter 6: Two Become Three

Eliza and I laid there both silently watching Tristan as he watched us. My cock was still in her. We were both unsure what Tristan would do. I remembered what had happened to that wolf-man.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity, Tristan spoke, "Since you saved my sister most likely from death, you may have her for the night. But no one shall ever know of this, for she shall be a virgin bride or it will bring shame on my family's good name." He walked over to the bed and whispered in my ear, "Please do not spill your seed in her, an unmarried girl with child is as good as dead to her parents." I nodded, suddenly very ashamed I had my cock up his sister's pussy. Partly because as soon as he was in the room, Eliza was nothing more than something in the background. I was drawn to Tristan, his beauty, and presence.

Tristan turned to leave, but Eliza called him. She looked me in the eye, and I could tell she knew by the way I looked at her brother that he was the one I really wanted. "Maybe you should stay Tristan."

Tristan looked at her and then at me. "What do you mean, Eliza?"

"Don't you want to pay your dept to our friend here?" Eliza asked. "Well, I think he would like it very much if you stayed."

Tristan looked confused for a moment, and then asked, "Is that true Eric?" I couldn't look him in the eye, but I nodded. "That's nothing to be ashamed of," Tristan said softly as he walked over and sat on the bed next to Eliza and me, still intertwined. "When I was a bit younger, me and some of the boys in my town used to enjoy each other all the time."

He leaned over and kissed me sweetly on the cheek. He stood up and stripped of his undergarments, exposing his smooth muscled body. My erection in Eliza found new life and surged to its full potential once again. I looked down at Eliza and she was smiling as she felt my arousal over her brother. "We are both yours for the night I guess," Eliza giggled.

"Yes," Tristan grinned. "How do you want us master?"

I blushed, feeling nervous but incredibly excited. I pulled out of Eliza and helped her onto all fours. For someone supposedly naive to sex, she got the idea quickly and arched her back thrusting her ass in the air, ready for me to slide my cock in her pussy from behind. And I did, sliding my steel rod in her still wet and tight hole. I bit my lip and eyed Tristan's limp but still deliciously large package. I saw it jump slightly when Tristan saw me staring. He knew what I wanted, and was very willing to give it to me. He got on the bed standing up and moved over his sister who was on all four. My face became face to cock with his penis.

Eliza began to move back and forth, her tight pussy acting like a hot fist jerking my cock. As Tristan pressed his crotch against my face and I inhaled his manly scent, I began to meet Eliza's thrusts. She would slam back and I would slam forward, meeting in the center in a blissful union of intense passion and heat. She began to moan loudly again, this time determined to climax as fast as she could. As my cock was plunging in and out of Eliza, I was licking her brothers perfectly formed and cut dick with my pink tongue. I rolled the balls around with my tongue, licking them, savoring them. I then enveloped the head, sucking it tenderly and using my tongue to trace the ridge of the quickly expanding head. I could feel the blood warming up his perfect manhood as it began to thicken and lengthen in my hungry mouth. I wanted to memorize every vein and curve of his penis. Soon his cock was rock hard and fully erect. It was about an inch bigger than my own 7 inches but much thicker. It was just as perfect as the rest of his chiseled body, like a granite model of perfection sprouting from a base of soft blondish pubes. I coated every inch of his cock in my spit, massaging it, milking it with my tight throat and soft tongue. Tristan was making low breathy moans that, combined with Eliza's high "yes's," made my cock burn and tremble, threatening to explode any second. I was aware that Eliza had screamed aloud twice since I had been lost in worshiping Tristan's meat, and each time she seemed to have spasmed and oozed more pussy juices, I guessed that those had been orgasms. I was on the brink myself. Remembering Tristan's warning about impregnating his sister I pulled his cock out of my mouth long enough to warn that I was close and pulled out of Eliza. I started stroking my cock as I continued my oral assault on the fat cock in front of me.

I was surprised when Eliza pulled my hand away from my cock and I felt the warmth of her wet mouth wrap around my aching member. She was full of surprises. I moaned and pulled Tristan's cock out of my mouth and began to stroke it. I was about to shoot and I was afraid of biting his dick in my moment of pure ecstasy. Eliza created suction that I had never felt before, I felt my cock lose control as it quivered and spasmed. Burning pleasure went from my nutsack, traveling up the shaft of my sore cock and finally exploded out my cockslit in brilliant bursts that shook my body like explosions of pure energy. It felt like every cell in my body had had its on private orgasm that had combined together for one incredible moment. As I coasted down, I once again took Tristan's cock down my throat, sucking it harder and faster by the moment. I wrapped my hand around the thick base and stroked him fast as I devoured and fucked the top half of his hardness with my mouth. I felt him tremble, his legs were shaking. He was making loud sounds of lust and pleasure. Then I could feel the energy in him shoot throughout his body as it transferred to me, his cock began to jerk wildly, forcing volley after volley of hot white cum to spurt into my mouth. I was desperate to get every bit of it and savor its magnificent taste and texture, licking my lips and sucking the last bit out of his cockslit.

After a few moments Tristan dropped to his knees in front of me so that we were face to face. Eliza had moved to the side and had been watching her brother feed me his load with a smile on her lips. Tristan was 4 to 5 inches taller than me so he leaned down a bit and lifted my chin to kiss me. First a sweet soft kiss on the lips, followed by a passionate kiss that made me melt into his arms. I knew he could taste his own cum. He gently laid me back on the bed beside Eliza and laid down on the other side. We all drifted into a peaceful slumber, with me tangled in the middle of two of the most beautiful people I had ever met.

We fell asleep thinking it would be nice sunny day the next morning where Eliza would be taken home to her parents and Tristan would help me find my way home, but we were wrong. Things wouldn't go that way. Life wasn't that simple, not for me anyway. We didn't realize that the tiny bit of food we ate before we went to bed had been drugged by the old tavern keeper. She had found it to be a very lucrative business drugging beautiful young men and women from out of town and then selling them...


Hope the chapter (chp 4) without sex didn't frustrate anyone...hehe... Bet a bunch of people stopped reading after they read two paragraphs without sex, but SORRY they can't have sex outta nowhere! Next chapters will be coming as soon as I write them, thanx to those who wrote after the first installment. Keep checking back for the new chapters to find out what happens when our studly teen hero gets sold like a piece of meat... Mmm...meat...lol ;-) Also would love feedback on whether I should continue with Eric's bisexual tendencies or make him more guy oriented???

Jonathan Nguyen aka a 18 year old with a dirty mind

MyIcyHeart@aol.com 5/5/01

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