Lost Princes

By moc.liamtoh@yksnerekpik

Published on Aug 11, 2001


The following story contains descriptions of graphic sexual acts. The story is a work of fiction and has no basis in reality. Don't read this story if: **You're not 18 or over, **If it is illegal to read this type of material where you live, **Or if you don't want to read about gay/bi people in love or having sex. Now if you continue on and want to blame me for something offensive, don't I gave you warning enough. If you like the story please email me about it at kipkerensky@hotmail.com If you don't like the story, or something email me stating that and what you don't like about it. And if you want to tell other people about it go ahead just don't put it on a site where you charge people money to read/view it as I just wrote this for pleasure.

The Lost Princes By KipKerensky

Timmy stumbles back as a spell hits him, paralyzing him so he cannot move. "Timmy! You should have been able to dodge that!" Timmy chuckles in his mind. He sees Mystyque walk over to where he is at. He starts working on a spell silently as Mystyque walks over. "Timmy, an old guy like me could have dodged that spell. You almost shame me."

Timmy giggles again at Mystyque's joke. Timmy finishes the spell and as Mystyque touches Timmy the spell goes off. Timmy falls being freed from the paralysis as Mystyque is hurled back. He grins as his master is forced to sit and then he passes out as the magical energy he used takes its toll.

Mystyque gets up and grins at the 7 human-years-old elf boy, knowing Timmy's real age is 42 and that he, Mystyque, is only 35, but as a human he is more mature. He starts massaging Timmy's back as he waits for Timmy to come around. Timmy comes around smiling. "I got you!" he says as he open his eyes.

"Yeah you did. Though in a real battle you would have been captured, so u lost."


"No, you lost Timmy, but you still get to wear your clothes for such an innovative spell."

Timmy moans as Mystyque strokes his little cock, "I made that up?"

"I know of no spell a spell caster, be he shaman, druid, sorcerer, mage, or like me and you, a shaman and mage, that can cast a spell to free himself from paralysis."

Timmy moans more and moves a little as Mystyque strokes his cock. "But it would be more useful if it happened without touch." Mystyque grins as Timmy starts to squirm. Mystyque remembers how Timmy first looked when he came to the cabin about 3 months ago and how much better he now looks. He continues stroking Timmy's little cock and stares at Timmy's hair and eyes, wondering yet again how an elf could have such dark black hair, and how anyone could have completely black eyes, with no white visible at all. He starts telling Timmy that he has to go away for awhile just as Timmy has a dry orgasm.

Timmy smiles not hearing what Mystyque just said, and says, "I just finished casting the spell when you touched me."

"Timmy, did you hear what I said after that?"

Timmy shakes his head causing his hair to fall down over his eyes. Mystyque brushes the hair away and says, "I have to go."

"What, why?"

"I found out Volmort is nearby."

Timmy shudders as Mystyque says the name. Volmort is a mage-shaman, elf, and is 210 years old. He wanted to be Timmy's teacher but Timmy fled from him and ran into Mystyque. "He still after me?"

"Near as I can tell, yeah."

"Why does he want me so much?" Timmy asks hugging Mystyque tighter feeling scared.

"I don't know. You sure you can't think of what happened while you were with him?"

Timmy shudders and says, "all I remem' was being beaten and that night I fled from him."

Mystyque gently starts to rub Timmy's back calming him and after awhile Timmy drifts off to sleep. Mystyque slowly gets up and carries Timmy to his bed, and then leaves quietly. He stops in the kitchen and pulls out two platinum pieces for Timmy and sets them on the table, and then leaves the cabin and walks off into the night.

Timmy wakes up wondering where the bacon ,he is used to having for breakfast, is. He remembers Mystyque saying he had to leave so Timmy gets up and starts to make himself breakfast. He sees the two platinum pieces, and mistaking them for gold pieces, thinks "a thousand copper. He must be going for awhile!" He sighs thinking why Volmort wants him so much. He casts a low level summoning spell, and an invisible servant appears. Timmy asks the servant to continue making his breakfast. Timmy, knowing Mystyque would be displeased if he didn't do his chores once in awhile, heads off and checks the alarms on the treasure before eating. As he sits down he frees the servant and thanks it. The servant is surprised at the niceness of the boy and decides to always help him when he casts the summoning spell.

A half-elf hides in the bushes outside. He has been there for three hours waiting to see if the guy who left is going to come back. He prides himself with the care he has taken to steal from Mystyque. From his spying, he thinks only Mystyque lives there and he decides he is going to steal something right now. He casts a druidic spell of invisibility blending with the surroundings. After he shakes off the weakening effect of using magic, as he is still young, he sneaks into the cabin. He smells the food and is surprised but keeps going seeing a door open down the hall. As he approaches the door he slows down and checks for traps. "Jesh," he thinks, "no traps, I'm lucky today!" He slips in and gasps at all the stuff. Swords, huge gems, beautiful jewelry and much more than could normally fit in the cabin. He steps forward and as he touches a gem he feels his feet yanked out from under him and then his hands bound by rope as he hangs upside down. "Shit, I forgot to check for traps in here." He struggles as an alarm sounds and after a little while he stops tired.

Timmy walks in and stands by watching Sean, the half-elf, struggle. He smiles noticing Sean's sandy colored hair and is pretty strong. He says as Sean stops struggling, "You done struggling?" Sean looks up into Timmy's eyes, gasps as he sees that they're totally black, and shakily nods his head as he is worn out. Timmy gazes into Sean's dark blue eyes, wondering why Sean came in, states "so who are you," and then adds menacingly "boy." not noticing Sean is a half-elf.

"I'm Sean..." Sean stammers.

"And why'd you come in here?"

"I wanted some of this treasure," Sean says as he starts to sniff. "I'm poor and was thrown our of my house a while ago."

Timmy takes a step back and feels a little sorry for Sean.. He was expecting Sean to lie, saying he was looking for Mystyque like the other thieves, which Mystyque had caught just like this, said. Timmy wiggles his finger and mutters a quick word, and the ropes slowly lower Sean to the ground but stays tied around his feet. Timmy then helps Sean stand up and Sean leans against a wall. "You're 9, 10 years old right Sean?"

"Human equivalent, yeah I'm 10. But I'm actually 26."

Timmy looks closer at Sean, he has to look up to look at Sean's head, and notices that Sean is a half-elf. Timmy then decides to be nice, and after freeing Sean's feet, helps Sean to the kitchen. "Sorry, didn't notice you were half-elven. The druidic spell you are using makes it hard."

Sean smiles, at least his spell worked a little for a change. Sean sits at the table and then begs Timmy to not turn him into the police. He tells Timmy he was kicked out of his house when he was 24 years-old, not wanting to tell what really happened, and he hooked up with a gang of thieves who took him in. During the time, one of the other thieves was a druid and started teaching him a little magic. About two weeks ago they ran across Mystyque's cabin and decided to see what was inside. The other three disappeared into the cabin and never came back out. He lived off food animals brought him and then decided to try his luck at stealing some stuff. "So I sneaked in after your master left thinking no one else was here, and you know the rest." Sean hangs his head and remembering his spell is still active, cancels it.

Timmy, being able to really see Sean, and notices that Sean's hair is not sandy colored but a very dark shade of red, feels sorry and hugs Sean. "OK, I won't"

"Thanx!" Sean almost screams and returns Timmy's hug, hard.

"But," Timmy squeaks out a little, and Sean grins and loosens his hug a little, "you have to stay here, OK?" Sean nods his head and Timmy then mutters "you know, I'm younger than you."

Sean stares at Timmy, as this is the first time he has seen a young elf. He had noticed how small Timmy is and thought all elves were small. He says, "you are?"

"Yeah," Timmy says starting to blush making Sean smile and giggle. "I'm 42 years so I'm seven human-years."

Sean hugs Timmy hard again, "But you nice! Thanx for letting me stay."

Timmy struggles and Sean loosens his hug again. "Now how to explain this to Mystyque when he returns" Timmy thinks. He casts the summon spell again and stares as he recognizes the servant, which smiles at him. For some reason Timmy has been able to see invisible items, creatures, and anything that is invisible for as long as he remembers.


"It's OK. Just summoned a servant and it's the same one as before when I cast the spell earlier."

"Oh wow. That's unheard of as far as I know."

"Same here. Well, servant, please cook whatever Sean wants to eat."

"Oh, I'm not that hungry" Sean says as his stomach growls loudly causing Timmy to giggle. Sean then grins happily, "well, maybe some eggs, ham, toast..." and continues to list a bunch of food. Timmy and Sean talk more and, thanks to the servant, sit around before falling asleep in the same bed that night.

High above the planet, floats a massive flying airship. It resembles a great galley in all aspects except instead of traveling on water, it flies in the air. On deck is a lone human boy clad in a full length robe but with nothing on underneath it. He's scrubbing the deck and nervously glances aft. Inside the aft cabin sits and elf who peers into a crystal ball. In it is a man walking around a town. "DAMN YOU MYSTYQUE!" he shouts.

An elf sitting nearby, grabs the ball as the older elf smashes the table with his fist.

"What is it this time, Volmort?" asks the younger elf.

"Mystyque still is looking for me and has an anti-scry spell on the kid!"

"Don't you know where Mystyque lives?"

"NO! Otherwise I would have gone there by now. But there's an anti-scry spell on his damn house also!"

Volmort grabs the ball and starts muttering casting a spell, and try's to locate Timmy.

On deck the human boy continues scrubbing the deck. He looks up and sees another human boy walking over to him who is wearing only a short shirt which just barely goes below his waist, making it easy to see he has no underwear on. "Kenny, why you doing this? You normally ask me to."

"Volmort told me to do this area and not to make you. If I did he was going to whip me."

"So he knows about how we were before he took us from home?"

"I guess Matthew. He has noticed how I order you around." Kenny stares at Matthew, who lower his head, "Yes sir," Matthew says.

"Matthew, I told you before, you aren't my slave since that guy took us."

"I know, you keep saying it, but I feel from you, that you want something else."


Matthew blushes and mumbles, "sorry."

"It's OK. Just try to remember not to do that." Matthew has been able to feel peoples feelings and sometimes even hears their thoughts.

"I heard Volmort yellin' about Timmy and Mystyque again."

"He still looking for that kid?"

"Yeah, wish we could warn him."

"I know you always say that Matthew after you hear him yell. But how can we do anything?"

Matthew nods knowing two no-talent kids, real young. can't do anything. "Wish we were older than we are, and had training."

"Yeah Matthew, but u being six and me eleven, we really can't do much to get away from here."

Matthew nods again and they both head to the aft cabin next to where Volmort is. They climb into the bed and Matthew smiles at Kenny as Kenny climbs in. Matthew squirms down under the cover and lays his head right next to Kenny's little cock. Matthew starts teasing Kenny by flicking his tongue across the head of his cock, causing him to moan. "Matthew, don't you ever get enough?"

Matthew shakes his head and takes all of Kenny's four inch cock into his mouth and sucks greedily. Kenny starts to pant and very shortly squirts his little amount of cum into Matthew's mouth. Matthew continues sucking until he feels Kenny's cock start to go soft and then lets it fall out. Matthew smacks his lips and then falls asleep. Kenny smiles at Matthew and before he falls asleep, decides to cast one of the three spells e knows, alarm. It will wake him up if anyone other than Matthew enters the room. As he finishes casting, he falls asleep quickly from the drain of energy it causes. Unknowingly, the spell works a little better and triggers a wild surge, which teleports Kenny and Matthew to a barn near the town where Timmy lives. Matthew and Kenny sleep on as if nothing happened. Near the barn, Mystyque walks by smiling happily before casting a teleport spell, disappearing from the area.

Kenny is a wild mage but doesn't know he is, although Volmort does. Wild mages have been killed outright in the recent years, as a lot of people fear the unpredictability they cause. Sometimes their spells work better, worse, stay the same, but sometimes cause completely random effects in addition to the spell. One wild mage cast a fireball and then had to run as fast as he could out of town, as the fireball spell turned the fireball into a ball of flame that lasted for 10 minutes and was blown around by the wind, needless to say, the townspeople were very upset. Some others have been known to cause personality switches, gender changes, and even love affairs to happen between themselves and the intended target, by casting a spell.

Timmy looks around, scared and sees Volmort walking toward him. "Timmy you are mine. Nothing will change it," Volmort says. He forces Timmy to bend over and starts to pulls out a hot stick to brand Timmy with his seal. Timmy starts to squirm and screams.

In the bed, Sean has woken up before Timmy and is enjoying the comfort of Timmy near him. Thinking of all the elves he has seen, he wonders why Timmy has all black hair. Most other elves have some sort of silvery hair. He moves a little and smiles as he compares their heights, figuring Timmy is about three feet tall, and he is four feet. He peaks down under the covers hoping that Timmy slept naked also, and sighs when he sees Timmy is wearing his underwear. He lies back then starts to get out of bed when Timmy starts to scream and thrash about. "Timmy!" Sean shouts and starts to shake Timmy trying to wake him. Timmy slowly wakes up still screaming and Sean hugs Timmy trying to calm him down.

"Where is he!?!" Timmy shouts.

"There's no one here but you and me Timmy. You're OK."

Timmy continues asking then starts to calm down. "It's OK, you had a nightmare."

"It was so real Sean. Volmort was here and he was going to brand me with something."

Sean hugs Timmy tightly and wonders who Volmort is. Seeing Timmy still shaking a little, Sean kisses Timmy on the lips. Timmy is startled and Sean, seeing a little fear in Timmy's eyes, hopes he hasn't done something wrong. He quickly asks, "how bout we go to town and have some fun? I never, in the time I spent watching, see you leave here. So..."

Timmy smiles happily forgetting all about his dream, and almost forgets that Sean kissed him. "Yeah! I'd love to. Mystyque would never let me go with him when he went to town."

"OK, I've been there when my parents took me along, so I'll show you around. But we have no money."

Timmy smiles and starts to say something but sniffs the air first smelling bacon cooking. "Where you cooking something?"

"No." Sean sniffs too and smells the bacon. They look at each other and quickly go to the kitchen. Sean casts a detect invisible spell in case someone is there who shouldn't be. As the enter the kitchen they see the same servant again standing there cooking bacon. Both sit down in the chairs by the table and the servant gives both of them some bacon and a note to Timmy.



"Has this ever happened before?"

"No, not that I know of."

"Me neither."

The servant grins at them and goes back to cooking. Timmy then notices the piece of paper the servant gave him and remembers that servants can't speak common, but can read, write, and understand it. Timmy reads it and gasps. Sean stares and asks "What does it say?"

"It enjoys working for me and asks to be my friend. And that if it or I need help we help each other." Timmy stares and Sean glances between the servant and Timmy, shocked at what happened. Normally invisible servants hate being summoned for tasks and have been known to attack all type of spellcasters that enter their realm. Almost never does the spell summon the same servant, and never has a servant shown up without being summoned. Timmy still stares, then starts to smile and nods his head agreeing to the servants message. The servant brings over more breakfast food and Sean and Timmy just sit and eat for awhile.

"So how long have you been with Mystyque Timmy?"

"I really not sure. Two, maybe three months."

"And you never been to town during that time?!" Sean stammers. He starts to drink some cider.

"Maybe its because Mystyque thinks all the girls will be all over me."

Sean laughs and chokes a little on the cider. "With your hair like you have it, I think more boys would be after you."

Timmy blushes and almost says he'd like that, but blurts out "They'd be surprised if I ever followed them to bed!"

They both start laughing and it takes them a long time to stop. Once they do they quickly finish eating and start planning on what to do in town. Sean gets up first, and Timmy stares at him, "Ah, Sean, you going to town like that?" Timmy blushes as he points out Sean is naked.

Sean shrugs, "why not? You only wearing your underwear." Timmy grins and then they both go to the bedroom to put some clothes on. Timmy wonders if Sean was naked in bed and decides the next night to go to bed naked.

The servant cleans up after Sean and Timmy leave. It smiles then disappears back to its realm. It appears before the goddess of the unseen, Silya. "Silya, Timmy accepted my offer."

"Very good Ilk. You know this is very important."

"Yes mam. But may I understand why he needs to be protected? And," Ilk shudders before he goes on. "Why I must feed him a little poison to make him immune to it?"

"The poison you are going to give him is the main poison from which all other poisons are made. Be it made by mortals, gods, anyone, or anything. If he is immune to that he will be immune to all. And do it for his friend Sean also. As to why he needs to be protected by a god of your powers, you will know when it is time. Now leave me, and remember the sequence to give him immunity to poison." She stares upward and Ilk bows then leaves to prepare Timmy and Sean's food for dinner.

"Where are they!!!" Volmort bellows as he exits where Kenny and Matthew should be sleeping on the ship. The crew scatters searching in vain. The elf who was with Volmort before approaches him and says, "Sir, they aren't on the ship."

Volmort mutters and looks around. A crew member stares at Volmort and finds himself unable to move as Volmort releases his fury on the poor human and fries him with a fireball. "Now only if that were Mystyque! I know he has something to do with this. Zel, prepare a holding circle and put the body inside it."

Volmort walks below as Zel nervously sets to work. He starts scribing the circle around the body. All the time he is scared as the only spell he knows of that requires a holding circle is to summon a demon.

Couple hours later Volmort appears holding his spell book, a little exhausted. He starts to recite the spell to summon a demon to do his bidding. As he nears the end, the circle flares up in a bright, dark red light and a pitch black door appears inside it. "Come forth demon to do my bidding," Volmort shouts closing the spell by calling a demon by name. "Yea who's name is killer of mortals, slayer of heroes!"

Zel standing nearby shudders as he recognizes the demon Volmort is summoning is one of the most powerful. The crew stare and wonder who will be next if the demon requires it. They stare at the crew member's body in the circle, which is in such a way as to not touch any lines, otherwise the demon would be free to escape. "Come forth, Voldeyameria!" Volmort shouts. Everyone stares waiting for the demon to appear. Voldeyameria appears grinning and quickly eats the body in the circle. The crew stares as Volmort quickly speaks to the demon trying to get it to do his bidding. Voldeyameria nods in agreement to Volmort's demand, and the crew sighs in relief as none of them will be killed to appease the demon. They go back to their jobs in a worried manner as sometimes demons come back to exact revenge on being made to do something.

"Voldeyameria, I want you to find and kill Mystyque, and to find and return to me two boys named Matthew and Kenny. What you do with the boys before returning them is up to you. But they better be alive!" Volmort then steps on the circle letting the demon go, who speeds into the air and disappears.

Kenny stirs causing Matthew to wake. Matthew glances around and opens his mouth in shock as they aren't on the airship anymore. He shakes Kenny awake and they both quickly wake up and stand up. Kenny still has his long robe on, and Matthew had changed into a longer shirt, but still both are wearing nothing underneath. "Kenny! I can't go outside like this! And where are we?"

"No clue where we are, and you wore an even shorter shirt on the ship."

"That's only because Volmort threatened to hurt me if I didn't."

"OK, OK. How bout I go steal some clothes?"


"Then what should I do?" Kenny sighs remembering how much Matthew hates stealing. Kenny was actually going to go and beg for some money to buy clothes. "Why not do what you where thinking of doing but bringing me along?"

"Matthew! Please stop that. But OK, lets do that. People would probably give more money seeing you only in that shirt."

Matthew blushes as he thinks what people will see. He also wonders why he can sense others thoughts so much, and why its so hard not to feel Kenny's thoughts. "I'm trying not to read your thoughts. Sometimes its really hard not do, especially when you think about..."

Kenny puts his hand over Matthew mouth and quietly tells him to sush as he hears someone walking by. They hear the footsteps go past. They quickly get out of the barn and head into the town. They both sit by the road with their hands out hoping to get enough to by some clothes and enough for food to eat. Two boys walk by and the younger one hands them an electrum piece, smiling at them. Kenny and Matthew smile happily at the two boys and quickly go to the clothes store and are shocked at the prices for clothes but pay the ten silver to get them each a set of clothes. "Those guys were nice. Did you hear any of their thoughts?

"No Kenny, I even tried to but couldn't."

"We still got 15 silver left. What you want to do?"

"Save some for my birthday! Please!" Matthew stares at Kenny.

"OK, OK Matthew. As long as you behave yourself and don't eat like a pig!"

Matthew blushes and then smiles as his birthday is about a week away on Kippering first. They go to the Inn and buy a small lunch for both of them.

Timmy and Sean walk to town passing by a barn on their way. "Looks like no one uses the barn," Timmy says.

"Yeah. That's been that way since I came with my parents. And I've been wondering, when's your birthday?"

"In eight days. I hope my teacher is back by then."

"Well you and me can make the best of it even if he isn't. And my birthday is in about 9 months."

They smile happily as they enter the town. Timmy is shocked by all the people moving around. Noticing that its almost all humans. Which is probably why Mystyque never brought him to town as humans are very distrustful of other races, and really only tolerate dwarves and half-elves. They are sometimes downright nasty to elves. Gnomes, on the other hand, Humans love, especially the magicians who can only do illusions but the illusions are fabulous. "So Timmy, how much money do we have?"

Timmy pulls out the platinum coins and says "two gold."

Sean stares at the coins, and says, "Those are platinum not gold! We gotta get to a money changer right now."

They quickly get to the money changer and have to wait in line. As it becomes their turn, Sean grabs the two coins and puts them on the table, Timmy was just going to say something but stops. Sean then says, "We want 12 gold, 22 electrum, 40 silver, and 100 copper."

Timmy stares at Sean and again starts to say something, but the changer counts out the coins. He secretly puts two platinum into the bag as Mystyque had stopped by and told him too. He thinks about how beautiful the two are and gives the bag of coins to Timmy, plus an additional bag. "Enjoy yourselves in town. Don't go to the Inn, the inn-keeper hates elves. And only will let humans in, even boys if he like the looks but never elves or half-elves."

Timmy and Sean nod before leaving. Timmy gives Sean the other bag and hands him two gold, two electrum, ten silver, and 50 copper. "Thanx Sean. I couldn't have done it that fast. I don't like converting money a lot."

"Well I had figured it out as we were waiting in line and thought best to have one converted to gold, and then the other converted so we weren't carrying too many coins around."

Timmy hugs Sean tightly and they head off into the town square. On their way they pass by two human boys sitting by the road. Timmy stops while Sean continues on. Timmy quickly looks over the two and older one looks to be strong, and has dark blue eyes and red hair. Timmy pulls out an electrum piece and gives it to the older looking of the two boys. The boys smile and get up heading off to what looks like a clothes store, Timmy stares at the younger one and notices his eyes are black except with the whites and has black hair. Timmy grins as he small the little kid's cock and feels his getting hard. Sean walks back and notices what Timmy did. "Timmy, why did you do that? Most kids are forced to beg by their parents. And the parents just want the money for hard drinks."

"Yeah, Mystyque told me about that. But I felt that wasn't why they were begging, and you saw them head to the clothes store. Besides, the younger boy was sitting in such a way I could look up his shirt, and he wasn't wearing anything underneath."

Sean smiles and wishes he could have gotten a glimpse also, then grins. "So where to? Can't go to the Inn, but there's a bakery, arena, stables, market, and a good stage for pretend magicians."

Timmy glances at the sun and says "Eat. Then lets watch the stage shows. Can always do more later."

Sean nods and they head to the bakery to eat quickly and taking the food with them, head to the stage area to watch the show. Timmy starts to get antsy and has to go to the bathroom. He tells Sean and quickly heads off to the woods. He pulls down his pants and starts to pee. Nearby an older human boy looks on hidden by the bushes and who starts to jerk himself. Timmy finishes and glances around as his cock is still a little hard. He sits down on a log and starts to jerk himself. He closes his eyes and sighs thinking of that little human boy he saw and quickly has an orgasm. The boy in the bushes cums at the same time then quickly leaves. Timmy stands up and heads back to the show and sits next to Sean. The other boy stands in the back and decides to follow them to their house.

Timmy and Sean get back to the cabin just as night falls. Outside sit a demon, same one as Volmort summoned. It takes off and quickly disappears heading in the same direction Mystyque left. Timmy and Sean enter the kitchen and gape at the roast beholder feast before them. They sit down and both are given a plate with food. "Thanx!" Timmy says before digging in, eating two plates pretty quickly.

Sean giggles as he watches Timmy eat, and slowly eats his savoring the taste which is quite good. Timmy finishes his third plate as Sean finishes his first. Ilk gives them both some sweet bread. Sean nibbles a little bit and then pushes it towards Timmy. "Timmy, you want it? I don't really like the taste that much."

Timmy wolfs down his piece and then eats Sean's also. Ilk notices this and then quickly disappears heading towards Silya to ask her how to help Timmy as there was a drop of poison on each piece of bread and that was all either of them was to have for the first time. Timmy sits back and smiles. "That tasted good!"

"What, you tasted it? You inhaled it so fast!"

Timmy giggles and laughs. He starts to feel a little funny but ignores it. He leans back and starts to tell Sean that what he ate was tiny compared to his normal supper, but falls over backwards. He tries to stand up but faints as the poison starts to go through him. He grimaces in agony, then mumbles a little, then stops.

"Timmy!" Sean yells as he runs over to him quickly. He notices the pain and wonders what's wrong. He effortlessly lifts Timmy to the bedroom, surprised at how light Timmy is. He looks around for the servant but sighs as he forgot to cast his spell to see invisible.

Ilk appears before Silya and before he says anything, She says, "Timmy ate both pieces of bread, didn't he?"

Ilk nods and Silya continues. "Feed him plenty of water. Send Sean into town to get some pills from the doctor there. The pills will help and after this Timmy will be immune to the poison. Sean is already immune, I found this out from the god who is missing. Do not tell anyone."

Ilk nods and asks, "That would be the head god right?"

Silya nods. Ilk goes on, "any word on the head demon who has disappeared also?"

"No, and this conversation never happened Ilk. No one knows where they have gone and I'm lucky that the god talked to me about Sean and gave me the way to cure Timmy. Now go, and hurry. If Timmy doesn't drink something, he will be dehydrated and it will be worse. Send Sean for the pills and tell him to say to the doctor `I need the black pills."

Ilk nods and leaves. He quickly pours 5 glasses of water and takes them to where Timmy is. Sean is sitting next to Timmy and wonders what's going on. Ilk opens Timmy's mouth and starts pouring the water in, which Timmy swallows. Ilk gives the rest to Sean and speaks in common to him, "Make him drink all that and every hour give him another glass."

Sean gapes and nods. "You speak common?"

"Yes, but do not tell Timmy. In a couple days you need to go into town and talk to the doctor there. I'll let you know what u need to get then."

"Will Timmy be fine in a week?"

"Yes, he'll be fine before his birthday." Ilk adds, muttering, "I hope."

Sean smiles and wonders what exactly Ilk is. He continues to make Timmy drink the water.

Next: Chapter 2

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