Lost Princes

By moc.liamtoh@yksnerekpik

Published on Aug 12, 2001


The following story contains descriptions of graphic sexual acts. The story is a work of fiction and has no basis in reality. Don't read this story if: **You're not 18 or over, **If it is illegal to read this type of material where you live, **Or if you don't want to read about gay/bi people in love or having sex. Now if you continue on and want to blame me for something offensive, don't I gave you warning enough. If you like the story please email me about it at kipkerensky@hotmail.com If you don't like the story, or something email me stating that and what you don't like about it. And if you want to tell other people about it go ahead just don't put it on a site where you charge people money to read/view it as I just wrote this for pleasure.

The Lost Princes BY: KipKerensky

Off in the distance on a lonely island sits a man. Above him is a dark form which swoops down and lands in front of the man. "I have found you at last."

"I guess you have, but don't you recognize me?"

The form stares at the man and seems to shudder. "Sorry sir, but I was sent to kill you."

"But you can't can you?"


"You are to not bother me or whoever else you were told to do something with. Now, I call on two of the favors you owe me."

"That leaves ten left you know."

"Yeah, and if you hadn't been that stupid to attack me that time, you wouldn't have to do anything like this."

"Yes sir."

"First, tell the one who sent you, you succeeded in doing whatever you were to do."

"I was to bring something back though."

"Tell it you were unable to."

"OK, and the other thing?"

"Find the dragons Shedona and Grottoler..."

The form quivers and interrupts, "Shedona and Grottoler?"

"Yes, those two dragons, and tell them to bring 21 circles of scales and 24 pills. They will know what I mean. Be sure to say 'I come bearing tidings from the fog' or you will be in trouble."

The form nods and dashes off. The human starts to hum a little and begins fishing waiting for the dragons to come.

Four days later Sean heads into town early in the morning. As he approaches he hears heralds bellowing out "Last week of the year. Remember the King's law, 'One shall not force him or herself on another.' Today is sixty-nine point four. Two more days of fun till rest time starts."

The herald walks on to another spot walking around couples lying in the street in various stages of undress, most are completely naked. Sean thinks "I forgot it was sexy week." He calculates the days as he heads to the doctor's place, hoping the doctor is home like most towns, and gasps as he realizes Timmy’s birthday is on the last day of this week. He walks faster avoiding all people, and others who ask him to join in the fun. As he goes he thinks about how this week came to be.

There's twelve months in a year of 365-days, all with 28 days. The extra 29 days are split into 4 special weeks. The first three are seven days long and celebrate planting, harvest, and just pure fun. The last one is called Sexy week which occurs at the end of the year. Due to some reason, no one ever gets pregnant, sick, or hurt during that week. People think the gods have something to do with it. Also never, well almost never, does anyone give birth during a special week.

Sean arrives at the doctor's office. He hasn't noticed, but a wolf has been following him around as soon as he left Timmy's house. The wolf is greyish and looks like a dog so no one glances at it more than once. Sean knocks loudly on the doctor's door, and the doctor gets out of his bed he was sharing with a woman and a thirteen-year-old boy. He grumbles down the stairs, open the door, and sees Sean. He growls, "what is it, boy? And be quick."

"I need the black pills," Sean says as he pulls out a platinum piece he took from the house.

The doctor grabs the piece and tells Sean to wait. The doctor takes his time getting a box which contains 24 pills inside of it. The doctor shoves the box into Sean's hands. "That's to be one pill every two hours with water. In three days, the person should be fine. Now leave!" The doctor slams the door in Sean's face and then grins a little. Just the other day a stranger had given him the box saying that someone would come for it. The doctor decided to charge for holding on to it and feels a little guilty about how much he did charge. He puts the piece off to the side and goes to his bedroom to be able to enjoy his once a year fun of having both a woman in his bed, and a boy who is just learning about sex.

Sean shakes his head and wonders why the guy was so mean. He starts to walk out of the town and about half-way out a human boy is pushed into him by four big thugs. Sean almost shouts Timmy because the boy looks a lot like Timmy. The boy has black shoulder-length hair and black eyes like Timmy's except with the whites still. Near the thugs is another boy who's hair is short, light red, and he seems to be as tall as Sean. The thugs are holding him back as he tries to run to the boy and shouts "Matthew!"

"Shut up kid. You going to do what we want or we gonna have to hur' you more?" one of the thugs growls as he shoves the kid onto the ground.

Sean looks around, and gets angry when he sees a herald walk right on by. He remembers the knife he always carries now and pulls it out and approaches the thugs after letting Matthew to the ground. "Leave them alone!"

The thug who pushed the boy to the ground sneer at Sean and says "why don't you leave halfy. U shouldn't mess in human stuff."

Sean starts to position himself between the thugs and the two boys, but the bigger of the two scurries away and grabs a stick coming back to stand next to Sean. The thugs laugh and advance on Sean. The wolf that had been following Sean leaps forward and snaps its teeth. Sean and the kid stare at it and back up. The thugs seeing them back off advance some more and the wolf leaps at the biggest one and snaps its teeth. The thug jumps back and grumbles. He waves the others away and shouts "we'll be back!"

Sean walks over to the boy who was pushed into him and helps him stand up. "You two OK?"

The bigger one answers "Yeah, thanks to your help."

"So, why you two out on the streets? By the way, my name is Sean."

"Mines Kenny, and that's Matthew. About five days ago we came to this town and had to beg for some money. We didn't know what day it was and we came back the next day and heard the herald announce it. We quickly went to the bakery to get some food and left town. On our way out those same thugs tried to get me and Matthew to join them in what they consider fun."

Kenny pauses a bit remembering what happened. Matthew stammers in "they tried to grab me, but Kenny stop them by..."

Kenny interrupts Matthew and quickly says "getting a herald and kneeing one of them in the groin."

Sean grimaces a little and realizes there's probably more that happened then what Kenny wants to say. He decides to ask "so why did you come back?"

"We ran out of food yesterday," Kenny says glaring at Matthew, who lowers his head, "and got hungry today and didn't want to wait. So we tried to sneak in a little while ago and before we got half way in they shoved Matthew into you and you know what happened after that."

Matthew walks slowly over to the wolf, which wags its tail like a dog. Matthew reaches out to pet it, and succeeds. "So is he yours Sean?"

"I don't know. First time I saw him was just then."

The wolf licks Matthew's hand causing him to giggle and then walks over to Sean and rubs his leg. The three starts walking out of town and as the exit the city an old woman who came walking in took a look at Sean and asks "young boy, you a druid?"

Sean stammers and settles with nodding his head. The old woman says, "I could tell by the way that wolf asks towards you. If you need help find me." She walks off and behind her a huge bird flies and lands on her shoulders.

Kenny and Matthew stare at the lady until she disappears and then stare at Sean before embracing him. Sean has a hard time from kissing them since both are so cute to him. Kenny says, "what can we do to help you after you helped us?"

"First let me go so we can walk." Matthew and Kenny grin and let go still holding each other though. "How about we go get any stuff you have and go to where I'm staying. I don't mind helping you."

Matthew looks down at the ground. Sean almost starts to say something but Kenny just says, "all we have we are wearing. We had gotten some new clothes but they disappeared."

Sean nods and starts to walk out into the woods showing them the way to the cabin where Timmy is. On the way he tells them the story of how he met Timmy. "You really didn't check for traps Sean?" Matthew asks gazing at him with a little hatred.

"Yeah, I know stupid idea. Well, Timmy let me go after he found out why I tried to steal and we became friends. For some reason he even has an invisible servant that likes him."

Kenny and Matthew say cool and Sean continues talking asking, "and Matthew what did I say that you hated?"

Matthew blushes and says quietly, "I don't like thieves."

Sean smiles and says, "well, when I left home, it was either that or starved. I don't like begging because that depends on pity. I don't mind stealing as its work and sometimes can be fun."

Matthew nods his head and starts walking behind. Kenny and Sean talk a little more about their lives, both not revealing a lot to each other. Sean continues telling about what he and Timmy did but stops after he and Timmy went to town and got back.

"So he gave us the coin?" Kenny asks.


"Where is he?"

"Ummm, you'll see."

Kenny shrugs and falls back to talk with Matthew and they walk on in silence. They arrive at the cabin and Sean tells them the rest of the story. When Kenny and Matthew see Timmy lying on the bed, both gasp and Sean, remembering the water, gives some to Timmy along with a pill. "These pills should heal him."

Matthew sits next to Timmy, and Timmy who had been shivering, calms down. "Can I help?"

Sean nods wondering what happened and says, "sure. Water about every hour and a pill every other hour. There's a candle nearby for time." Sean lights the candle with some flint and steel. "Each mark is an hour." Sean and Kenny leave Matthew in the room and head to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"You killed who I sent you after?"

"Yes sir."

"What about the two I said to bring back?"

"Uh, I'm sorry sir but I couldn't find them even with my powers."

"Well at least you did the first part, my..." Volmort stops speaking as Zel comes in. He sighs and finishes with "servant."

"Sir, what are your orders?" Zel asks looking fearfully at the demon.

"Set course for Zanthing. I last spotted Mystyque there so maybe his cabin is nearby. Also scan for Matthew, Kenny, and Timmy. Don't bother searching for Mystyque's body as I know the demon ate it." The demon nods its head. "Zel hurry up!"

Zel nods and quickly issues the orders. Volmort says to the demon, "you may go, but be ready for me to call you." The demon nods and leaves.

Next: Chapter 3

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