Lost Princes

By moc.liamtoh@yksnerekpik

Published on Aug 16, 2001


The following story contains descriptions of graphic sexual acts. The story is a work of fiction and has no basis in reality. Don't read this story if: **You're not 18 or over, **If it is illegal to read this type of material where you live, **Or if you don't want to read about gay/bi people in love or having sex. Now if you continue on and want to blame me for something offensive, don't I gave you warning enough. If you like the story please email me about it at kipkerensky@hotmail.com If you don't like the story, or something email me stating that and what you don't like about it. And if you want to tell other people about it go ahead just don't put it on a site where you charge people money to read/view it as I just wrote this for pleasure.

The Lost Princes BY: KipKerensky

In the room near Timmy's, Kenny and Sean are eating dinner that the servant has made. They eat for a while in silence thinking about the day. Sean decides to ask Kenny about the attack. "So what really happened the first time those thugs attacked you?"

"Promise you wont tell anyone."

"Yeah, I promise."

"Well, I'm a sorcerer I think."

"A sorcerer?"

"Yeah, I've learned three spells and I cast one of the weaker ones and for some reason one of the thugs stopped trying to force me and Matthew to do stuff with them."

"What spell did you case?"

"Shield to keep them from coming closer. Its a variation on the one you normally think of. Any ways, I kinda screamed for them to leave and not bother us, and that one thug actually started forcing the others to leave."

"Cool. So how did you get there in the first place."


"OK, you don't have to tell me."

Kenny smiles happily, and they continue talking before going to the same bedroom to sleep. Meanwhile Matthew is giving water and pills to Timmy. As he sits by he starts to feel horny, as he always does before going to sleep and early at night. He notices the candle is almost at the next mark, so he squirms in place trying to ignore his cock. At the mark he gives Timmy the water and then stands up with just some underwear on, and walks out to find Kenny. As he rounds the corner he bumps into Sean with his crotch rubbing Sean's leg. "Hi Sean."

"Hi Matthew. You need help with something?" Sean feels Matthew's boner and tries not to glance at it.

"Um, where's Kenny, I need his help with something."

"He fell asleep already. He was tired after eating supper."

Matthew sighs a little trying to figure out what to do as he and Kenny always slept together so he never had to worry about going to sleep hard. Sean sees how sad Matthew is and asks, "You want me to help you out?"

Matthew blushes as he realizes where his crotch is and backs up a little. Sean, taking this as a yes, picks Matthew up easily and carries him into where Timmy is. Sean lays Matthew on the floor and slowly pulls Matthew's underwear off. Matthew squirms a little and says, "You don't have to do this Sean. I can wait for Kenny."

"I like you Matthew, and besides, you're cute and Kenny is sound asleep."

This causes Matthew to blush again and Sean says, "and plus, I've never done anything with someone as young as you before." As Sean starts to lick down Matthew's chest causing him to moan, Sean asks, "How old are you?"


Sean smiles and slowly licks Matthew's nipples. He thought Matthew was five cause of how small and young he looked. Matthew closes his eyes and Sean moves his mouth to Matthew's and kisses him. Sean keeps the kiss and lifts Matthew into the air. Sean breaks the kiss and whispers in Matthew's ear, "Now remove my pants."

Matthew nods and waits for Sean to let him down to the ground. Instead Sean turns Matthew upside down. Matthew starts to squirm trying to get free and Sean says, "Don't make me drop you Matthew." Matthew stops and starts to try and remove Sean's pants. Sean lifts Matthew higher and licks his penis. Matthew moans and slightly trembles. Sean takes Matthew's cock in his mouth and sucks lightly as Matthew finishes untying his pants. He lowers him to the ground and lays Matthew on top, all the time sucking on Matthew's penis. He stops for a little and says, "Suck mine too Matthew." Matthew grins and pulls out Sean's cock. He gasps at the size having only seen his and Kenny's and starts to lick it. He feels Sean's moan and tries to hold from cumming until Sean does. After 15 minutes Sean moans around Matthew's cock and both cum together. Matthew starts to gag a little not expecting the cum from Sean. They rest for a while and Matthew rolls off Sean swallowing the cum and licks his lips loving the taste. "Thanks Sean. That was great."

Sean grins and kisses Matthew again and says "You weren't that bad yourself."

Matthew glances at the candle and notices almost an hour has passed. He gets up and gives the water and pill to Timmy. Sean gets up and walks over resting his hand on Matthew's shoulder. "So, what's Timmy like anyway?"

"Funny, kind-hearted. Someone I really like just after meeting him. Remem' what I told you about how I met him?"

Matthew nods and grins. "So did you do with him what we just did?" As Matthew finishes asking, Kenny walks in and stares and Sean and Matthew. He sees a little cum dripping from Matthew's chin and stares and Sean. "So Kenny, liking what you see?" Sean asks, grinning as he notices Kenny is naked.

Kenny shrugs, smiling a little and says, "I was wondering if Matthew wanted to go to sleep for a while. But I guess he doesn't now." Kenny smiles as Matthew blushes. Kenny walks over and kisses Matthew on the lips.

"So you two do stuff together?"

"Yep," Kenny says as Matthew is blushing and won't talk.

"Aren't you brothers?"

"Well, really half-brothers. Same mother, but my father died when I was young and she remarried to another guy. I forget his name but he didn't seem all that important. He also kept going away and leaving Matthew and me alone with mom."

Sean nods, wincing a little at remembering his parents dying. Kenny kisses Matthew again tasting the cum still in his mouth. Sean grins and says, "No kiss for me Kenny?"

Kenny stares at Matthew so Sean can't see, grins and after seeing a free pillow, says, "Close your eyes Sean and I'll give you one."

Sean does and Kenny quickly grabs the pillow and walks over. He swings the pillow around smacking Sean on the face with it. Matthew giggles and Kenny dodges as Sean tries to grab him. Matthew goes behind Sean and grabs Sean's arms. Sean plays along and lets Kenny hit him a couple times before pulling free. Kenny swings again and Sean ducks causing Kenny to hit Matthew. The fight goes on till they all get tired and stop. Matthew goes to another bed in the room and says, "Could you two watch him for awhile?" And after saying that falls asleep quickly. Sean and Kenny grin before just sitting and talking about other things.

About three days north of Zanthing, an army marches south towards the town. The army is from a kingdom called Mitakyu. "So you know why we are heading to war against Tinak?"

"What I heard was there was a hostile take over of that kingdom."

"That is interesting. So our king decided to take advantage of it after his only son disappeared?"

"I guess so. From what I heard, Tinak's old rulers all died except one, their youngest son, who vanished before whatever happened, happened. Wonder what occurred causing all the heirs to get sick and die."

"Don't know on the dying, but there's still a legitimate ruler?"

"Yep, if he can do something and prove it also. Now lets plan the attack of Zanthing. One thing I hate is this marching during Sexy Week."

"Yeah, but it will give us some surprise and lots of people to capture." The young general grins at the thought of having a slave do his bidding.

"Yeah, sure, and maybe the two princes we were talking about met and became friends. Get real, you know militaries ignore this week."

"Yeah, OK. So…."

The two continue talking and plan the attack of Zanthing. The army picks up its pace and marches off into the night.

Volmort walks across his ship in a very grumpy mood. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?!?" Volmort yells at Zel.

"I just found out sir."

Volmort looks at the map which shows the army from Mitakyu's position. He traces the likely path and curses at the distance. "You idiot, they're only three days away and we're six days away from the town. Set course to the capitol Tinak. That stupid ruler better obey me so he doesn't lose his land."

Zel nods and issues the course change to the driver. The rest of the crew starts practicing and preparing for war. Volmort enters his cabin and then bursts back out yelling for the crew to pile all sails and set for max speed. He concentrates and casts a haste spell affecting the ship causing it to move much faster. He then calls on his shamantic abilities and increases the wind speed in the area close to the ship and its course. This causes the ship to move even faster and the wind stays at the same speed. He turns to Zel who was walking towards him, "In about four days we should reach the capitol. Wake me one day before we arrive as I will be working hard. When you can, scry for magical abilities in that army or in the kingdom of Mitakyu. I'm going to contact the Vidien kingdom and tell them of this attack and order some aid." Volmort grins remembering the boy he left in charge after he left and wonders what has happened while he has been away.

"Yes sir. But why don't you set course for the town and send the king a magical message to warn him?"

"You never seem to pay attention Zel. He and I set up a barrier preventing outside magic from getting inside the city, and in the castle only a couple places can you do magic."

Zel sighs and nods. Volmort heads to his cabin and calls for a slave. Zel walks off and seeing Dutch, sends him over to the cabin before he heads down towards the slave quarters. He tries to do what is needed quickly using his druidic spells to make the cleaning process in this area quicker. He watches as the slaves clean and turns to a dwarf boy near him. He takes the boy's hand and they head towards the back of the ship with the boy wondering what's going to happen.

Out on an island, three humanoid figures can be seen. Two are approaching a third who is fishing. The two walking shout, "Hello!"

"Hello yourselves, Shedona and Grottoler. Care for some salmon?" as he points to a pile of huge fish. The two others grin and devour the pile in a matter of minutes.

"Thanks Myst. Please don't say our names from now on unless we are better concealed," Shadow says.

"Sure, but why?"

Grottoler replies, "For the same reason we came as humans. Anyway, we delivered the pills as we knew what happened and why you wanted them."

"That's good. Still, you didn't answer my question. Why no names?"

Shedona says, "Tinak and Mitakyu have gone to war as best we can tell."

"Shit and let me guess, Mitakyu is going to attack Zanthing?"

"Yep. And no you can't get back in time to get your stuff as they are now three days away and seem to have picked up their pace."

The guy sighs and says, "Well I know of one way which I'll need your help for. But Timmy should be healed by then with the help of the guy he made friends with."

Shedona and Grottoler both laugh as the man looks puzzled. "Now Myst, you haven't checked on him in the last day?"

Myst shakes his head. "Well we took a little detour and looked to see what was going on, and there's three people there now. All boys and the other three had a little fun earlier."

Myst laughs and says, "Oh I think I know the new two and those two will have fun once Timmy gets better."

Shedona and Grottoler grin and then say , "So about the scales."

"We need to find some answers to questions, as I have been thinking about recent events."

Shedona and Grottoler look puzzled then remember the disappearance of two princes and the overthrowing of a king. They nod and all three set about working on Myst's idea to check up on Timmy.

Two days later, Kenny, Matthew and Sean sit near Timmy as Matthew gives him the last pill. They sit for awhile and Sean says, "I hope he comes around soon."

Matthew and Kenny nod in response to his statement. Sean and Kenny decide to go ask Ilk, the servant, to cook some food for Timmy and them. Matthew decides to stay near Timmy till he wakes up.

----------Timmy's dream before waking----------

"No, get away from me. I don't like you!"

"Timmy, I'm not going to hurt you. Wasn't I your friend?"

Timmy shakes his head cowering in fear from a figure who looks a lot like Volmort. The man walks forward and Timmy runs away trying to flee from the man. He suddenly runs into a wall and the man says, "See, I can keep you from getting away. If you had learned your powers you would be able to breach that. Now come to me."

Timmy shakes his head and backs up to the wall. He suddenly hears a voice and is pulled through the wall. The man screams and is unable to follow Timmy through. As Timmy realizes he won't be followed he looks around seeing jewels, books, and lots of magical items. Timmy wonders where all of this came from and then starts to feel a tugging sensation. He turns around and sees a door that keeps in front of him no matter how he turns. He walks towards the door, opens it, and walks through.

Matthew sits watching Timmy, and gasps a little as Timmy starts to wake up at the same time Sean and Kenny return with the steaming bowls of Nyarante soup. Sean and Kenny sit off to the side not realizing Timmy is starting to wake up. "Hey Matthew, come over and eat. Real good Nyarante soup," Kenny says.

"Yeah, first time I've ever had it but its excellent."

Just as Sean finishes talking Timmy opens his eyes and stares directly into Matthew's eyes. Both gasp at the way both of their eyes look alike and Timmy shakes a little as he doesn't recognize Matthew. Sean and Kenny look over and then quickly move over to the bed with some soup and Sean tries to talk to Timmy. Timmy lets out a little squeak as he suddenly sees Kenny and Matthew but doesn't see Sean and also sees Kenny has a knife on his belt. He pulls the covers over his head and cringes in terror. Matthew steps back, and with Kenny, moves off to the side to let Sean talk to Timmy and calm him down. As Timmy calms down and looks around he asks Sean, "What happened?"

Sean recounts all that happened without mentioning what he and Matthew did. Timmy relaxes even more and stares a little at Matthew and Kenny, grinning a little. Matthew and Kenny leave and head towards one of the back rooms. Sean starts to say something when they hear a door slam shut. Sean starts to get up to see who it is when a voice yells, "Timmy!"

Timmy gasps and tries to stand up but Sean pushes him back down. "You just got better, let me go see who it is and bring him over to you, `kay?"

Timmy shakes his head and says, "But its Mystyque, remember, my teacher? I have to go see what he wants. I've been sicker before and he still wanted me to walk to him."

Sean sighs and helps Timmy walk to the front door. As the get close they see Mystyque scolding a boy and a girl who seem to be 12 years old and bawling their eyes out. "You two were given to me by your parents. Now stop crying or it will only get worse!"

The two kids continue crying and Mystyque sighs. He opens a door, which Timmy had never seen before, and pushes the two in and closes it. Mystyque then turns to Timmy with a big smile and then notices Sean. Mystyque says, in a pleasant voice, "Hi Timmy, back and did a little bit of money working after trying to find Volmort. So what's happened and who are your three friends?"

Timmy and Sean look puzzled and Timmy says, "How'd you know there are 2 others here?"

Mystyque grins and snaps his fingers. Kenny and Matthew appear from a sudden puff and both are naked with Matthew kneeling before Kenny with his mouth near Kenny's cock. They both look around and start to blush as they see everyone looking at them. Mystyque rolls his eyes and Sean and Timmy burst into laughter as the watch the faces go from surprised to annoyed. They all head to the kitchen with Matthew and Kenny blushing and try to ask Timmy about what's going on. Mystyque starts asking about what's been going on and Timmy tells about what happened up till he fell ill. Sean, Matthew, and Kenny fill in their parts and Mystyque just smile. As the finish, Mystyque smiles and says, "Well I just came to drop those two new slaves off." He motions for Kenny, Matthew, and Sean to leave and they do so. "So Timmy, any thoughts on your training?"

Timmy shakes his head and stares at the door where the two kids went. "Don't worry about them Timmy. They'll be fine. They just got sent to a place for training. I hate some kids, especially when they don't listen to their parents."

Timmy grins and they both talk about what has happened. Timmy realizing the dream he had just before waking up was a dream tells Mystyque about it as he didn't want to tell the others. Mystyque thinks for a bit and then snaps his fingers causing a small piece of wood to appear. Mystyque mutters a word and the wood extends into a full length quarterstaff which he gives to Timmy. "I'm not sure what the dream means, but in the mean time, this should help. I'm going to have to leave again as I need to finish business with those kids' parents. I'll also give you a sheet with all the commands for the staff. And one thing, if it says it doesn't cause ill effects, in really doesn't. Try to memorize the commands so you don't need to rely on the sheet."

Timmy nods and grasps the quarterstaff. He stands up and looks at the ends of the staff. The staff looks like it was hand crafted and it slowly shrinks to be just the right height for him. At the ends is what appears to be steel and Timmy is careful to avoid touching it as most metals can cause elves major pain. Mystyque frowns as Timmy does this and Timmy looks closer realizing its one of the few metals elves can touch and make. "Now Timmy, look at the sheet and you'll find some interesting things it can do. Like throw fireballs and other things which you can't yet do. Now lets get something to eat and invite your friends back to eat." Timmy nods and they both start working together to cook some food. Mystyque produces some red dragon meat and they make a roast of it. Sean, Kenny and Matthew smell the food and then appear after Timmy calls for them for some dinner. Mystyque and Timmy are still cooking and talking in dragon tongue as they always do while cooking. The other three look at each other and shrug not understanding the words. As Mystyque and Timmy finish, Mystyque suddenly starts tickling Timmy and Timmy starts laughing and squirming trying to get away. The other three jump in with Sean trying to pull Timmy free of Mystyque, Matthew tickling Timmy also and Kenny just tickling anyone he can. Sean stops trying to free Timmy and starts tickling Matthew. After an hour, which is how longs the meat takes to cook, they all settle down and eat. As they all get tired after night had fallen, Mystyque and Timmy go to one room and the rest all go into another. After everyone falls asleep, Mystyque quietly gets up, and after doing a transport spell on all the treasure and goods he has, spell locks the door and disappears into the night.

The army stops at a hill and are able to see the town of Zanthing in the dwindling light. A soldier is running towards the two generals, who turn as the soldier nears, stops, and salutes. "Sirs, the army has made camp at the bottom of the hill."

"Good, we made excellent time in the last two days. Still is amazing how fast they did it. So tomorrow is what, 69 point six?"

"No sir. It's 69 point seven," the soldier replies.

The generals nod and decide on the course of action. "Tell the commanders to order a day of rest for tomorrow. The troops need it. We will attack on 69 point 8, the last day of sexy week." The soldier grins, and after quickly hiding his smile, nods and sprints off down the hill.

"That lad is very good at running. Glad you decided on him as our messenger."

"Yep. Let hope the army is rested though. And then we should have a good victory. Though the clouds off in the distance look like it will rain."

The younger general nods and looks at Zanthing. "Shouldn't we send some scouts to survey the area so we know what we are getting ourselves into?" The older general nods and the walk towards the camp discussing the rotation for the scouts which are a group of fairies loyal to the generals and the king. The fairies and the generals, used to protect the youngest prince but after he disappeared the took to the army to redeem themselves. The fairies meet the two generals at the base of the hill. One fairy moves forward and asks, "What are your orders sirs.?"

Alex, the younger general, says "Didn't the soldier tell you that tomorrow is a day of rest?"

The fairy nods and says, "But we take our orders directly from you only, not from some underling that is trying to look important. And besides, we are rested completely after an hour nap. So I repeat, what do you want us to do?"

Alex almost says something but Jerry, the older general only by a year, says, "Tonight watch the camp. Tomorrow detail five of your fairies to scout the area near the town."

"Only five sir?"

"Yes, you are small, fast, and the people around here aren't used to seeing fairies. Plus when they do it's always in the group of five, so anymore together would cause some suspicion."

The fairies nod and fly off to watch over the camp.

Next: Chapter 4

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