Lost Princes

By moc.liamtoh@yksnerekpik

Published on Aug 26, 2001


The following story contains descriptions of graphic sexual acts. The story is a work of fiction and has no basis in reality. Don't read this story if: **You're not 18 or over, **If it is illegal to read this type of material where you live, **Or if you don't want to read about gay/bi people in love or having sex. Now if you continue on and want to blame me for something offensive, don't I gave you warning enough. If you like the story please email me about it at kipkerensky@hotmail.com If you don't like the story, or something email me stating that and what you don't like about it. And if you want to tell other people about it go ahead just don't put it on a site where you charge people money to read/view it as I just wrote this for pleasure.

The Lost Princes BY: Corey (KipKerensky)

"Come on Timmy, the sun's up!"

Timmy groans as Matthew pulls the covers off the bed. He grabs them back as cold air comes in from the window. Matthew laughs as Timmy curls up into a ball under the covers. Matthew closes the window and yanks the cover off again. Timmy springs from the bed as Matthew pulls the cover completely off, tackling him to the ground and tickles Matthew. Matthew gets free and they continue to try and tackle each other.

"Hey Matt."


"Lets eat."

Matthew nods and both put underwear on and head to the kitchen. Timmy gapes as all his favorite food is out for eating. Matthew grins and says, "Happy birthday Timmy!"

"How'd you know my fav' food?" Timmy asks as he digs into an omelet of eggs, cheese, and venison.

"Err, I just did."

Timmy smiles and they both dig in to eat. "Hey Timmy, lets wait for Sean and Kenny to come back."


"I need their help for the second part of your present!"

Timmy smiles and they sit outside the front door to wait.

As they wait a group of soldiers approach the back of the cabin and start to circle it. Before the soldiers can see them one steps on a twig, and, as the soldiers are all very jumpy from hearing wolves, one shoots an arrow that passes in front of the house and crosses the sight of Matthew and Timmy. The arrow lands halfway between where they are sitting and the edge of the forest. The soldiers all back off and, as they have yet to see Timmy and Matthew, the soldiers wait quietly to see if anything happens.

Matthew sees the arrow land and whispers to Timmy "Whered that come from?"

Timmy shrugs and then walks over to the arrow. He bends to touch it then runs back to the house in fright. He whispers to Matthew "There's someone in the bushes where the arrow came from."

Matthew stares wide-eyed and Timmy tries to pull him in the cabin. Matthew shakily says "not inside, if they know we're here they'll look there." Timmy shrugs and Matthew leads him into the forest. They watch the cabin and see ten people lead by a fairy come into view. They break down the door not noticing it was unlocked and go in. Timmy and Matthew can hear sounds of breaking and curses. They hug each other and inch further away. More people appear with swords and torches. The original ten come out and Timmy and Matthew are unable to hear what they say. The people with the torches start to set fire to the cabin. Timmy starts to move toward the cabin to stop then but Matthew tackles him and whispers "you don't have a chance to stop them."

Timmy stays silent then whispers "what about clothes?"

Matthew looks down and grins "well, we'll have to make do."

Timmy nods and realizes he has the small staff Mystyque gave him. Timmy starts to show Matthew but Matthew stands up to help Timmy up and they move deeper into the woods. They continue walking and come to a spring.

"Lets stop Matthew."

"OK. Lets drink. I'll find some berries."

"You know what ones are safe?"

"Yeah, I had to help find food a lot."

Timmy and Matthew drink some water before Matthew starts showing Timmy what berries are good to eat. They sit next to the spring and eat. "When did you learn what's good to eat?"

"On a ship before I met you."

"Wouldn't you catch fish?"

"No..." Matthew stammers looking skyward. He points through a clearing in the trees at what appears to be a Galleon flying through the sky. It seems to be the same size as a normal galleon with three masts all sails deployed for speed. It is completely made out of wood with catapults on the beam, bow, and stern. "I was on something like that!"

Timmy gasps and stares as the ship flies overhead towards the town. They start talking a little about the ship and after a little while they jump in surprise when a female voice says, "Well, two young boys to help a little old lady."

They stand up and turn around, Timmy holding his little staff and face a young woman. She has hair that seems to sparkle in the sun in the colors of a setting sun. Pink the red, orange and dark blue all seem to appear. Her eyes are sky blue and she is wearing a full length watery blue shirt and jeans designed for the woods. "Now boys, can't you say hi? If I had wanted to hurt you I would have." As she says this she sends a shower of sparks into the air. Timmy and Matthew murmur "hi" and Timmy makes the staff into more of a walking stick.

"Well I see you would at least struck back." She grins and drinks some of the water." My name is Lily. And if you want to tell me your names and what happened to make you walk in the woods with only underwear on, I mite be able to help you."

Timmy and Matthew both blush as Lily giggles. They tell her their names and only about the cabin being burned. Lily sits silently as they tell the story from the beginning of this day. When Timmy gets to the point of meeting her she says, "That explains the soldiers in the woods."

"They're in the woods?" Matthew almost screams and glances around.

Lily nods, and very quietly says a couple words while weaving her hands over the water in a series of concentric circles. After three seconds Timmy starts to see a picture in the water; after ten Lily finishes the spell and all of them can see a group of five soldiers walking through the woods with a small thing in front leading them. No sound can be heard but the soldiers keep pointing every which way and their mouths move. Lily passes her hand over it widening the view. Timmy and Matthew can see the clearing they are in and a little mark where the soldiers are. Lily says, "Do you two want to come with me, or try to get away from them in the woods with a faerie leading them?"

Timmy says, "I will, but why they after us?"

Matthew nods in agreement also curious. Lily shrugs "I'm not sure, but they'll be here in ten minutes." She waves her hand over the water causing the vision to vanish. She motions for Timmy and Matthew to hold her hands, then mutters three words, which cause Timmy to grimace in a little pain. They teleport suddenly to a large cave off in a distant mountain range. Lily walks into an adjacent cave and reappears with a couple hot drinks and clothes for Timmy and Matthew before saying she needs to rest and walks off. Matthew sips his cocoa after it cools a little. "Timmy?"


"Why'd you grimace when she cast that spell?"

"I don't know. As she spoke I got a headache and saw her in a different form."

"Really? What form?"

"Yea, and I don't know. It was to brief to really see."

They continue on in quiet. Then, after they finish the drink, they go into where Lily went first. They enter another cave that looks like a normal room one would see at an inn. Two beds are on opposite sides. A closet in which they see a huge amount of clothes like Lily gave them, a sink, a stove with a magic source to put stuff on to heat the item up or cool it down. "I'm going to sleep" both say at the same time causing them to giggle. They both lay down on the same bed. Even though it is still light out, they both fall asleep quickly not hearing the loud snores from deeper in the cave.

In the clearing the soldiers pause to drink from the well as the faerie looks around. The faerie casts a minor spell and frowns. As the soldiers finish, the faerie points back toward the cabin causing a series of moans from the soldiers as they head off.

Soldiers continue walking into the town as Sean and Kenny hide behind the counter in the store. Sleak sits near Sean and seems ready to spring at a moments notice. "Who are these soldiers?" Sean asks.

"I didn't recognize their clothes but I noticed some faeries in the crowd."

"You did?"


They stop talking as they here some clangs and screams outside the door. The wall shakes, as if something heavy was thrown against it, but stays up.



"You know a way to make it so we can see out?"

"Not of the top of my head. You?"

"No, that's why I asked."

"I'll look at the scrolls I took."

"Don't they disappear if used?"

"Nope. The ones I've used all just become unusable for a couple of days. Seems to vary from one to four and always changes."

Kenny nods as Sean begins rummaging through the scrolls, pulling a couple out at a time then stuffing them back in shaking his head. Kenny keeps the staff he took ready plus a spell he found called slow that targets multiple people.

"Hmmmmmmm... earth-to-mud, heat wood..."

"What?" Kenny asks.

"Two interesting spells I just pulled out."

"That mud won't work, its all wood here."

"I noticed. But heat wood?"

"Yea. Will it affect us?"

"Not me, but" Sean glances at the scroll and then continues, "you will be unless I'm touching you."


"Yea. So they'll get hot feet in here for an hour or more."

Kenny grins and sees that Sean has a dagger near him. He goes back to watching the door. They hear more banging and noise. The sound moves on but they hear, right by the door a little bit later, "This is the magic shop."

"Good. Break down that fuckin' door."

"Yes sir. You four, grab that pool we knocked over and use it."

They heard some rumbling and waited. "Figures, we hide in a magic shop and they wanna come in."

"Yea" sighed Kenny in agreement.

Sean looks around and then looks at Kenny for a bit before grabbing his arm and pulling a scroll out. Kenny nods as Sean begins reading it. Sean stops before saying the last word waiting. Kenny opens his mouth to speak but Sean shakes his head looking concerned. They head then a banging on the door and Sean says the last word and points all around. They feel a little heat which disappears quickly. They hear a little scream. "You idiot. You forgot your gloves. Go get your hand fixed."

Sean and Kenny look at each other in surprise. "That reached far."


Just then the door breaks in and some swearing occurs. "I don't care if its a furnace in there. Search it!"

Sean and Kenny smile as they see the commands back off as the soldiers enter muttering. Sean nods at Kenny who starts mumbling and peaks around the desk to point at the soldiers. One stops moving in mid stride. Kenny shrugs and holds two fingers up. Sean nods and shrugs also, understanding that two should have stopped. A soldier bumps into the stopped soldier and says, "Hey why you stop?"

Getting no reply he says "there's someone in here guys. Swords out!" The other two act in haste and slow their advance sweating profusely. "Damn it's hot."

"Druidic spell guys. Two damn things, er.. people are in here."

Sean and Kenny nod at each other and stand up causing surprised exclamations from the soldiers.

"Two kids! Get them!!"

Kenny says two words pointing at the soldiers, who quickly duck to the sides. A shimmering wall forms in-between the soldiers and the desk. Kenny sinks to his knees as he finishes. The soldiers laugh and continue. They bump into the wall and can't get around.

Kenny whispers to Sean, "A force wall. The more they push the stronger, larger it be..comes. Hig..lev..spel." Kenny shakes his head trying to stay up. Sean nods and yells at the soldiers, "Leave, I can make it hotter in here!"

The soldiers laugh, the one seeming in command says, "We know this spell your friend cast. It will be over in an hour. We can wait."

Kenny nods before shutting his eyes. Sean sighs and gets up holding his dagger. Sleak jumps next to Sean growling. The soldiers step back in obvious shock and turn around to leave. The commander shouts, "What's the ruckus??? Get the stuff!"

"Two kids and a wolf are in here!"

"So, take care of them."

"Mage with a force wall spell, and a druid with a wolf."

"You idiots! Wait for it to break. Don't bump into it to make it last longer."

Sean grins and whispers to Sleak to paw the wall. Sleak does so to the annoyance of the soldiers who sit down to wait. An hour passes with the wall still visible. The commander looks in and sees Sleak pawing the wall. He curses and walks off. Kenny gets up looking rested and grins. "Good job Sleak," Kenny says petting him.

Sean pulls out a cake and they eat it. The soldiers groan as they pull out iron rations and start eating them. Sean and Kenny laugh. All of a sudden they hear a renewal of battle sounds outside. The soldiers move to the door, with their masks in a determined stance raising their swords. The fourth starts to move slowly again turning to the door. All of a sudden they drop their swords and sink to their knees with hands behind their heads. Sean and Kenny stare as an elf walks in pointing a staff at the soldiers. Kenny and the elf stare at each other. "Kenny?" the elf asks.

"Zel?" Kenny responds.

"Yea. Wha..." Zel says as another elf dressed in black enters. "Hi sir. Situation taken care of." Zel says.

Kenny whispers to Sean, "the other one is Volmort."

Volmort looks around and see the force wall. "Who's spell?

Kenny slowly raise his hand. Volmort nods and says, "Would you please cancel it? We won't hurt you."

Kenny does so. Volmort says to Zel "Take them to the cells. I'll be back shortly."

Zel nods and motions for Sean and Kenny to follow, which they do. They reach the ship, which is a galleon with all sails furled. A lifeboat like ship raises them to the deck and they climb aboard. They are then shown to the cell and are put in it. Zel says "I'll try to get you out. These others are slaves which you are not." Zel says the last bit staring at the boy slaves also in the cage. The slaves cringe by the bars and move away from Sean and Kenny. Zel leaves and the slaves start moving a little. Sean moves to a bucket of water at the back of the cage and starts looking for a cup. The youngest kid in the cell opens his mouth but then shuts it when Sean and the oldest kid look at him.

"Go ahead," Sean says.

The older kid stares at the younger kid who doesn't speak. Sean steps right next to the young boy and then stares down the old kid. All the boys move away, even the young one tries to but Sean puts his hand on the kids shoulder. "Now what were you going to say, boy?"

The kid stammers "There's no cups. We have to use our hands to cup water to drink."

Kenny breaks out in laughter causing everyone to look at him. He pulls a cup from one of his pockets. He gives it to the kid who starts smiling. Sean stares at Kenny. "Kenny..."

"Ask him Sean."

"All cups were taken cause one disappeared. And we knew Kenny had it."

Sean stares at Kenny, who nods and points at himself as he mouths the words "slave" causing Sean to nod. Kenny and Sean both use their hands to drink some water right before Zel appears with two cups.

"You two. Here are some cups to drink water with."

Sean and Kenny laugh hard as Zel says this, causing Zel to stare at them. Kenny nudges the small boy, who gives Zel the cup Kenny gave him. "Sir we found the missing cup. Can we all have cups, please?"

Sean and Kenny laugh hard as Zel looks stunned. Zel responds, "Well it seems you two are havin fun here." He gives the two cups to them and the cup back to the small boy.

"You slaves," he continues, "are to obey these two. For now they are the head slave masters. You, Anon, are to wait on these two hand and foot. You others only have to if ordered to. You get me???!!!???"

All the slaves except Anon reply as one, "yes master" in very weak voices. Anon drops his underwear, which is all the slaves are wearing, and sticks his tongue out at Zel before turning around and wiggling his butt in Zel's face. Sean notices and shakes his head. Zel unlocks the cage motioning Sean and Kenny out. He locks the cage and leads them upstairs. "Volmort wants to speak to you."

"Did you mean what you said down there?"

"Yes. I already had an argument with Volmort about you, Kenny. He liked you as a slave but I convinced him to train you since you are a sorcerer and he is a mage."

"What about me?" Sean asks.

"I'll train you Sean."

Sleak runs up and nudges Sean. Sean grins and pats his head.

"We wondered who's that was."

Sleak growls and Zel says a single, sharp word that causes Sleak to stop and wags his tail happily. All of them walk inside Volmort's cabin for a talk.

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