Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on May 2, 2001


Hi everyone...

In order to accommodate people who are asking me about notification lists, I've finally created an YahooGroup (Gods, Yahoo is like the Borg!) to do so:

This is the page of the group, If you would like to be notified when a new chapter gets posted please go join my group. {smile} I'll try and make sure there's fun stuff along with this.

As always, Gabriella is my main cheerleader. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

My story is hosted on another website. Here's it is:

It's partway down the site, just look for "Lottery Winner". There's lots of other great stories there so check them out.

DISCLAIMER: The names of the people are fictional (well, except for the members of the group). This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

Thanks guys and gals, Hope you like it.



"Hey Chris what's up?" I pulled the blankets around me. I heard a giggle and a burp before he answered. By the sound of the giggle he was with Lance. Just before he answered I heard a slurping sound.

Oh my lord...please tell me they aren't doing what I think they're doing.

"Well we just put Joey to bed, and he told me that you and he had great phone sex. So come on big daddy...turn me on!"

I didn't know whether to laugh or scream. "Chris, I won't even dignify that with a comment. By the sounds of it your boyfriend is with you so talk to him, I'm hanging up now." I heard a shuffle on the other end.

"Come on Dale, give us what we want." Lance had slurred on every word, and he was giggling as he finished talking. I growled and hung up. A few minutes later the phone started ringing again.


Dead silence on the other end of the phone. A few seconds later I heard someone take a breath.


"Joey? Oh baby I'm sorry. I had a prank call from one of your bandmates."

He didn't say anything. He sounded upset about something. "What's wrong Joey?"

sniff "Nothing Dale. Just have some stuff on my mind. So what're you up to tonight? We're leaving in just a few hours to head to Boston."

"Boston? Really? It's a great city. I recommend the chowder. So what time will you guys be getting in?" I hoped that I sounded nonchalant as I asked the question.

We made small talk for about thirty minutes. Something was bothering him, but he didn't sound in the mood to talk about it so I let it go. I told him I loved him and hung up.

Five hours later I was pounding on Gabriella's door. I swear she can sleep through a fucking tornado!


I was going to yell again when I got doused with water. I sputtered and spat as my head snapped upwards. Leaning out the front window of the second story with a big smile on her face, is Gabriella. She stuck her tongue out at me. "That's what you get for calling me dizzy!" She began laughing as she pulled herself back inside. A few minutes later she opened the door.

"Notice you didn't deny being a bitch."

"Come on in Dale, I'm almost ready." She threw a towel at me while running around the room. She was cramming a poptart into her mouth and drinking what looked like orange juice. She had just slung her gym bag over her shoulder when the phone started ringing. She glared at it then at the ceiling.

"AUGH!!! FUCK!!"

"Dale get that. Tell whoever it is I'm dead. No! Tell them I moved to Tangiers and changed my name to ChuChu Fontana."

I picked up her phone as she ran out to throw her bag in my BMW. "Hello ChuChu's house can I help you?"

"Let me talk to Gabriella."

I glared at the phone. "Hi Josh, how are you?" No response came over the phone. "Me, I'm fine thanks. Hang on a second I'll get her."

Gabriella came back in so I threw the phone to her and told her I'd be out in the car. When she came out a few minutes later she wasn't her normal bubbly self.

"What's the matter Gabriella?" She didn't say anything or look at me. I repeated the question.

"What? Oh, nothing Dale. Let's go."

I drove to the airport and the car was totally silent. We checked in and had probably thirty minutes to spare. I had hoped that plying her with drinks would loosen her lips...but it didn't help. Gabriella pulled a book out of her overnight bag as soon as we sat and her CD was playing as soon as the attendants said it was okay.

Fine...two can play this game.

I tried getting into my book, but couldn't concentrate. I was so excited to see Joey. In no time at all the flight attendants were having us turn off our CD players for final approach.

Gabriella finally broke her silence.

"Dale. No matter what don't lose sight of what you and Joey have."


"Um, Okay Gabriella. What brought that on?"

She just smiled at me and didn't say a word.

"Does this have something to do with Josh's phone call?"

"Let's not talk about it right now Dale." She led the way up the gangway, but stopped when she hit the main terminal. She'd never been to Boston before so apparently had no clue where anything was. Thankfully I knew where I was going.

"Come on Gab, we're going this way." We grabbed her bag and headed to the limo stand. Shortly after we were relaxing as the driver dealt with the nightmare that is Boston traffic. We made it to the hotel in about twenty-five minutes and got whisked into our suites (I decided to go all out on this trip so I got a suite for each of us). We got two door cards for each suite...I took one for hers and she took one for mine. I left Gabriella in her room and unpacked in mine.

I called her to get a basic plan for the night (meet up with the guys, then go eat while they do the show and meet up after they return to the hotel. After talking to her, I took a hot bath (the tub just looked too inviting).

I was just starting to relax when my cell phone began ringing.


"Hi son!"

I smiled. "Hi mom. What's up?" We talked about random family stuff for about twenty minutes. I then told her I needed to finish my soak. She's big on hot baths too so she understood.


I actually looked at the caller-ID this time. The name didn't come up but I recognized the number.

"Hi Lance."

"Dale, you're in 2751 right?"

"Um, yeah."

"Okay thanks." He hung up.

I called Gabriella from the tub. "What in the fuck is going on? Lance just called me and then hung up. You're acting all weird. Josh wouldn't even talk to me. What gives?"

She didn't say anything for a minute or two. I heard someone say something to her. Josh? Just then someone knocked on my door.

"We'll talk later Dale. I'm going to spend time with Josh before the show."

--/ugh. What in the fuck is going on?!/--

I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my waist. "Who is it?"

"Room service sir."

I opened the door. Standing there wearing baggy denim jeans and a Transformers T-shirt, holding a bouquet of roses and smiling from ear to ear...was Joey.

"Hey handsome, new in town?"

I growled as I pulled him through the door. My towel, which I was holding onto, fell onto the floor. Our kiss was gentle, almost tentative. I groaned when his tongue slowly entered my mouth, and pulled him tighter to me.

He broke the kiss, and set the roses on the desk. Taking my left hand, he kissed the back of it and led me to the window. I felt tears on my cheeks as his hands cupped my face. He caressed my cheek with his thumb as he leaned in and softly kissed the tears away.

"I was so glad when Lance told me you two had flown up here. I've been going crazy." He hugged me, and then shocked me when he started crying.

"Joey, stop. Please." I pulled him into my arms as tight as possible, and licked the end of his nose to see if I could get him to smile.

He didn't.

"Baby what's wrong?" He gave me a sad smile.

"It'll keep. Have I told you lately that I love you?" He began running his hand up my chest. I felt my dick start oozing precum as he tweaked my nipple. God he knows just what to do.

Our lovemaking was sweet and tender. The first time wasn't enough so we decided to break in the shower. Joey pulled off his watch, and glanced at it.

"I have an hour until we have to go get ready for the show and do the meet and greet." I caught a glimpse of that wicked grin of his, then it faded off his face to be replaced by something else. We ended up just holding onto each other in the shower, kissing and hugging. I pulled us out a few minutes later and toweled him dry.

I sat on the edge of the bed, and Joey sat on the floor resting his head on my leg. I started running my fingers through his hair and lightly massaging his shoulder and neck muscles. "Joey, are you going to start talking or am I going to have to assume that somebody died or something?"

His shoulders tensed up for a minute, then I could tell he made himself relax. "Can we talk about it after the concert?"

Well, that settled it. There definitely was something wrong. I have to wait to find out though...fuck. I hate waiting.

I pulled him up onto the bed and we curled up with each other. I smiled as I heard Joey start snoring softly. His head was cradled on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed the top of it. Even asleep he wouldn't let go, if I moved my arms he shifted and made sure we were touching again.

I heard the door open in the suite, and the distinct sound of Gabriella arguing with someone. By the sounds of the voices it was Lance and Josh. Josh's volume started rising and she bellowed at him. A few seconds later she peeked around the door of the bedroom.

"Dale?" She saw us lying on the bed. Joey let out a mumble and pulled closer to me. "Aw... I'm glad you two are still okay."

I shifted slightly so I could kiss Joey. "Wake up baby. We've got company."

He came away slowly. "MMMmmm. What?"

I repeated myself, then gave him another kiss. Suddenly it dawned on me what Gabriella had said. "Still okay? What's that supposed to mean?" Joey came awake with a start.

"Wow, we have to get going." He saw Josh standing behind Gabriella. "It's time to go right?" Joey gave me a quick hug and a kiss, then he glared at Gabriella as he went into the living room of the suite.

I felt tears come to my eyes.

"We're breaking up aren't we?"


The way everyone's acting. The silent treatment I'm getting from Josh. We're breaking up. This is the final fling." I went into the bathroom and slammed the door. I slid to the floor, finally letting the sobs out. I don't need this right now.

Someone knocked on the door, but I didn't say anything. The door opened, and Lance began trying to walk in.

"Get the fuck away from me LANCE."

That brought him up short.


"You heard me. Until you're ready to apologize for the phone call I got last night I have no desire to talk to either you or Chris."

He blushed. "Dale, we were a little drunk..."

"I DON'T CARE!" I got to my feet and got right in his face. "How dare you think so little of our friendship. I thought you were nicer than that. Congratulations Mister have now officially become everything that I hate in the gay community."

He glared at me. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I sighed. "Nothing. I just am a firm believer in love. I love Joey. Body and soul. I don't know what in the hell has been going the past twenty-four hours but something has happened to change our relationship...and everybody except me knows. Everyone around us fucking knows!" I picked up the coffee maker and threw it across the bathroom.

Lance just stared at me. His jaw quivered... "I really am sorry. You and Joey mean more to me than you'll ever know. Chris thought you'd just get a giggle out of it." He held his hand out to me, but I couldn't take it. Not yet.

"Don't you have a show to do?"

He turned and left the room. Joey was standing behind him. He'd heard our entire fight.

Man, the hits just keep on coming today.

He didn't say a word. He took my hand, kissed the palm. He pulled my arms up so they were around his waist.

"Don't you think you were a little hard on Scoop?" He wiggled his eyebrow at me...but I didn't smile like I used to.

He kissed me gently. "Dale. We're fine. At least, I think we're going to be fine. I hope we're going to be fine."

"Then why is everyone acting so fucking weird?"

Joey gave a smile and used his foot to close the door. "I went to the guys for advice on a situation. Josh got Gabriella involved. I think I know why the guys are acting the way they are...and it's not bad. In fact, it's kind of sweet." He kissed me again and pulled me into a hug.

"Dale, if things weren't going well do you think I'd be talking to Chris daily?"

I was confused. "Well you see him all the time so why wouldn't you talk to him?"

"Not him." He laughed and gave me a quick kiss. "Your mom. Ring any bells? I've been calling and talking to your mom and her girlfriend daily. I've been hearing all about your upbringing and who you were as a child. She even sent me some old pictures of you."

He smiled at the look that apparently was on my face. He pulled his wallet out and opened it. Looking back from it was a picture of me at about age 16. Oh my god, what was I thinking with that shirt???

"What? Dale I love this picture of you. You look so sweet and innocent. I can see the man that I fell in love with in this, so I keep it on me at all times."'s official. He knows what to say to tug my heartstrings.

"You're sure we're okay Joey?"

He caressed my cheek with a finger. "I ain't going anywhere. You're stuck with my big Italian butt for the next fifty years."

I felt myself smile. "Just fifty years?" I let out a snort. "Is that all you have to offer?"

He grinned. "After the show tonight, I'll fill you in on everything. Will that be okay?" I nodded and stuck my tongue out at him.

He sank to one knee. "Dale, I offer you my heart, my body, and my soul. I never knew what I was missing until you came into my life. Now, every time I'm away from you I feel like I'm incomplete. The road ahead may have some bumps in it...but as long as I have you it should all work out in the end. I look forward to when we walk down an aisle together and get joined in the eyes of our friends and loved ones."

Standing up, he flashed his smile at me and gave me a passionate kiss. "I'm really looking forward to the honeymoon." He wiggled his eyebrow at me, and got the giggle out of me. With a satisfied smile, he pulled me out of the room.

Josh and Gabriella were sitting on the couch in the living room, Lance in an easy chair. "Guys. After the show tonight I'll fill him in on everything. You can't blame Dale for getting so upset. Think about how everyone was acting! Now, the three of us have to go before they send Tiny after us. Lance get over here and give your friend a hug. Move it blondie!" He smiled as Lance slowly approached me, then glared at me.

"Dale. You will forgive Lance for being in poor taste last night. All will be clear soon, I promise. He and Chris both adore you, so I know no harm was meant."

"Now. HUG!"

I looked at Lance. He looked at me.

"Sorry for being such a shithead Scoop." I gave him a quick hug, he pinched my ass just as I pulled away.

"HEY! Lance, keep your hands off my boyfriend's ass." Joey gave me a quick kiss, then grabbed Josh and pulled him out the door after him and Lance.

I stood there, staring at the door for a minute or two. Gabriella came over and gave me a hug. "I'm going to go change Dale, let's go shopping."

"I'm sorry Gabriella." She was just opening the door when I said it.

"Why? For being human? I couldn't tell you what was going on. Still can't. But I know things will be okay in the end. You two love each other too much for it to not be okay. Trust in your feelings...they rarely steer you wrong. Meet me at my room in fifteen minutes."


Next: Chapter 38

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