Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Feb 1, 2003


Hi everyone...

Well, it's been a long and winding road. This is it. The finale of the story. I've taken the characters as far as I can with this story. Also, real life is becoming more and more hectic for me. This has led me to this decision.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read my little story. You've inspired me to pursue one of my goals... professional writing.

I love email, so feel free to drop me a line with your thoughts on the story. (

My story is hosted on another website. Here's it is:

It's partway down the site, just look for "Lottery Winner". There's lots of other great stories there so check them out.

DISCLAIMER: The names of the people are fictional (well, except for the members of the group). This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

Thanks guys and gals, Hope you like it. Dale


Joey smiled as he watched Dale sleep. He was just leaning in to kiss Dale when the phone rang. He grabbed it before the first rang was done, so it wouldn't wake Dale up.


"Joey! Hey it's Chris. What're you doing today?"

"Hi Chris. I'm spending time with Dale. Why?"

"Oh." Dead silence for a minute. "Was wondering if you wanted to hang."

Joey shifted position in bed. "Not particularly. Go spend time with Lance.

Gotta go. Later." Joey hung up the phone and curled around Dale. He gently kissed Dale on the lips.

"Good morning baby."

Dale returned the kiss, but before he could say anything Joey pulled back. "Go brush your teeth. You've got SERIOUS morning breath." Joey winked as he said it, then pinched Dale on the ass. Dale grumbled and growled as he staggered from the bed. As he headed into the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day Joey called someone on the phone.


"How're you holding up?"

"I'm good. Why wouldn't I be?" Mark yawned into the phone. "Oops! Sorry about that. So why are you calling me at this ungodly hour Joey?"

"Want to hang out with Dale and I today?"

Mark thought about it for a few seconds. "What're you guys doing?"

"Probably hang out by the pool, maybe go rent a few movies and get some bad takeout. It's a total slug day. Come on, it'll be fun. You know you want to have some fun." Joey giggled into the phone and began dancing around the room as he talked to Mark. "Come on Markie... come out and play! It'll be fun!"

Mark laughed. "Fine, I'll do it. BUT... you have to come get me. I don't feel like driving."

"Cool! Get up and shower so you don't stink. We'll be there in about thirty minutes. Gonna go have my way with Dale in the shower now, so I'll see you soon." Joey thought about it for a second. "Better make it forty-five minutes."

Mark giggled at that. "You pervert. Okay, see you soon." Mark hung up the phone and looked at his dog, Kiwi, who had come into the room. "Why I can't have what those two have?" He sighed as he got out of bed to get ready.

Mark let Kiwi out and went to shower. He was drying himself off when the doorbell rang. He went to answer it.

"Mark Quigley?"


"Delivery. Sign here please." Mark signed and the guy went to his van. He pulled out a huge bouquet of flowers. "Here you go sir. Thanks and have a great day." The smile fell from Mark's face as he saw the card. He closed the door and went to let Kiwi in, then headed to the kitchen.

A few seconds later, the garbage disposal kicked on. After a little bit it turned off. Mark left the kitchen with a pleased smile on his face, and ran upstairs to get dressed.

His phone began ringing, and he snarled as he answered. "I told you to come get me so you'd better be out front!"

"Well shit Mark, is that the way you always answer the phone?"

"What do you want Lance?"

"Can we talk?"

"Actually, no. I'm busy. My ride will be here any minute. Oh wait, there they are." Mark hung up the phone and then dialed Dale's cell.


"You better be on your way to get me!"

Dale laughed. "Love you to. We're running a bit late, we got preoccupied."

Mark could swear he heard Dale blush.

Mark snickered. "So how was the shower sex?"

Dale made a noise in his throat. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yeah fine. Let me talk to Joey."

"No! We'll be there shortly to get you. Gotta go." Dale hung up, and Mark went to finish getting ready.

Mark was standing out front when Dale's SUV came barreling around the corner. The car screeched to a halt and the driver's window rolled partway down.


Mark could feel the eyes of every neighbor on him. He scurried to the passenger door on the driver's side and hopped in.

"Okay Dale... hate to break it to you. But your boyfriend drives like a fucking maniac!"

Joey laughed as he tore out of the parking spot.

Dale reached over and took Joey's hand. "Baby... remind me to get you off the caffeine."

The three made small talk as Joey wove through traffic back to the house.

"Okay so I figure we can lounge poolside for a few hours, we have to get Mark looking like he's a Floridian. I haven't seen someone that white since we performed in Chicago in the dead of winter."

"HEY!" Mark lightly smacked the back of Joey's head. "Don't fuck with me Fatone... I've had a bad week!"

Joey snorted. "Oh yeah... so bad. You got boinked by two boyband members." Dale gasped as Joey continued. "Don't you realize you're now officially the envy of every teenage girl in the world."

Mark didn't say anything for a few minutes... then Joey heard what he was hoping to hear.

A snicker.

It was swallowed before it went too loud, but it was definitely there!

"AH HA! I knew it!" Joey looked in the rearview mirror at Mark. "You're actually not that mad now are you?"

Mark snorted. "Bitch. Just drive."

Joey looked at Dale. "You owe me five bucks."

That did it. Mark laughed.

Nothing more was said until they pulled up in front of Joey and Dale's house. Joey and Dale stripped to their swimsuits and they all went poolside. Joey turned on the stereo and activated the external speakers so they could have music. Dale and Joey got comfortable on a couple of chaises, and Mark did laps.

After about an hour Mark stopped swimming long enough to notice that Joey and Dale were asleep.

"Guys? Turn over. You'll be lobsters!"

Joey woke up and nudged Dale gently. "Turn over baby." Dale grunted and rolled over. Joey smiled sweetly and began rubbing Dale's back with suntan oil.

Dale softly murmured thanks and promptly fell asleep again.

Mark snickered. "It's your own fault for wearing him out in the shower." Joey blushed.

"So how're you adjusting to life in sunny Florida Mark?"

Mark dried himself and then stretched out onto a chaise. "It's not too bad so far. Not having to worry about moving into an apartment or find housing was a great plus. I still can't believe Dale did what he did." Mark put on some sunglasses and grinned at Joey. "I wonder if Dale realizes how lucky he is?"

Joey shook his head. "No he's not. I'm the lucky one." Joey and Mark talked about Dale's upcoming birthday. They didn't get too specific, in case Dale woke up. The talk slowly ceased, and the men sunbathed.

Joey must have nodded off, because suddenly Chris and Lance were standing next to his chair.

"Hi guys."

Lance and Chris were both staring at Mark. Finally Lance spoke. "So how's things going?"

Mark ignored both of them, and just concentrated on his tan. Joey saw how Mark was handling the situation, so took a note from him.

"Fine. We're just chillin' here. What're you guys up to?"

"We thought Dale would like to see the artwork Mark did for the demo."

Joey lowered his glasses slightly. "He's napping. You can leave it on the kitchen counter."


"I said he's napping." Joey pushed the glasses back up on his face. "Call you later guys."

"What's up your ass Fatone?" Chris sounded pissed.

"Well, earlier Dale was. Now nothing. Why?" Joey smiled as he said it.

"Dammit that's not what I meant and you know it! Why're you acting so snotty?"

Mark almost said something, but Joey put a hand out to stop him. Joey stood up to his full height and glared at Lance and Chris. "I know what you two did to Mark... and it pisses me off. Will I get over it? Yes. Will I be the 'same old Joey' again? Yes. Right now you need to give me time."

Lance and Chris didn't say anything for a minute or two, then Lance softly said 'okay' and turned to leave.

"Hey Mark?"

Mark lowered his glasses to look at Chris.

"You did some great work. The CD is going to look great."

Mark pushed his glasses back up. "Fuck off Kirkpatrick."

Joey laughed, and Chris glared at him. Lance grabbed Chris' hand and pulled him away. "Come on Chris, let's go."

After they left, Joey and Mark sat around until Dale woke up. Joey smiled and blew kisses at Dale. "Look who's awake."

Dale grunted.

"What do you want for dinner tonight baby?" Joey went and sat next to Dale.

Dale shrugged. "Whatever you want is fine with me. I'm sorry I fell so asleep. I feel bad because we have Mark over."

Mark cracked a grin. "S'okay Dale... Joey wore you out. Totally understandable that you'd need sleep."

Dale blushed, then went and dove into the pool. Next thing he knew Joey was in with him. Dale giggled as Joey's arms wrapped around him and he kissed Dale's neck.

"Hey baby." Joey nuzzled his ear.

Dale turned around and kissed Joey. "So what'd I miss?"

Mark laughed and dove into the pool. Joey rolled his eyes and kissed Dale. "You're too precious Dale... you know that don't you?"

Dale smiled and pushed Joey underwater. "I know."

The three men spent the next couple of hours relaxing in the pool. They adjourned to the living room when storm clouds rolled in. Joey and Mark were fighting over the remote when the phone rang.

Dale was getting ready to call for food to be delivered, so he laughed as he answered.


"Hi Dale. It's Lance. I know I'm not your favorite person right now, but do you have time to have a meeting tomorrow?"

Dale went into the kitchen. "Lance, why would you not be my favorite person?"

"Joey didn't tell you about earlier?"

"Um... no. Why?"

"Oh. Well about this meeting tomorrow... It'd be a meeting followed by a singing session. You'd be meeting with a rep from FreeLance as well as Jive."

Dale went and got his palm pilot. "What time do you want me there Lance?"

"Nine in the morning. You should be done by three."

"Sounds good. What about backing tracks?"

"You'll sing a capella."

Dale's throat went dry. "What?"

Lance couldn't help it. He laughed. "Stop worrying. We all know you can do this. I'll see you then."

Dale hung up, then dialed the pizza parlor. He was smiling as he headed back into the living room.

"Why're you smiling?"

"Foods on it's way. Lance called too. I have a meeting on Tuesday with some people about the demo. He mentioned something about artwork?"

"Oh yeah, it's on the kitchen counter." Joey flicked his hand in the general direction.

"What happened earlier? He seemed upset."

Joey shrugged. "You were sleeping, and I didn't want to wake you up. I was thinking Brokenhearts Club for the next movie. What do you think?"

Dale sat on the floor and snuggled with Joey. "That's fine. Whatever you want to watch baby." Joey grinned and nuzzled Dale's neck. Mark made the obligatory comments about 'getting' a room and such... but deep down he was profoundly depressed.

"Okay Fatone. I'm pooped. You going to take me home?"

Joey stretched, then held his hand out for Dale. "I don't know Mark. Don't you feel like staying to watch us do it?"

"EW!" Mark hopped around. "Great, now I'm going to need therapy. Thanks ever so much!"

Dale pointed out that Mark could stay in the guest room, but Mark declined. "Got to let Kiwi out."

Joey kissed Dale, then said he'd run Mark home. "You go to bed sweetie, I'll come snuggle when I get home." Dale laughed then hugged Mark in goodbye.

Mark was silent most of the way home.

"I hate you Joey."

Joey pulled over to the side of the road. He turned off the engine, and slowly looked at Mark. "Okay, I'll bite. Why?"

Mark sat there, with his arms crossed in front of him. Finally he spoke.

"I admit it. I'm a romantic. All I want is to find that one special guy... the guy who makes me feel complete." Mark sighed as he turned and looked out the window. "And it fucking kills me that Dale found it."

Joey opened his mouth, then closed it. Finally, he found his voice. "You're jealous of Dale?"

"Yes. No. I don't know. You know what, forget I said anything. Just keep driving."

"Excuse me? You don't say you hate me then expect me to do what you ask!"

"Okay, hate is the wrong word. Maybe a better word would be... shit I don't know."

"Jealous. Go ahead and say it Mark. It's not a dirty word. Hell, I get jealous of the other guys all the damn time."


Joey laughed. "Gods yes. Think about it. Josh and Justin sound way better than I do, can eat whatever they want and never gain an ounce of weight... and have girls all over them."

"Give it up Joey. You're cute too. I also know for a fact that girls are all over you too."

"I know that Mark... but it's not the same. I always feel like runner up to the others."

The car was filled with silence for a few minutes, finally Mark took Joey's hand in his.

"Okay, we're both a couple of needy bastards. But we'll be fine. Now take me home so you can go spend time with that man of yours."


Mark went around to the driver's side and knocked on the window by Joey. Joey hit the button to lower it.


"Do me a favor Fatone. Don't tell Dale I lost it on the way home." Mark snorted in disgust. "I guess the whole situation with Chris and Lance upset me more than I thought."

"You can't let it get to you Mark. You're a great guy with a lot to offer. Trust me, these guys aren't bad people. I think they just caught up in their new relationship... and wanted to see how far they could push the boundaries. All I can say is I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Mark didn't say anything at that... then he heard Kiwi barking. He smiled at Joey, "I'm going to spend time on me for a bit. I've learned some things about myself that I want to change. Good night Joe." Mark turned and walked into the night.

Joey was whistling as he parked the car. He noticed the lights downstairs were turned off. He heard music coming from the bathroom, so he peeked in.

He felt a tug at his heart. Dale was relaxing in the tub, and looked so beautiful lying in the bubble-filled water. Joey quietly took off his clothes and sat down in the water.

"Chris? Oh, hey Joey."

Joey had a half-smile on his face. "Hey baby." Joey's body molded itself to Dale as he tenderly kissed Dale's lips... his hand cupping Dale's cheek. Dale smiled, running his hand up Joey's side.

Joey groaned as Dale's tongue slipped between his lips, and he felt Dale's cock growing against him. As their kiss broke, Joey felt himself breathing heavily. He leaned his forehead against Dale's as he continued slowly working Dale's dick.

"Oh yeah Joey... that feels great." Dale arched his back as he pulled Joey tighter into his arms. Joey abruptly stood up and pulled Dale out of the water. Dale didn't say anything as Joey pulled him down onto the floor. He did moan as Joey's lips found his again, and then some more as Joey slowly began kissing his way down Dale's body.

The touch of Joey's tongue on his nipple sent a charge to Dale's cock. Joey's left hand was continuing to slowly stroke Dale, periodically he would lick his hand and then go back to stroking Dale's leaking dick. After ten minutes Joey began licking his way down Dale's body again. Dale's body was practically vibrating as Joey hit all of his buttons. There were random noises coming out of Dale, and Joey felt himself fall a little more in love with him.

"Oh yeah baby... you like that?" Joey took Dale's balls into his mouth, one at a time. He wasn't putting his mouth on Dale's cock though, he felt the warmth of it on the top of his head as he continued sucking on Dale's balls. Dale kept begging Joey to suck on his dick, but Joey didn't. He ran his tongue down around Dale's balls, then licked the thighs. He went from the thighs back up and lightly ran the tip of his tongue along the underside of Dale's cock.

With a fluid motion, he pulled himself up and straddled Dale... he gently pushed back and in seconds had Dale buried deep inside him. After only a few minutes Joey felt his orgasm hit like a ton of bricks, followed seconds later by Dale.

"Come on baby," Joey kissed Dale tenderly, "you have to get up early tomorrow."

Joey snorted as he woke up. He lay back in bed, covered in sweat. "God, what a dream!" He turned onto his side and pulled Dale into his arms. He had a bad feeling about something, but couldn't put his finger on it. He kept trying to figure it out as sleep overtook him again.

"Do you want me to come with you to the showcase today?"

Dale grinned as he tasted maple syrup on Joey's lips from the breakfast. "Nah, if you're there I won't have my mind on the music."

Joey pouted for a second, then said it'd be no big deal. He could go hang out with his brother. "We haven't done the brotherly thing in awhile. It'd be fun to go see a movie or something. What time will you be home?"

Dale looked at his Palm Pilot. "Hopefully by four tonight. Let's go out tonight. If you play your cards right you just might get to third base Joey." Dale winked at Joey, who laughed.

"I've already gotten a home run with you more than once... third base is easy."

Joey came around to pull Dale into his arms. Dale was quiet until Joey began nuzzling his ear. As soon as he let out a groan Joey stopped.

"See? You're just too damn easy." He lightly smacked Dale's ass and bounded from the kitchen.

Dale shook his head, and cleared the dishes... singing softly to himself. His cell phone interrupted him.

"This is Dale."

"Dale! It's Lance. You all set?"

"Yep. I'm leaving now. See you in twenty." He hung up the phone. "Joey!!! I'm taking off."

"Shit, okay. Meet you at the door!"

Dale got his keys and wallet, then grabbed the CD and sheet music. Joey was standing by the door, looking Florida casual in denim shorts and a tshirt with a button down shirt open above it. He ran his finger along Dale's chin, then gently kissed him.

"You're going to do so well today. I believe in you baby."

Dale hugged Joey tight, then headed out the door.

Joey watched his lover get into the SUV, then drive away. He pulled on some sunglasses, and hit a speed dial number.

"Get your ass up bro. Entertain me. Yeah whatever, I'm on my way over now." He whistled to himself as he got behind the wheel of his SUV and took off with a squeal of tires.

"Okay Dale, let's hear you sing." Lance's voice came through the intercom of the recording studio. "We'll do a couple of a capella numbers first, then we can do something with some tracks we've got in the studio here."

Lance cut off the intercom then grinned at the others in the room. "Wait until you hear this guy."

He smiled as he saw Dale wipe his palms on his pants. Dale took a sip of water, then broke into the Star Spangled Banner. Lance turned to look at Penelope and Anita from FreeLance, and was pleased to see them nodding and smiling. He sat back and folded his arms as he watched Dale sing.

As Dale held the last note out, he noticed Lance grinning like a maniac.

"Dale, that was great. Now, let's do something that shows your range. Which one do you want to do from the list?"

"For the acapella ones? I'll do 'I Swear'.

"Sounds good. Whenever you're ready."

Dale closed his eyes, and broke into song. He didn't notice the smile on Lance's face... or the smiles on the faces of the two ladies and the other guy in the booth.

"Hey Dale. You feel like going over to the rehearsal studio?"

Dale finished his water and nodded. "Okay. Do I need to bring this stuff with me?"

Lance shook his head no. "We'll see you over there."

The people in the control room left, and Dale slowly walked out of the studio. He turned on his cell phone for a second to check his messages. It rang as he was dialing.


"Quit panicking and get in here... you're doing wonderful." click

Dale smiled and turned his phone back off. He was humming as he walked to the rehearsal studio.

"Okay Dale. You've impressed us so far. Now, we want to see how you act outside of the studio."

Lance and the others were sitting in directors chairs over by the far wall, the lights had been lowered slightly and a spotlight was on.

"Okay Dale, we're the audience. Give us a good show."

For the next half hour Dale made use of his showmanship skills. He performed two slow songs and two up tempo songs.

As the final notes faded, Lance started clapping. "Dale that was awesome!" Lance ran over and hugged him. "Go relax in the break room and we'll be right in."

Dale took his towel and bottle of water, and then thanked the people for the opportunity.

"Okay Penelope, Anita. What'd you think?"

They looked at each other, then Anita spoke. "He was pretty good. Demonstrated above average tonal control and seems to have a great range. I definitely could see him either doing country music songs or r&b. What'd you think Penelope?"

"He's got great charisma. Needs to be polished up a bit... I wouldn't send him out tomorrow to tour or anything. Looks like he could go into a group or solo, depending on the project. What'd you have in mind for him Lance?"

Lance shrugged. "I'm trying to not push anything since he's a personal friend. Jason, what about you? You've been awfully quiet."

Jason, the other man in the room, smiled as he took off his wireless rim glasses and cleaned them on his coat. "One of the things a good scout does is listen. I came and listened. He's got talent... but his age could be a detriment. Most artists we're working with are in their teens and twenties.

Lance snorted. "Yeah and we're losing a large group of talent. If someone comes in and is talented are you going to ignore them just because they're old? Good god, look at Sheryl Crow. She's still putting out the hits and she's in her forties. Hell, the list goes on. Madonna, Cher, the Rolling Stones, Aerosmith. Just because most of the 'released' bands the past few years have been kids and tweens doesn't mean that's all there is."

Jason laughed. "What band are you in again?"

Lance stood and stretched. "N'Sync has fans of all ages from eight to eighty. Yeah a lot of the marketing was towards teens, but not all of it. Now, back to the topic at hand. Dale. What do you think?"

"Give me five minutes and I'll let you know." Jason pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. He walked over to the far end of the rehearsal studio. After a discussion on the phone, he hung up and came back over to the others.

"Jive Records is prepared to sign Dale to an artist prep contract. Let's go tell him."

The four people left the rehearsal studio and went to the break area.

"Dale? Hi I'm Jason Lee from Jive Records. I like what I saw today and would like to sign you to an artist prep contract."

Lance noticed the look on Dale's face. "It's a good thing. That type of contract stipulates the release of one record with the option for one more depending on sales."

"Dale? I'm Anita from FreeLance. Since Mister Bass doesn't want to 'get too involved' this one falls to me. FreeLance would like to sign you as a client. We would use our agency to manage you and your career track."

Lance went and hugged Dale. "You did it!"

"Do you have an attorney yet Dale?"

Dale looked at a loss for words, so Lance stepped in. "I'll refer him to the one I use. Go ahead and send the contracts over to his office. Thanks for coming out ladies. Oh yeah, Jason too."

The three reps left, leaving just Dale and Lance.

"Oh my god Lance. I did it." Dale lost it, crying into his hands.

"Never doubted you for a second." Lance was crying as he hugged Dale. "I'm always here for you... no matter what."

After a few minutes of mutual crying, the two men recovered enough to leave.

"What're you doing tonight Dale?"

"Dinner with Joey. How about you?"

"Dinner with Chris. Call you later?"

"Okay. Talk to you later Scoop."

Dale drove out of the compound, Lance right behind him.



"uuhh... wha?"

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lance sat bolt upright in the bed, then screamed as pain ripped through him. A nurse was suddenly in his field of vision.

"Mister Bass, lie still. You'll tear your stitches."

Suddenly there were three faces over his. "Chris? Justin? JC? Where am I?"

The three looked away briefly, then Justin began crying. He excused himself and left. "Guys? What's going on?"

Chris took a breath, then found his voice. "You're in the hospital. There... There was an accident."


"Dale's dead."

"Oh my god." Lance closed his eyes and started crying. After a few minutes of silence he opened his eyes.

"Guys? Where am I?"


Dead silence.

"Come on Joey. You have to be strong."


"Lance is awake."

Joey started crying again. Justin didn't say anything, just pulled him into a hug.

"Oh my god... I've lost him."

Justin felt an arm wrap around him. Chris was there, hugging both of them. The two friends listened as Joey cried his heart out. Suddenly Joey broke away.

"I killed him."

"WHAT? Bullshit Joey."

"Fuck you Chris! He was on his cell phone with me. He was so excited about getting signed he had to call and tell me." He sat in the chair, face draining of color. "There was a screeching noise, then a crunch. I heard him scream, then nothing. If he hadn't been talking to me he probably would have seen whatever happened."

Chris didn't say anything, just grabbed Joey's hand and pulled him with him.

"Where the fuck are you taking me?"

"To hear what happened."

Suddenly Joey was standing at the foot of Lance's bed. Lance saw him, and started crying.

"Oh god Joey, I'm so sorry."

"What happened?"

Lance swallowed, and wiped his eye. "The light had just turned green, Dale began going through the intersection when this truck came out of nowhere from the left. It slammed into Dale's car right by his door..." Lance stopped and took a drink of water. "His car flipped over onto it's top... skidded about fifty feet, and came to a stop."

Joey swayed on his feet. He caught himself on the edge of the bed, and steeled himself.

"Okay. Go on."

"I ran to his car, he was looking around. A couple of other people had come over too so they worked on opening the door. He told us to get the other person first, so a couple of the people ran over to the truck. We got Dale's door open, and as they reached for him he gasped and closed his eyes... he... died." Lance was crying. "Oh god Joey, I'm so sorry."

Joey sank down to the floor, crying.

"Death is never an easy visitor."

The priest paused to look around the church, then continued.

"We've lost someone who never hesitated to give to those who are in need. He came into a windfall, but didn't let it change who he was. He embraced life and lived to the fullest. Those whose lives he's touched will never know... and that's how Dale wanted it."

Later, at the cemetery, Joey and Dale's moms had a quiet discussion. The other four members of the group watched silently as they saw Joey hug the two women. He walked towards the others with a determined look on his face.

"How're they holding up?"

"Think about it, they just buried their son. They'll see us later at the reading of Dale's will."


Joey's head snapped up as he heard Dale. He'd fallen asleep on the couch waiting for Chris and Justin to pick him up.

"I just left the house, but wanted to tell you how much I love you. You're such a sweet man Joseph... don't ever change."

Joey pulled himself together and went to the kitchen. Chris had hit the machine accidentally and couldn't figure out how to turn it off.

"Shit Joey, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. Let's go."


They walked in to the lawyer's office, and saw that the others were already there.

"Sorry we're late."

The lawyer smiled sadly at Joey, then put a tape into the VCR. "Dale's instructions were to play this first."

The lights came down, and Dale was on screen.

"Hi everyone. Okay, first off got to get this out of the way. If you're watching this, then something happened. Don't know what it was. With my luck I got run over by a busload of nuns on their way to Spring Break or something."

The camera panned back to show Dale sitting in an easy chair.

"I'm sorry. If the people who I think are there then you're the people that I would never want to hurt. But you're hurting now."

"Mom, Deb... I love you. I want you to know that you'll never have to worry about anything financial. Please don't cry that I'm gone now... I'll see you eventually, and when I do I'll give you both hugs and kisses on the cheek. I'll peek in on you from time to time, make sure you're okay."

"Joey. Dear sweet lovely Joey. As trite as it sounds you're the wind beneath my wings. I didn't realize what I was missing until you were in my life. I'm sorry that I won't be there to see all the acting awards that I know you'll get, but I'll be leading the cheering section from up here. Don't stop living because of me though baby... please don't. You have so much love to give, and I know that you'll be happy again."

"And then there's the gang. Lance, Chris, Justin and JC... you guys rock. We didn't get off on the easiest footing, but I worked my charm on you and you came around. Thanks for letting me through to the inner sanctum of the band. You're all special... and I love you. Don't worry Chris, not in that way!"

"Oh yeah, mom. Before I forget. I know you always said you wanted grandkids. Well, since this is the 21st century and all I decided to do something. The lawyer has the info on a repository that I deposited some of my, um, genetic material... Eventually if you want to have a grandchild you can have a true 'fruit of your family tree'.

"Anyway, I have to go now. Y'all are probably busy... so I won't keep you. I love you, and I'll see you soon."

The tape faded out.

"Deb? Hey it's Joey. Put me on speakerphone."

"Chris are you there? Okay, we had the sonogram today. Janine's going to have a boy! Yeah I know, it's great. The name? Oh that's easy. We're naming him after his dad. His won't be a junior though. It'll be Dale Joseph."

"When she's due you'll come in. You won't have to stay at a hotel, you can stay with me. We're family."

"Okay, I have to go. I have a flight out in a few hours. I'm going to go up to New York. Auditioning for Broadway. Have a meeting with the producers of Rent. Should be fun."

"Bye for now."


Next: Chapter 56: The Return 1

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