Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Aug 28, 2000


Hi everyone...

Wow.people are actually reading my stuff. Thanks for the positive responses. -- As always, Gabriella and Mike and Charlie are my main cheerleaders. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!!

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 6-

When I wake up in the's usually one of two ways. Either I snap awake and am instantly alert, or I drag tail for the first hour. My eyes snapped open this morning, and I didn't realize where I was at first. Then I felt Joey's arm over mine.and I remembered last night.

--God if this is a dream I don't want to ever wake up!

My head turned, and I saw him there. Joey-bear. Joey sleeps really deep. So I was able to roll over with no problems. He shifted when I did and was laying on his back. I decided to wake him up in a fun way, so I began moving down the bed.stopping to suck at a nipple and then continuing down until my mouth was at his dick. I took the head into my mouth, and began applying gentle suction. He immediately began getting hard, and as his cock became fully hard, I heard a moan and then a hand came to rest on the top of my head.

"God Dale this is a hell of a way to wake up. Your mouth feels so good." He lay there moaning, and gently thrusting himself into my mouth. After a few minutes, I stopped sucking for a second. "EXCUSE ME??? Dale that's mean!" I looked up into his gorgeous eyes, and they were shining at me because he was so turned on.

"Joey, do you trust me?" He nodded, but there was a little hint of uncertainty there. I went back down on his cock, and continued sucking him for another few minutes. I was down between his legs now, and they were spread wide. I drooled onto my finger and began playing with his gorgeous ass. I was doing such a good job at sucking him off, that he wasn't paying attention to what my finger was doing. I slowly slid my finger in up to the knuckle. I felt his dick get even harder (if that is possible) and his groan rose an octave.

"OH SWEET JESUS!!! OH FUCK. HERE IT COMES....." The cumshot hit the back of my throat with such force that I bet there's a bruise there. As his dick slowly stopped spasming, I slowly withdrew my finger and wiped it on my towel from last night. I looked over at Joey, and he had a big smile on his face. I went over and lay on top of him, and lightly kissed him on the tip of his nose.

"Morning cupcake." I was shocked when he grabbed me and rolled me over until he was laying on top of me. Passionately kissing me, his hand reached down and tweaked my right nipple. I let out a groan as he began nibbling and nuzzling at my ear and neck, and his hand went down and slowly started jacking on my dick. Suddenly there was someone knocking on his door! Joey didn't even bat an eye, he pulled the sheet up over us and called out for them to come in and went back to sucking on my neck! I pulled the sheet up more so our heads were covered.

"Hey Joey just wanted to.oops!" I peeked out over the top of the sheet and saw Chris. He saw me peeking and grinned and waved to me. I pulled the sheet down so my head wasn't covered and gave a sheepish smile. Chris started laughing at me. "God Dale, your face is like fire-engine red. Come on man, Joey's not THAT bad is he?" He had to duck the pillow that Joey threw at his head. "Well you guys, just wanted to see what time you guys wanted to go for food. Go get ready and come down to my room." He began walking out into the hall and then, to my horror, turned to talk to someone! "Hey, don't worry about letting Dale know. Already got it handled!" He was closing the door as he said that, but he peeked back in and winked at us. I turned to look at Joey, and he was smothering a laugh.

Sitting up and pulling the sheet around me, I mustered my dignity and got up to head back to my room.

"Dale. Where're you going?"

"I'm going to shower and get ready to eat. I don't know about you, but I'm hungry." I then walked in and grabbed a fresh towel and got under the hot water. After what seemed like seconds, I felt Joey's arms wrap around me and pull me back into him.

His mouth continued what had been started in his bed. He was behind me, with his arms around my body. He was sucking hungrily at my neck while jacking on my meat with his hand. His hips were slowly working his dick at my backside. I turned my head and kissed him on the lips. We both groaned as the head of his dick slipped inside of me. His tongue was in my mouth, and I sucked hard on it as the pressure of his entering hit me. He groaned deep in his chest, and disengaged from my mouth.

"God, it's so tight. Babe, are you okay? I'm not hurting you am I?"

"Just give me a sec." I breathed in and out, and made my body stay relaxed.

Suddenly the pain I was feeling snapped, and all I felt was pleasure. Kissing him intensely, I looked into his eyes. "Make love to me"

The next twenty minutes were unbelievable Joey made love to me like no one ever has. He was so sweet and caring. The sensation of him inside me was too much, and I came without even touching myself. When I came, Joey began thrusting into me faster and faster. About thirty seconds after I came Joey did. He thrust into me as he bit my shoulder (I was so caught up in the moment I didn't even notice until later that I had a bruise). Joey pulled out of me, and pulled me into his chest. Kissing me on the lips, he asked if he did okay.

"Okay? Joey, that has to be the best thing I've ever experienced."

We stood under the water for a few moments, my head on his shoulder and he lightly running his hands over me. It was such a great feeling. After a few minutes of just enjoying being near each other, we decided we'd better finish before the guys come looking for us. We finished up and went to get dressed. As he came back into my room, and closed the connecting door, I asked him the question that was on my mind.

"Joey, what're we going to do about Lance?"

I leaned back as I felt him behind me, wrapping his arms behind me. I could definitely get used to him holding me like this!

"What do you mean Dale? He'll be happy for us."

I wasn't so sure. But I decided to drop it for now since we were heading out to meet the guys. We kissed once more, then headed down to Chris' room. I knocked on the door, and then opened it once someone inside said to come on in. We walked in and saw the guys gathered around, formulating a plan for the day. Since it was their last day in town before going back on the road for the winding down portion of the tour, they probably wanted to do something fun. As Joey and I sat down, all four of the other guys were looking at us, and stopped talking. Finally the silence got to me.


Chris smiled and asked how I slept last night. Without even realizing it, I'd responded exactly how I didn't want to. "I fell asleep after.I mean first", stammering and blushing like a fire-engine, I gamely continued, "Okay. I slept okay. Wow, look at that view!" I went to the window, and heard laughter behind me.

"Dale, it's okay. We're happy for you." It was Justin talking. Suddenly I heard Lance mumble something then go out. The door vibrated in it's slot when he practically slammed it shut. My head snapped around and I saw the looks of confusion on everyone's face. "Okay, was it something I said?"

Joey had a look on his face like he was upset at Lance. I went up to him and squeezed his shoulder. "I'll go talk to him. Let me know what the plans are for today." I left the room and headed over to Lance's. I knocked on the door, and at first got no reply.

"Scoop? I know you're in there. Please open the door." No response. "You promised that we could talk today."

The door opened, and Lance stood there. He wouldn't look at me. He turned and walked over to the window, without saying a word. I closed the door, and walked up behind him. I tried hugging him, but he threw my arms off. That hurt.I went and sat on the bed.

"Okay Lance, out with it." He turned and looked at me. His eyes were filled with so many questions. Finally he walked to the bed, and sat on the other side facing away from me.

" and Joey are together now? I guess congratulations are in order." His voice sounded odd.thick with emotion. I got up and walked over to him. He had tears on his cheeks.

God, I never could stand to see people cry. It always got me going. I stood there and wrapped my arms around his neck. I hugged him to me. He stood up and I pulled him into the hug. I felt the hot moisture of his tears on my shoulder. We held each other for a few minutes, my hand was massaging his back, as the sobs racked his body. I whispered softly into his ear.

"Scoop, are you okay with this? If you're not then I'll stop it now. I would never dream of doing this if it'd impact our friendship." His head shot up as I said that, and his eyes got big.

"Wh.what? You'd cut it off today. Right now??? If I asked you to?" He squeezed me tightly, then let me go. "I could never do that to Joey, or to you. You both mean too much to me." He went and sat on the couch. I went over and sat next to him, and put my hand on his knee and lightly squeezed it.

"Look. I don't know how it happened.but it did. I won't say that I didn't enjoy your kiss, because I did. What the past 24 hours means, I don't know. I know that I care for Joey a great deal. But I also care about you. Tomorrow morning you guys go back to your lives and finish the tour. Where does that leave me? I get to go back to Baltimore and try to figure out what in the fuck to do now." I sat there for a second staring into space.then stood up. I started for the door, when I realized that Lance was looking at me. "Do me a favor will you Scoop? Tell the guys sorry, but I don't feel much like doing anything now. I'm going to go lie down."

"Dale?? Okay, if you're sure."

I gave him a game smile, and went back to my room. I went in and locked the door, then stripped and crawled into the bed. Fortunately, the maids handle the VIP floors early in the morning, so the bed had already been changed. I called the front desk and told them to hold all calls, no exceptions. Then I lay there with my eyes closed, listening to my thoughts. I was kind of tired, and wasn't feeling very hot for some reason. But I also was kind of depressed. It's now starting to dawn on me just how difficult any kind of serious relationship with Joey would be. As long as the group exists, he could never be out. We would never be able to go out and do anything for fear of a photographer or a fan seeing us.


Someone knocked on the door, but I felt too tired to answer it. You know how sometimes you want to move, but your body doesn't listen? That's how this was. A couple of minutes I heard another knock followed by someone calling my name. I tried calling out that I was tired, but the only thing that came out was a mumble. About a minute later I heard someone opening the door between my room and Joey's. I was lying on my side facing the wall, but I knew who it was. After a few seconds, I felt the sheet being lifted and a body got in behind me. Joey put his arm over me as he snuggled up. It felt good being there, with his arm around me. He began nuzzling my neck, and running his hand up and down my left arm.

"Baby, Lance said that you weren't feeling good. You okay?"

"Yeah, I just want to sleep for awhile longer. You guys go eat, then come back and get me. I'll feel up to going out then."

He raised himself up on his right arm and looked at me. I rolled onto my back, and he rubbed my chest lightly with the other hand. "You sure baby? If you want me to stay we can order in some room service and just lay here for awhile." It did sound nice. But I wanted to sleep alone right now.

Turning over, I put my arm on him. "Joey, go. You guys were going and doing things long before you met me and will be doing things after I leave."

He pulled his hand away like he'd been shot. "What do you mean `after you leave'? Why would you leave? Don't you like it here with me?"

"Joey, I don't feel like getting into it right now. Go with the guys. I'll be here when you get back. Now, come here." I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me. Kissing his lips, I wrapped my arm around him. Putting my forehead to his, I held him tightly for a moment. Lying back with a sigh, I rolled back onto my side facing him. "I just need to lie down for awhile baby.don't worry."

I heard a thud over by the connecting door. I raised my head and looked over. I saw Lance and Chris standing there, looking at me with concern. "Guys, get this man some sunshine and food, in that order. Once you're done, come back and get me. We'll go find something fun to do today." They came in and pulled Joey up. He ruffled my hair once he was up, and I growled at him. He smiled, and then walked over to the CD player. He put a couple of disks in, programmed it and then went over to the guys.

"I'll be right behind you two, I have something to give Dale first. And no, you can't see!" He stuck out his tongue at Chris, and closed the door on them. Turning to me, he smiled and put two fingers over his heart, then kissed them and blew the kiss to me. "Sweetie, I programmed two songs into the CD player. Do me a favor.listen to the words." He then hit play on the remote and began going out the door. I tried asking him something but he just smiled at me and repeated those four words, "listen to the words."

I was exhausted, so I lay there as the music started. The intro to an NSYNC song came in.but I couldn't make out what one. Finally the lyrics started.

"When the visions around you bring tears to your eyes when all that surrounds you are secrets and lies ill be your strength ill give you hope keeping your faith when its gone the one you should call is standing here all alone

And I will take you in my arms and hold you right where you belong till the day my life is through This I promise you this I promise you.....

I've loved you forever in lifetimes before and I promise you never will you hurt anymore I gave you my word I gave you my heart (gave you my heart) this is a battle we've won and with this vow forever has now begun

Just close your eyes each loving day and know this feeling won't go away till the day my life is through this I promise you this i promise you

Over and over I fall (over and over I fall) When I hear you call Without you in my life baby I just wouldn't be living at all...

And I will take you in my arms And hold you right where you belong till the day my life is through this I promise

Just close your eyes each loving day (each loving day) and know this felling wont go away (nooo) every word i say is true this I promise you

and every word I say is true this I promise you ohhhhhh I promise you" (1)

By the time the song was halfway over I was a wreck. The words called up so many images in my mind that I couldn't sort them all out. I felt my heart tell me that I was falling in love with this gorgeous man who could be childish, had a Superman fetish, and everyone thought was a ditz. But I knew from being near him the past two days that he was kind, sweet, caring, sensitive, and full of so much love. Dimly, I realized that the song had finished. Then the second song he picked began, and I started crying all over again.

"Can this be true? Tell me, can this be real? How can I put into words what I feel? My life was complete I thought I was whole Why do I feel like I'm losing control? Never knew that love could feel like this and you changed my world with just one kiss.

How can it be that right here with me there's an angel? It's a miracle

Your love is like a river peaceful and deep your soul is like a secret That I could never keep When I look into your eyes I know that it's true God must of spent A little more time On you

In all of creation All things great and small You are the one that surpasses them all More precious than Any diamond or pearl They broke the mold When you came into this world And I'm trying hard to figure out Just how I ever did without

The warmth of your smile The heart of a child That's deep inside Leaves me purified" (2)

Oh my god, what in the hell have I gotten myself into? I couldn't think straight for some reason. I dragged my ass off of the bed, and headed into the bathroom. I remember thinking that a cool bath would really feel nice. I started the water and turned the plug on the tub. Then, I remember seeing a spiral of light.then blackness.

The guys rode in silence down to the lobby. After Lance, Chris and Joey had left my room. They'd met up with JC and Justin and decided to go down the street to a little mom-and-pop's diner that they frequently stop at. The old couple who owns it had a special arrangement with the boys. They could use the private dining area whenever they wanted, and all they asked was periodic autographs for the grandkids. It worked out well for both parties.

There was a strain among the guys now that hadn't been there a few days ago.

They teased Joey about being someone's husband now. He took it, just smiling the whole time. Lance stayed silent during the teasing and Joey noticed. Under the table, he reached over and took Lance's hand in his and gave it a squeeze. Lance looked at him and smiled.

Suddenly Joey's cell-phone started ringing. They all jumped at the sound, because the diner was so quiet. Joey answered it.

"Hello? Yes this is he." He sat there for a second listening to the person on the other end of the line. Then his face drained of all color. "What? When? What the fuck happened??!!! How long ago? I'm on my way." He hung up the phone and stood up. The guys were all waiting for an explanation as to what was up. They cornered Joey before he could leave the diner to find out.

"Joey, what is it? What's happened?"

Joey was pacing. His face was red, and he looked like he was going to cry. "Something's happened to Dale. That was the hotel manager. They were called to Dale's room to investigate a water leak in the room below, they finally keyed in, and found him in the bathroom unconscious. He came to long enough to say my name then passed out again, the manager took that as a sign to call me. Oh fuck I gotta get out of here. Paramedics were called, worked on him at the scene. They couldn't revive him Chris! They took him to Mercy. I have to go." All five of them ran from the diner. They flagged a taxi and got in. If something happens to one it happens to them all. That's how they've survived their career so far, and it's certainly never going to change.

Chris got in the front of the taxi, and the other guys piled into the back. When the taxi took off, Joey lost it. The hospital was a twenty-minute taxi ride away on a good day, but the traffic gods were working against them today. Almost immediately they got stuck in a traffic jam. Joey was crying, he was so frustrated. JC and the others were telling him that Dale was going to be okay, it was probably nothing. JC hugged Joey tight, lightly rubbing his back against the sobs that were racking him. JC was shocked to hear Joey whisper "God Josh, I can't lose him. I just found him!"

After nearly forty-five minutes, they finally got to the hospital. Joey bolted from the cab before it'd even come to a complete stop. Chris threw some money at the driver and ran behind the guys into the main entrance. For once, disguises and anonymity weren't even thought about. One of their own was in pain and they needed to be there. That was all that mattered. Joey was already up by the registration desk. People in the waiting area, and some of the nurses were already starting to do the excited whispering: "look, isn't that NSYNC?" "Hey, isn't that one of the boys from Nsync". Joey had no time for it. Chris got there just as Joey began yelling.

"I'm here trying to find where my friend is and you have the unbelievable nerve to ask for a fucking autograph???"

Lance and Chris stepped in at that.they couldn't have something like that get back to management. That'd be VERY bad. They grabbed a nurse and told her to please take Joey to where Dale was. They then began signing autographs to get everyone off their back.

The nurse took Joey into the private area of the Emergency Department. They stopped outside of a room, and talked briefly.

"We were able to revive him. The doctor is still with him, we're running practically every type of test to figure out just what exactly happened. Usually syncopal episodes aren't this severe." Seeing the look of confusion on Joey's face, the nurse explained. "Fainting." She knocked on the closed door, and a voice inside called out that it was okay to enter. They walked in, and Joey's face lit up as he saw me lying on the bed, awake. The nurse beat a retreat and said something about "giving us a moment of privacy."

As soon as the door closed Joey ran over to me, and almost throttled me in his hug. "Oh God. Dale, I thought I'd lost you." I felt the tears on his cheek, and began crying also. He crawled up in the bed next to me, careful to not dislodge any of the IV tubes. We lay there for a few moments, holding each other. I heard a knock at the door, and called the all clear. The door swung open and the four other guys of the group came in, all of them looking at me with concern.

Copyrights: (1) NSYNC "This I Promise You", 2000 (2) NSYNC "God Must Have Spent A Little Time On You", 1998

Next: Chapter 7

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