Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Sep 28, 2000


Hi everyone...

Wow...people are actually reading my stuff. Thanks for the positive responses. -- I'm even a nominee for the awards! Vote for me please!!!! ( or I'm nominated in the Best Joey story' and Best Slash Fiction'.

As always, Gabriella and Mike and Charlie are my main cheerleaders. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!! (before anyone else asks...I boo-booed in the last chapter and had the people going to two separate restaurants, that's what I get for finishing the chapter late at night! Sorry.

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 13--

"Guys, your opening act at some bad food or something, he's throwing up. Sorry for the abruptness, but do you think you'll be able to go on early?"

"Ew. That's all we need is an image of Sisqo doing an Exorcist impression with split-pea soup!" Chris made a gagging noise and a funny face. Mom laughed at him and looked at me.

"You were right Dale. He is funny."

Chris broke into a grin at that. "Aw, Dale. You think I'm funny??? That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said. Wait, I think I'm going to cry." Joey slugged the top of his arm. Chris stopped teasing me, but he still had a smile on his face.

"So much for joining you guys for dinner. So are you going on early?"

Lance sighed. "We can probably delay for a little bit while we get a doctor in to check him out, but we can't go too long. They'll start chewing on the security guards or something. Sorry gang, looks like we get to go on early." A chorus of groans greeted that, and a shower of tortilla chips began being thrown at him. "Hey! Don't blame me, and it may not even happen. We still have forty-five minutes until his scheduled stage appearance. So let's hang out and wait, but just in case...who's got the hackeysack?"

I looked around, and realized that I couldn't kiss Joey because of other people around. I went and squeezed his shoulder. "Joey, we're going to split and go get some food. I'll just get something small so when you eat later I can go with." He smiled at me, and his eyes told me that he loved me. That'll have to do for now. Mom and Debbie and I said our good-byes to the guys so they could get ready...and went back in search of our limo driver. We found him, and told him we needed to run and get some dinner before the show.

We found an Italian restaurant near the arena, apparently since it wasn't fast food it wasn't popular tonight. We got to sit down almost as soon as we walked in the door. Debbie made a few wisecracks about how long it'd been since I'd eaten Italian, but stopped when I didn't rise to her bait. Mom smiled sadly at me.

"How hard was it to not be open with Joey hon?"

"Kind of hard. I mean, I just wanted to take him in my arms and hug him. I couldn't even do that!" I subsided as the waitress came by. "I'm not that big of a fan of PDAs, but if I love someone I should be able to hold him close and kiss him. I guess it's just frustrating. What did you two do when you worked together?"

Mom sat back and looked at me for a minute before answering. "Well Dale, it wasn't easy. People made assumptions, we just dealt with it. We never touched each other while at work though, not even when we were alone. It was just too risky."

I sighed, and went back to my lobster ravioli. We finished our dinner about twenty minutes later, and headed back to the arena. The guard recognized our car this time, so he waved us through to the VIP parking area.

The guys had apparently left word where we were supposed to be led...the guards led us to a Production Assistant who led us to the `Game Room' that the guys use as their break/quick change area.

"The group is getting ready to go on stage right now, so you're more than welcome to hang out here until they're done. If you decide you want to go out to the front row, let the security guards know and they'll let you out."

As she left, mom turned and looked at me. "Well kid, you go watch the show.

They got a Playstation, so I'm going to kick Deb's butt on `Riven'. Hope the guys don't object to us using their games."

Laughing I told mom that I seriously doubted it. I kissed both of them and told them I was heading out to see the show first hand.

Two hours later, all I can say The group puts on an outstanding show. I will probably never see it again, but they do put on a good show. I looked around after the guard led me out front to an area with some chairs. The first thing I noticed was all the screaming girls who were pointing at me and glaring. I just smiled and waved. I was literally front-row center, and the immediate envy of every girl in sight. I timed it just right, the lights went down and the show started just a few minutes after I got out there (a part of me was facetious enough to think that Joey had them hold the show up for The guys came out, and the screaming immediately went up about ten times. Lance apologized for coming on early, but since their opening act wasn't able to perform they would just do a little bit extra. This understandably made the girls scream harder.

As they launched into "Space Cowboy" the girls began trying to storm the stage, only to be held back by the security fence and the guards. I was enjoying the show, when I looked over to my right. To my dismay, I saw a young girl who was probably about eleven being crushed against the fence by a group of overzealous teenage girls. I waited for a second for the guards to notice but they were too busy keeping an eye on the other areas. I didn't even think, I ran over to where she was and tried helping her break free so she could breathe. The teenage girls began bitching about how I was in their way. I grabbed the shirt of the girl in front and began screaming at her. She didn't even care about the girl in front of her! Finally, and god help me I didn't want to, I hit her.

She flew backwards into her friends. I grabbed the little blond girl who was in front and pulled her into my arms. The guards came running over ready for trouble. I explained what happened, and the girl explained her point of view too. The guard said he'd let it go for now so the concert wouldn't be disrupted. I remembered then about the guys on the stage. They were in the middle of "I Drive Myself Crazy", but I couldn't help but notice that ALL of the guys were looking at what was going on with me.

FUCK. This can't be a good thing. Oh well, might as well enjoy the concert before Joey breaks up with me. I went back and sat so I could finish the concert. I noticed that Joey kept looking at me, and he looked worried. The girl waved at me as the guard led her over to a quieter area to watch the show.

After the guys ran off stage, I went over to the guard and showed him my backstage pass so I could head back to the game room. I walked in and heard mom and Deb fighting over the game still. "Damn mom, you're still playing?"

She laughed. "Yeah, Deb is pissed I won the first game so we're doing a rematch."

I sat and watched them for a few minutes, then heard the guys come in. They closed the door so no one else would come in, then began stripping and heading off to shower and change. No one said anything to me at first, then Joey came over and pulled me into a hug.

"Baby, what happened out there?"

I wrapped my arms around him, and held him close. "This little girl was getting crushed Joe, I couldn't stand by and do nothing. I'm sorry..."

"Chris. Deb. We're going to shower. Be right back!" He pulled me after him and began stripping my clothes off me once we were in the shower area. I heard singing from a couple of other showers. Joey kissed my lips, and then pulled me in behind him. As the water hit us, his lips began nuzzling my neck. I groaned and pushed back against him.

"Joey, be good. The guys are right outside. And my MOM is just around the corner. Oh God that feels nice. No wait, don't. Oh lord." He suddenly broke away and began soaping us up. I glared at him and stuck my tongue out. He giggled and kissed me lightly.

"I'm glad you helped that girl Dale. I don't know what was up with the security tonight, usually they keep a better eye on things. Did you really hit that girl behind her?"

"That was the only way I could get her to back off. She was shoving forward trying to get at you guys. She didn't care when I screamed about the girl being crushed. I didn't want to hit her."

He looked into my eyes for a second, then pulled me into a tight hug. "I understand honey. I love you." Nothing more was said as we finished showering and got dressed. We headed back out to the main area, where the games and stuff were. The other guys were already out there, and mom was regaling them with some embarrassing stories from my high school days. She was just starting to tell them about the time that I was dropped off at 6am on a school day drunk off my ass, when I felt I had to intervene.

"Hey guys, are we still on for dinner?"

"Dale! Great save on that kid out front earlier. Can't believe our security blew that one." Chris came and patted me on the back. "We have to wait another fifteen minutes or so to give the fans a chance to disperse, but yeah we'll head out. Hey Chris! Do you and Deb want to go with us? No? Aw...come on!" He headed off to try and change mom's mind. There was some noise at the door. Someone knocked, and asked if it was okay to enter. Lance called the all clear, and the door opened. The girl from earlier was led in by a security guard, a lady who I guess was her mom came right behind her. The guard pointed at me and said something. The lady came up to me and extended her hand, which I automatically grabbed.

"Hi. My name is Cindy Johnson. I just wanted to thank the person who helped my daughter Misty. Her sister was supposed to keep an eye on her!"

"It was my pleasure ma'am. Did she enjoy the show other than that incident?"

"Oh yes, she loves N'Sync." It finally dawned on her who was standing right next to me. Joey stepped in to keep the situation from getting awkward.

"Miss Johnson, the group would like to give your daughter some autographs. It's our small way of making sure the night was enjoyable." He leaned down and hugged Misty, then went in search of a group photo and a pen so the guys could give her an autograph. Cindy and her daughter were both starstruck, I just smiled to myself. Guess I just knew the guys by now...they just didn't phase me. Once Misty got her autograph and they left, the guys finally decided to go. Mom and Deb thanked the group for letting them hang out backstage, but they were going to head back to the hotel. A round of hugs was exchanged, and mom and Deb went out to the limo to head back to the hotel.

"Dale, can I just tell you how much I love your mom." Chris was smiling after mom and Deb.

"Well, it's okay to love my mom...just don't `love' my mom. That'd be too weird." He laughed. "Okay guys, let's go get some dinner. I'm starved!"

As the guys headed out, I held Joey back. "Can we just go someplace alone? I'm not really in the mood for a large group right now."

He squeezed my hand. "Please Dale. For me?" He gave a `hurt-puppy' expression, so I relented.

"Fine, let's go." He smiled and pulled me after the guys. We piled into a van and the guys told the driver to take them to some restaurant that I guess they'd been to before. I put my head back and promptly nodded off. I woke up when the van lurched to a stop. I opened my eyes and Chris was RIGHT THERE. I screamed. He screamed and pulled back. The guys all started laughing. I wasn't happy.

"Real fucking funny Chris." I went inside the restaurant without a backward glance. A few minutes later, the guys came in. We were led back to a private dining area, and the wait staff was there pretty prompt to take our orders and get us drinks. The guys all ordered margaritas, I got a tequila stinger. The silence was pretty palpable around the table. Chris apologized to me for the incident in the van, I just smiled and said to not worry about it.

"Dale, what's going on? You're awfully distant tonight." It was JC talking.

"I just have a lot on my mind right now, and I hate it when it's like this. So I'm a little frustrated. Let's just eat dinner. Oh, when do we head off to our next stop?"

Lance looked at me sadly for a moment, then spoke. "We leave first thing in the morning." He looked around at everyone else. "Is anyone planning on going out tonight?" Joey looked at me, and didn't say a word. I just looked back at him. Finally, I spoke.

"Could someone please take this man off my hands tonight?" Joey turned to look at me for a second, then found his voice.

"But babe, I thought I'd just hang out with you."

"Joey, go out with the guys. They're a part of your life too."

"You sure?"

"Yes. Go."

I tried lightening my mood during the dinner, so before too long we sounded like we used to. We left the restaurant about eleven o'clock, and headed back to the hotel so people could change to go out. On the elevator ride up, Joey tried putting his arms around me. I pulled away. All of the guys noticed, but thankfully didn't say anything. We dispersed to our rooms, so everyone could change for tonight. As soon as the door closed, Joey turned to me.

"Okay, out with it."

"What do you mean?" I went and lay down on the bed. He didn't say anything for a minute, then sat down next to me. He snuggled into my back and nuzzled my neck.

"I'm worried Dale. Are you okay? You know that you can talk to me..."

"I know Joey. I just need to sort stuff out. So, what're you wearing out tonight?" He smiled at me and bounded off of the bed to find an outfit. He took another quick shower and changed into club clothes. I had moved from the bed to the couch, and was looking at the movie menu when he came out of the bathroom.

"Are you sure you don't want to go with us tonight hon? We're just going out for a few hours to unwind. Nothing too major."

Just then there was a knock at the door. I called out that it was open, and Justin came in with Chris and Lance right behind him.

"Dale? Joey? You guys ready?"

"Hey Justin, Joey is. I'm staying in tonight. Now would you please take this man out for awhile." Joey smiled sadly at me, and kissed me suddenly. I was shocked to feel a tear falling down his cheek. I ran my finger along his cheek and hugged him tight. "I love you Joseph. Never forget or doubt that." Justin and Chris pulled Joey after them, Lance stuck behind for a moment.

"Dale, what are you going to do?"

Sigh. "Nothing Lance. I'm just going to stay here and watch a movie. Why?"

"Do you want some company?"

"Not this time Lance. This is something I want to go through on my own."

He smiled that he understood, and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him briefly, then pushed him out the door. I stood out in the hall, and Joey looked back as the elevator got there. He kissed his fingers and blew the kiss to me. I did the same. I went to the phone, and dialed a number.

"Hi, it's me."

For the next hour, I talked on the phone with mom. I aired all of my fears and concerns. She did what I needed her to do...listen.

I thanked her for listening, told her I loved her and went to bed. I woke up a few hours later to a body snuggled up behind me. I rolled over, and kissed him. He woke up momentarily, squeezed me tight. As he nuzzled my neck and ear, he told me that he loved me.

I woke up when I saw the sun peeking through the curtains. I got out of bed without disturbing Joey. I put my clothes in my bag, and sat at the desk to write a note.

"Dearest Joey,

I love you. I can't say that enough. Please don't think that my leaving is a reflection on you. It's not. There are things going on in my mind that I have to sort out. I've gone home to Baltimore to get back to my life.

I know I said that I would stay with you through the week, but I can't. I don't want to be a bother or be in the way of what you have to do.

Please don't hate me for this.

I love you,


I left the note on my pillow, and kissed Joey's cheek. He mumbled and turned over. I went out the room for the last time. I hit the elevator just as it dinged, so I was paranoid that I was going to be found out. But it was just one of the cleaning ladies.

"Hello sir. You check out?"

"The room is still occupied. Thanks."

I got into the elevator and hit the lobby button. I went down and hailed a cab. I was good...I didn't start shaking until the cab had pulled away from the hotel.

The airport was just starting to get busy. I went up to the United counter, and booked a ticket on the next flight to Washington, DC (the only flight to Baltimore was in like four hours, and I didn't want to wait that long.)

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to thank you for flying United Flight 824 nonstop from Denver to Washington DC. Our flying time is going to be a little over three hours today. The weather in our nation's capital is expected to be clear and sunny."

The stewardess came around. "Can I get you something to drink sir?"

"Yeah, a water please." She handed me a napkin and the water, and walked away. I stared out the window.

Now what...

Joey woke up slowly. "Dale?" He got out of bed and checked the bathroom. He saw the note and slowly opened it. He didn't say a word, just went out the door and went down to Chris' room. His knocks brought Chris to the door.

"Hey Joe, what's up?"

Joey lost it. He held out the note and slowly sank to the floor in tears.

"God Chris, he's gone. What am I going to do now?"

"Well Joe, do you love him?"

"Chris, you know I do."

"Then you go after him. On our next couple of days off I'll go with you."

Next: Chapter 14

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