Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Nov 12, 2000


Hi everyone...

Wow...people are actually reading my stuff. Thanks for the positive responses. -- I'm even a nominee for some slash-fiction awards! Vote for me please!!!! ( or I'm nominated in the Best Joey story' and Best Slash Fiction'.

This story has now officially taken on a life of it's own. I didn't expect it to go this long or be this developed. But so many people have written me that I have to see what happens next!

As always, Gabriella and Mike are my main cheerleaders. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e- mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

DISCLAIMER: The name of the stalker is fictional. This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 25--

"I just wanna go home. Can I go now?" I had been poked and prodded by this lady for the past four hours. She had taken photos of my entire body, and treated the burns and cuts that were everywhere. My hand was all taped up. They couldn't put it in a cast, so they just had to put a bunch of splints on and then tape the hell out of it.

It itches.

Joey was sitting over in the corner of the room. He wouldn't stop staring at me. I caught him staring at me again, so I crossed my eyes and stuck my tongue out. He smiled sadly, and reached for a magazine.

The doctor who had been patching me up sat down and looked me in the eyes.

"Dale, what do you remember of the last twenty-four hours?"

I looked over at the man who had asked the question. When it had been obvious that this was going to take awhile Johnny had called the detectives and told them that if they wanted a statement they would have to come to me. I had filled them in on my past two weeks. But there was one thing that they wouldn't tell me.

What about Lonnie?

Everytime I asked if they had found him, they would just say that he was right where I said he'd be. But nothing more. I told him what I remembered, but there was a gap.

"Dale. What about that fifteen minutes from when you woke up until the time you left the motel room?"

I thought about it. I tried remembering, I really did. All I can think of is the color red. Finally I had to tell him I didn't know. He just looked at the doctor, who gave me a small smile and patted my hand.

"Well Dale, this is for you." The detective handed me his card. "When you remember what happened, give me a call. Also, when you're ready to file charges against this Lonnie person we'll get the ball rolling. We definitely have enough to hold him on right now."

I started crying.

"It's okay Dale. Don't push. It'll come when it's ready to. Now here," she handed me a slip of paper, "this is the names of a couple of therapists in our hospital. I can't make you see one, but I think that given what you've gone through the past two weeks that it'd be a very good idea to see someone."

I smiled as I took the paper. "Thanks. I will, don't worry." I shifted in my bed. "How long does my hand have to stay splinted like this? Do I need to wait to shower? I want to shower when I get home."

She was putting down some notes in my file. "Oh, don't worry about showering. I used waterproof tape on your hand. We'll give you some tape so you can change the dressings. I'm also giving you a scrip for antibiotics. Once the burns heal up a little more you can talk to a plastics doctor about getting them fixed. When you retape your fingers, try and use the pattern we've used on this one. It'll give you the most support." She gave me the scrips and the tape, then left me alone to change out of the hospital gown and get ready to go.

I silently got up and began changing. Joey hadn't said a word as he saw the marks and burns that were all over my body.

As I pulled my pants on, I found that I couldn't fasten my pants with my hand splinted up. I started crying as I kept trying and couldn't get it. I was tired, cranky, and felt out of sorts. I felt arms encircle my waist suddenly. I tensed up, holding my breath. The hand buttoned the top button of my Dockers and pulled the zipper up. I looked over my shoulder at Joey. His eyes were shiny as he gave me a lop-sided smile.

"I'm here for you baby, you know that." I just sighed and closed my eyes.

"I know. Can we go home now?" Joey reached for the hand that wasn't splinted and squeezed it softly. He followed me out to the waiting room. I smiled as I saw that all four of the others had stuck around to wait for me. They were huddled around each other, talking softly when Joey and I came around the corner. Lance saw us coming and said something to the others. The huddle broke and they all stood there, waiting for us.

Justin asked me really softly, "Dale, are you going to be all right?"

"Right now guys I just want to go home."

Chris and Justin just looked sadly at me. We silently went out to the Expedition and headed to Joey's house. Joey and I got out there, but the guys walked us in. They each gave me a quick hug, like they were afraid to break me or something. The guys all left, and it was just Joey and I. Loki had run out with our arrival and ran right up to me. I couldn't pick him up because of my hand, so I just scratched the top of his head softly.

"Joey, I want to go shower. I'll be down shortly." I headed upstairs, and it took me a couple of minutes to get my clothes off. It's hard to do this with my hand patched up like it is. I had grabbed a towel and was headed to the bathroom when I felt someone in the room with me. I turned around and Joey was standing there.

"Hey Dale, want some help in there?"

I just smiled and nodded. He let out a whoosh of breath. That made me giggle. "Holding in that gut of yours Fat-One?" He grinned and threw his clothes off into a pile. He followed me in to the bathroom. I let him get the water on, and stepped in behind him.

Facing him, I felt him run a finger along my chin. "Dale, I missed you. I was so scared." He leaned forward slightly. "Can I kiss you Dale?"

I nodded. His kiss was feather-light on my lips. I saw tears in his eyes. "Oh Joey, don't cry. I'm still here."

"I know baby. I just can't believe what you went through." We just stayed under the water, holding each other as we both started crying over the past few weeks. I washed myself as well as I could, but Joey had to help me with some things. We got out of the shower and padded into the bedroom. We curled up under the sheet, him lying in back of me. It felt nice being protected in his arms. I fell asleep with him singing softly into my ear. Gods, but I've missed this.

--// I couldn't let Lonnie get away with hurting Joey. I had to do it. //--

That woke me up somewhat. Do what? I tried remembering...and it just hurt.

"What's wrong Dale?"

I wiggled into the bed, and felt him gently kiss my shoulder.

"Nothing Joey. Just hold me."

"MMMmmm...those are the kind of requests I love granting. C'mere you." He pulled me gently back into him. We nodded off for a nap like that.

For the first time in weeks, I got a good sleep.

Rrrriiiiiinnnnnnng..rrrrrriiiiinnnnnngg.. Rrrriiiiiinnnnnnng..rrrrrriiiiinnnnnngg..

I cracked one eye open and glared at the phone. I would love to go back and ring Alexander Bell's neck for inventing the damn thing! Joey growled and started reaching over me for it.

"I got it hon." I reached for the cordless and clicked it on. I grinned at Joey and stuck my tongue out.

"Barney's Beanery can I help you?" Joey elbowed me in the side, which caused me to almost jump out of the bed. I let out a hiss from the pain that shot through my side. Joey was out of the bed like a shot.

"Oh fuck Dale, I'm sorry, I forgot! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine dammit! Shit, there's someone on the phone still." I threw the phone at Joey and staggered into the bathroom. I heard Joey talking to someone as I splashed cool water on my face. After taking a couple of breaths, I felt my heartrate start to lower again. I came out of the bathroom to see my man sitting on the bed, still on the phone. I came around to sit next to him. He smiled at me and told whoever it was on the phone to hang on a second.

"The guys want to come over and hang out here tonight. Do you feel up to it? I'll tell them no if you want."

I gave him a soft kiss and ran my fingers through his hair. "I'm game if you are. Just make sure they know that I'm not at my prettiest right now." He smiled and took my hand.

"Chris, get everyone over here in an hour. See you then." He hung up the phone and then pulled me down onto the bed.

"Baby. You're always pretty to me. I just wish there was something I could do. Hell, I'm afraid to touch you `cause I don't wanna hurt you.!" He sounded really frustrated when he said that, so I looked at him. I got up and straddled him.

"Now you listen to me Joseph. You could NEVER hurt me." He smiled at me. I got up, and pulled him up after me.

"Now. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is a simple one. Give your man a kiss that shows the proper love that you feel for him." I walked over so my back was against the door. Joey came up to me, and began gently nuzzling my neck. I groaned softly, and ran my good hand down his body. His lips worked their way to my lips. He gently kissed them, then more intensely. His tongue lightly poked through my lips, and he moaned in response to my sucking it deeper into my mouth. In seconds we were passionately french kissing.

Coming up for air, we were both panting. "I just don't want to rush you or hurt you Dale."

"Joey, don't you get it? I know that you're not Lonnie. I know that everything that I have on my body right now I got from that fucker. This isn't you. We are going to have to take things slow, but I'm not a china doll baby. I love you so much for caring enough to be careful. But honey, if you're not careful it's going to start to work my nerve." I wrapped my arm around him, and passionately kissed him. His knees started buckling as I pulled him into me. Breaking the kiss, I winked at him.

"Now, we should probably really get dressed don't you think? I mean, I love the guys and all but do you think they're ready to see us naked?" He laughed, and went to put clothes on.

We were lounging in the living room watching Toy Story 2 when the doorbell rang. My head was in Joey's lap, so he didn't even try to get up. He called out to come in.

"Okay boys, your life is complete...we've arrived." I held my head up slightly and saw Lance and Chris standing there smiling. I just looked up at Joey, and saw him looking down at me. We said `Whatever' at the same time. After a few seconds of listening to their indignant mutters we laughed and got up. A round of hugs was exchanged (even though we'd only left each other a few hours ago).

"What's with the laugh guys? Don't you love me anymore?" Chris was trying to be cute. Fortunately, I know a way to calm him down.

"Of course I do Chris. Come here and I'll prove it."

"What? What're you doing Dale? AUGH! No, you're not gonna kiss me! Your lips have touched Joey's and I know where he's been!"

I just looked at Joey, who smiled sweetly at me before he talked. "That's your loss then Chris. Dale's a great kisser! Just ask Scoop."

All three of us turned to Lance, who had turned like ten shades of red. He made some noise about being thirsty and ran to the kitchen.

Chris then turned serious. "How're you doing Dale?"

"Do you want the truth Chris?" Seeing his nod I looked at Joey. "Okay, here goes... I'm dying." Chris gave a horrified gasp. Lance came in at a run.


"Yep guys. I'm dying. It's horrible. I told them I just wanted to come home and spend what time I have left here. With the person who means so much to me. I smiled at Joey and held out my good hand. He took it, then left the room abruptly. Chris just stared after him in horror.

"Oh my god. Dale, how long do you have?"

I couldn't take it anymore. "Well guys. According to the doctors I have about fifty or sixty years." Their jaws dropped.

"Dammit Dale! Don't do that!"

Lance just rolled his eyes and grinned at me. "That's just mean Dale. Remind me to sick my attack ferret on you." Joey came back in the room laughing. Chris launched himself at Joey and tackled him. They spent a few minutes wrestling, but quit when Joey pushed Chris' face into the carpet.

"Hey Dale, come with me a second."

I followed Lance out onto the deck. "What's up Scoop?"

He swept me into a tight hug. "God Dale. The last few weeks have been bad.

I don't want to ever go through anything like this again."

I held him in a hug. "Me either Scoop. Believe me!"

"Dale. I just want to tell you I'm sorry."

I broke the hug. "What for?"

"When Lonnie heard me on the phone instead of Joey, he broke one of your fingers to make you scream. I don't think I'll ever forget that sound. Or the feeling I got. I did that to you!" He started tearing up. I just hugged him again.

"Scoop...don't do this to yourself. Lonnie was going to hurt me no matter what anyone said or did. He just used that as an excuse. I think the fucker liked hearing me scream." I heard my voice trail off as I said that.

Scream. Screaming. Someone was screaming. I heard someone calling my name. Finally someone grabbed my shoulder and gave me a slight shake. I came to with a start. Lance and Joey were looking at me.

"What happened?"

"We were hoping you could tell us Dale. Lance said you just faded out. Is everything okay?"

"Um, Yeah Joe. I think so anyway. Lance and I were talking about Lonnie. I remember hearing someone scream. Then next thing I know you're shaking me." I shuddered. "Are the others here yet?"

Joey just took my hand quietly. "Yeah babe. They just got here. That's why I came out."

"Great, so let's go." We headed in just in time to hear Justin giggle really high. "Geez Justin, you laugh like a girl." His head snapped around.

"DALE!" He launched himself at me, only to have Joey yell not to. Justin just looked at him sadly for a second, then turned back to me. "Is it okay if I give you a hug?"

I glared at Joey and pulled Justin into a hug. "How you doin' Just? I've missed you."

He smiled. "Really?"

I pulled out of the hug. "I missed all five of you. We may have had a rough start but I love all of you guys. You've each added something to my life. I spent most of the last weeks thinking about that." They all got quiet at that.

Justin and JC had gone by the movie store to pick up some movies. We spent the next few hours just hanging out, watching cheesy horror movies. Justin kept screaming, it was a truly fun evening.

About three in the morning the guys dispersed for their respective homes. As I went around and locked the doors I felt Joey's arms wrap around my waist. I smiled as I felt his lips gently kiss my neck, and start working their way up. As he began nuzzling on my earlobe, I groaned.

"Ready for bed Dale?" He grabbed my hand as I nodded. Leading me upstairs, he undressed me. As I got into bed, he covered me up, and leaned down to kiss me on the lips. He then got undressed and snuggled next to me.


"We're taking this slow Dale. I love you. I'm going to look at this as an opportunity to woo you all over again." He pulled me close, and kissed me passionately. "Oh yeah, you're definitely worth woo'ing." I giggled as he licked the end of my nose.

"Good night Dale. I love you."

"Ditto Joey. Ditto."

Next: Chapter 26

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