Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Jan 8, 2001


Hi everyone...

Wow. Chapter 30. This story has now officially taken on a life of it's own. I didn't expect it to go this long or be this developed.

I'm not hearing from anyone anymore. I don't know if this means that you guys are too busy to write or no one's reading anymore. I'll go another couple of chapters, and if the feedback doesn't increase I'll wind the story down with a finale.

As always, Gabriella and Mike are my main cheerleaders. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e- mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

DISCLAIMER: The names of the people are fictional (well, except for the members of the group). This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 30--

"Oh Joey." I arched my back languidly as my body responded to what he was doing. He stopped kissing and nuzzling my neck and looked into my eyes.

"God Dale, I will never get tired of holding you like this." He kissed me again and then began nuzzling his way down my body.

I looked down and was treated to the site of my boyfriend running his tongue down around my belly button. I giggled as he looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows. He suddenly got a serious look on his face, and he leaned in and lightly pulled the head of my dick into his mouth. I closed my eyes and reveled in the sensations coursing through my body. When I opened them again and looked down, I saw him take more of my dick into his mouth. He was running his hands over my body, one of them came up and gave my left nipple a squeeze. My dick gave a jump in his mouth.

"Oh yeah baby, that feels so good." He came up off of my dick to kiss me. As our tongues entwined I could taste myself on him. Our kissing grew deeper as his hand started leisurely jacking me off. He went back down, and suddenly I felt his finger slip inside me. He began sucking me again while getting me ready with one finger. His sucking took on a deeper intensity as a second and soon a third finger entered me. Finally, he pulled my legs around his waist and leaned in to kiss me as his cock slid into me.

We were in our own little world, but we could still hear the noises coming out of the guestroom where Lance and Chris were. I looked into Joey's eyes and couldn't help but giggle.

"Wow Joey. I've never heard Lance make noises quite like that before. Think we should go peek in and make sure he's doing it right?"

He laughed and thrust his dick even deeper inside of me. All thoughts flew out of my head at that.

"Oh yeah Joey, do that again." He bent down to nuzzle my ear while fucking me. His thrusts were growing shorter and shorter. He gave one final lunge and let out a groan in my ear. I felt a wash of warmth inside as his cum filled me. My dick began pumping out a matching load onto my chest. He collapsed on me, my cum gluing us together as we lay there holding each other.

He fell onto the bed next to me, and curled up around me. His fingers were tracing lazy circles in my chest hair. He grabbed a towel that he kept near the bed and he gently cleaned us up. Once he was done he gave me another deep kiss.


"Yeah Joey?"

"Let's go get some ice cream." He grinned and pulled me up off of the bed. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a sweet kiss, then we threw shorts on and padded downstairs. We politely ignored the thumping and groaning we heard coming out of Lance and Chris's room. Joey turned on the light in the kitchen and began scooping some Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream into a bowl. He hopped up onto the counter, and I leaned back against him. He spoon-fed me some ice cream while eating some. It was nice, feeling his legs wrapped around me. We were sitting there holding onto each other when we heard a throat being cleared.

Lance and Chris were standing at the entryway with sheepish smiles on their faces. "Hi guys. Hey! Ice cream. That's what we were coming down here for." Joey grinned and patted the counter by where he was sitting.

"Come on up Lance. Chris, you know where the bowls and spoons are." Chris went for a bowl and spoon while Lance hopped on the counter. After dishing out some ice cream, Chris stood there like he was afraid to touch Lance.

I poked Chris in the chest lightly. "Chris, do you regret what happened between you and Lance tonight?" He didn't answer for a second.

"What do you mean Dale?"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please. Hon, it's pretty obvious. Now are you going to be coy or are you going to give me an honest answer?"

He looked down at his feet for a second or two, then back at me. "No. I liked it. A lot."

I grinned at Joey, then back at Chris. "Then by all means you're allowed to touch him. Joey and I heard you guys," I turned briefly to Lance, "Just so you know blondie, you're vocal." He blushed, "you get our blessing. So by all means, touch him!" Lance reached over and ruffled my hair, and held his arms and legs apart so Chris could settle in and lean back. I could tell that Lance was in heaven. He was lightly running his hands up and down Chris' arms and hugging him tight. Chris held up a spoon and gave Lance some of the ice cream.

The four of us were sitting there talking, when we heard an intake of breath. Without even looking at the doorway, I nudged Joey slightly. "Oh look, Josh is awake." He giggled and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.

Gabriella came into the kitchen grinning like a maniac. She was holding the hand of a very stunned Josh, she walked right up to Chris and gave him a big hug.

"Oh honey I'm so happy!" Chris tensed up slightly at first, then lets himself relax as he realized what she was saying. He gave her a big grin.

"Thanks Gabby."

She then smiled at Lance. "So, who topped who?"

Lance and Chris both turned about twenty shades of red. She broke out into giggles at their stammers. "I'm kidding guys. Just wanted to yank your chains briefly." She pulled Josh into a hug and gave him a quick kiss. "Isn't this great Josh?"

He kept opening and closing his mouth, just staring at Chris and Lance. Gabriella gave him a small smack on the arm. "ISN'T this GREAT Josh?"

He finally found his voice. "Wow guys. I guess congratulations are in order." He gave them both really quick hugs. Josh and Gabby pulled up bowls, and the six of us just sat in the kitchen talking. It felt so incredibly... oh what's a good word...blissful. We talked about everything under the sun. There were a lot of opinionated people in the room, so it was a nice debate about stuff. At first Chris and Lance were a little hesitant in front of Josh and Gabriella, but in about an hour they had loosened up and held each other. It was so sweet to see.

I was laughing at something that Gabriella had said, when I was hit in the face with a light. "Holy shit you guys, it's morning."

We all had been so caught up in the evening, we had totally lost track of time. We piled our bowls in the sink and headed back upstairs. Justin must have been totally exhausted since he hadn't woken up once.

Gabriella said her good-byes since she had to get going. She had friends coming over in a few hours so she had to go be presentable. She gave us all hugs then pulled Josh into the guestroom they had used again so she could apparently molest him one final time. I gave Chris and Lance each a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Go back to bed guys, we'll see you in a few hours I'm sure."

We got back into bed and curled up holding each other. Joey kissed me, but glared at me when I laughed.

"Oh, so a kiss makes you giggle. Not the exact reaction I was hoping for Dale."

"I'm sorry baby." I gave him a passionate kiss. "I'm just laughing that Chris and Lance got together. Guess I'm just glad that Lance finally found someone."

All thoughts of the blond bass left my head when Joey began kissing me again. After a few minutes, he reached for the lube on the nightstand. In almost no time at all he had straddled my hips and my dick was all the way inside him. The moan he let out made his whole body vibrate. He leaned forward to kiss me, then began playing with my nipples while he rode me. After what seemed like just a few seconds I felt my orgasm building.

"Oh god Joey, I'm cumming." Joey grabbed my nipples and twisted them tightly. I let out a scream as the pain shot through my body to my dick. It felt like a gallon of cum shot into him. Almost as soon as my dick had stopped shooting, he had pulled off of me and straddled my body so he could shove his dick down my throat. He thrust into my mouth only a few times before he shot. I eagerly swallowed his load as his hand shoved my head further down onto his meat. After he finished, he lay down next to me. We fell asleep curled up around each other.

I was dreaming about being on a beach with Joey, when I heard someone clear their throat. I knew it wasn't Joey, the voice was deeper. I slowly opened my eyes, and saw Lance sitting on the edge of the bed. Joey was snoring softly next to me.

"Hey scoop, what's up?"

"Nothing much. Can we talk?"

I extricated myself from Joey, and pulled on a T-shirt and sweats. Lance and I headed downstairs and started some coffee brewing. We took our cups and headed out onto the back deck. We sat next to each other for a few minutes not saying much, just sipping our coffee.

"What's up blondie?"

He gave a sigh, "I think I fucked up."

Okay, this isn't want I thought he'd say...

"How so?"

"Last night with Chris. What was I thinking?!" He got up and began pacing.

"Dale he's my friend! Things are never going to be the same with us."

"God Scoop listen to yourself. You did NOT fuck up. We all had alcohol last night but none of us were that bad off." He sat back down and was just staring into his coffee cup, but he was at least listening.

"Why is it a bad thing that he's your friend? Do you think that Joey and I just started sleeping together because we wanted to? We became friends, and the relationship grew out of that. Think about how great it is that you and Chris now see each other this way. You have a friendship that has developed over the past few years, it's like starting a relationship on the twentieth date. You know each other inside and out! Joey and I are still finding out stuff about each other, and probably will be for a long time to come."

I stood up and finished my coffee then pulled him into a hug. Kissing him on the cheek I let him go. "If Chris didn't want it to happen he wouldn't have let it. Since he did that obviously means he wanted it to. Think about it Lance, you don't have to be alone have someone who wants to be there for you. Don't shut out the opportunity for this, you'll end up kicking yourself in the ass down the line."

He gave me a half-smile. "Dale, I'm so sorry about last night. Thank you for forgiving me."

"Hey blondie, if you can't forgive your friends for their occasional fuckups then you're not a good friend. Now, should we go get our boys up or let them sleep?"

Before he could reply Justin staggered out onto the deck. "Jeez guys...who made the coffee? It's way too strong." He collapsed into a deck chair. "What's up with you two? You look like you're in the middle of something."

Lance and I just smiled at each other. "Nothing Justin. Hey, let's go out for some breakfast." Before Justin could question it Lance and I pulled him out of the chair and we headed toward the door. The three of us grabbed our wallets and before leaving I stopped to write a quick note.


We ran away and joined a cult.

Okay, maybe not. We just headed out for something to eat. Back in an hour or so. Call the cell if you need us.


The 3 Amigos"

Three hours later we pulled back into the driveway. Justin was in the backseat laughing like a loon.

"Come on Poofoo, spill it."

Lance slammed the car door. "No Justin! You want to know you have to wait until I'm ready to tell you. And would you please stop calling me Poofoo." He stuck his tongue out at Justin, then headed to the door. He was carrying a bag of bagels with the fixings. Joey and Chris were playing a video game but paused long enough to tell us that Josh had headed home.

"Dale, he said that he wouldn't able to head out with us tonight. Now, give me a second...Chris is about to get his ass whipped."

"In your dreams Fatone!" Chris took the game off pause while Joey was looking at me. Joey's head snapped around as the sound kicked back in.


Lance and I were just standing there smiling at the two of them. Chris and Joey were sitting there elbowing each other, calling each other all kinds of silly names. It was like they were channeling a couple of twelve- year olds. But it was so damn cute!

Justin headed into the bathroom about ten seconds before their game ended. Joey let out a bellow and jumped up to do a little victory dance. He came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I laughed as his goatee tickled the back of my neck. Chris came up and pulled Lance close to him. They were kissing, when something that I really didn't want to hear hit my ears.


Chris and Lance pulled away from each other like they'd been shocked.

"'s not what it looks like." Lance's face fell as Chris said that.

Lance didn't even say anything, he just turned and ran upstairs.

I glared at Chris, then blasted Justin. "Justin, what's your problem?"

"You mean Chris and Lance are together? Dammit, what the hell is going on?"

He continued ranting and raving, but I wouldn't listen anymore.

"Justin, fuck off." Chris and Joey both looked at me in shock. I turned and headed upstairs to find out where Lance was.

"Dale wait a second."

I whirled before I left the room. "Justin, what business is it of yours if they ARE together. If the two of them want it what's your problem? You think they're going to go after you? You're cute but you're not all that. So fine, be a fucking child about it. Now, I'm going to go see how my FRIEND is doing. You remember them don't you Justin? It's the ones that you love no matter what happens."

I headed upstairs, and I heard Lance crying. I knocked on the door of the room, and let myself in before he could even say anything.

"Lance? James? You okay?"

He sniffed before answering. "Do you know how I felt when Chris said that?"

My hand lightly rubbed his back. "I know hon. Chris is still new to this don't forget. This is just something that the two of you have to talk about. I think Chris really does care for you and I think deep down that you know that. Maybe that's what's scaring you about the situation. Now..." I pulled him up from the bed, "you gotta put a smile on that gorgeous face of yours."

He smiled and gave me a hug. We just stayed there for a couple of seconds holding onto each other. I don't know how it happened, but our lips lightly touched. Suddenly we were passionately kissing and I felt his tongue slip inside of my mouth.

I broke away, staring at him in horror.

"Um, Chris is downstairs. I'll see you there." I left the room and went down. I rounded the corner and saw Chris and Joey standing there hugging each other. Joey said something in Chris' ear and sent him towards me. Chris smiled at me as he headed upstairs.

Joey walked up to me and pulled me into his arms. He planted a kiss on me. "Chris is going up to talk to James. Justin has gone home to think. Have I told you yet today that I love you Dale?" He pulled me into another hug, but there was something on my mind now.

What would he think if I tell him about what just happened with Lance? what?

Next: Chapter 31

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