Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Mar 16, 2001


Hi everyone...

In order to accommodate people who are asking me about notification lists, I've finally created an Egroup to do so:

This is the page of the group, If you would like to be notified when a new chapter gets posted please go join my group. {smile} I'll try and make sure there's fun stuff along with this. ***

As always, Gabriella is my main cheerleader. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

DISCLAIMER: The names of the people are fictional (well, except for the members of the group). This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

Thanks guys and gals,



Two hours later, after I'd gotten done filling Connie in about my life the past months, she stood and gave me a warm hug. She then pulled the other three guys up one by one and gave them hugs. I noticed her hand creeping down towards Joey's ass when she hugged him.

"CONNIE! Leave him alone!"

She gave the cheek a pinch as she stood there smiling at us. "Okay, if you want me to I'll go to Florida and bitchslap the other two guys. Who the fuck do they think they are being this way?" She was growling and starting to look like she was gonna beat people down. I hugged her tight again and kissed her cheek.

"It's okay hon. They'll come around. They're just running a little scared right now." I felt her tears as I kissed her cheek again. She broke the hug and wiped her eyes, she let out a small laugh as she walked away from us to a window. She was always a deep person, which was one of the reasons why she was so dear to me.

"Dammit Dale. You don't need this shit. Haven't you been through enough?" She ran from the room suddenly, bawling her eyes out. Lance looked at me for a second, then followed her. Chris, Joey and I sat there finishing our drinks and making small talk until Lance returned.

"Dale, we should probably be getting going." I looked at my watch. It was 10:30! Wow, time flies when you're having fun. I paid our check, and we were heading down. Steve met us by the door. I gave him a hug and my Orlando info. When he goes on vacation he'll come visit me. He shook hands with the guys, and followed Connie as she walked us to the limo. A round of hugs and handshakes was exchanged again, and we piled in to head back to the airport.

Joey laughed as he pulled me back against him. "Dale, this is the first time I've ever flown to a whole other city just for a meal." We kissed and he ran his lips along the back of my neck, causing shivers to run down my spine. "Did you guys enjoy yourselves?" I looked over at Chris and Lance, Lance was staring at the scenery and Chris was lightly rubbing his back. We talked about Josh and Justin and what we were going to do about them.

Within the hour we were back in the air. About twenty minutes into the flight Joey began nuzzling on my ear. "Baby, wanna join the mile high club?" I giggled and followed him to the bathroom.

"Hey you two! Don't make a mess now!!!" Chris laughed as Lance tickled him.

I closed the door to the bathroom, and felt Joey's arms undoing my pants. Without hesitating, he had my pants down and was kissing my neck as his dick slammed into me. I'm sure that Chris and Lance heard my groans, but I didn't care. Joey's lips ignited a trail of fire as they heated up my skin. His fingers ran along my back and side as he began fucking me. He stopped after a few minutes though, and slowly pulled himself out. He turned on the faucet and cleaned himself off, then pulled me into a passionate kiss. Seconds later he had my dick firmly entrenched in his mouth. He was frantically sucking on me, and I shot with my hands wrapped in his hair and shoving him further down.

God I don't know what the deal is but every time Joey and I fool around it feels like we're truly complete! I pulled him up from his knees and just wrapped him in my arms. I shocked myself when I felt my chest give a heave. Suddenly I had tears running down my face.

"Dale baby, what's wrong?"

I couldn't even answer him, something had unhinged in me. I grabbed onto him like he was a life preserver and I was drowning. Where a few minutes ago I was looking at him with lust in my eyes now I was holding on to protect something that I couldn't explain.

"Baby? Dale? Talk to me...please." I couldn't speak I was still crying. Joey made us presentable and drug me out of the bathroom. "Guys! Something's wrong." Seconds later Lance and Chris were by our side. Chris slapped Joey'' arm.

"What'd you do to him you doof?!"

"I dunno Chris...he just started crying. Now he won't stop." Joey ran his hand softly over my cheek, but I jerked away. I was trying to stop crying, but for some reason I couldn't. I felt one of them smack me. "LANCE! What the fuck'd you do that for? You didn't have to do that!"

"Yeah he did." I nodded as I sat up slowly. I still had tears running down my face, but I could control my breathing again. "Whoa..." I gave a shaky laugh. "That wasn't fun."

Joey pulled me into his arms. "Baby are you okay?" I heard Chris let out a snort.

"Joey think about it. We just saw a major crying jag. I know, I've seen it enough times."

I saw Joey glare at him, and then my Joey kissed me gently. "Talk to me Dale. You know I'm here for you."

I smiled sadly at him. "That may be part of the problem hon. I think that I went into overload over the past weeks. My life isn't exactly normal now. Seeing Steve and Connie brought that home." I got up to stretch before settling back into my seat. Joey sat next to me looking concerned. "I was glad to see them, but it feels like they're from a whole other life. I almost didn't want to share you and the guys. I've gone through so many things since I've met you that I can't talk to anyone else with. If Steve and Connie knew that you guys had been with me when I was shot they would have freaked." I looked into Joey's eyes, and saw the love shining through. He kissed me, and pulled me over so I could use him as a pillow. He ran his fingers through my hair.

"It's okay Dale. It'll all be fine in the end." I napped using him as a pillow (Hey, if it works I might as well do it.) I was woken up with the sound of a door slamming. I looked into Joey's eyes and he giggled at me. "Lance and Chris are joining the club now." I snuggled back into his arms with a smile on my face.

The attendant came around and woke us up shortly after that. "We're going to be landing in Orlando in about twenty minutes, just thought you wanted to know." We thanked him and looked around for the guys. Joey let out a bellow.

"Just a second."

They came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, both out of breath and with big grins on their faces. Their clothes were messy, and I'll be damned if Chris wasn't walking funny! Joey and I smiled at each other as we watched them stagger to their seats. They both winced as they sat. Finally Joey said it.

"Okay, damn guys you two look like you were rode hard and put away wet." He laughed as Chris glared at him and Lance blushed. "Chris, the hurt will go away in a few hours. Oh, and may want to pull your shirt up a bit to cover up that hickey." Lance's hand flew to his neck as he pulled the shirt up. Joey winked at me. "Look honey, they grow up so fast." I laughed as Chris flipped Joey the bird.

The plane landed, and the pilot and attendant saw us out. I shook their hands and thanked them for treating us so well. The attendant told me to rest assured, they deal with celebrities on a regular basis so there would be no problems.

The four of us were walking to the terminal exit, since it was a small plane we didn't have to go through the jetway, Joey had just cracked a joke when a car pulled up in our path. The passenger door opened, and Josh got out.

"Guys, we have to talk."

Justin opened the rear door on the passenger side and got partway out. "Hey Dale, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for earlier."

"Shut up Justin." I turned to look at Joey. "I'm going and checking into a hotel. I'll call you in a few days once you're back on the road. I need a break from this bullshit." I turned and began walking away from the car and the guys. My cell phone started ringing, I didn't even look at it as I took it and threw it away from me. I heard it hit the pavement and shatter.

Footsteps running up behind me... I looked back just as Joey and Lance reached me.

"Dale, what are you doing?"

"I'm keeping myself from a meltdown here guys. You have group issues that you have to deal with." Since we were in public I couldn't kiss Joey, hell I couldn't even hug him. I just smiled at him. "Don't worry Joe, we're still fine. Get things ironed out with your friends."

He glanced at Lance, then back at me. "Dale, stay at the house. I'll keep the guys away. Please don't go to a hotel, I need you."

I let out a snort. "Fine, I'll be at the house." I turned and walked away without a backward glance. Catching a cab out front, I was home within thirty minutes. I made myself a cup of hot chocolate and curled up on the couch. Loki came and curled up next to me. He was purring contentedly and fell asleep with a satisfied look on his face.

I finished my drink, and told Loki I was heading to bed. By now it was a little after 1am and still Joey hadn't called or come home. I went and slept in the guest room, because there was a part of me that didn't want to sleep in Joey's bed without him there.

A few hours later there was some noise downstairs. Someone came upstairs, peeked into the room I was in and then headed to the master bedroom. I got up and followed a few minutes later. I heard what sounded like someone masturbating as I got to the door. I grinned as I opened it.

"Hey big fella, new in... WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?"

Standing beside the bed, holding onto his dick...was a total stranger. He looked at me with a wild look in his eyes. "What're you doing in my boyfriend's house?"

I backed slowly out of the room, and raced for the phone. "Hello...911? I have an intruder." I felt something crash onto my head. I saw ceramic pieces fall around me.

--//A vase? Oh please...//--

I dropped the phone and charged the intruder.

Next: Chapter 36

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