Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Jun 3, 2001


Hi everyone...

In order to accommodate people who are asking me about notification lists, I've finally created an YahooGroup (Gods, Yahoo is like the Borg!) to do so:

This is the page of the group, If you would like to be notified when a new chapter gets posted please go join my group. {smile} I'll try and make sure there's fun stuff along with this.

As always, Gabriella is my main cheerleader. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

My story is hosted on another website. Here's it is:

It's partway down the site, just look for "Lottery Winner". There's lots of other great stories there so check them out.

DISCLAIMER: The names of the people are fictional (well, except for the members of the group). This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

Thanks guys and gals, Hope you like it.



I had changed into some Wrangler shorts and a gun-metal gray T-shirt. I met her at her suite, and Gabriella and I went shopping. We left the hotel through its connecting arm and headed to the attached mall. My cell phone began beeping that it had an incoming text message. The silver cart in the middle of the walkway had diverted Gabriella, so I stopped to read the message.

"We'll be back at the hotel by midnight. See you then. Love you very much.


I must have had a sappy grin on my face, Gabriella had bought a silver thumb ring so we were ready to go. We went to the upscale section of the mall (Tiffany, Armani Exchange, etc) and went on a shopping spree. I spent about a thousand dollars on clothes. Gods I'm turning into a total clothes horse! I made arrangements to have the clothes delivered to Florida so I wouldn't have to worry about lugging them on the plane.

Gabriella got a couple of things, and brought her bags with us. We found a Legal SeaFoods restaurant and sat down to eat a very late lunch (it was about five o'clock). The waitress took our orders and came back with some appetizers and our drinks.

"Do you ever see yourself having kids Gabriella?"

She almost spit her drink back up because the question I guess took her by surprise. "I dunno. Part of me does and part of me doesn't. I know I'm way too young right now though." She shifted slightly in her chair. "How about you Dale?"

"Oh, I already have a kid. Or rather, I had a kid."

She paled slightly. "What do you mean?"

I sat back and drank some of my beer (hey, I'm not driving so it's okay!). "My senior year of high school was a very strange time for me. I was working at a McDonalds like most kids do...and had made friends with a large group of people who also worked there. After work one night a bunch of us went drinking. One of the group had left the week before to go to Navy basic training. Scott had gotten engaged to Brandy, one of my friends, just before leaving. We all got really drunk, and Brandy and I ended up hooking up."

"Oh my god Dale. You've slept with women?" Gabriella arched an eyebrow at me.

Laughing, I continued. "Don't look so surprised. We've all experimented. Anyway, our drunken night was just something that happened until she cornered me a few weeks later. She was late. The next couple of days were agonizing. She finally confirmed she was pregnant. The doctor helped her narrow down the window for the encounter. Yep, you guessed it. By the odds, I was going to be a daddy."

Gabriella had a funny look on her face, but I didn't think about it until later. "The next few months were weird. I mean, Brandy was engaged to be married and she was pregnant with what she thought was someone else's baby. She was all set to call the whole thing off with Scott, but I talked her out of it. Scott was on track to make something of himself, and take out my whole attraction to guys and all I could offer was the fact that I was getting ready to start college."

Our food came, and we spent a few minutes eating in silence. "She stuck it out with her fiancee didn't she?"

"Yep. Our friendship was strained for a few months. She had told Scott that she was pregnant, the timing was close enough that it could very well be his. He was thrilled. He came back home between basic and the advanced schooling so they could get married. Brandy called me and wanted me to be with her in the delivery room. Since Scott was going to advanced schooling after basic, she needed the help. It was kind of weird at first, but after she nearly broke my hand the most beautiful little girl in the world was born."

I felt tears start running down my cheeks, but I didn't care. "We had the DNA test done to confirm what we already knew. I was the father. I signed paperwork a few hours after the confirmation surrendering my parental rights. We had decided the best thing to do was to never tell Scott. My daughter would be raised with someone else as the father. Brandy's mom worked at the hospital so we were able to put his name on the birth certificate instead of mine."

"Brandy did one thing for me though. The little girl was named Christina, after my mother. After Scott finished his advanced training for the Navy they relocated to Washington State."

Gabriella was crying softly. "Oh wow, Dale. That's incredible." I noticed her eyes get big. "Wait, why did you say you `had' a kid?"

"Oh, that. Well, Brandy contacted me about a year ago. Christina had drowned accidentally in a backyard pool. She just wanted me to know." I stopped talking at that and began eating my food, which was rapidly growing cold.

"ohmygoddaleimsosorry." She came around the table and gave me a big hug. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be Gabriella? I hadn't seen Christina since the day she was born, she didn't even know who I was. It's not like I knew anything about who she'd become."

"But she was your daughter! What'd your mom say?"

"She never knew."

"WHAT???" The people at the table next to us stopped talking to stare. Gabriella lowered her voice. "You never told her?"

"Oh please! What COULD I tell her? `Hi Mom, this is your granddaughter. Oh by the way, you can never see her, touch her, or talk to her.' Oh that'd definitely be healthy. The best thing for everyone was for me to keep it to myself and not let anyone know."

"Now, if it's all the same to you I want to finish my lunch." We ate the rest of our meal in silence, and then headed back to the hotel. Gabriella told me she wanted to go off by herself and explore, so I gave her some pointers on the sights and went to take a nap. Something was nagging at me, so I decided to get some business done.

The first call I made was to my lawyer. It took forever but I finally got the answers I wanted. He told me some things I needed to accomplish while in Boston if I wanted things to be finalized. I called the hotel desk and got them to send up a video camera and a new tape. It took me a couple of hours to figure out how to say what I wanted to say, but in the end I think it came out okay. After taping my speech I went and returned the camera. After that, I needed a drink. There were a couple of people in the bar, I didn't feel like being social so I sat away from them.

"Is this seat taken?" I looked into the eyes of Steve Fatone, who was grinning just like Joey. I smiled as I motioned for him to sit.

"Hey Steve, long time no talk. How's life on Planet Fatone?"

"Eh, s'okay I guess. Just dealing with Joey's moods. The past week has been really weird for the family."

I arched my eyebrow and took a sip of my drink. "Hate it when that happens.

So how has my favorite man been? I've missed him...and with the crap I have going on in my life I really need him."

"What's been going on Dale?"

So I filled him in. I know that Steve respects everyone so he'll never say anything. He listened attentively, never interrupting. Once I finished he asked a couple of questions, then in typical Fatone fashion he formed an opinion.

"Do they have any clue that there's no chance in hell of winning the case they're bringing?"

I laughed. It felt pretty good to laugh. "I don't know, but I just want it over so I can go on with my life with Joey. I feel like we've gone through so much hell, I just want things to get back to as normal as our life ever gets."

My two-way pager began beeping, I apologized to Steve and opened it up. Flashing across the screen in blinking letters was the message "on my way baby...see you in fifteen. Love,me" Steve let out a giggle at my apparent sappy look. "HHmm, don't have to guess who that's from. I'm going to go to bed, tell Joey I said to not worry about you." With that cryptic remark, he got up went to the elevators for the other tower.

When I let myself into my suite a few minutes later, I noticed the message light was on the phone. "It's Gab, we'll meet you guys at eleven tomorrow morning. Good luck with tonight. Love you like my sister." I stripped, showered, and crawled into the king-size bed. I was falling asleep when I heard the door to the suite open. I felt eyes fall on me for a second, then the sounds of a person stripping.

I felt an arm snake it's way over me, and a pair of lips started nuzzling my neck. I groaned as the sensations hit my brain, and finally turned so I could look into the eyes of Joey.

"Hey handsome, what's up?" He didn't say anything, just rubbed my cheek with his thumb, and gave me a tender kiss.

"Hey, just had a discussion with your brother. He told me to tell you `not to worry about me'. I shrugged, and pulled him into a kiss before he could say anything. Our kisses got deeper, and he let out a small sound as my tongue tangled with his. The next twenty minutes were filled with our kisses and caresses, I smiled as he started kissing his way down my body. My cock, which was leaking a steady supply of precum gave a jump as he bit my nipple. He giggled as he ran his hand down to lightly tickle my balls. He kept going down, and when he hit my belly button he ran his tongue lightly down to my inner thighs. I felt like I was being tortured sexually as he took my balls into his mouth one at a time. He then began licking his back up underneath the shaft, and finally took my length into his mouth. He kept sucking on the head of my dick until I came. After I had calmed down, he pulled himself back up so we could kiss. I giggled as our kiss broke.

"So, was that to butter me up for our talk?" He smiled at me, and pulled me tighter into his arms.

"There's no easy way to say this Dale... I'm going to be a father." I didn't say anything for a minute, I just stared into his beautiful eyes. He looked like he was going to either start crying or puke.

I kissed him gently, then when the kiss broke I grinned at him. "Okay, and???"

He let out a whoosh of air like the bellows of an accordion. "So you're okay with it?" I smiled as he began nuzzling on my neck, I arched my back as my hands went up to wrap around his waist.

"My question is are you okay with it? Honey if you were this upset about just telling me then good god you're gonna be a wreck when the kid is born!" I kissed him to make sure he got the message that it was okay. He told me all about how the girl that he had kind of been seeing before we met turned up pregnant. He made sure to point out that it had happened before we'd started dating. He was so adamant about was very sweet. We were lying together in bed and his phone started ringing. He winked at me as he answered it.

"Hi Lance."

I started giggling, which became worse when he started tickling me while talking to who I figured was just Lance, but later learned it was all four of the other guys. "He took it just fine. I don't know why you thought he'd freak."

I sat up in bed and glared at him. "Excuse me? Okay, give me that phone."

I wrestled the phone from him, and kissed him before blasting Lance. "So, you thought I was going to freak? I'm hurt I really am. Joey are there tears in my eyes?" I made sniffling noises into the phone. I could hear Lance giggle on the other end.

"I'm sorry Dale, I didn't really think you'd freak that bad, but with everything that's gone in the past few weeks none of us was sure if you'd be able to handle it without a meltdown."

I just rolled my eyes and handed the phone back to Joey. "They're your friends baby, I'm going to go take a bath." I gave him a tender kiss and padded off to the tub. I ran almost-hot water into the tub and eased into it.

"oh yeah......" I stretched out my legs and closed my eyes. Letting my thoughts drift, I thought about my life. I'd made some decisions I wasn't proud of. I deeply regretted not telling mom about my daughter, looking back the reasoning I used was so flimsy that it was pathetic. I should have been adult about the situation.

I heard a splash, and felt a hand start rubbing my chest. I didn't open my eyes as it ran up and down lightly touching my skin. My right nipple got pinched, and my dick give a jump in the water. I tried to be nonchalant, but started giggling when Joey began tickling the bottoms of my feet.

"Joey I was trying to relax!" He gave me a pouty look, then stepped into the tub, sitting down in front of me. He turned and grinned at me as he took my arms and put them around his waist. He snuggled back into me, and let out a contented sigh before talking.

"You made Lance all paranoid Dale. He's afraid to see you in the morning thinking you'll still be upset at him." I snickered at the thought.

"I really should you know. But I can understand why the guys were concerned. It's not exactly like our relationship has been uneventful."

"I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there Dale. You were just what I needed." He turned his head so we could kiss.

"I just hope you still think that when I retire and make you keep me in the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed Mister Fatone! I want furs, cars, and a houseboy named Pablo."

"Pablo huh? How about I just run around the house naked?" He began giggling, but stopped when I deflated his ego.

"Eh, I've already seen you naked. What's the challenge in that?" I winked at him, and wrapped my arms around him and started nuzzling on his neck. I slowly worked my way up and began nibbling on his left ear. My left hand found its way to his nipple and gave it a tweak. Joey's body was quivering in my hands, he was letting out random noises and moans.

We lay in the water until the heat was gone from it, just holding each other and relaxing. It was nice.

"Joey, let's go get comfy in bed... I got something I want to tell you."

We dried each other off, and held hands as we headed to the bedroom. I curled up in Joey's arms, and felt his body behind mine. His lips felt warm as they kissed the side of my neck. "What's up Dale?"

I began talking. I told him all about my lunch conversation with Gabriella.

I held nothing back. I needed to tell him this. I cried again, seems lately that's all I do. Joey didn't say anything until I was done. He was still silent, so I turned and faced him in bed.

I don't think I'll ever forget the look on his face. It was a combination of love and sadness. He kissed me softly, and ran his hand through my hair. "I'm so sorry. Come here you." He pulled me into a tight hug and it felt so good that I fell asleep like that.

We woke up early in the morning since the guys had to do a radio interview. Joey dialed in from bed, sitting with his back against the headboard. His fingers gently ran through my hair. I was semi-awake, just lay in bed with my arm around Joey. After the interview ended he called Lance and said we needed about two hours before we'd be ready to go. He hung up and grinned at me.

"So, two hours? What did you have in mind Mister Fatone?"

He gave me his answer by sinking back into bed and wrapping himself around me. We just held each other. He whispered into my ear that he needed some `us time' before dealing with the world.

Okay, it's official. He knows how to make my heart melt.

We must have fallen asleep, because after what seemed like only minutes, but was indeed a little over two hours by the clock, I came awake to the sound of a deep voice clearing it's throat.

Joey opened his eyes and gave me a quick kiss. "Hi Lance." Joey then got up and headed into the bathroom to shower. I pulled myself up in bed as Lance sat down.

"Okay blondie, where's that man of yours?"

Lance grinned. "Why? You gonna try and badmouth me or something?"

I got out of bed, Lance blushed when he saw I was naked. I pulled on some shorts and sat back on the bed. "I wouldn't badmouth you, even if you did think I'd freak about Joey becoming a daddy." I grinned slyly at his blush.

"Now come on Dale. We talked about that last night."

"I know, just teasin' a little. I so needed to come up here. I've missed Joey."

He gave my shoulder a squeeze. "I know Dale...I know."

We sat in companionable silence for a bit. "So, how're things going with you and Chris?"

He didn't answer. Just sat there staring at his hands with a pained look on his face.

"Lance? How're things with you two?"

Just as he got ready to answer Joey came back into the bedroom. "Dale, thought you were going to join me." He walked over to me and gave me a kiss. "Were you afraid I was going to have my way with you or something?"

I smacked his ass as I stood up. "Joey, not even my boyfriend can make me do something I don't want to do." I pulled him into my arms briefly, then told him to get dressed while I showered. Lance was still sitting on the bed, I could tell Joey wanted to ask me something so I pulled him after me towards the bathroom.

"Talk to Lance hon...something's wrong."

Joey rolled his eyes. "Him and Chris are probably fighting again. It's sweet of you to care though...I'll talk to him while you're showering."

I got into the shower, but had a horrible feeling. Something tells me that today is going to turn ugly...

"Shit." I rested my head against the tile, and after a few minutes started washing my hair. If today's going to turn into hell I want to look my best.

Next: Chapter 39

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