Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Aug 24, 2000


Hi everyone...

Wow...people are actually reading my stuff. Thanks for the positive responses. -- As always, Gabriella and Mike and Charlie are my main cheerleaders. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!!

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 5--

After spending about 30 minutes washing each other, we finally broke ourselves out of the shower (hey, the hot water was starting to die!). It took us probably another half hour to get dressed because we kept stopping to kiss and caress each other. I finally banished him to his room so I could get ready in peace. Getting dressed was kind of a challenge because he wouldn't tell me what type of restaurant we were going to! I finally selected a dark grey shirt and black dockers. I felt Joey's arms wrap around my waist and pull me back to him. "You look nice mister. Ready to go?"

I turned around and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Then pulled him out the door. The elevator ride down was quiet because there were other people in the elevator. We got down to the lobby and a person who worked at the hotel walked up to Joey and gave him a set of keys. He just grinned at me and ran out the back to the parking area. I followed, and we walked up to the limo and the driver closed the door. I snuggled into his waiting arms (after noticing the privacy screen was up between us and the driver). I felt his hand playing with my hair, and it felt just so right that I was practically purring. The ride to the restaurant was nice. There was soft music playing, and we were cuddled up and looking out the window.

We pulled up in front of a nice Italian restaurant near downtown. A man in a uniform ushered us inside and we were led downstairs to a private dining room. The wait staff was very good. Within minutes we'd ordered our meal and drinks. As the waiter left, I looked at Joey and he was staring at me. I moved down so I was staring right back at him. We sat there for a few minutes, then he grinned and smeared butter on my nose! I giggled and sat back to wipe my nose off with a napkin. I stuck my tongue out at him, and glared at him for a minute or two. His smile slowly fell, then he leaned back in a mimic of how I was sitting. I then laughed and chucked a piece of bread at his head.

The ice has officially been broken. (Well, as broken as it can be since I've already seen this gorgeous man naked.)

We talked about his family this time, and his life. I learned that he was actually a deeply emotional person. He hid that side of him from most people because of various reasons. I found his sense of humor incredibly fantastic. I found myself falling for this man more and more as the dinner and conversation progressed. As we left the restaurant and got back into the limo, I got in first that time so I could wrap my arms around him. He nestled into my arms and pulled out a cell phone. He smiled up at me and hit a speed-dial button.

"Chris? Hey it's me. What time are we meeting tonight? Really? Okay, where? Great! Dale and I will meet up with you guys at 11:30." He hit `End' and sat back in my arms. "We have around 4 hours until we meet everyone at the club. Do you want to do a movie or just drive around for awhile?"

Kissing the top of his head and squeezing his body with my arm, I tell him that he's running the night. It's up to him. I'm happy just being near him. We decided to see a movie. He called the local movie-phone line and found a multiplex that had a screening of `Scary Movie' starting in like 10 minutes. We told the driver to head there, while Joey called the theater to pre-order two tickets. He put on the standard NSYNC disguise for appearing in public (floppy hat and glasses with tinted lenses), as we got out of the limo. We got through the line and got some popcorn and sodas from the girl behind the counter. She just stared at Joey the whole time I was in line.

"Hey, your friend looks familiar, who is he?"

I looked over my shoulder at Joey. He was trying his best to blend in. Failing miserably, but trying!

"Oh he's just a guy. You know...he kind of looks like one of the NSYNC boys. People keep asking him to be a stand-in." The girl's eyes fell as she heard that. We headed into the dark theater laughing to ourselves. The movie was okay. One of those "wait, I have to turn my brain off and laugh at the stupid humor" flicks that seem to be really popular. We got up and stood by the exit to see the last few minutes, so we could beat the crowd out. He was made by a girl in the lobby while exiting...fortunately we got to the car before she could raise the battle-cry to her friends.

Joey gave the driver an address, then looked at his watch. We still had about two hours before we were to meet the others. Joey opened a soda from the limo's wetbar and sat back. I put my head on his shoulder, and listened to him sing songs softly. After about 20 minutes of driving, we pulled into a driveway and the car came to a stop. I felt Joey's lips on my forehead, "come on baby, got something to show you." I sat up slightly and our lips touched. The driver opened the door, and we got out of the back of the car. Joey turned to the driver and told him we'd be about a half-hour or so.

We were in the driveway of a really nice house, it was surrounded by a security fence and had a very large yard. I followed him up to the door, and he let me in. This house was incredible! Each room more beautiful than the last. He gave me a brief tour of the house, told me about buying it so he'd have room to have the guys over as well as his own space. We wandered through the house until we came to a closed door. "Dale, I don't know if you're ready to see this room. It shows a side of my personality that you might not be able to handle." He had a dopey smile on his I arched my eyebrow, and reached over to open the door.

The door swung slowly open on...a video game room! I turned around and lightly punched his arm. "You dork! Thought you were going to show me something kinky. God wouldn't America love that? A member of NSYNC into bondage!" I stuck my tongue out and we walked through the door. We then spent 30 minutes kicking monster butt on DOOM. He kept diverting me's really hard to concentrate when you have someone's hand rubbing your thigh, or their lips nuzzling on your ear. I paid him back though, I sat there rubbing my fingers down and lightly drumming them on his dick while he tried killing the minotaurs. He lost!

We then decided to go drive around so he could show me the sights'. He grabbed a bottle of wine off the wine rack in the kitchen, and we trotted out to the car. He gave the driver no specific directions; just told him to traverse the sights of the city and then head to a club downtown called Waves' so we could be there at 11:30. The car slowly backed out of the driveway and took off into the night.

He uncorked the wine, and poured two glasses. I took one from him and sat back in his arms. I stretched as I felt his lips start kissing and nuzzling the side of my neck. I reached down and felt his dick getting harder as he got more insistent with the kisses. I broke away from him and went to the window. "Wow...would you look at that?" I heard him sigh, then turned to smile at him. I took his glass of wine and put it in the glass holder. Taking his hand in mine, I pulled him over to me. He smiled as we started kissing, and scooted down. It felt so nice with his weight on top of me. My hands were busy, one went down to cup his ass, and the other lightly tweaked a nipple before going down to the front of his pants. He gasped as I undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants. He giggled as my hand tickled the hairs down by his bellybutton.

Our kisses grew more passionate as my hand cupped his cock and began massaging it slowly. "Oh God Dale. We shouldn't do this here...the driver will hear! Oh god, that feels good." He reached down to put his hand on mine, then pulled my hand off his cock and took it in his. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Joey, I've never felt like this about anyone before. God, what am I going to do?!" I was shocked to feel tears running down my cheeks. He squeezed me to him, and kissed me tenderly.

"It's okay Dale. It's okay." It felt so damn nice being in his arms.

"Joey-bear, can we head to the club early?" I gave him my patented `puppy-dog' look...guaranteed to make hearts melt. It worked. He told the driver to drive around for another few minutes, then head off to the club. After hanging up the intercom, a beautiful smile spread on his face, and he leaned down to kiss me again. He kissed the tears off my face, then began nuzzling my ear and the side of my neck. I groaned and pulled him closer to me. We came up for air as the limo pulled up in front of the club. I was so sorry that I suggested going to the club early because now I just wanted to neck with Joey for awhile longer. The door was opened, and we broke away from each other hurriedly so we could get out. We went in, stopping to chat briefly with the security.

"Hey Dale. Come here a second." I came over to where he was standing, and he pulled me into a deserted hallway. Wrapping his arms around me, he hugged me tight. He then whispered in his ear, the hairs on his goatee tickling me. "I'm having a great time on our date. Just wanted to let you know." His eyes fell briefly as he said it. I cupped his chin with my left hand, and after looking both ways to make sure no one was around, kissed him softly. "Me too honey. Now what do you say we go dance and have some fun!"

As we left the hallway, we decided to go see if any of the guys had gotten there yet. We had gone through most of the club, and since no one else was there yet we went to the VIP area and hung out for awhile. I drank way more than I should have, downing 3 rum and colas before the guys even showed up.

"Hey! Chris and Lance!" I bounded out of the seat and swept them both into hugs. I didn't notice the looks that they gave Joey, he just shrugged and smiled gamely. He had a couple of drinks in him too...but didn't want to get too out of hand. By the time that JC and Justin had arrived, I was definitely socially lubricated. I normally don't drink that much, but I was a little stressed, so I didn't keep myself in check as I normally do. The guys all were dancing, and having a great time socializing with random girls. I noticed that Joey was looking at me with concern in his eyes, and felt a delicious chill. I then noticed Lance looking at me, and that was like a splash of cold water. I wandered back up to the VIP area, and walked out onto the deck.

I was sitting there, staring at the stars when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw that it was Chris and Justin. I turned back around, "hey guys."

They sat, one on each side of me, not speaking at first. Then Chris shattered my mood entirely. "You're falling for him aren't you?"

My head snapped around to stare at him. "What? I... uh...well...yeah Chris. I am." Tears started again, and I wiped them with the back of my hands. I was surprised to feel Justin's hands come up and start squeezing my shoulders. "How did you know?"

Chris snorted at that. "Oh hell Dale, it's pretty obvious. You light up when he's in the room. Haven't you noticed that the rest of us have given you space? We want only what's best for Joey. Which reminds hurt him and we'll have to kill you." He smiled at that, but his smile fell when he noticed my face. He put his arm around my shoulder on top of Justin's arm. "Dale, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Would you guys object if I go for a drive? I need to do some thinking."

I stood up and they both stood up to watch me. Justin asked if I wanted some company. I smiled, and hugged first him and then Chris. The three of us walked back inside the bar, and saw the other guys grouped around a table talking. Chris, Justin and I walked up to them, and I told the group I'd meet them back at the hotel in a few hours. Joey, Lance and JC immediately began asking if I was okay. When I said I was going to take the limo and go for a ride, Joey quietly asked if I wanted company. I noticed that Lance was looking at me also.

"Guys, this is something I should do by myself. I'll be fine, don't worry. I'll meet you guys back at the hotel in a few hours. How's 2:30 sound?" I gave them all hugs. I managed to avoid looking into Joey's eyes...because if I did I'd lose it. When I hugged Lance, I told him that I still wanted to meet him for a nightcap. I then turned and headed out of the club. I felt five pairs of eyes on my back. Walking out of the club, I waved for the driver and got into the back of the limo. I told him to just drive around for a few hours, and get me back to the hotel around 2am.

The next hour or so passed in kind of a blur. I remember drinking more of the wine. I sat and stared out the window. The skies down in Florida were really gorgeous. I opened the moonroof and watched the stars go by.

--How could I let Joey inside my defenses? I barely know him. God, what if I get hurt again?

--But if I'm not open to new things, I'll never know if he's the one?

--What could somebody like Joey see in me? It could never last. He's get sick of me and move on to someone new.

--Maybe he will get sick of me...and maybe not. Don't I owe it to myself to try?

Without even realizing I'd done it, I'd picked up the intercom and keyed it.

"Driver? Are you there?"

"Yes Mister Wright? What can I do for you?"

"What CDs do you have up there? Can I see please?" Please God, let it be there.

The privacy guard came down and he handed back a CD envelope which held about 30 or 40 CDs. I began thumbing through them. BINGO!!

I raised the guard back up, and put a CD into the player in the car. The soft voice of Gloria Estefan came out of the radio...

"I get a little tongue twisted every time i talk to you when i see you and i'm so glad that you just missed it the way i stared to memorize your face to kiss you in my mind love you all the time 'cause when i close my eyes i still can see your smile it's bright enough to light my life out of my darkest hour please believe it's true when i tell you i love you

i've taken too many chances searching for the truth in love that's in my heart tell me if i made the wrong advances tell me if i've made you feel ashamed 'cause i know i have to do this would you hold my hand right through it 'cause when i close my eyes i still can see your smile it's bright enough to light my life out of my darkest hour please belive it's true when i tell you i love you

i had to let you know just what would happen yes, i had to let you know the truth i know i've got to do this would you hold my hand right through it would you 'cause when i close my eyes i still can see your smile it's bright enough to light my life out of my darkest hour please believe it's true when i tell you i love you i know now this is true when i tell you i love you" (1)

By the end of the first verse, I was crying...and I hated it. GOD!!! It seems like all I've been doing is crying lately. But it also felt good to cry. It was like I had been sleeping for months and decided to finally start waking up. I set the CD player to run through and then sat back, thinking about things. Do I want to run the risk of falling for someone who can't openly show his love for me for fear of ruining his career and the careers of his friends? Do I honestly think that a man who in so many ways is wrong for me could be mister right?

Yes...I do.

Admitting that to myself was like a weight being lifted off my shoulders. Picking up the intercom, I told the driver to go ahead and head back to the hotel. Pulling up in back, I noticed on my watch that it was a little after one. I thanked the driver for putting up with me, and told him that I didn't think anyone was going anywhere tonight. I headed up to my room, wondering if the guys were still out. I stopped when I heard Lance's TV on. I knocked on his door, and he called out, "who is it?"

"It's me. Dale"

The door came whipping open, and he was looking at me with a concerned look on his face. "Oh My God, are you okay? We were worried when you left the club earlier." He pulled me into a tight hug. It did feel good, I'll admit it. But he's not the guy I wanted to be with right now.

"Lance. Tomorrow can you and I go somewhere and talk?"

He pulled away from me, and looked at me for a moment...not saying a word. Then he finally spoke. "Sure. I'm just glad that you came back. I was getting ready to call out the police or something. Now, it's getting late, so let's all head to bed and we'll talk tomorrow." He hugged me again, then turned away. It may have just been a trick of the light, but he looked like he had tears in his eyes.

I went down to my room and opened the door. There was a single red rose on the bed, and a card. I opened the card.

"I'm up, no matter what time you come in. --J"

I grabbed my towel and got into the shower. I washed up, and wrapped the towel around my waist. I left the bathroom, and went and knocked on the door between my room and Joey's.

The door swung open, and there he was, looking sexy in no shirt and superman boxers.

I walked into his arms without saying a word, and kissed the side of his neck, then on the lips. My arms went up and rested on his shoulders as the kiss got more insistent. He moaned slightly as my tongue entered his mouth, then I moaned as he sucked on my tongue.

We finally broke the kiss, then he was about to ask me something. But I began nuzzling his ear, and his question became a groan. We went over to his bed and lay down.

"Dale, I was so worried when you left the club. Are you okay?"

"I am now. Just had to get some stuff straightened out up here," pointing to my head, "and down here." Pointing at my heart. "I think it's okay now, so shut up and kiss me." His eyes lit up as I said that, and he gladly obliged.

After a few minutes of kissing, I rolled over on top of him, and grinned at him. I began kissing my way down his chest. I stopped at each of his nipples, lightly biting on them for a few minutes before I began working my way down his chest some more. He was moaning underneath me. I got to his bellybutton, and I stopped to look up at him. He was looking down at me while rubbing his hand up and down my right arm, which was still caressing his chest. I smiled, and pulled his boxers down with my left hand.

His cock stood straight up, looking incredible. He was probably 7 inches or so, cut. It was incredibly thick. I didn't even hesitate. I leaned over it and took the head into my mouth. His groan reverberated of of the walls, and I thought he was going to die or something. I slowly worked more of his cock into my mouth, stopping about halfway down to let my throat get used to the thickness. Finally, his entire dick was in my throat, my nose getting tickled by his dark pubic hair.

"Oh fuck Dale. Oh God. That's awesome."

For the next ten minutes, I just sucked on his dick. It felt so incredible sliding in and out of my mouth. I felt the head begin getting larger, and I knew that he was getting ready to shoot.

"So close Dale. Oh...Yeah...Oh...God. Here it comes!!"

When I didn't pull my head back, he knew that this was what I wanted. He grabbed the back of my head, and began fucking my mouth. He blasted off shortly after starting that. His cum tasted so sweet, it was like cream. I swallowed most of his load immediately, but I did save a small taste in my mouth. Getting back up, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him passionately. He groaned as he tasted his cum on my tongue. He greedily sucked it down, and then turned me onto my back.

"Now it's MY turn to help you there Dale." With no further hesitation, he dove straight down onto my dick. He wasn't very good at it at first, but by gently nudging him with my hands and voice...he improved over the first few minutes. I was so turned on from earlier that it didn't take me very long.

"Oh God Joey. I'm cumming. NOW!!!"

My cumshot blasted out of me, and Joey managed to swallow a good deal of it. Some ran down the corners of his mouth. I lay back on the bed, spent. He sprawled up on me, kissing me passionately. After a few minutes of necking, we lay there, content.

Not a word was said. I got under the covers, and Joey lay behind me, wrapping his right arm around me. As we began nodding off, Joey asked me something.

"Dale. Are you sorry about us? Because I have to tell you, I'm not. Also...I think that I'm falling for you."

"Joey. I know one thing right now. I think I'm falling for you too. And that scares the hell out of me."

As sleep came over me, I reached for Joey's left hand with my right one. I fell asleep with his arm over me, and holding his hand. The last thing I heard..."I love you honey".

Copyright: (1) Gloria Estefan -- "I See Your Smile" 1995

Next: Chapter 6

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