Love and Friendship with Nsync

By Nate Deep

Published on Aug 2, 1999


Legal Stuff: If you are under 18 or offended by gay material you know what to do! Disclaimer: This story is fiction and does not imply anything about the group Nsync.

Well, remember Love Nsync? Well, like I said I was going to discontinue that story. Well, I'm back with a new story. This story is going to be a love story, not a sex story. But there is going to be sex. Longer, better, and different. Hope you like it. Email all comments to

Love and Friendship with Nsync: Part "One"

My name is Mark Vallejo. I live up in San Francisco Bay Area. I was 19 years old, a Filipino, and had a muscular build. My eyes were hazel-green and hair was Dk. Brn. My life was good, yet lonely. I was bisexual but I always denied it. At the time, I never been with a guy before, only girls. I just couldn't ever keep it serious with them, they always wanted me for the money, and they used me to get more popular. I found out or well, I thought I was bi because I looked at pics of guys in Teen People and I also looked at girls. But then again, I denied it. I was a singer. A local one of the Bay Area. I was called Frisco Mark. I had my own CD out. The music that I sing was R&B and Pop. For 2 weeks now my single, "Sunshine" was the #1 hit on the radio stations 94.9, 106.1, and 95.7. I was proud that I had that single. I had not many friends, the only friends I had was the friends I had before my record deal. My CD has been out for 4 months and 3 singles has been released with all of them making it to the #1. I didn't have any tours, the closest thing to tours was appearances at well-known clubs, All Star Jams that 106.1 held with various artists like Destiny's Child and Faith Evans, Boo Bomb Concert that 94.9 held also with various artists. It was really fun because I got to meeh other stars as well. I lived alone since my parents wanted to move back to the Philippines with my younger brother. My older sister was in college somewhere in New York. The house I legally owned was fairly large with 1 Master and 4 Rooms and 1 guest room. In the backyard was a medium-sized pool which I used every time I had the chance.

RING! RING! RING! My phone rang and I picked it up and said, "Hello, this is Nate." It was my manager. He said, "Hey Nate! I have something to tell you." "Okay Shoot!" "You are going to go in concert with Nsync for 1 month in all of California, Nevada, Hawaii, Washington, and Arizona. It is called the West Coast Tour." I jumped up excitedly, "Really? Cool! When do I start? What songs will I sing? Will there be anyone else performing?" "Calm down Nate! Calm down! The tour will start next week with Nsync at the Shoreline Amphitheatre on May 25, Concord Pavilion on May 26, Redwood Amphitheatre at Paramount's Great America on May 27, ARCO arena in Sacramento on May 28, Universal Amphitheatre in Los Angeles on June 6 and the rest I'll tell you later. Better start packing, even though the first three concerts are close to where you live. There is $2500 on this credit car we are giving you to buy new shoes, new clothes and everything. Oh yeah, and Nsync is the only artist you are performing with." "Really? This will be the bomb! I can't wait! Where do I get the card?" "At the studio. I have to go so see ya later!" "Bye Andy!"

With that, I rushed to my car already dressed in overalls and under my boxers and a tank top. It was a hot day so that's why I decided to wear those clothes. I went to the studio and picked up my credit card. There was a note next to it that said, "Don't spend it all because you might need to buy more clothes during the tour. All food, accommodations, and everything are paid for except your clothes and personal needs. Later, Andy" I just thought out loud, "Yeah, whatever!" I rushed to my car and headed out. 'Hmmm. What mall should I go to?' I thought to myself. 'Oh I know, I'll go to Stonestown" I finally reached Stonestown after 20 minutes. When I walked into the mall, I was greeted by a few fans. At first I went to the Polo-Ralph Lauren store and bought 3 shirts and khakis. After that I just shopped around more.

Before I even knew it, a week had gone by. I was already packed. During the week, I told my friends and families where I was going for a month. They were all very nice and proud of me. Most of them wanted to go to one of the concerts, but they were really busy with work. I wasn't mad at them, I was just plain excited. I was greeted by a limo in front of my house at 1pm. I was all ready to go but I didn't have to for 4 more days because the first three concerts where was I lived. The doorbell sounded and Nsync stood out and said, "Hey! You must be Mark!" I was surprised that they were actually at my door, I was a big fan of them. "Um, hi, I am Mark. Come in!" I said while I also thought 'Geez, what a first impression.' "Let us introduce ourselves." JC said with a smile. "Im Josh but people call me JC, this here is the youngin of the group Justin, the bass of the group over there is Lance, and that's Chris and Joey." "Hey guys nice meeting you." I said as I stared at Justin the whole time. They extended their hand and I shook each one of them. "Wow, this house is huge! Do you have anything to eat? Were starved!" Joey said. The other 4 started laughing except Joey who frowned and me being a little confused of what was happening. "Huh? I don't get it." I said in a rather confused voice. Joey said half serious and half joking, "Shut up guys!" "Umm. Ok, the fridge is over there and we all can sit here." I said pointing in the direction of the kitchen while I walked to the dining room and they followed. "So what do you guys want to eat?" I asked. "Umm. I dunno. Surprise us!" Lance said with his voice. "Okay, how about some bagels with cream cheese?" I replied. "Sure!" They all said in unison.

I walked to the kitchen, got some bagels and cut them each in half making 14. I put all of them in the larger oven and took out some glasses and poured OJ in each of them. 'Danm, Justin is even hotter in person! No! No! I shouldn't be having these thoughts.' I thought to myself and erased the thought. Then I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around and saw Justin looking at me. "Mark, do you need any help?" Justin asked with curiosity. I just stood there looking at his eyes. "Mark? Hello?" He asked waving his hand in my face. I snapped out of my trance and turned red, luckily since I had a tan, it didn't show much. "Oh. Umm. Sorry. Umm. Sure you can. Can you get a large plate from over there and bring it here?" I asked sounding really embarrassed. "Okay." Was all Justin could say while also what seemed that he was looking at me. I smiled as he turned around then the bagels were finished. I took each of them out and put them on the large plate that Justin got fo me. "Thanks! Can you help me put cream cheese on the bagels?" I asked with a smile. He just smiled back and nodded. The whole time, we were silent. Justin looked over at me and thought 'He's hella fine, but I know I can't do these things but what can I do?' By the corner of my eye, I saw him staring also thinking. 'He's so cute' No thoughts of what I should be thinking. When we were finished, I took a roll of paper towels and the plate of bagels over to the dining room where the other guys were having a conversation. Justin followed me with 3 drinks in his hand. We both set the food and drink at the table while both of u went back to get the rest of the drinks. By the time we got back, the conversation stopped and they had already dug in. Good food and thank yous were all we got. "Thanks Justin for helping me" I smiled at him while I spoke. "No problem" He smiled back and started to eat. "So, what hotel are you guys staying at?" "Oh, were staying at the Radisson in San Jose." Justin said. He was I think the only one listening. "Hey, umm. Why don't you guys stay here, I mean I have 5 extra rooms?" "Really? That would be nice. I could sure stay in a regular room." "Okay. Umm. Guys, did you hear that?" "Hear what?" Was what Joey said. "You guys can stay here instead of the hotel if you want." I replied back. 'Geez. These guys don't even listen' Justin thought to himself a little angry at Joey's remark. "Oh sure! We haven't checked in yet so we can just get our stuff" They all got finished and I said, "So, want me to show you your rooms?" "Sure!" I showed Joey his room first which was downstairs, and it had a TV with the N64 in it. "Oh my god! Can I play? Can I play? Oh my god you have Superman! I've been wanting to play this game for a long time!" "Sure go ahead! Oh and I finished that game already so go use your own file." I laughed as I left. While I showed Joey his room, JC told the limo driver to get the bags. I went to Chris next and showed him his room upstairs which was the farthest room from the Master. By then the bags were inside and it was a monster pile of suitcases. I took Lance to his room which was next to Chris's with a stereo. JC was next, he got the room next to Lances and his room had also a stereo. Justin was last, and I showed him to the biggest room which was the room next to the master and the guest room. His room had a TV, computer, stereo, and a large bed. He then walked down and took his bags. I helped him because he had the most of all. I didn't say anything about it because I understood that it was a month of tour. While helping, I asked, "So how old are you Justin?" "Oh, I'm 18!" He said as he looked at me with a killer smile. "Really? Cool cuz I'm 19." I said as we both smiled at each other. Thoughts of how cute he was ran through both of our minds. "So. Umm. Who lives with you?" He asked, with a smile still on his face. I sighed and said, "I live alone. My parents and my little bro is back in the Philippines and my sister is in college in New York." "Oh I see and you're Filipino?" He asked with such attention. "Yep!" "That's coo man! I'm down with it" "Have you heard my CD yet?" "Naw, not yet, do you have a copy?" "Umm. Yeah. Let me get it." We set the stuff on the floor in his room and I went to my room to get the CD. I handed it to him and he thanked me. I left the room and told the other guys in the rooms to get their bags. They all got their bags and I went to my room. I closed the door and thought 'Justin is so sweet and nice. I can never have him though.' It was 7 and I went to go check on the guys. The guys were sleeping except Joey and Justin. Joey was still playing Nintendo 64 and I chuckled a bit. I asked him, "Long day huh?" He replied, "Yeah! Lemme guess, the other guys are sleeping?" "Yeah except Justin." "Okay!" I laughed to myself at how much he was into the game then I closed the door behind me and went up to see Justin. I was for some reason really nervous. I didn't seem to care much about the whole being straight things. I just wanted to be with him and know him better.

I got to his room and saw him crying on his pillow. He didn't hear me come in. I walked over to his bed and placed a hand on his shoulder. He got startled and shot his bloodshot eyes up to look at me. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked with such concern. And by instinct, I took my hand off his shoulder and put it out around his shoulder and pulled him in making him close to me with our bodies touching. Even in full clothing, it felt so good to comfort someone like this. He didn't answer my question just cried on my shoulder and hugged me. We sat there for about 1 hour in each other's arms out of instinct. Both of us didn't even think of how we were attracted to each other with me comforting him. After that hour, he ran out of tears to cry with, then he looked up to me. I was looking at him with such emotion. I finally said, "Are--Are you okay?" "Umm. Yeah. I'm fine. I just had a bad memory flashback." I had a feeling he was lying because it was obvious that he was. I decided to take the risk and try to ask him what's really wrong. "Justin, please, you're hurt and you need someone to help you. And I'm here for you." Justin came back to the waterworks and closed his eyes with teardrops squeezing out of his eye. I pulled him in closer and whispered, "Shh. Shh. If you're not ready to tell anything, don't. I really wanna be a good friend of yours so I'll let you decide when you are ready." He took his head off my soaked with tears shirt and just looked at me. Tears were still falling. He leaned forward and kissed me on my lips. It was barely touching ever so lightly. While he did this, I stood up and left the room. I was shocked by his kiss.

In Justin's room:

Justin welled up with a lot more tears and they just fell down his face. He sank down to his pillow and just cried hard, but silently. 'I knew he wasn't like this. I am so stupid! Why did I do that. Now he's gonna tell everyone about it.' He cried himself to sleep. I was still standing out in front of the door. Leaning against it still shocked at the idea. I had a tear fall down from my face. That one tear soon turned into many tears. I just fell back on the door. I just cried and thought. 'I can't believe he kissed me. Why did I just leave like than. I am the worst friend anyone could ever have. Now he's going to hate me and never talk to me this whole month. How could I have done this to him? I like him though but what's going to happen to me?' With that, I stood up and went back to hi room.

"I'm--I'm gay!" Justin said in a low voice. "You're gay? What the hell? I take it when you were out sick you were faking it and went to your boyfriends house?" JC screamed out loud so that everyone can hear him in the restaurant. "JC, please stop screaming. Please?!?" Justin said with tears falling from his face unstoppably. "Why shouldn't I be screaming? You're a fag! I'm outta here!" "JC! JCCCCCCC! Please!! Wait and talk to me!" "Get the hell off me man, you're out of the group you fag!" "No! Please! No!" Justin fell down to his knees and cried uncontrollably. All in a sudden, he saw JC coming back with an angry face. Justin saw this and tried moving back but he was too weak to even stand. JC started punching him in the face, in the arm, then choked him. Then he fell dead, in black, just lying there, no where to be known and no one to be seen. All by himself, all alone.

Mark was sitting next to Justin trying to wake him up. Mark knew he was having a bad dream. When Justin woke up, he took a swing at Mark then Mark just fell on the floor, still absorbing the hit. Justin was crying even more, his hand hurting, wondering where he was. Mark got up and went back to Justin, holding him. "Justin, Justin, its alright. You were having a bad dream. Shh. Shh." He took me and hugged me, crying loudly and hardly on my shoulder. We stood there rocking back and forth. Until he decided to speak. "Mark--?"

To Be Continued...

Hoped you liked that part. I hope it's long enough for all you readers. I know I ended it at a really bad time. I just wanted you people to wait. So what do you think so far? Good? Bad? Also, which is better, my currently discontinued story, "Love Nsync" or this one. I'd like to hear from you readers/authors. All comments and constructive criticism welcome. Email them to

Part 2 coming soon!

Next: Chapter 2

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