Love and War

By Jay Winton

Published on Dec 19, 2014


Hey guys you know the drill. Do not read if underage and illegal in your state. This site and author do not hold responsibility***


Love and War chapter 2

If you checked my Xanga today,I mean right now. You would find two things. First being a poem I wrote titled, "Angel Take Flight". The second would be the classic tale of a misguided girl on the wrong side of the tracks, lyrics to my homegirl and her struggle. "Hollaback Girl."I don't have Xanga anymore. Not sure if anyone really does, but sometimes I wish I could go back in time and have a Xanga again. I think it made me who I am today.

I am a liar. I have a boyfriend, I have taken a lover and well. His name was Seventeen. I think that's the nickname I have given Seven, there are many. It's hard to think of such things when you are, well hard. Could I really be bothered with such things? I should that's the thing. God I'm such a terrible person sometimes. I mean, I did make a commitment I guess, but I was kind of backed into a corner. I told Dillon who I was and not to expect much, because I would ruin this before he could ever have the chance. Two years later...

"Are you okay? I didn't really mean to, I mean I did, are you okay?" Seven is so kind

"Yeah man, I forgot I had a dinner date with my mom, you know the whole car thang a lang, I stood her up." I was good at lying.

"Okay, I'm still sorry." Seven is real kind.

"Don't be, I mean, my hands where down your pants too"

WHERE ARE YOU? It was Dillon

OTW I replied back before turning to Seven in the car seat

"Can you drop me off man? Where my car died is fine. " As soon as I said it I kinda knew I shouldn't have. I could see the hurt flash across his face before he responded.

"Yeah, sure man, whatever you want." Layton is an ass.

I live in Mission Hills. If you don't know what that is. The best I could describe my neighborhood is being the Beverly Hills of Kansas City. Except for Rodeo Dr. We have The Plaza. Anyways my house is majorly huge for no reason. Out of style because of my mother, but it's still my home. It's all white stone. I think limestone. With light blue shutters and ivy growing from the bottom to the top.

I walked into the living room to find Dillon. He wasn't there so I walked upstairs to my bedroom. He was laying on my bed asleep with the iPad under him playing soda crush. The mixed feelings I got seeing him where enough to make me want to turn around and tip toe out of the room. I don't know why I can't just accept that I have a good thing going for me and just realize that all I have to do is keep my throat closed. I went outside to my backyard and sat underneath the willow trees that I insisted we planted as a kid after my teacher read us that willow tree book. I think it was called "The Willow Tree." And right now I was just as sad as that tree.

HEY BRITCH WHATS UP? It was my friend Jones






I had forgotten all about the fucking party. I ran upstairs and laid on my bed next to Dillon. He smells so good. It's this earthy, all man beef hot dog smell. Kinda like you imagine Anderson Cooler to smell like. I ran my hands up his side. He has what I like to call a surprise body. He truly does get me dickmatized. He has this really tiny waist and a really nice round ass to go with it. I really don't know why he chooses to cover it all up with urban outfitters sweaters and Dickey shorts. It frustrates me...until I realize it's all mine. I trace my fingers across his pink lips. The top is bigger than the bottom so when he pouts it's totally adorable. His hair is pretty killer. Chestnut with natural blonde and violet highlights. I tease him about it sometimes and he hates it, but really I know he loves it. He loves me. I just don't know if I-

"Hey babes" he spoke. My heart skipped a track

"Hey I was just loving on you" I said giving him a kiss. "You know I can't resist you sleeping" I kissed him again.

"You're full of kisses. Usually one is my cut-off" he smiled and rolled over.

"Yeah well I had a hell of a day, and I couldn't help it" I laid my head on his chest. Tracing his nipple. The thought of his nipple made me remember to bring up the party.

"Did you forget about the party?"

"Nope. I did not." He Beemed. "Did you?" He asked

"No flo jo"

"Uh huh" he knew I had forgot. " I'm getting in the shower. You should think about getting ready." He shifted and my head hit the bed and I pouted. "Fine, run away, leave me" I could be dramatic.

"I'm naked" he simply put.

I looked up. Remember that whole, surprise body thing? Well...surprise. His chest is perfection. A light brown from the sun. His pecs are amazing and lickable without a pimple or blemish in sight. The abs. Dear god, the Abs. A set of eight perfect pillows that lead to the v. He must have tracked my eyes because at that moment he turned around. And the dimples at the small of his back flexed as the two basketballs bounced and recoiled ever so sexually...I followed.

"Now who can't leave who?" He smirked while kissing my lips and kicking the bathroom door closed.

Somewhere between the second blow job and the water running cold. We had gotten out and successfully pulled ourselves together. I decided in my head while Dillon was licking my butt that I would wear my dark wash regular jeans with my brand new Alexander Wang sweater. It says WANG in black letters. It's the shit! A big black wang.

"Baby what are you wearing?" I had to know

"Don't worry, we won't clash"

How did he know? I sprayed on some cologne and put on the final touches to my hair. I walked out of my closet and into the bathroom. Dillon was standing in the mirror brushing his teeth while fussing with his hair. He put on the light brown cords. And a like green sweater. Jesus Christ.

"Jesus Christ" I said out loud.

"What? he shot back.

"Nothing, can I help you?" I ran my fingers through his hair. Helping the cowlick with just a touch of water and conditioner.

"You look good babe." I gave Dillon a kiss

"Thank you babes, you're looking pretty hot yourself." He twirled me around out into my room and smacked my ass.

"Let's go" he could be a bit demanding.

"we have to get Jones" I texted him to let him know we were on the way.

"Alright" Dillon pulled out a cigarette as we pulled out of my driveway. ALRIGHT IM AT HOME. BRINGING SOMEONE IS THERE ROOM?


Four minutes later we pulled up to Plaza Towers. Jones insisted his parents but him a loft for his own privacy. And that they did. Had they known privacy was really Adam4Adam parties. Well...I'm sure they would still pay for it. The tax write-off alone.


"Yeah Dil"

"I forgot to invite you to thanksgiving. My mom wants you to come."

"Your dad doesn't want me to come?" I giggled

"Really dick? Is that all you think about " he asked

"Wait, dick? Or your dad?" I smirked

Jones opened the door and got in with his hot date. Dillon wasn't done

"You are off the chain, for real though you are com- you will go."

"Yes daddy" I replied. And got a punch in return, which lead to a fit of giggles for me. Only to be interrupted by that evil Taylor Swift.

"Where's your boo thing?" I asked Jones

"He `s gonna meet us there." He shot back as we pulled out and battled the plaza traffic.

Once we arrived at The Nelson museum we got valet and proceeded to the party. Jones couldn't stop gushing about his hot date.

"He's like all man. Rough and tumble with s pinch of sex. We met at Missy B's and we danced upstairs and smoked cigarettes."

I grabbed Dillon's hand as we headed inside. We went to the new light box building and joined the groovy party happening. In reality we really were there to support our parents and their art board. So for us it was more an Instagram fest. I was wondering around the Europe art by myself just minding me own business.

"Boo" I literally jumped out of my skin. I turned around expecting to smack Dillon or Jones, yet instead it was him.

"seven" I couldn't breathe. "What are you doing-"

"SEVEN!" Jones squealed. I knew.

"Layton, this is him! Have you guys met?" I was dumbfounded. And loss for words.

"No, no we haven't." I muttered out as got my wits me and shook his hand. The one that was touching my cock earlier. He didn't seem flustered. He seemed fine. Well until.

"Seven, this is Dillon, Layton's boyfriend. " he looked at me, but I couldn't look at him. I knew he was looking at me. I still didn't look at him. So instead I took his hand to shake it. Excused myself for the bathroom and may or may not have had a slight panic attack.

The door opened. I didn't even notice I was locked into my own world trying to figure out how something like this could be happening. Seven, and Dillon in the same room? Jones and Dillon on a date? Together. So wait. There's a lot of Dillon in this equation and for fucks sake I left my boyfriend and my mistress together. I had to go save-

Seven! I ran into him hard

He let out an omph as my elbow connected with his rib cage.

"I'm sorry man- I, I just didn't see you" I stumbled.

"No it's okay" he offered. "So...your boyfriend?" Seven's voice rose when he ended boyfriend.

I touched my hair- a nervous tick I have. And tried and tried searching for an answer. "I mean, I didn't really know anything was gonna happen between you and I, and honestly it totally slipped my mind and I'm sorry if I hurt you I really and truly didn't mean to be-"

He kissed me

"That" I continued

He pushed me hard against the bathroom wall

"guy" I breathed out as I finally let my mouth taste his sweet tongue. He tasted like a grape jolly rancher.

"You taste like a grape jolly rancher"

"I had one in my mouth, but now I want something else in my mouth..." He unbuckled my belt and in one motion stripped me naked from the waist down. I only know this because of the sharp intake of breathe I took when the bathroom air hit my balls. "Seven. We can't do this here" I protested.

"You're right. Let's go in here." He pushed me into the nearest bathroom stall. Before the door was even locked he had me in his mouth. Or maybe throat I should say. Expertly working over my cock. Salvia dripping from his mouth onto my balls. I had to clutch his hair and brace my other hand on the bathroom stall just to keep from falling over.

"Oh my god, I've never had someone take the whole thing before" I moaned

He looked up and smiled as I watched my prick literally outlined in his throat.

The door rushed open and my heart dropped. Seven didn't stop. If anything I think he worked harder. I tried to control my ragged breathe but it was no help. Seven was doing oh so well and I was close. So close

"Im close" I whispered.

Seven just nodded in understanding.

"Mmm, oh my god, fuck I'm gonna-"

"Layton?" I nut didn't. I stood up rigid not moving while Dillon cleaned me up with his mouth. I fucking can't believe I'm about to get fucking caught. I pushed Dillon away as I listened for the door to shut.

"What the fuck was that man?" I pushed Seven out of the stall when I knew the coast was clear.

"That could have been my boyfriend!" I was upset.

"The one you forgot about?" He lingered around my lips as he whispered those words to me. He kissed my lips ever so gently and walked out.

"Hey babe!" Dillon ran up to me with a glass of champagne. Dad says we can have one only. I sipped on that drink trying to get the taste of Seven out of my mouth.

Seven looked up at me and grinned as he cupped Jone's ass. I couldn't believe this guy. I turned away and drank my champagne.

"Are you okay?" Dillon asked. I turned to him and gave him a kiss.

"Did you have a jolly rancher?" He asked eyebrow raised?

Guilt wasn't even the word. " yeah, uh...I went to the bathroom and I think some junior high kids were having fun in there. So I went to the one by the European art and this dude was handing them out like candy!" I had to cover my ass.

"They are candy." Jones said while getting "tipsy" off the champagne and a little too handsy with Seven.

"No shit?" Dillon inquired. " I thought I heard something when I came looking for you".

Seven shot me a look. I got sick.

"I wanna go home" I mentioned. No one heard.

A few hours later when Dillon came searching for me. I was at the giant Buddha statue. He came up and wrapped his arms around me.

"I knew I'd find you here." He kissed my neck.

"It's my favorite. Besides those cricket boxes." He chuckled as I pressed my weight into him. Maybe really testing to see if I push hard enough will he really stay?

"Let's go. Jones is ready to leave." He grabbed my arm and lead me out.

"Where's Seven?" I asked when we got to the parking garage and I spotted Jones smoking a cigarette sans Seven.

"he had to go take care of some business, he said he would text me later" Jones flicked his cigarette as we all climbed inside.

"I'm hungry!" Jones mentions as he leans over the arm rest-where my arm is resting to turn the music up.

"Hello! My arm is resting" I say.

"Let's go to the Mary's." Jones replied. As close to an I'm sorry I think I'll ever get.

Dillon looked over at me to gauge my mood. I half smiled and I think he knew I didn't really want too but was "along for the ride." When in all reality I was just caught up in my own thoughts. I didn't really care what we did. I did care about what I was doing and to someone I really did care about. This is why I don't do relationship I said to myself. You will ruin it. After beating myself up about what had happened in that bathroom. And promising it would never happen again. We were in a booth at Hamburger Mary's. Some loud and foul Drag queen was on the mic. I was distracted. Just floating in and out of the conversation. Chewing on cold fries and rolling my straw wrapper between my fingers into a ball and out of a ball. Jones was on a Seven kick and it was borderline torture.

"I think he has a six pack-it's really eight I think to myself."

"I don't know about his cock-it's big. And pretty I think to myself."

"I think he's s top-didn't really know that one I thought."

Dillon interrupted my train of thought asking if Seven had a job.

"Yeah" jones replied dipping his chicken into ketchup and taking a bite.

"I think he owns a shop. Metal work or something- auto shop I thought to myself."

Jones and Dillon stopped and looked over at me.

"What? A booger?" I asked.

"No dick pic, how the hell did you know he worked at an auto shop? Jones questioned waving his chicken finger in my face.

I said it out loud.

I straightened up and looked at Dillon who had a curious look on his face. I took a sip of my red cream soda and dove into the story about the car and this and that. Making sure to leave out any explicit details. Until I saw the crinkles release from Dillon's face. I couldn't do much for the all knowing look on Jones's.

"So you did know him before tonight?" Jones asked while splashing me with his orange soda from the straw he pulled out.

"Really Jone" I said. He hates when I call him Jone.

"I didn't really remember him. It was a very quick exchange it wasn't like we got food and went out on a date." I say as nonchalantly as I can.

"You don't think he's hot!" Jones questioned. And scoffed. "You must be straight."

Dillon quipped in. "I don't think so Jones, I mean unless earlier today was a fluke?" Dillon put his arm around me and smiled big up at Jones who made a disgusted face. His phone shook on the table as he reached for it. I cleared some stray hairs from Dillon's face and kissed him.

"Jolly rancher" he said

"Do you have gum?" I asked.

"Ooh!" jones squealed. "Let's go!" He was already gathering his things.

"Wait, where are we going man?" I asked trying to catch up. Poor Dillon was left to track down the server and pay the bill and leave the tip. Jones could be such a bitch. Trying to catch up to him and hear the plan was like an obstacle course.

"So remember Seven?"

"really Jone?" I was getting annoyed.

"He just texted me and we are gonna meet up. Where's your man?" We were at the car, but Dillon had the keys.

"Maybe paying for the food you just walked out on?" I threw back in his face. "I just want to go home man, you and Seven can have the time of your life." I was over it.

"What's your issue? Is this the one? The big one. Should I call it The September Issue?" He knew witty well. They may be related or he probably gave witty a blowie j.

I cracked. "Really though that was messed up apologize to Dillon."

"I will. You know I will, but please?" He begged.

Dillon came up to us. I immediately hugged and kissed him for Jones's mistake. I hope he knew this was his que.

"Look Dillon I'm sorry I ran out I got all excited and everything. I'm an ass I know" what the fuck? And I got the September issue speech?

"No it's fine, anything for my boy's friends." He pulled my closer to him. And he walked me around to my door and let me in. I looked up and swore I saw Jones roll his eyes at the act for a split second.

"Where to captain?" Dillon asked.

"mate" Jones replied

"Where's that?" Dillon was confused.

"You said captain. You should have said mate." Jones corrected him.

"I believe it is captain...mate" Dillon challenged.

This was it. A war. I tuned out once again. This time is was sexual. I mean who just comes into the bathroom and does that!? In a public place. My parents where there! What if my father walked in on me! And another guy...well it would be 14 all over again. But that is besides the point. I could not deny the fact that it was the best blowjob I ever had. I couldn't dent the spark and the unbelievable hotness of it all. That rush you get only when you know you should not be doing something. Jesus F. Christ I was getting hard. I'm hard and my boyfriend and best friend are fighting about captains and mates.

"turn here! There! Fuck!" We missed the turn i murmured.

"We missed it" Jones echoed at the same time. If it was me. I would have gotten huffy and puffy and probably passed the damn place and continued on, but prince Dillon just shakes it off ,laughs and oopsie daisy the sky is blue with rainbows and butterflies his way through the back way to this house...this house..wait...what the fuck!?

"Where are we?"

In my head- "Seven's"

Out load- "Seven's

Inside. "Kill me"

Outside " fuck he's sexy".

"I'm staying" I protested.

"No come on. It will be fun. Jones said smoke some weed then go out for a drink or seven." Dillon was too kind.

"Okay fine" I opened the door and Dillon meet me on the other side.

"Hey" he grabbed me

"What?" I was confused

"You didn't get my joke?" He was hurt I could read it all over his face.

"What do you mean?" I was so confused. I must have tuned out hard

"I said a drink, or seven. The dude's name is Seven!" He proclaimed

Fuck I could be thick. "Oh, fuck babes haha" I fake chuckled

"Don't fake me" Dillon said walking to the house. "I wanna be funny like you and Jones! You know, have that connection?"

"We have a connection. You don't have to be a comedian. You just have to be you." I soothed him

"Alright" I'm not sure he was convinced. Man usually I'm good at this convincing people. Today is an off day.

I walked through the threshold. Only this time I didn't have the lust I had like last time...

"Hey dudes. I rolled you guys something special I am gonna get dressed and we can go" Seven was standing there in only a black towel tied around his waist.

Lust. Check. Mate.

He looked at me and winked. Dillon and Jones went to the couch and sparked up the joint. Slowly I joined in. dillon passed me the joint and I almost burned myself.

"Did you see that V!? That ass? Fuck I'm getting some of that tonight! Climb him like stairs. Tumble down then climb them again...backwards." Jones was on one today.

"Holy shit babes!? Pecan we do that?" Dillon turned and asked me with a goofy ass grin on his face. Dillon is not a smoker.

"Whatever you want" I smiled at him handing Jones the joint.

"I need to piss...where do you think the bathroom is?" I asked. To cover my racks. I knew where it was.

"Maybe try down the hall?" Dillon suggested

"It's down the hall to the left. Next to the bedroom." Jones knew.

I went down the hall and in the bathroom shut the door and almost cried. Like what the fuck is this? An episode of Shameless!? Lost? Fuck American Horror story: I'm gay and this is life.

I got my shit together and splashed cold water on my face. Took a few deep breaths and walked out.

"Yeah man I can be there around 4:20"


"Yes baby, the usual."

What was going on?


I walked around the corner and peered into Seven's bedroom. I watched him throw on his black wife beater and a black henley. Watched his tan dickies curve around his bubble butt. I looked real hard. So hard in fact that I lost my balance.

Like nothing Seven turned around with his gun drawn and out.

"What the fuck Layton you just sneak up on people?" He was startled.

"No man. It's not like that I'm heard you talking on the phone" I trailed off and looked down

He walked over to me. "Who are you?" He asked me again that question for the second time.

He made me lock eyes. "I won't lie to you. You can lie to me. You can do whatever, but you will be mine. I can wait. I will wait. Patently." He used his fingers to trace up and down my arms. Sending shivers down my body." I will make you happy. I will treat you like a king...if you can accept me for me. Promise me." Seven requested

"How? I don't even-" he kissed me

"Promise me Layton. This is your one chance." He was rushed. "If you promise. Kiss me."

I kissed him.

He smiled at me. Kissed my forehead. Looked me dead in the eyes and told me truthfully.

"I'm an escort."

Email it I always love to know what you fellers think. And I always respond.

J. Monroe

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