Love at 30000 Feet

By moc.loa@877ajd

Published on Oct 8, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is a creation of my imgination, I do not know any of the people metioned or there sexual prefrences. This story does contain a male to male relationship and if this offends you or is illeagal for you to read (18+ or 21 depending on where you live) please don't read it.

Sorry it has taken so long to get the second chapter out, I have became a slave at work recently.

Chapter 2

"So what was all the drama in hell?" Christi ask when I walked back in the galley.

"Betty spilled coffe on a passenger" I said as I was putting up the snack tray from the serivce. I finished helping Christi reorginaze the galley and we chit chatted some. We where sitting on the jumpseat after we had finished and I was going through my bid packet for the next month.

"So you going back to long haul next month?" Christi ask looking at my packet.

"Yea, tired of sitting reserve on the domestic side, its strange in long haul I hold a line, but in domestic I sit reserve" I said looking at the trips for the month. Flying long haul is much nicer then flying on the domestic side. In genral the trips are longer and you work less and have more days off to do things. I went back to studying my packet trying to see what I wanted to do next month. When Chrisit cleared her thoart.

"Geez girl you sound like you are ready to cough up a fur ball" I said looking at her.

"You have a visitor" She said looking over my shoulder. I turned around and looked and saw Jake.

"Hi Jake, can I get you something?" I ask putting my packet back in the foulder.

"Could I possibly get another package of cookies and a bottle of water" He ask staring at me with those eyes that made me weak.

"Sure, not a problem I will bring that to you shortly" I said getting up to walk over to the galley. As he returned to his seat after a quick thank you. I went and got his snack and drink and was fixing to take it to his seat when Christi stopped me.

"Don't hurry back" She said smiling, "I can handel it for a while if you want to take a break"

"Thanks, I may find a empty row and take a cat nap" I said as I was taking Jake his things.

"Here you go Jake, I brought you a couple packs of cookies becuase, I know how addictive they are" I said sitting thing cookies and water down on his tray table.

"Thank you Ryan, how is your night going so far?" He ask trying to make small talk.

"Pertty normal, seems there are no strange people on board tonight, well execpt for Christi" I said galancing around for a empty row. I didn't see one so I did something I would normally never do.

"Would mind if I sit here next to you, I have been ordered to take a break"

"No not a all, It would be nice to have someone to talk to, I can't sleep on flights half the time and I didn't bring my lap top with me tonight" He said moving his bag out of the seat and sitting it on the floor beside his legs.

"So what has you going to New York tonight?" I ask him looking at his eyes. I was starting to get lost in them until he spoke a minute later.

"My sisters fiance` called and begged me to come out and give him a break from her, he said the more pregnat she gets the moodier she gets." He said with a chuckel and a smile the could melt the heart of anyone.

"I know how he feels, when my mom was pregnat with my litte brothers I went home for a couple weeks and was ready to shoot someone before I left, I think it was the only time I was looking foward to a four hour flight." I said laughing. We chatted for a while longer until Christi came and got me because the Captin called and needed to talk to me. I excused myself and went to the galley to see what was going on.

"This is Ryan"

"Ryan its Mike, we are getting an indicator that the cargo compartment is getting too hot, and we are going to land in Amarillo, Texas to have it checked out"

"Ok, are we delcaring an emergency?" I ask motioning Christi to come up front.

"No, not at the moment, we will be landing in about 25 minutes, just inform the crew and the passengers what is going on" Mike said "We will let you know if there are any changes"

"Ok, Mike we will have everything ready by then." I said hanging up the phone and taking a deep breath. I walked over and informed Christi what was going on and told her to prepar the galley for landing and I would go let everyone in back know what was going on. As I was walking out of the galley Jake stopped me.

"Ryan is everything ok" He ask

"For the most part yes, but we are going to land in Amarillo, Texas, there is an indication that the cargo compartment is getting to hot. It doesn't seem as it is to serious." I wishpered to him. " I have to go let the rest of the crew know but then I will be back" I said as I started walking to the back of the plane. After I breifed the rest of the crew on what was going on and we briefed the passengers and finished getting the cabin ready to land. I walked through the first class cabin making sure all the passengers were ok. When I got back to row one, I looked at Jake and noticed that he looked nervous.

"Jake are you ok?" I ask sitting down next to him.

"I am just worried that something it going to happen, this is the first time, I have been on a plane that had a problem during flight" He said holding the half empty water bottle in his hand.

"Everything is going to be fine, just trust me" I said taking the water bottle form him and holding his hand for a second. Before I could let go of his hand he squeezed it and smiled at me looking a little bit more realaxed.

"Do you promise?" He ask looking up at me still nervous.

"Yes I promie, if its not I will buy you dinner when we get to New York deal" I said patting him on the shoulder.

"Deal" He said looking at me. I went back to the galley and set in jumpseat and strapped myself in just as the landing grear came down. I got into my brace postion and sqeezed Christi's hand. We touched down with no incident and as we turned off the runway the Captin came on the PA.

" Ladies and Gentelmen, we apoligize for wake you, We reviced and indication that the temputer in the cargo hold was increasing and decided to make a unschduealed landing to have it checked and make sure it wasn't nothing to serious. We are going to taxi into a gate and maintnace will come on board and check things out and hopefully we will be back on our way to New York shortly. If there is anything that you need please let one of our flight attendants know."

Me and Christi looked at each other and both breathed a sigh of relife. We got out of our jumpseats and started making out way through the First Class cabin checking on everyone. I called back to the coach cabin and checked to make sure everything was ok there. When I was finished checking on everyone I went and checked on Jake.

"You ok" I ask sitting down next to him.

"Yeah, sorry if I freaked out a little bit, I don't mind flying I just still get a little nervous at times." He said turning in his seat to look at me.

"Don't worry about it, and to be honest I am still a little nervous everytime I get on a plane"

"So I guess I owe you dinner when we get to New York now, huh?" He said smiling that smile that could melt anyones heart again.

"Actually the deal was that I would buy you dinner if everything wasn't ok" I replied smiling at him I was hopeing that he didn't push the issue becuaes, I was starting to like him a little bit to much and I knew there was no way he was gay.

"Well, What if I want to buy you dinner to say thank you for keeping me from freaking out to bad" As he said this the first thing that popped into my mind was that it was taking us a long time to get to the gate but then I realized it was the middle of the night and there where not many people working at that time of night. I felt that plane stop and saw the seatbelt sign go off.

"Jake can I think about it, I will let you know before we get to New York?" I said getting up to walk to the galley to open the door to let the Maintnace guys on. After about 35 minutes the captian advised us that the problem had been fixed and that we would be leaving soon and to prepare that cabin for departure.

During the entire time that we where on the ground I was to busy talking to passengers and taking care of things to think about what Jake had ask. As I set back in my jumpseat for take off Christi ask me what was on my mind. I told her everything that had happend about the deal I made with Jake, that I was thinking about him in ways I shouldn't have.

"Ryan Micheal Stevens, will you please pull your head out of your ass and stop over thinking things" She said very aburptly after I had told her everything.

"What, I am not over thinking anything"

"Babe its dinner, its not like he is asking you on a date, YOu need to losen up. Once we level off I want you to take your gay butch boy ass over there and tell him that you would love to have dinner with him give him your cell number and set up a day to do it, We are going to be in New York unitl Tuesday, so you have all day Sunday and all day Monday to do something." She said point blank and bluntyl like only Christi could. Then she hit me in the head with a Magzine that she had in her lap. A few minutes later we where released from out seats and after making a few announcements I made my way through first class. As I reached the seat where Jake was sitting he looked up and smiled at me.

"So I had some time to think about dinner" I said sitting down next to him.

"oh, and" He said turning around in his seat and looking at me stright in the eyes.

"I guess having dinner would be ok, I guess your not some psyco passenger that is going to stalk me" I said with a chuckel. I reached up and rubbed the spot on my head where Christi had hit me.

"Someone knock some sense into you?" He ask laughing

"YOu could say that, well here is my cell number, we are going to be in New York until Tuesday moring" I said writing down my number on a napkin and giving it to him.

"Great, would doing something sunday night be to soon, I have a meeting while I am out here on Monday and I have no idea how long it will take" He was putting my number into his PDA as he was talking.

"Yea, that would be great just give me a call, I only have one small request" I said as I was getting up to go anwser a call light from a passenger.

"And what would that be" he said smiling at me.

"No where fancy" I said as I was starting to walk off.

Over the rest of the flight me and Jake made small talk during the time I had a few minutes. The more I talked to him the more I started to relized that maybe going to dinner was a good thing. I guess for once in our frinedship Christi was right, anytime I went into the galley she was always smiling at me. As we started our decent into New York, I was doing my final walk through and Jake handed me a picute and a small piece of paper. On the paper was a note:


I didn't want to bother you before we landed but I wanted to give you my number so you will know its me when I call later 433-355-4444, I will call you this afternoon to give you sometime to sleep. I promise no where fancy. The picture is for Christi, she deserves it for knocking some sense into you.


After we landed and all the passengers where off the plane. Me and Christi where getting our bags and I handed her the picture Jake had given me for her. She was all giddy over the picture but promised not to tell anyone else that she got it. Once we got to our hotel I put Jakes number in my phone and put the note in my bag so nobody would find it. I went and got in the shower and was thinking about Jake and lets just say that I had a eight inch problem to take care of. After my shower I went and got in bed and went to sleep. When I woke up I went and worked out but forgot my phone in the room. When I got back I had a voice mail from Jake saying to met him down stairs at 7:30 and to dress casual. I started to wonder how he knew what hotel I was staying at, but then I looked at my text messages and there was one from him saying, not to hurt Christi for telling him what hotel we where at.

Ok so the long awaited second chapter is now out. Comments, criticism, and anything else can be sent to email: AIM: dja778 yahoo: djaggie04

Hopefully chapter 3 won't talke this long to get out. But I am not making any promises.

Next: Chapter 3

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