Love at 30000 Feet

By moc.loa@877ajd

Published on Nov 9, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is a creation of my imgination, I do not know any of the people metioned or there sexual prefrences. This story does contain a male to male relationship and if this offends you or is illeagal for you to read (18+ or 21 depending on where you live) please don't read it.

So here is chapter 3 I want to thank everyone for there support in this story espically the other writers who are giving me encourgement.

this chapter is dedicated to Kelly

Love at 30000 feet chapter 3

After getting Jakes messages, I looked at the clock, it was only 5:00 so I had sometime until it was time to met him downstairs. I went to look in my bag and see what I had to wear that was causal and looked good. After looking at what I had I decided that I needed to go shopping, I changed into something casual and got my wallet and phone. I walked down the hall to Christi's room and knocked on the door.

"Who is it" Christi yelled through the door.

"Your husband so get out off bed with the pilot and let me in" I said trying not to laugh.

"Ugh what do you want," she said opening the door.

"Geez your such a lovely person when you get woke up, you want to go shopping with me" I asking standing in the doorway.

"God you are such a shopping queen, but babe I can't go today, my brother is in town and we are going to a show"

"Ahh, the brother that is "Stright" and has been living with the same guy since college" I said using my fingers to quote the word stright.

"Shawn is not gay, him and Alex are just both single and are trying to save money and since they live in the same town and work at the same place they decided it would be cheaper." She said pushing me out the door.

"Whatever, tell your brother I said hi" I said walking down the hall and pushing the button on the elevator. Just as I got on the elevator my cell phone started ringing. I looked at the caller id and saw that it was Jake.

"Hello" I said awnsering the phone.

"Hey its Jake, whats up"

"Not much just going out for a little bit to do some shopping, what are you up to?" I said pushing the button for the lobby on the elevator.

"Walking to get my sister muffins and coffe, did you get my message earlier"

"Yea, I got it, when did Christi tell you what hotel we stay at?" I ask getting out of the elvator and walking out of the door of the hotel.

"Right before we landed and you went to the back to talk to one of the other crew members, your not mad at her are you" he ask obviously worried that I was mad that Christi told him where we stay.

"No, I am not mad at her, acutally I am glad she told you, since I forgot to tell you" I said crossing the street to where there where a few clothing stores.

"OK well I will let you go back to shopping, I will see you in a bit, bye Ryan"

"bye Jake see you later" I said hanging up the phone and putting it back in my pocket. I walked into one of the shops that I saw. After spending about an hour shopping I decided that I needed to head back to the hotel and start getting ready. After takeing a shower and putting on a pair of jeans that I had bought at the store I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 7:15. I decided that I should head down stairs so I was down there when Jake got there.

Once I got downstairs I went and set in a chair that I could see the front entrance from. After sitting there for about ten minutes I saw Jake walk in, he had a pair of sunglasses on but I could still recognize him. I got up and walked toward him.

"Jake, you really need to try harder to fit in if you don't want to be noticed" I said walking up to him.

"I know, its just a force of habit" He said taking off his glasses "I almost didn't recognize you not being in uniform" He was smiling that smile that made me go weak again.

"Yea, I have been told I look at lot diffrent out of uniform"

"Yep you look at lot better out of uniform" Did I just hear him right I was thinking to myself. Was he checking me out?

" So where are you taking me for dinner" I ask quickly trying to change the subject.

"There is this Thai place down the stree that I have heard was good" He said putting his glasses back on "I thought maybe we could walk if that was ok with you"

"That sounds good, I haven't had good Thai food in a while and I love walking in New York" We left the hotel and started walking toward the resturant we made small talk on the way to the resturant. Once we got to the hotel the waitress came by and took our drink orders. As we where looking at the menus I couldn't help but look at Jake, I had seen several of his movies and always thought that his eyes where just like that on camera but I noticed that it wasn't.

"Do I have something on my face?" I heard Jake ask.

"No, why?" I said trying to sound like I hadn't been stareing at him.

"Becuase, you have been stareing at me for the past 5 minutes"

"Sorry, I guess I zoned out thinking about something" I said quicly looking away.

"So how long have you been flying?" Jake ask trying to start up a conversation again.

"Five years, I started flying right out of college" I said trying to not look at Jake directly.

"Kewl, so I am guessing that you are not orginally from LA, you have a southern accent" I looked at Jake and he was smiling. I hated my accent as much as I tried to cover it up it slipped out occassionly. It made me sound like a Texas hick.

"No I grew up in Texas and didn't move to LA until I started flying, I hate my accent and wish I could get rid of it" I said trying not to blush while Jake was smiling at me.

"Why, you sound diffrent from everyone else in LA, when I ask you about where you were from you got a distant look in your eyes. Bad memories at home" Jake ask knowingly looking at me directly into my eyes.

"Just alot of bad memories from there" I said trying to not let all of them come rushing back to me.

As we where talking the waitress had took our orders and the food had came. We continuted talking and thankfully Jake had let the topic of Texas drop. As we kept talking I learned alot more about Jake, and as much as I didn't want to I became more attracted to him.

"When are you leaving to go back to LA" I ask Jake, hopeing maybe he would be on my flight back.

"Not until friday Maggie is a mess with this pregnacy and I told her I would come out for a week" Jake said looking at me.

"Awww that either sweet or nuts I don't know which, but its good that you are close to your sister" I said as we where getting up to leave.

"So do you have anyplans for the rest of the night" Jake ask as we where walking out of the resturant.

"Not really, more then likely just go back to the hotel and have a drink or something" I said holding the door open

"Want to go for a walk around the city for awhile?" The question caught me off guard, I had figured that after dinner he would want to run back to his sisters while I went to the hotel bar and drank my missery of being single away.

"Sure I guess, I do like walking around the city at night" I was not 100% sure what I was doing but my gut told me to go.

"Sweet, I want to take you to my most faviorte spot in the city, its somewhere where I go to just get away from it all when I am in town" Jake said grabbing my arm and pulling me down the street. We walked for awhile and came to this building and went to the top floor and out on the roof. When we looked out over the city it took my breath away. It was the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen. We kept chatting for awhile but when we were on the roof I couldn't talk anymore.

"I take it you like the view" I heard Jake say from behind me with a chuckel.

"Its beautiful, I don't think I have seen the whole city from this close up before" I said turing around to look at Jake.

"Yeah its the one place in the world where I feel normal and where I don't have to deal with things." Jake said sitting down on the ledge. "I acutally haven't been here in a long time"

"Work keep you to busy to come up here" I said noticeing that Jake had became really quite.

"Not really work just didn't want the time alone" Jake said

"Jake I know that we don't know each other that well but if you need someone to talk to I am a good listener" I told Jake moving over and sitting next to him putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Did you ever meet Betty and Clare's son Chris?" Jake ask turning around to look at me.

"Yes I met Chris a few months before he was killed, he was a very sweet guy, I was always jealous of his boyfriend" I said rembering how big of a crush I had on Chris when I met him at the restruant and also rembering how hard him getting killed affected Betty and Clare and almost everyone that went to the resturant regularly.

"Brain if I tell you something can you promise to keep it to yourself?" Jake looking at me with a pleading look in his eyes.

"I promise Jake" I knew that it must have been something big for Jake to ask me to keep it a secert.

"Chris was my boyfriend" Jake said with tears building up in his eyes.

"Wow, I would never have guessed" I said shocked.

"There is more" Jake said "The night of the accident me and Chris had a big fight, He left the house upset and angry at me he, I told him that I never wanted to see him again, the next thing I rember was getting the phone call that he was in a accident and that he had been killed. I still blame myself everyday for what happend, If I had only stopped him from leaving the accident would never have happend" Jake was crying at this time and I put my arms around him and held him.

"Jake, the accident was not your fault, someone ran the red light and hit him, nothing you could have done would have changed what happend and you need to stop blaming yourself for what happend that night" I said stroking Jakes back.

"I told him that I never wanted to see him again and that I hated him" Jake said with his face in my chest crying still.

"Jake, Chris knew you didn't mean it you where both angry we all say things we don't mean when we are fighting."

We set there for awhile me holding Jake and him still crying. After a little while he stopped crying and set back up. He looked like a little kid that had just lost his best frined.I took the bottom of my shirt and wiped the tears away from his eyes, I felt bad for him and I knew that he held alot of guilt about what happend that night. I looked at my watch and saw that it was close to one in the morning.

"Jake does your sister live close to here" I ask him.

"No, I actually took the subway to your hotel, Mags lives on the other side of town, Why?" Jake said turning around the look at me.

"Its almost one and we have both had a long day, and I think we both need to get some rest. the subways aren't the safest things at night, so if you want to crash at the hotel with me you can" I said knowing that Jake probly didnt want his sister to see him like he was.

"Are you sure, I could catch a cab its not a problem" Jake said grabbing his jacket.

"No its ok" I said as I was getting up from the ledge.

"Ok if you are sure" Jake said turning around and our eyes met. We both stared at each other for a second and both leaned in and kisses each other.

End of Chapter 3

Sorry it took so long to get out I was having computer trouble and had to rewrite it. Hopefully chatper 4 will be out before the end of the month. Comments, Critcism, and such can be sent to

Hope to hear from yall soon FLYING

Next: Chapter 4

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