Love From the Ashes

By HnstSkr4 / Chuck B.

Published on Sep 6, 2020


Love From the Ashes Chapter 9

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

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I want to thank everyone who has emailed. I also want to thank those who have read the story. It means a lot hearing from you. Please continue reading! There is a lot more to come. I own all rights to this story.

If you do not like this type of story or you do not agree with the issues in this story, then please feel free to read elsewhere

Copyright © 2017-2020

Characters in This Chapter:

Jamie Best – Boyfriend to Cameron

Cameron Lockhart – Boyfriend to Jamie

Old Man from fire – Not identified

Love From The Ashes

Chapter 9

Save A Life

It's Saturday, and Jamie and Cameron have planned to escape for a little while. They needed some time together. Jamie will be driving, and they decide on going to the mall. Sometimes, it's nice to go window shopping. They just want some time to enjoy each other's company. Naturally, Jamie would love to go out and buy stuff even if it's just toys for Princess. Today, he just wants to get Cameron out of the house. It's something they both need to be honest.


Jamie would rather be outside doing some hiking, but the weather just isn't working in their favor today. It's rained a little with more rain in the forecast. It stormed for about a half-hour prior to the guys heading out. The guys hold hands as they move through the mall walking through the mall as they look through the different stores windows. The mall offered a chance to walk and stay dry. It also gave them a chance to people watch.


As they move through the mall, they pass by a few fountains. One of those fountains has a tradition behind it, and the guys decided to take part in the tradition. Tradition says that if you are on a date, that both people toss in a quarter as they make a wish.

"Are we doing this?"

Jamie asks as the guys stand near the water feature.


Cameron says as he gets a quarter out of his wallet. Jamie also gets out a quarter. The guys stand and quietly think of what they want to do for their wish. Jamie gets ready to toss his quarter into the fountain.

`I wish Cameron and I will last forever.'

Now it's Cameron's turn make his wish.

`I wish that Jamie will be kept safe at work.'

When the quarters hit the water, each guy feels a little bit luckier. Course, the wishes don't work, but it's more about romance than wishes.


After making wishes, Jamie and Cameron walk into one of the stores. It's a trendy store that sells a mix of stuff from clothing, jewelry, even a section that is all adult items. For kicks, the guys browse the adult section. They look at sex toys, DVDs, and a mix of other stuff.

"Hey Cameron, should I buy this?"

Cameron turns to see what Jamie is looking at, only to see Jamie holding a box that shows a very realistic looking dildo. Cameron's face turned beet red, not that he wouldn't care if Jamie bought it, but at the moment, it was a little embarrassing. Jamie put the box back on the shelf. He just didn't see any reason to buy it. Still, he loved to see the embarrassment on his guy's face.

"You didn't have to put it back on the shelf."

Cameron says to Jamie, and Jamie just laughed.

"I don't want it. I just wanted to see the expression on your face when you thought I was going to buy it."

Cameron just shrugged his shoulders, and with that, they left the store. Leaving the store behind, they immediately head to find something to eat.  


The guys decide on Chinese for lunch. As they are sitting around eating and talking, out of the blue, Jamie's fire pager goes off.

"Sorry, Babe, but we need to get going like now."

Jamie and Cameron start running around like crazy, getting their stuff cleaned up.

"Okay, let's go. Any idea what's going on?"

Cameron asks as they head towards the exit. Jamie calls the fire station and lets them know that he is on the way. Cameron is a little sad that they had to cut their date short. He knows that it's going to happen, but he still hates it. They are practically running as they towards the exit. When they get to the vehicle, he turns on the light for Cameron's house to drop him. There isn't even time to give a kiss goodbye so that he can arrive at the stations.


The firemen arrive at the house, and as Jamie is getting out of the truck, someone approaches him, saying that someone is in the house. Immediately, Jamie is in moving into the home. Fortunately, the living room seems to be smoke-filled. It's a lucky thing that Jamie has his mask on because the smoke is thick. He moves through the house, reaching a side bedroom.


As he enters the bedroom, he finds someone approaching him. It's an older man who needs help getting out of the house. Jamie has him take his arm. As they come to the door, one of the walls catches fire. They immediately head out of the room. He can hear chatter via his radio. The back half of the house is almost gone and will be gone before they get outside. At least, he knows that the old man will get out before the bedroom is gone. After handing the man over the EMTs, Jamie returns to the house.


Sure enough, he gets word that the back of the house is gone. They fight hard to save the older man's house, but the front of the house is faring better. The smoke has soaked into everything in the place. The water from the fire hoses has also soaked the house. The family might be able to save the somethings in the house, but the most important thing is that their family member is safe. Hopefully, the smoke has not hurt him too much.


A neighbor of the rescued man called his family. They let them know that their relative was being taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. Before the EMTs left with their patient, Jamie gets a chance to shake hands with the patient.


It's all the guy said before being put into the ambulance. With the fire out, the crew makes sure to discuss how the rescue and how putting out the fire went as well; always a good thing to sit back and watch the house for any flare-ups. Someone walks up to Jamie and pats him on the back, giving him a high five. After making sure that it was safe to do, they called it a night.


Jamie gets on the fire truck and rides back to the station with the other guys. You know there is nothing like hanging out with his friends after fighting a fire. A lot of times, their adrenaline is coursing, sometimes they are tired, and other times they may be depressed. It all depends on how the fire went. Today was not so bad, but sometimes, things don't go as planned. Today though, things went well. The ride back to the station always gives them a chance to unwind just a bit before heading home or going back to the station.


Before going home, Jamie decides to have a shower before heading home. He wants a chance to clean up a bit before he returns home. He's also hoping that he can fix their little date from earlier today. He wants to see Cameron after fighting that fire. Princess will no doubt want attention from Jamie as well. Hopefully, Jamie's boyfriend will want to come over and see him. After his shower, he dries off and heads to his vehicle. Inside of the car, he immediately calls Cameron.

"Hey Jamie, I take it the fire is put out, and all is good?"

Jamie smiles when he hears Cameron's voice.

"Yeah, the fire is out, and all is good. Would you want to come over? Maybe we can pick up where we left off from earlier?"

Cameron didn't even have to take time to think about it. He immediately jumped at the opportunity to see his boyfriend.

"I'll be over in a few minutes. I need to grab my keys, lock up the house, and then get to the car."

Jamie's fist pumps the air. Maybe, that was a bit childish, but he doesn't care as long as he gets to see Cam.

"Sounds like a plan. Should I order a pizza; a large pizza with half pepperoni and half sausage?"

The mere thought of food is already making Jamie's stomach gurgle. Even Cameron, who has had an opportunity to snack when he wants too, is hungry.

"Yes, please order that pizza. I know you'll eat more than I will, but I'm hungry enough to eat a horse."

Jamie laughs partially because he believes him but because it's true. He will consume more of that pizza than Cameron will.

"I will get the pizza ordered, so hopefully, we can watch some of that series that we started watching while we wait for it."

Cameron doesn't want to start driving until the call is over, and Jamie doesn't want to hang up because he loves his man's voice.

"I think that's a great idea, but I had better hang up so I can head over to your house."

Jamie feels a little silly. He's been keeping his boyfriend from leaving his house. Saying goodbye, he looks at Princess and says, "Cameron is coming over," and she begins to wag her tail.  He's pretty sure that she is eager to see Cam also.


As planned, Cameron arrives, and after being greeted by the pup, Cameron ends up on the couch right next to Jamie. Jamie starts the show on the television. Pretty soon, Cameron and Jamie are sharing a blanket and watching the show. Jamie loves that he has a guy who will cuddle with him. It's the coolest, most romantic thing ever, and he is all about it. A couple of times, Princess tried to interfere with the cuddles. She even barked a couple of times when Jamie or Cameron initiated a kiss. They also exchange a few hugs here and there. They were about halfway through the show when the doorbell rang. The doorbell ringing signaled that the pizza was there.


While Jamie is getting the pizza, Cameron is helping out by setting the table. They sit back and enjoy the pizza while Princess plays with the toys. Jamie will either feed her while he is eating, or he allows her to play with a bunch of her toys. He never gives her human food from the table. If he does give her human food, it's always away from the table. They are enjoying the pizza and the company.


After the pizza, Jamie is cleaning up while Cameron is in the living room with Princess. The guy is sitting on the floor while Princess practically attacks Cam. Course, it is all play, but occasionally he likes to play a little rough with her. Jamie is a bit busy, but it is always making him smile to see his dog and his boyfriend at play.     He listens to his dog at play and Cameron's laughter. When the kitchen is cleaned up, Jamie immediately gets on the floor and starts tickling Cameron, which causes Princess to look like she might want to hurt her owner. Again, it's just played. Still, the guys are enjoying the play. When Princess starts to get tired, the guys get up on the couch.


While they are sitting up on the couch, Cameron decides to throw caution to the wind and talk to Jamie about a concern that he has been tossing around for a while.

"Jamie, do you...want kids?"

Cameron's anxiety can be heard in his speech as he speaks to Jamie. He's afraid that Jamie might decide that kids just aren't his thing, and perhaps leave. Cameron loves the little one in his life. Breandon, his brother in law, and his sister, Elizabeth, have two of the sweetest kids; Dan and Ava. They make him smile. Course, his sister has to put up with twins, but even she thinks they are adorable. Jamie, too, has little ones in his life; he has a two-year-old nephew named Hadrian and a three-year-old niece named Jasmine.

"My mom would go nuts if I announced that my partner and I were giving her grandkids."

`Is what Jamie just said good or bad?'

Jamie just isn't sure that Jamie's mom wants grandkids from him or not? Should he ask for clarification? He decides to just go with asking for clarification.

"So Jamie, is that nuts in a good way or a bad way?"

Jamie listens as he smiles.

"My mom would LOVE to have grandkids."

The question is, are Jamie and Cameron ready for kids? Not really, Jamie sometimes sees kids on his job. While Cameron sometimes sees kids occasionally at work. Each of them would love to have kids, so maybe it's in their future.


Cameron and Jamie are talking about kids, and they aren't done yet. Jamie wants to see if Cameron thinks like him where children are concerned.

"I would 2 or 3 kids, maybe 4. What about you?"

Cameron is thinking about how many kids he wants. He knows he wants more than one. Being an only child has to be lonely.

"I think maybe four kids would be cool. I guess it just depends on how many I will be blessed within our lives."

The fact that Cameron said "our lives" makes Jamie quite happy.   Jamie leans in and kisses Cameron softly on the lips. He's never had anyone discuss this with him before, especially not this early in the relationship. This feels right somehow to be sitting here besides Cameron.

"Cameron, I love you. You make me so happy."

Cameron rests his head against Jamie's shoulder. He loves this guy. Something about being in this moment just makes him giddy.

"Jamie, I know you want kids, but do you want to live here or move?"

His boyfriend doesn't need to think about it. He owes his life to the fire station, and it's crew. Being a firefighter gives him a purpose, and he has grown to love this community.  No, he doesn't want to move out of the area. Sure, he might want to sell his house and move into another place in the area.

"Okay, so don't judge me, but I would love to stay in the city. I don't have to stay in this house, but I do want to stay close enough to continue to stay at the station. Does that make sense?"

Course, it makes sense. Why wouldn't he want to stay at the stations, where he has so much support.

"It makes perfect sense to me."


It's now 9:30 pm, and Cameron is tired, and even Jamie is a little tired. Cameron stands at the door, ready to walk out to the car, and Jamie even has the keys to the car in his hands. They kiss good night in and exchange a hug. Jamie puts the keys down on the table and walks outside to speak with his Cam.

"Cam, you can say no, but what would you think about spending the night?"

Cameron decides to stay the night with his boyfriend.

"Okay, if...if, you're sure."

Jamie is okay with it; otherwise, he wouldn't have offered it in the first place. Cameron and Jamie return to the house.

"I want you by my side for the night."

Cam is a little nervous, but he can handle it. He knows that Jamie isn't about to hurt him. They continue the night by simply relaxing.


Before the guys go to bed, Jamie and Cameron take Princess out to use the bathroom. When she is done doing her thing, they head straight into the bedroom. Jamie opens the bedroom door and then turns towards his boyfriend.

"You're welcome to sleep with me in the master bedroom or sleep in the guest room?"

Cameron is silent for a bit as he considers Jamie's offers. He's Jamie's boyfriend, and as such, that means he has every right to share the bed with Jamie.

"Are you kidding me? I want to sleep with my boyfriend in his bedroom."

Jamie takes Cameron's hand, and they walk into the bedroom. Jamie and Cameron strip down to their underwear and climb into the bed. They cuddle in the bedroom with Jamie taking the spot as big spoon and Cameron as little spoon. The guys are a bit tired, so there is very little sex going on in the bedroom. Cameron feels safe in his man's arms. Tomorrow, when he wakes up, he knows that everything will be okay.


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Next: Chapter 10

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