Love Hurts More Than I Can Say

By Jerry Chen

Published on Jan 28, 2009


This might include some sexual activities between males. If you're against it or under 18 please leave. I would also love to hear replies and peoples word on my story. You can e-mail me at ""

Choice Between Friends and Lover

Saturday Morning

Jerry's POV

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock. I wonder why the hell did I set e alarm on weekends. I was gonna have to do something about that. Then Johnson called me on my cell phone. "Hey baby what's up?" I said into the phone. "Well I was wondering if I could come over?" He asked a little pleadingly. "Sure I don't see why not." I said. "I'll be there in about 5 min see ya babe." With that he hung up.

Anthony's POV

Omg I can't believe it's finally Saturday I was gonna tell Jerry that I was gay and loved him. I wonder if he liked me back. Hmm I guess I would just have to ask later. I left my house and I was on my way to Jerry's house. I was so excited I quickened my pace.

Tommy's POV

I woken up at seven thirty I wonder why. Why Johnson!?!?! Why not me! WHY DAMN IT. I just couldn't figure it out, me and Jerry and I have been friends for a few years how could he like him and not me I just couldn't get it. I wasn't gonna let this happen. Maybe if I mess up Johnson and Jerry I could have Jerry all too myself! Yes that would work wouldn't it. (Man am I getting obessed with him.)

Skylar's POV

I woken up at seven thirty and man was it good it was finally Saturday I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I was to busy thinking about Alex Liu he was a cute guy he was probably 5'7" black hair, brown eyes, and had a sexy ass smile that made my heart melt every time I saw him.

I wanted to talk to Jerry about him but I couldn't go talk to him with my hard on. Damn I think I was thinking about Alex too much. I wonder if he liked me. I kept thinking about Alex as my hands went into my underpants. I started stroking 5inches of hard meat. And thinking oh how long his cock was.

After a little while I had my underpants and shirt off and I was stroking myself to a beautiful climax thinking about Alex. I was thinking about me and him having sex some where in the tropical islands. It was a good fantasy I was fantasizing about him fucking me as I was getting close. ( I realized I was a bottom and I wonder if Alex was a top?) After a while I started shooting my cum on my belly.

Man it was good I was wiping the cum off me with a towel I was gonna talk to Jerry but I just heard the door and heard Johnson and Jerry talking I guess I could talk to Jerry later. So I just started up my computer.

I went on my aim and started talking to some friends and wondering what to do today. Me and some friends decided to go to the movies. So I went into the shower after about 15min I came out of the shower and put some new clothes on and left the house.

Jerry's POV

Me and Johnson went into my bedroom and we sat on my bed. Me and Johnson started kissing as my hand went up his shirt. I wanted to go further with Johnson but I didn't want to risk it with Johnson so I just stuck to thinking about oral with Johnson. After awhile I wanted to stop and just talk. Which got me a groan from Johnson which caused me to laugh.

"Hey Jerry I don't think I want to go all the way yet... I don't feel comfortable yet." He said. "I was gonna say that too but I want you to know I'm a bottom." I said kind of laughing. "Omg you have no idea how scared I was about that I'm a top but for you I was willing to be a bottom and anything for you but it's good that you a bottom." He sighed with relief. "Hehe me too."

We started talking about random stuff. Soon I heard the door open and close it must have been Skylar leaving to go be with his friends. Soon after I heard the doorbell ring. I wonder who that could have been. "I'll get it wait here babe." I said as I went down to answer it.

As I opened the door I saw Anthony and just remembered that Anthony was gonna come over. OH SHIT. "Um hi come in dude." I said. "Hey how's it going? And where's your parents?" He asked. "Oh I'm fine and my parents are working." I replied. "Who is it babe?" Johnson shouted out from my room. I visibly cringed as Johnson said that. The look on Anthony's face said the same thing.

Anthony suddenly charged up to my room and I knew something was gonna happen. I tailed him up to my room. "What are you doing here!" I heard Anthony yell. "I'm here because I asked Jerry if I could come and he said I could." He replied. "WHAT!" He shouted again. "Relax Anthony I let him come here." I told him. He seemed to relax alittle after that.

"Well can I talk to you alone?" Anthony asked. "Sure stay here Johnson." I said. "K." He replied. Me and Anthony walked down into the living room. "Well what is it you want to talk to me about?" I asked casually as I sat down on the sofa. "Well I wanted to tell you um... something." He said. "Ok what is it?" I asked. "Well I wanted to tell you that... I'm... uh... gay." He said and looked away. I sat there stunned I never would have thought he was gay. "Why are you telling me this now?!?!" I asked kind of mad. Why did he never tell this? And when I told him he could have told me! "Because um.. I didn't want to admit it to myself..." He looked down ashamed. I felt kind of bad knowing that I snapped at him. I should have known that he was afraid of admitting it.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you I was just mad that you didn't tell me before and yeah... but now you told me and yeah so do you like anybody?" I asked curiously. "Yeah I do and I think he is the hottest person alive!" He said with enthusiasm. "Really who?" I asked wanting to know." "It's um... you." He turned and looked away. I was stunned again? He had feelings for me?!!? I never knew. This was so shocking.

"Wow I never knew." I said. I was gonna say something more but I felt something on my lips. And after the shock I saw it was his lips on mines! I quickly pushed him off me. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Well since you gay and I'm gay I have always wanted to kiss you." He said. I was shocked to say the least I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Um wow um... Anthony I am so sorry but I love Johnson." I said. He looked at me in shock then he looked mad. "I can't believe it! Why do you like that fucker! I don't get what you see in his dumb ass." He yelled. "I love him ok please don't make a big deal out of this I know that you love me too but I don't want to decide between my best friend and the person I love!" I said. I was feeling soo torn between my best friend and my love.

"No you have to choose now! It's either him or me!" He replied angrily. "Please Anthony please don't make me choose please!" I was practically begging.

"No you have to choose!" He replied again. "Ughh... Please don't make me choose cause I'm afraid of the results." I said. "I knew it you would choose that bastard over me!" He yelled. He got up and opened the door and slammed it.

I sat down on the sofa and started crying how did this happen. Why did Anthony have to be so stubborn. I didn't get it. I knew he loved me... Well at least now I do. He could have told me sooner my god. Now this is all one big mess.

I wish I knew what to do maybe I should let Anthony cool off and so we could still be friends instead of nothing. I know he will get over it and find someone he really loves right?

As I was thinking I didn't even hear Johnson come down. He sat next to me and tried comforting me. "Thanks babe I think he'll get over it. But I don't want me and him to be mad at each other. He was my friend since for ever and I don't want to loose him and I also don't want to lose you. I love you too much for that." I said and started crying.

"Wow I know you loved me but didn't know you loved me that much. I know I would do anything for you and I love you to death. I hope it works out between you and Anthony." He said. "Thanks honey I know I will try to fix it with him I love him as a brother and nothing more and I don't want him and my relation ship to be bad." I said.

We went back upstairs and we went up to my room and we laid down on my bed and we were cuddling. Me and Johnson decided to play some games on computer. It was fun he was playing this shooting game. I didn't really understand it but I played anyways to make him happy it was a two player game.

It was fun me and Johnson kept playing we didn't even know it one thirty. My stomach started to growl as I looked at the clock it was time for us to eat. "Hey babe you want something to eat? It's like noon now." "Sure baby where do you want to go eat?" He asked.

"What? I meant I was gonna cook for us!" I said and started laughing. "I didn't know you could cook?" He asked shocked. "Yeah well I learned some cooking skills from my mom. Don't you know how to cook?" I asked shocked that my lover didn't know how to cook.

"Well I don't know I never learned and I never wanted to. You know I always thought that you would cook for me cause you're the only one I love and I only will love you. No one else I love you to much to hurt you." He said as his eyes got alittle misty.

My eyes got misty too as I heard him I never thought I would hear those words but I was gonna expect it. But I never knew it was gonna happen soon. "Wow I love you too and I will only love you no one else no matter what anyone thinks now come on what do you want to eat I'll go make it." I said after wiping my eyes.

"Well lets go eat some pork and do you have any rice with it?" He asked. I started laughing and said "Of course I have rice I'm Asian." Man that was funny. "I know but that might be racist to say all Asian's are like that." He said. "True thanks for thinking about that I appreciate you thinking for me like that." I said I was truly grateful for having such a good boyfriend. I can honestly see a future for us but don't want to say it yet until he is comfortable with the idea.

I went downstairs and started cooking about half way through I felt arms wrap around me and I jumped. Johnson started laughing at me and I poked him gently in the stomach and he giggled.

"Don't do that you know I get scared easily." I said feeling kind of weak. I started getting teary eyed and Johnson noticed he stopped He went over to me and hugged me. "Sorry baby I didn't mean it I was just kidding you know that right?" He said apologetically.

"Your forgiven please don't scare me like that I'm just scared that things might happen." I said sadly remembering something.

"Something you want to talk about?" Johnson asked nicely. I wanted to tell him but I think it would make me sad again but I want to tell him anyways.

It all started when I was 8 I had a friend named Brandon he was 8 too we were really good friends. One day in the summer we were playing in the grass field. We were playing near the edge and we were playing around Brandon slipped on a drop and fell into the water. I didn't know what to do and we both did know how to swim so I went to get a parent. When I got my mom we started to rush back and we got him out of the water and he wasn't breathing. I started crying knowing he was dead and my mom trying to comfort me.

"So that's why I don't like to be scared I think that things like the might happen again and seeing scary things remind me of it." I said sadly. "Oh I get it now. Sorry babe I didn't know from now on I'll try to not scare you." He said. "It's ok." I said.

After I finished cooking we sat down and ate we were joking around and playing. As we were eating Skylar came in. "Hey Sky where have you been?" I asked looking at the clock noticing it was 3:30.

"I went out to go play with friends and watch a movie." Skylar said. "That's a good idea babe want to go rent a movie?" I asked. "Sure I guess we could do that." He said. "Come on let's finish eating and go." I said.

We finished and I changed while I was changing Johnson was getting and eye full so I thought I would do a show for him. I pulled my short over my head slowly and then I started rubbing my nipples and pinching it. After that I started untying the string to my sweatpants and let it drop. And I was in my black Calvin Klein boxer briefs.

My cock was as hard as a rock and I was leaking like a faucet big time. It was practically soaking it as I was watching Johnson rub himself thought his jeans. Then I started slowly pulling my briefs down.

"Ok we can stop playing I wanna get the movie so we could cuddle." I said giggling. "Ok babe." He said alittle disappointed that we couldn't continue. "Oh come on don't be so sad later if you're a good boy you'll get some." I said with a wink.

I got dressed and we went to the movie rental store. We picked a action movie and got back to our house. We went to my room once inside I locked the door and pulled my pants off. And so did he. We went to my bed and lay down and we were cuddling as the movie started.

After the movie I wanted to stretch but Johnson turned me around and we kissed. "Oh my god you gotta wash your mouth it smells bad." I said and giggled. "Yours ain't much better either you know." He said faking a hurt look.

"You got something to eat?" He asked. "I can't believe your asking! We just ate like 2 hours ago." I said as I laughed. "Hey I can't help it if I'm hungry." He said with a pretend pouty face.

"Ok ok we can go get something to eat you fatty." I said as I kissed his cheek. As I walked down to the kitchen I couldn't help but think what am I gonna do about Anthony and I hope he is ok and not doing anything stupid.

As I was getting some noodles and veggies to cook Johnson came down and sat in a chair watching me move around and preparing our lunch. Just then Skylar came in. "Hey big bro do I get any?" He asked. "Sure I'll make you some." I replied getting some more ingredients.

"So I'm guessing this is Johnson you boyfriend?" He said as he looked at Johnson as almost if he was inspecting him. "Yeah and he's being a big lazy butt and not helping me cook." I said and laughed.

"Oh yeah!" He walked up to me and poked my sides. I jumped alittle and giggled. "Hello I'm in the room!" Skylar laughed. "So what your gay too!" I said. "So what doesn't mean you can rub having a boyfriend in my face." He said with alittle pouting face. I just had to laugh it was so funny.

"Don't worry Sky you'll find someone you love and that will love you back. Just like me and Johnson." I said feeling bad that my lil bro is lonely. "Yeah Sky and it might be soon you never know. Love can strike when it wants." Johnson added.

"Ok enough of this lovey dovey talk our food is done so sit your asses down and eat." I said with alittle laugh. As we were eating we were talking about nothing in particular.

Me, Skylar, and Johnson were playing my PS2 until it was around 6 when he said he had to go. I was alittle sad but I was gonna see him tomorrow. So after I kissed Johnson goodbye I went up to my room to see Skylar on my bed.

"Hey what's up lil bro." I said as I sat down next to him. "Nothing I just wanted to talk to you." He said nervously. Must be something important. "Well what is it?" I asked curiously.

"It's about this boy I like his name is Alex Liu. He's a boy in my class and well... he admit he's gay and don't know what to do but I think I might like him." He replied blushing alittle. "I see... well I don't know what to do but maybe you could talk to him and see if he's interested in being a relationship." I said.

"The idiots in our class that don't pay attention mess with him and he doesn't really talk to people because he is also shy." He replied staring into space alittle frustrated. "Well where does he sit maybe you could talk to him and he'll open up to you." I replied thinking it might work or at least it's worth a try.

"He sits next to me so I think it's a good thing. I'll try talking to him on Monday thanks for listening to me Jerry." He said standing up getting ready to leave. "No problem if you do need to talk to someone you need help you know you can talk to me." I said standing up giving him a hug. "Yeah I know thanks." He replied leaving my room.


I was pretty bored but then Johnson came over and me, him and Sky played on my PS2 some more. Until I got a call from Jenny around 3.

"Hey Jenny what's up?" I asked. "You have to come to St. Michael hospital right now Anthony is injured and he's in there right now!" She practically screamed into the phone. "Alright I'll be there in a while." I said as I hang up.

"Johnson, Sky come on Anthony's in the hospital something happened come on lets go!" I said frantically. I went downstairs to the living room where mom and dad were watching TV and they followed. "Mom dad can you take us to the hospital Anthony got injured and he's in there!" I yelled.

"Ok son calm down well go now. Go get in the car." Dad said as he and my jumped up. We all got in the car and were on our way.

Please Anthony Please be ok. If he died and it was because of what me and him said I'll never be able to live this down. Please Anthony just be alright!

To be continued...

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