Love Is Up Where We Belong

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Feb 25, 2002


Disclaim: I do not know the Backstreet Boys nor the Royal Family.

WARNINGS: Under 18 and/or illegal to view in your city/state/province/ planet, then please go to

Note: E-mail IS appreciated!

Am I really that bad? Is the story not getting enough potential? Was it not good to stick HRH with Nick just coz they're in the same boat? ARGH! Explain, please!

Thank you SO much for sending me mail about this story of mine's. Now that wasn't so hard, now was it? Ok, with this chapter, I sent a bloopers reel/chapter for fun. Thank you guys again! ^_^ Also big hugs and hi's to Joe and Aaron! ^-^

Love Is Up Where We Belong Written By Lady Nimm (9)

Part 7: "Nicky, this stuff is great but why are they so sad?" asked Howie Dorough.

Nick looked at him, red eyed and puffy cheeked. "He left me, Howie. It's that simple."

"What happened?" asked AJ, equally worried.

Nick took a breath before running his hand through his blonde locks. "God, where does it all begin?" He sighed and sat down hard in his chair, facing the photographer taking pictures of Brian and Kevin. "My real name is Nickolai Stamosia Minerva, the heir and son of a wealthy Grecian countess. Her name was Countess Rose. She left me with the Carters to keep me safe from some people who wanted to destroy her family.

"They succeeded in everyone but my mom and me. Apparently, there was a large sum estate in her name. Lots of money. From what I remember, I was pretty much in the same position as Wills. But it got really serious when I was about 6. My mother contacted Jane whose own baby boy passed away a month before.

"She was assassinated the same way Cleopatra died. An asp was released in her bed and she was bit by it. Now, it's being held for me." He sighed. "Remember when we stopped by Buckingham? That was on purpose. God, I don't even know how long I was in love with him." He closed his eyes to relive the wonderful talk they had. "We talked since he just came out of the closet.

"He still so beautiful. He has his mother's eyes but has his own flair. A blinding smile, wonderful laughter. We kept in touch for the next few months. Became friends and fell in love all over again.

"He came to visit me in Florida for two weeks. I swear to God in heaven that it was paradise with him. He was so happy and we were so in love." He left out the details of how they made love frequently throughout his home. "He's so sweet, so caring, sensitive, and everything that makes me love him more and more.

"Then that crash came. I was so scared that I would lose him when I just found him. I went to the hospital and was the first one he saw when he woke up. It was like this little moment that only his father could break because he just burst right in. I walked out because that was a father/ son moment thing. I met his grandma outside. I bowed, called her 'Your Majesty' and all that. She smiled at me.

"His dad came out and warned me that if I even come near his son again, that I'd be living a shorter life than I expected and I would be hurting Wills. I just left my get well gift by the door and left. I never want to hurt him. I love him too much." Tears smeared down his face as AJ threw a comforting arm around him.

"So that's why you've been moping around so much." Brian said as he walked over. "Well, try to put on a smile or you could go for the pissed look. Fans loved it." he tried to joke. Nick smiled. "It's your set."

Nick sighed and stood up. He was wearing an open white shirt with a white undershirt and jeans. His background was a light blue to bring out his blue eyes. "Ok, Nick. Please try to smile or something? I mean, this is the Backstreet Boys returning, better than ever."

Nick hooked his thumbs at the belt loops and glared at the camera. He tried several different poses before he felt the threat of water from his eyes.

"We can't have any of that, now can we?" asked a British tone. Nick looked up to see William's shining face in full royal navy uniform. "Surprise, darling."

"What are you doing here?" he gasped. "I thought--I thought--"

Will kissed him. They pulled apart. "You thought wrong." he smiled. "One final portrait?" He turned towards the photographer. "New roll, please? Two exposures."

The photographer quickly nodded and got a new roll of film into a fancy camera that took glossy portraits. "What kind do you want?" he stuttered as he looked at the heir.

"One of this enchanting gentleman and one of me. I want to send one to my family." Will smiled. He moved out of the set so Nick could take his picture. Nick stood proud and smiled his most honest smile into the camera.

A flash rode through the air current. Nick went off and kissed Will with all his might. The kiss alone left the prince dizzy. He slightly wobbled towards the set.

He stood as tall but more of a regal ambiance as if it was his formal portrait. The medals and decorations seemed to glimmer in the light. He looked every inch of a man rather than the 'boy who will be king'. Another flash sailed through the air.

Will stepped away and changed into some regular clothes that he brought. He looked around then tapped AJ on the shoulder. "AJ, do you know where Nick disappeared to?"

"I don't know, your highness." AJ replied.

"You don't have to call me your highness anymore." Will blushed. "Now my brother will King Henry the 9th."

Over the intercom speakers, everyone in the small studio heard the song of 'Love Is Up Where We Belong'. Which usually was followed by a scene played out a million times.

AJ smiled at Will's confused look. Nick marched down the hall in a white navy suit with white shoes and gloves. Will smiled and felt tears of happiness come to his eyes.

Nick cradled Will in his arms and walked out to his Dakota. Will hung his arms around Nick's neck and wore his hat. He knew that behind the plastic medals and fake decorations was the man who truly could take him to heaven and back.

"This is truly where we belong." Will announced as he kissed Nick's cheek.

They drove off into the sunset, never to be seen by paparazzi, press or fans ever again.

Nick gently placed Will down on his bed. "You look beautiful." he whispered before capturing Will's lips.

"And you..." gasped Will when they broke apart. He ripped off the jacket and slid it off of Nick's broad shoulders. "I want."

"And you ALWAYS gets what you want." Nick devoured him that night, the one of many passionate nights to come.

Part 8: 'TWO HEIRS ALIVE BUT DROPPED FROM PRESS SCENE' 'Heir to the Grecian fortune left behind by Countess Rose nearly 20 yrs ago is now found to claim the inheritance but left as soon as he did. He left a kind note, leaving half of the estates to fellow band members of AJ McLean, Howie Dorough, Kevin Richardson, and Brian Littrell.

Prince William of Wales also left a kind note to his family before disappearing from the press scene. Now, the future of the monarchy rests on either Prince Charles or Prince Harry.'

"Darling, we've made front page news." Will laughed.

Nick only smiled and held Will's hand in his. Driving on the left side of the road was something he needed to get used to. They had gotten legally married in secret and bought a nice mansion not so far from the city yet not so out into the country. Will snuggled up next to Nick.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Nick held him close and kissed the top of his head.

Will smiled. "I like when you do that."

Nick mirrored the smile. He kissed the top of Will's head again as they rode into the sunset to their London home.


Next: Chapter 9

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