Love Me

By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on May 18, 2000


Disclaimer: Same as always, this goes for the new characters in the story as well!

Anyway, after having a nice chat with David, i got inspired to add certain characters to the story, so i did! lol so David, thanks, and its nice chatting with you.

I should say this, i am a gurl and know nothing about how sex between men go, should go etc. and i dont think im too good at writing it either, so if there r love scenes, its gonna be minamal on the description, like this chapter's, you'll see what im talking about.


I hope to see yall at the chat this weekend, I am going to try my very best to be there friday and saturday so please if u can come out and chat!

Enough of my ramblings, lol heres the story!

No recap due to the fact that the last chapter was posted yesterday! so with the story!

Chapter 15

TJ had fallen asleep late the night before, talking with Lance and worrying about Britney was not a way to get a good nights sleep, so when he heard constant knocking on his door the next day, he was not thrilled. When he looked at the clock, realizing it was almost nightfall; he was just as displeased that he had wasted an entire day sleeping. He pulled on a pair of boxers and swung opened the door.

" What?" TJ grumbled with his eyes still closed.

" Man, we come to visit and all you can say is what? I'm insulted, I really am!"

TJ opened his eyes and saw a group of guys standing in front of him. He pinched himself to make sure it was real.

" You're not dreaming you dumb fuck, now we're coming in!"

The group of five rushed in, dropped their things, and jumped onto TJ's bed. Two girls stood at the door waiting for TJ's approval. He smiled at them and waved them in.

" Yo, Jerry, Brit called us this morning and told us to come down for you, we figured if she said it was okay, you would have been in on it with her, I'm guessing you have no idea why we're here huh?"

" Uh, yeah something like that."

" Brit is going to Sweden to record, we seem to be out of a job, so to speak, we are now your dancers!"

" Uh, Okay."

" Man, WAKE UP!" Alex jumped off the bed and yelled in TJ's face.

" I didn't sleep well, what time is it, where are you staying? Hey Tania, Char."

" Hey Teej."

" So let me get this straight, you all are now my dancers?"

" Such a fast learner!" Alex laughed at his friend; Brandon slapped him for the comment.

" Okay, um, that's nice, now out! I need sleep."

" So demanding, we'll go split into rooms, but where's Darren, he should be here!"

" Yeah, he's down the hall, now get the fuck out of my room, or else you're gonna have to sit on the floor and watch me sleep."

" I vote for staying here and annoying TJ."

" Lay off Lex, we're going now, sleep tight." Brandon shoved Alex and the rest of the gang out of the room.

" Don't ever call me that again Brandy!"

" Don't start."

" Fine."

" Its cute when they fight."

" Yeah I'm sure we should bring that up. They try to be the " straightest," of the guys, and yet, together, they are so-."

" Cute?" Tania started to crack up at her friend's explanation.

" Yeah, they really are." Charissa joined her friend in laughing.

The two girls couldn't help their laughter and soon had to stop to catch their breath. Gabe, Nick, and Andre stopped at looked at their friends as if they had gone crazy; Alex and Brandon were still bickering and didn't even notice when they walked onto the elevator alone.

" What the hell are you laughing at?"

" The love birds."

" Oh, them."

" Don't oh them Mr. Florez, you'll find yourself someone too and will be cutesy like they are now."

" Never!"

Nick laughed with his friends. He knew that he too wanted love like Alex and Brandon had. Andre would look at them and his mind would wonder as well. Gabe would look at them and wish that he could find a girlfriend as loving as Alex and Brandon were to each other. Yes, one of the famous Britney dancers was not gay.

No one ever thought to set Nick and Andre up, it never seemed to have interested either of them. They each said that when the time came, they would know. Tania and Char tried to pry into their fantasies at every chance. Neither of them would budge. They gave up, but still would watch which way their heads turned when they did turn their heads. Both Tania and Charissa dated when they could, but touring all the time didn't help matters.

Alex and Brandon walked to walked off the elevator at their floor and turned to ask about the rooms, only to realize that he and his boyfriend were alone. Alex grinned at Brandon and raced to their room. They fought with the door until it finally opened and then shut after them. They tore at their clothes and jumped into a shower. The two men stood under the water; eyes closed and held each other tightly.

" I'm sorry about earlier." Alex whispered into Brandon's chest as their bodies rubbed together

" Its okay, it's just been a long day that's all. I'm glad we have this time to ourselves though."

" Me too baby, me too."

" I love you Lex."

" Love you too Brandy."

Alex laughed into his boyfriend's shoulder, knowing that even though they were allowed to call each other the cute but annoying nicknames, Brandon would always attack Alex when the name Brandy was mentioned. Sure enough, Brandon gently pushed Alex away from him and slapped him lightly.

" You better run boy."

" Do I sense punishment?"

" Don't tempt me!"

" Uh huh, temptation is good."

" Don't do that."

" What?"

" Be all sexy, you know I can't be annoyed with you when you are."

" I know."

Alex leaned forward and kissed Brandon knowing that they would continue the conversation if he didn't act. He ran his fingers up and down Brandon's slick body, his fingers slipping now and then into the tiny crevasses along his stomach. Brandon let his arms drop and enjoyed the feeling of his boyfriend's lips on his wet body. He felt his body shiver in desire and passion. He pushed away from Alex for a moment.

" Not here."

Alex nodded and stepped out of the shower, he shivered as the cold breeze hit his body. Brandon stepped out and wrapped his arms around him. Alex turned and kissed him. Brandon nibbled Alex's lips and ravaged his mouth with his tongue.

Without letting go of the other they edged towards the bed and climbed on. They got under the covers and held each other until they warmed up.

" I never thought."

" What?"

" That one day, I'd be holding you like this." Brandon kissed the top of Alex's head.

" I love you."

" I love you too."

" When your eyes say it

I love to hear you say that you love me

With words so sweet

And I love the way with just one whisper

You tell me everything

And when you say those words

It's the sweetest thing I've ever heard."

Brandon climbed atop of Alex and looked into his eyes, Alex stared deep into his lover's eyes and smiled. Brandon intertwined his fingers with Alex's and held his arms above his head. As they kissed, their outstretched arms came to their sides. Still holding hands, their fingers caressed each other.

" I need you Lex."

" But when your eyes say it

That's when I know that it's true

I feel it

I feel the love coming through

I know it

I know that you truly care for me

'Cause it's there to see

When your eyes say it."

Alex slowly changed positions with Brandon and withdrew his fingers from Brandon's hands. He touched every inch on his lover's body. Kissing him every so often. He massaged his arms, legs, and thighs. Alex dipped his head down and took all of Brandon in his mouth. Brandon shouted in pleasure.

" God Alex, I love you!"

In response, Alex increased his speed. He also played with his lover's balls, rubbing his knuckles against them ever so lightly, but enough to rive Brandon crazy.

" I love all the ways that you show me

You'll never leave

And the way your kisses, they always convince me

Your feelings run so deep

I love the things you say

And I love the love your touch conveys."

Alex sensed that Brandon was close, he withdrew his mouth and watched as his lover's pre-cum dribbled out of his erect cock. He spread his own juices over his own hardness and in one sharp movement, thrust into Brandon. In that movement, Brandon came to his release. Alex knew his was coming soon too, and increased speed. Faster and deep, finally, he came as well, falling onto his lover's chest in exhaustion.

Brandon traced circles with his fingers along Alex's back. Alex closed his eyes, and fell asleep to the rhythmic sounds of Brandon's breathing and heartbeat. When Brandon sensed Alex's sleep, he rolled his boyfriend off him and tucked him in. Watching his lover sleep brought him comfort on so many sleepless nights. Even when he was tired, he knew he couldn't until he watched Alex smile in his own slumber.

Brandon took out a book and read for a while, looking down every ten minutes to just look at the man who had given him his heart. After about an hour, Brandon looked at the clock, it read 10:30. They didn't usually sleep this early, but it had been a busy day. Darren had called them that morning, after Britney had left for Sweden. They packed their things and flew out. Reaching the hotel at close to 6:30. They would have collapsed in the lobby if not for Alex's persisting to go surprise TJ. Brandon laughed at his boyfriend's actions. He took a closer look at his face. Every line rose with his every breath, and even his eyes seemed to smile when he slept, Alex's eyes would flutter open occasionally during slumber.

Brandon could hardly keep his own eyes open as he turned off the lights. He let the book drop to the floor and curled up next to Alex.

" I love you baby."

" Love you too Brandy," Alex muttered from within his dream.

Brandon fell asleep with a smile upon his face.

" But when your eyes say it

That's when I know that it's true

I feel it

I feel the love coming through

I know it

I know that you truly care for me

'Cause it's there to see

When your eyes say it."

The men of NSYNC were still in a meeting; they had been in the room for the entire day trying to figure out how to replace Britney. They all knew that this task was going to be hard, especially with out Joey's input. Eric stayed by Justin's side all day. They set up a playpen in one end of the boardroom. Justin found it comforting that Eric stayed with him during this hard point in his life.

" Okay, look, we have TJ. As for others, we can have rotating opening acts, you don't have to interact with them, they do their job, sleep, and then will leave, how does that sound?"

Ruby looked at each of them demanding an answer with her eyes she was tired, and wanted to sleep as much as the next person. She had watched her boyfriend and his friends say goodbye to Britney that morning, and it hadn't been easy. JC, Lance, and Chris each hugged her and said their good byes, Justin was either refusing to say goodbye, or crying with Britney. It wasn't easy prying them away from each other and putting Britney on the plane.

Finally though, Eric stepped in and pulled Justin into his arms and let the young man continue to cry in the arms of the man he loved. Britney smiled at them then continued to cry as she held her mother's hand and boarded the place. Justin wanted to wait until he couldn't even see the fumes from the plane in the sky. They stayed for an hour. They went back to hotel, checked on TJ, making sure he was till sleeping, then filed into the boardroom for tour talk.

They talked about the possibility of touring without Joey. No one wanted to face that idea, but they knew it might be a possibility. They all agreed that if that happened, they would continue to tour, Joey would want that, but that if Joey was really out, than NSYNC would disband, and as painful as the concept seemed, they knew it could happen.

They talked about possible opening acts. Several names were talked about and considered. Everyone from BBMak to Westlife, M2M to Leslie Carter. They couldn't concentrate long enough on act to decide. They stayed there all day, only leaving to use the bathroom. The room was cluttered with food containers and clothing.

Ruby stared into each of their eyes, refusing to blink until each of them gave an answer.

" BBMak." JC whispered.

" M2M?" Chris suggested to his girlfriend.

" Leslie has a great voice."

" Its settled then, we will have three rotating acts, then TJ then you guys. Now go, get out of here and get to sleep, tomorrow wont be nearly as fun as today was."

NSYNC filed out of the room. Chris wrapped his arms around Ruby as they walked to their room and just about collapsed into bed.

" Goodnight my sweet angel."

" Love you Chris."

Lance stopped by TJ's room to see if had waked up. He walked in and watched his new boyfriend sleeping soundly. He stripped to his boxers and slipped under the covers with him. TJ felt the movement in the room and turned to see who it was. He turned and saw that Lance had already fallen asleep next to him. TJ placed a tiny kiss on Lance's cheek, curled up next to him, and fell back to sleep.

JC fell asleep not caring that he had left the door open a tiny bit. His day was not as bad as he thought it would be. He had his best friend back, Lance hadn't hit him yet, and he has managed to get through the meeting without going out of his mind.

Nick and Andre walked back to their rooms, getting off on the wrong floor and then getting lost on the big floor. They walked passed each room, trying to see if one of them was open and they could ask for directions. They came to one and pushed it open a bit.

" Hello? Anyone here" Nick walked into the room, trying to focus his eyes on something in the darkened room.

" Nick lets go, this is so wrong!"

" Shut up, look here is something."

Nick picked up a planner and opened it. It read: Property of JC Chasez.

" This is JC's room."

" Well at least he won't kill us when they arrest us."

" Come on, we'll just go ask him where we are and how to get back to our floor."

" Whatever man."

Nick an Andre walked to the bed and saw that JC was fast asleep. Nick turned away from Andre to keep him from seeing that his eyes lit up as he saw this sleeping man, almost in the nude.

" Come on, he's sleeping, let just go."

" Yeh, okay."

Nick and Andre walked out of the room, closing the door on their way out. They walked around until they found the elevator.

" Someone likes someone."

" What are you taking about?"

" You, JC. Go for it."

" Oh, right. Here's out floor, let just sleep now, I can't think about anything else anyway."

" Yeah, 'night bro."

" Night."

"But when your eyes say it

That's when I know that it's true

I feel it

I feel the love coming through

I know it

I know that you truly care for me

'Cause it's there to see

When your eyes tell me

I know they're not tellin' lies

They tell me

All that you're feelin' inside

And it sounds so right

When your eyes say it, say it."

JC couldn't get the picture of Nick Florez looking at him out of his mind. He had always harbored a small crush on the certain Britney dancer, but never thought to act on it. He smiled lightly as he drifted off to sleep.

"And the words that say take my breath away

No song ever sounded so sweet

I love every word that they say to me."

Justin helped Eric dress JJ for bed. This felt right to Justin, helping Eric put JJ to sleep, as if this was his role. As if he was JJ's father as well. He smiled at the thought, then quickly hid it from Eric's questioning eyes. Eric saw him look at their son, smile then stop. Their son, it sounded right to Eric, and he knew that Jason had given them his blessing for Justin to be JJ's father.

" What is it?"

" I want to be his father." Justin let his thoughts slip out of his mind, regretting it soon after.

" I want that too." Eric smiled at his lover and hugged him tight.

" For real?"

" What do you think?"

Justin looked at Eric. Part of him thought he would see man who reject another man in being the father of his son. But the man he saw was holding open his arms, to him. Eric wanted Justin, forever. Eric looked from JJ to Justin, and smiled. Justin knew that his place was in Eric's arms, loving JJ. Justin had somehow, in these short months, become a father.

Eric pulled away from Justin and tucked JJ in and pulled Justin into their bedroom. He gently pushed Justin into a near by chair, and pulled up another one. Justin sat looking at Eric, worry in his eyes.

" What are you worried about?"

" Um, what's going on?"

" You'll see."

Justin sat patiently as Eric reached behind him and pulled a rose out of his bag. He presented it to Justin and smiled. Justin took it and noticed that a small card was attached. He smiled as he went to read it. Justin almost cried as he read just the fist line. He read it aloud, tears streaming down his face.

" Justin, in this small space I want to say so much. All I can say is that I love you. JJ already feels comfortable in your arms. My whole life, I searched, and I thought I had found my destiny, but obviously god had other plans for me, you were those other plans. I'm too afraid to ask you this in person, so I resort to romantic measures. Be mine Justin, be mine forever."

Justin put the card down and noticed something shining near the head of the rose. He looked into Eric's eyes; they were shining just as bright as the diamond on the ring. Justin untied the ribbon from the stem and two thin diamond studded rings fell into his hand. Justin's hand shook as he picked them up and looked at them. Eric took one from him and knelt before him.

" I know this is sudden, and you are young, but god help me, I am so in love with you, and I can't imagine going even a day without knowing you are in my heart, or even by my side. Justin Randall Timberlake, will you marry me?

Eric slid the ring onto Justin's finger, waiting for his response. Justin got down off of his chair and took the other ring in his fingers. He slid it onto Eric's ring finger and smiled.

" Yes."

"But when your eyes say it

That's when I know that it's true

I feel it

I feel the love coming through

I know it

I know that you truly care for me

'Cause it's there to see

When your eyes say it."

Britney looked at the picture of her and NSYNC that she kept by her bedside. She traced each face as the tears splashed the glass. When the bandages came off, you could hardly see one cut. But if you looked into her eyes, you could have seen the cuts that were all over her heart. She couldn't shake the tiny shred of hope that she and Joey still had a chance. She needed time away from him.

Chris had read her Joey's letter, she knew that what had happened was both their faults, but for now, she needed to blame someone else for her stupid choices. The man she loved was miserable and it was all her fault, but worst of all, there was nothing she could do. She prayed to god that he would keep Joey safe until they could be together again, whenever that time was.

Joey sat in his old room, looking at the walls that he grew up within. Home. He was home, and he felt safe. But he didn't feel any comfort. He looked over at the picture of him and Britney that was taken in happier times. He looked into her eyes, covered in glass.

" If only I could see into your eyes now, I am so sorry."

Joey looked at the picture until his vision became blurred with tears. If he only knew.

"But when your eyes say it

That's when I know that it's true

I feel it

I feel the love coming through

I know it

I know that you truly care for me

'Cause it's there to see

When your eyes tell me

I know they're not tellin' lies

They tell me

All that you're feelin' inside

And it sounds so right

When your eyes say it."

(When Your Eyes Say It, Britney Spears, Oops I did it again)

Well another chapter done! and i really like where the story is going, i was not expecting to have the whole prosal thing at all, but it happened, and i think it turned out well! As for Britney, her thoughts and maybe a paragraph or two about her will come into play once in a while, she is still very much a part of this story. the opening acts discussed will not enter the plot though. they are just there for the basic story, but will not get storylines. For JC fans Im sure you know by now who he will EVENTUALLY get together with, but im not gonna make it a fast thing like i did with Justin and Eric, so hold tight! If you have any comments, ?'s feedback, please, i beg you, lol, email me! thanks much and i hope you are enjoying my story! ~Elisheva~

Next: Chapter 15

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